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Incineration (Heart of Stone)

Page 29

by Sidebottom, D H

  Creeping carefully and making sure to miss the third step, the one that creaked loudly, I reached the bottom and raked my eyes over the hallway.

  The front door lock had been splintered…again!!! Biting my lip I shuffled along the wall and cringed when I made it to the room doorway and placed my hand on the handle. I sucked in a deep breath and twisted the handle “please god, please god, please god” I prayed as I slowly and cautiously slid it open.

  My first instinct told me I couldn’t hear or smell anything so that was good, however, when the door was open all the way my breath froze in my throat as I took in the vision before me.

  The wall above my fireplace was covered in photographs of me, hundreds of them, all glued to the wall and all of them had been savagely scratched, sliced or dug at with a sharp instrument. The word ‘WHORE’ had been sprawled across them and I kind of gurgled, my throat filled with vomit but my body wouldn’t move as I was frozen in terror. I swayed and my brain kicked into gear, spurring me into action.

  I leapt across to the table and snatching up my phone I sprinted out of the front door into the garden and fell on the grass, puking on my damn gladiolas, the ones that had took me months to nurture and grow.

  My hands shook violently as I dialled Mason and I was still heaving when he answered “Ava?” His voice filled me with hope and as I tried to answer him, my damn stomach exploded again “Ava? Are you sick again?” I groaned loudly and swallowed severely “Mason” I managed to croak “Here. Now” was all I could manage “Baby are you okay?” he asked slowly and I shook my head. God damn it Ava he can’t bloody see you!

  “Mason” I rasped and my stomach racked again “I’m on my way Ava. I’ll be 20 minutes Baby. Can you hang on?” he asked, still obviously thinking I was just sick “Please hurry” I managed and he ended the call promising to hurry.

  I collapsed at the side of the stricken Gladioli and waited, waited for the man that would make everything alright again, make me feel safe and protected.

  I was still sat there when Mason pulled onto my drive 15 minutes later with a look of utter confusion on his face at the sight of me, huddled next to the poor flowers “Oh my god Ava” he hurried over to me and crouched down, instantly sweeping my hair away from my face “Why are you out here? Throwing up in your damn nightie” he asked angrily.

  He obviously thought it wasn’t appropriate to puke in your nightwear on the front garden. I looked at him wide eyed and in shock.

  A deep frown established on his face “Ava? Baby?” he was now starting to understand there was something seriously wrong and I still couldn’t talk so I just pointed a shaky finger to the cottage. He narrowed his eyes and looked towards the house.

  Standing, he walked over to the front door and ran his fingers over the broken lock and then turned to look at me. His jaw was tense and his head was tipped to the side slightly. I shook my head and whimpered and he bit his bottom lip, now really understanding that things were really really wrong

  “Wait here” he said sternly and I nodded frantically. No way was I going back in there.

  “Mason” I choked out and he turned back to me “The…the…” I pulled at my hair to kick my brain into gear “The and…and…the” I stuttered out and he narrowed his eyes but nodded once and entered.

  I waited and waited and waited some more and when what seemed like an eternity had passed he came back out. He was angry; in fact he was very angry and he held onto the doorframe in an effort to compose himself. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled a number “Get to Ava’s now” he snapped and ended it abruptly. He finally looked over at me and he closed his eyes, took a deep calming breath and came over to me.

  Plonking down heavily beside me he took my hand, stroking his thumb over my knuckles as he wrapped his other arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

  We sat in silence until Sam pulled up on the road in front of us. We must have looked a sight, sat hugging each other in a pool of gladiola and vomit and the expression on Sam’s face as he gazed at us would have been quite funny if there wasn’t a slaughtered rabbit in my bed and a room full of ravaged photographs in my house

  “Mason?” he asked slowly and Mason gestured to the house “Room and Bedroom” he stated simply as he refused to let go of me, huddling me tighter against him. I wasn’t sure who was supporting who at this stage but Hey! Maybe we needed each other

  “Ava?” Mason said softly and I raised my eyes to his “Baby, when did you find the rabbit?” his eyes held mine, encouraging me to tell him “When…when I woke this morning” I sniffed and my stomach revolted at the image of the rabbit that was swimming through my head. He clenched his teeth together so severely I heard them scrape against each other and he tightened his hold on me, his breathing had sped up and his eyes had the glassy look I was getting familiar with.

  Sam exited the house and walked over to us, the same glint in his eyes as Masons. He dropped down on the grass in front of me and pursed his lips, tapping his fingers against his knee

  “Ava” he said to get my attention and I looked at him “Listen to me now” he said slowly and I nodded “This needs to get sorted now; it’s gone on long enough. I need your permission to…to…” he struggled with the question and I frowned at him “You need to what?” I asked and noticed his sad expression “Ava, I need to do a detailed search on you” he grimaced as he told me “Okay” I sighed and he gave me a guilty smile “I’m sorry, I don’t want to invade your privacy but I need to find this bastard Ava, and anything from your past life may just help me” he explained and I smiled “Sam, do it. It’s not a problem” I smiled and he took my hand and squeezed it “Thank you. Right you two get back to Masons and I’ll get some people over here to sort it out” he stated and Mason rose to his feet and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off the grass.

  I handed Sam my key and climbed into Mason’s car, taking one last look at my beautiful cottage, wondering if I would ever come back and that thought saddened me and by the time we got back to Masons I had slipped into a very dark mood, an angry, self-pitying frame of mind.

  Walking into the hallway I turned to Mason “I’m gonna warn you now. My temper is just under the surface and it’s not gonna take much for me to blow” I grated through my teeth and turned away from him. “You wanna go to the gym or cook?” he asked softly and I shrugged, contemplating my options “Bath then bake I think, I might get charged for the punch bag if I kill it” I said seriously but I heard Mason chuckle as I ascended the stairs “Oh by the way, Kerries invited us over for lunch” he shouted as I entered the bathroom “Brilliant” I muttered under my breath.

  Three hours later, after a long hot soak and a toffee and apple pie we were pulling up in front of Kerrie and Kades, my stomach on the floor of Masons car and my heart in my mouth.

  Mason frowned at me before we exited the car “What’s wrong Baby? You’ve been weird all the way here” he questioned and I grumbled at him “Oh nothing’s wrong Mason…apart from waking up with a dead fucking rabbit staring at me and a redecorated front room” I told him, even though these things had nothing to do with the emotions coursing through me at this moment…I was shit scared of facing Kade.

  Mason looked chastised and I sighed “I’m sorry. I told you my mood was black” I apologised and he smiled at me “No Baby, I should have realised instead of being an insensitive twat” I laughed and climbed from the car, gritting my teeth and taking a deep breath.

  We walked up the path and Mason walked in without knocking “Kerrie” he shouted. “Over here” she shouted back and popped up from behind the kitchen worktop. She grinned at us “Wine or coffee?” she asked and we walked over to her “Wine of course” I joked and Mason laughed “Fridge” she said simply as she stirred something on the hob.

  Mason retrieved the wine and pulling a corkscrew from the drawer started opening the bottle “Where’s Kade?” He asked and Kerrie snorted “God knows. He was paralytic last night and we had
another row this morning, he disappeared about 11 and I haven’t seen him since” she shrugged “You want me to have a word with him?” Mason asked her gently “NO!” I cried and then smiled sheepishly as they both looked at me wide eyed “Erm, he’s probably struggling with everything you’re going through Kerrie. You know, being a man and all that, they struggle with emotions don’t they” I shifted self-consciously on my feet and grabbed an empty glass, thrusting it towards Mason.

  They seemed to excuse my outburst and Kerrie went back to cooking whist Mason poured the wine. “Sit down, it won’t be long” she smiled “Smells amazing” I said, relaxing now I knew Kade wasn’t here “Anything I can do?” I asked and she shook her head “Just eat” she smiled.

  We sat at the dining table as Kerrie placed the mass of serving bowls, tableware and platters full of a traditional roast dinner “Wow, this looks great” I grinned, my stomach rumbling loudly in anticipation. Mason laughed at me “Hungry Baby?” he sniggered and I tucked in “Very, cause you never feed me” I stuck my tongue out at him and he reached over with his fork and stabbed my Yorkshire pudding, grinning widely as he shoved it in his mouth whole “Oh my God! I can’t believe you did that” I pouted as Kerrie slapped him “Hey, guts” she giggled and we both reached in with our forks and stabbed a roast potato each, quickly cramming them in our mouths.

  His mouth dropped open as he stared gobsmacked at his plate and then at us “My roasts” he stuck his bottom lip out and then grabbed my fork and stood quickly, grabbed me by the waist and flung me over his shoulder “You are so gonna pay for eating my Taters” he said seriously and I glanced at Kerrie from my upside down position and her smirk showed she was thinking the same as me “What did you just say Mason?” I sniggered and he paused “I said you are so gonna pay for eating my tat…OH!” he chuckled and me and Kerrie started giggling hysterically.

  He slapped my arse and then slid me back down “I love it when you eat my taters Baby” he grinned and I chuckled harder “Oh my God Mason, please” Kerrie laughed.

  “Well this looks fun” Kade said from behind us and Mason turned me with him to face Kade “Oh Hi” Mason said “We’ve only just sat, come and join us” he said casually turning back to the table obviously not noticing Kades red rimmed hooded eyes and the way he was supporting himself on the doorframe.

  I swallowed heavily as he looked at me, a slight curl on his lips as his eyes swept the length of me. He pushed off the wall and strode towards me, my stomach clenched at the sight of him and I quickly walked back to table and Kade took the seat next to me and filled a glass with wine.

  Kerrie was sat, giving him a curious look. “Watch your taters though Kade, Ava likes to eat them” Mason told him and Kade spat his mouthful of wine back into his glass “Does she now?” he smirked.

  I coughed slightly and shifted in my seat, and then reached over to take my fork back from Mason “You gonna behave Ava?” he joked as he held it from my reach. I scowled good-humouredly and reached over the table further, trying to grab the fork from Masons extended hand

  “Not until you promise Baby” he smirked and I reached over, giving him an eyeful of my cleavage. His eyes dropped fractionally and I made my move, lurching forward and wrapped my fingers around his.

  Kerrie was chuckling happily at our behaviour and Mason was grinning widely “Baby, put your beautiful breasts away. You still need to promise me” he winked

  “WILL YOU FUCKING SIT DOWN” Kade bellowed and made us all jump. I quickly shot down in my chair and placed my hands in my lap, thoroughly chastised “What the Hell Kade?” Mason growled at him but Kade just shot him a look and stabbed at a green bean.

  Kerrie coughed slightly “Hey Ava, I was thinking. That spa treat you got me was for two people, you fancy going with me?” she asked hopefully. My stomach rolled as I fiddled with the food on my plate “Erm well…” a look of hurt passed over her eyes “Oh it doesn’t matter, just a thought” she said quietly. Now I felt like a complete bitch.

  “No Kerrie, it’s not that I don’t want to go” Think Ava, think “It’s just well, I seem to have a stalker after me and I’m not sure it’ll be safe to go. I’m not supposed to leave Masons side” I confessed and Kades face shot to me “What?” he snarled and I cowered at his tone.

  Masons hand settled over mine on the table “Baby?” Mason looked at me, wanting my permission to tell them and I nodded “There’s been a sick bastard after Ava for a while now. He broke into her cottage and trashed it; he tried to poison her just before she lost the baby and we received an Erm DVD” he shrugged sheepishly and Kade scowled “What of?” he asked Mason and I cringed. This should be fun!

  “It was full of movie clips of me and Ava…Erm, well you know…making love” he glanced at me to assess my embarrassment and I smiled shyly “WHAT THE HELL?” Kade shot up “Sit down Kade, for god’s sake. I’m sure Ava doesn’t need your melodramatics” she snapped and he sighed and sat back down “And well this morning, she Erm, slept alone at the cottage last night and someone broke in while…while…and…” his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes glazed over.

  Squeezing his hand I turned to look at Kerrie, intentionally avoiding Kades stony face “He broke in while I was sleeping” I sighed and closed my eyes and my fist clenched under the table “He Erm, put a slaughtered rabbit in bed with me” I heard Kerrie gasp and Kade growled, a deep rumble and I was sure he actually bared his teeth so I carried on quickly, trying to take the attention back to me “And he filled my wall with photos of me. Hundreds of them” I shrugged and the table was silent while the information soaked in.

  Mason sighed “Each and every photo had been ravaged, he had…he had raked a sharp knife or scissors or something over each picture” he gulped and took a deep breath. The pain in his voice made me lean over and plant a tender kiss on his cheek “Hey, I’m okay” I smiled softly and his hand swept through my hair, then held the back of my head pulling me towards him and just as his lips settled on mine Kade shot up, his chair fell backwards with a clang “Fuck This” he spat and stomped off, slamming the front door behind him.

  Kerrie looked devastated and Mason frowned “What the hell’s wrong with him?” Mason asked her and she sighed “You won’t understand Mason” she said, shaking her head. “Try me” he demanded and I felt her discomfort.

  She looked Mason in the eyes “I had an affair” she said simply and I stood up “I’m gonna go take a walk and let you two talk for a while” I nodded at Kerrie, encouraging her to talk to Mason. She smiled at me and nodded her thanks and I quietly left and went in search of the rose garden.


  I sank down on the bench in the rose garden. The fountain was switched on today and the water flowed up the spirals of the columns, across the branches and trickled down, back into the base. It was absolutely stunning.

  I took a deep cleansing breath.

  Sam’s words of doing a detailed informative check on me had me cringing at the thought of what he might find. I hadn’t exactly got a clean record, being caught numerous times shoplifting and fighting before me and Katie teamed up. At first she had laughed at my efforts at stealing, finding my methods hilarious and shaking her head at me, had promised to show how it was done. I returned the favour and taught her some self-defence moves, building her muscles and confidence. We made a great team and I missed her every day.

  My eyes closed and my head flopped back in the bench as I smiled softly to myself, reminiscing about mine and Katie’s escapades “Oh God Katie” I sighed sadly but my heart was now happy for her, finally able to rest peacefully. It was sympathy for myself that hurt my heart, left behind to drag myself through life without her.

  A tear pricked the edge of my eyes and rolled down my cheek and I lifted my hand to my cheek to wipe away the tear but fingers gripped my wrist and my eyes flew open.

  Kade was stood in front of me, his head tipped and an expression of pain, love and compassion in his eyes. I gasped when his fingers stroked along
my cheek, wiping away the tear for me and he softly rubbed his fingers together, feeling the moisture between his fingers.

  He stood, silently gazing at me and my heart broke for him, and the agony evident on his face brought forward another tear “Kade, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you” I whispered softly and he smiled and nodded “I know Ava” he said as he sat beside me on the bench.

  We both sat silently watching the fountain for a while “I can’t stop thinking about you Ava” he breathed, still staring at the fountain and my hand slid over to his, grasping it tightly “I know, me too” I confessed and his head snapped round to look at me, his eyes flicking back and forwards from my eyes to my mouth “But we can’t do this Kade. There’s too many people who will get hurt from this” I shook my head, trying to make him see “Ava” he sighed heavily “Me and Kerrie aren’t together now” he exposed and I nodded “I know, she told me last night”

  I looked away from him, back towards the water feature, needing the calming effect of it and then I looked back at him and cupped his face “If Mason finds out what we have done, well…he’ll kill you Kade, and he won’t even blink while he hurts you. I can’t risk that, you mean too much to me, but I love Mason, Kade. I’m sorry but I do, with all my heart” he turned away sharply and I bit my bottom lip

  “Then what’s…this?” he turned back, gesturing between the two of us “I don’t know Kade. I can’t stop thinking about you either and it’s killing me knowing that I’m hurting you” another tear slid out and Kades eyes tracked it down my face.

  He reached his finger out and caught the drop off my chin but didn’t move it away. He slid the wetness across my jaw, his eyes studying his actions and he eventually slipped his hand up to my hair and twirled a strand of hair round “You have such beautiful hair Ava” he breathed and I drew in a breath. Why did he make me feel so alive every time he touched me and looked at me?


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