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Bad Things Happen: when a child goes missing

Page 25

by K Leitch

  Maya was jogged out of her woolgathering by the unwelcome arrival of Craig O’Bruin; he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her roughly off the path.

  ‘You are lucky I don’t fecking smash your head in you fecking bitch,’ he snarled without preamble. ‘You dare smash me over the head, and where was the fecking money? What sort of game are you playing… do you want me to go to your fecking woman and tell her what you are eh? What do you think she would do if she knew you used to run a fecking brothel? She wouldn’t be so keen on you I’m thinking, so you’d better keep me sweet darlin’ or I will be whispering in her ear… such a pretty ear too, maybe I’ll be paying her another visit soon…’

  ‘NO…NO you keep away from her you hear me,’ shouted Maya desperately, ‘you said you go to house when she is in the hospital, why you so stupid…why you go when she is home. Money is there if you go when I say…you leave her now… If you touch her ever…ever I swear I kill you Craig.’

  Craig face darkened with anger and Maya instinctively put her hands up to protect herself from his fists, but he just hissed at her between clenched teeth. ‘Now you listen to me you stupid fecking cunt…you don’t tell me what to do ok. You are in no position to threaten me, one word from me to that piece of pussy of yours and you will be history….you know that don’t you Maya me darling?’ Maya nodded mutely years streaming down her face. ‘Aarh we are loved up aren’t we…I always knew you liked the girls Maya…you were no fecking good for the men anyway that’s for fecking sure. Still I can appreciate a bit of girl on girl action…. I know,’ he said with an evil glint in his eye, ‘let’s go now and see if she’s up for a threesome.’ He grabbed her hand and put it on his crotch, ‘see I’m getting hard just thinking about it.’ Maya pulled her hand away and turned on him furiously, ‘Leave her Craig…I not joking…I kill you if you hurt her again.’

  Craig just laughed mockingly, ‘Oh fecking give over Maya, I’m not going to hurt your woman, I won’t be around long enough anyway. I have just one more bit of business to do and then I’m off, I just need a place to lie low until then, so I’ll be needing the key to your flat.’ Maya started shaking her head, but then Craig’s hand flashed out and grabbed her round the throat pushing her hard against a tree.

  ‘Stop fucking messing me around girl…you owe me, you stole from me, you and that cunt sister of mine…did you think I had forgotten? And don’t you ever think about turning me in to the police either bitch…you are into this up to your scrawny neck. I bet that fecking bitch of a policewoman would be very interested to know who told me about the money in the house. Now you hand over that key and I will be gone before you know it…there’s a good girl.’

  Maya searched her pockets for her key with shaking hands, she wished with all her heart that she had a knife in her pocket…she would have plunged it into his evil heart without a moment of regret. She handed him the key and he pocketed it, looking at her in a calculating way that made her tremble.

  ‘I saw your woman earlier today; she had a baby with her…tiny tiny baby,’ his smile was pure evil, ‘hmm worth a fortune that is,’ and with that, he laughed and sauntered off down the lane.

  Maya was left filled with terror; what did he mean by that…surely he wouldn’t…no he wouldn’t. But what if he would… he had said he had just one more bit of business to do before he left…oh god no…Maya set off in a panic back to Helen’s house. She couldn’t let anything happen to Helen or the baby…she would do anything to protect them…anything.

  She knew that Helen would never forgive her if she ever found out how she had betrayed her. Her hatred for Craig knew no bounds; once again he had come into her life and had potentially destroyed her only chance of real happiness. He had threatened to reveal her past to Helen, which had been enough to scare the living daylights out of her. She loved her life with Helen…she loved Helen; and she couldn’t risk losing her, so she had agreed to help Craig. She had told him about the cash in the drawer in the front room; she was deeply ashamed that she had, but it was either that or live in fear of him telling Helen all about the brothel and the drugs. Maya knew that Helen could afford to lose that money; and as long as Craig broke into the house when they were all away at the hospital, then at least she could be sure that Helen would come to no harm.

  But of course Craig being Craig it hadn’t worked out like that; Maya had never been so shocked in her life, as she was when she saw him in the hall with Helen that night. If she hadn’t come home when she had, who knows what he would have done to her…she just wished she had hit him harder, she wouldn’t let him do anything more to her precious family…somehow she had to protect them.


  Susan tried to keep herself busy most of the day, so that she wouldn’t start thinking too hard about the night ahead. Gordon on the other hand seemed completely relaxed; it seemed like now that the decision had been made to kill this man, he felt completely in control. He had planned it down to the last detail, as far as he was concerned nothing could go wrong. This Craig O’Bruin, or Declan or whatever he called himself, seemed like such an arrogant man and that was his weakness. He would not think for one second that someone like Gordon could possibly be a threat to him; and so consequently, he wouldn’t think that he had anything to fear if Susan told him to meet her at the back of the house; he would always think that he would be able to control any given situation.

  Susan had sent him a text message; saying that she was sure the house was still being watched by the police, and that she thought it would be more sensible for him to come in through the back gate and meet her near the garden shed where she would have the money for him; she had allowed just enough nervousness and fear to creep into her text, so that he would still feel completely in control.

  He had replied that he would meet her there; adding that he wouldn’t stand for any more messing about, and he expected them to have the full £50.000 for him or there would be trouble.

  Gordon was going to secrete himself at the back of the shed behind the lawnmower, where he would have the best view of O’Bruin in the doorway. Once they had killed him, they planned to load him up in the boot of the car, and drive to Whattling Quarry, a good twenty miles away and leave the body there. Gordon had tried to look at his plan from every angle, and as far as he could tell he had thought of everything. He felt pretty confident that no one would think for one moment that they would have anything to do with the body of a man, found in quarry miles away. Even if he was identified, no one knew that they had anything to do with this man; it was perfect… nothing could go wrong…and then they could get on with their lives.


  Helen watched Maya from her kitchen window. She had come racing up the street as if the hounds of hell were after her, but when she reached the gate she had stopped and was visibly trying to calm herself down. Helen nearly jumped up and ran out to find out what was wrong, but such was the tension in the air between them at the moment that she thought better of it. She just watched her, as she eventually walked calmly up the path and came into the house.

  ‘Hiya,’ called Helen as she heard her in the hallway, ‘fancy a coffee?’

  Maya came into the kitchen with a smile on her face, ‘Oooh lovely thank you.’

  Helen busied herself, fetching cups, finding the sugar anything to cover her nervousness. She had decided to speak to Maya about a couple of things.

  She hadn’t been able to get out of her mind the conversation she had had with the witches the other night. And, even though she had at last admitted to herself that she loved Maya, she needed to know that she could trust her as well. She had decided to ask her outright if she knew this Craig whatshisname; and if she did, then had she inadvertently mentioned about the money. Helen was sure that Maya wouldn’t have done anything deliberately to put them all in danger; but maybe she’d accidentally said something, and was now too scared to admit it to her.

  Also she needed to know what was troubling Maya, ever since Abby’s bi
rth there had been a distance between them, and Helen was determined to get to the bottom of it. If it was the case that Maya didn’t feel the same way about Helen, as she did about her, then it was better to face it now and try and move on…ha! Brave words, Helen had no idea how she would move on, but she would have to try. She couldn’t fall to pieces this time; she had her baby to think about now.

  All of this was going through her mind as she prepared them both a cup of coffee. Maya was sitting at the table staring out of the window abstractedly; she smiled at Helen as she sat down opposite her and took a sip of her coffee.

  ‘Mmm lovely…you make this best,’ she said appreciatively.

  Helen smiled, ‘It always tastes better when you don’t have to make it yourself,’ she said stalling for time.

  She looked at Maya sitting opposite her, Maya with her sweet little face, huge eyes that most of the time, were filled with kindness and love for her, and she knew that she needed this woman in her life, and she would accept almost anything to keep hold of her.

  ‘Maya I need to ask you something, and I am hoping that you will be honest with me,’ she began.

  Maya immediately began to look cornered; and Helen started to feel a smattering of unease, ‘Of course Helen…what is it?’

  Now the moment was upon her Helen didn’t quite know how to pose the question without giving offence, but she tried anyway.

  ‘Um…when you knew Mary in Birmingham… did you happen to come across her brother anytime?’ she began. Maya looked like a rabbit caught in headlights, she stared back at Helen for a couple of seconds before answering.

  ‘Why you ask me this…who has been talking with you?’ she stammered, not looking at Helen.

  ‘Nobody has said anything about you,’ Helen reassured her, ‘it just occurred to me that you might have met him, seeing as he was Mary’s brother. Carla, you know my friend D.I. Right, she seems to be convinced that it was Craig O’Bruin that broke in here the other night you see, and I wondered if you might have recognised him.’

  Maya sat with her head down, fiddling with her coffee cup. She didn’t answer for such a long time that Helen thought maybe she hadn’t understood the question, and then she said. ‘Helen, I’m sorry…I never wanted harm to come to you…you and baby. I thought I recognise him, but then I don’t know…so I say nothing. I am so sorry…I will go…’ she got up to go and pack her things. Helen, realising that Maya was about to leave her; panicked, and grabbed her arm pulling her back towards her.

  ‘No, Maya please don’t go…it doesn’t matter…I know you wouldn’t have lied to me deliberately. Please…please don’t go…I can’t live without you, I love you,’ and with that she pulled her into her arms and kissed her full on the mouth. At first Maya was rigid in her arms but Helen persevered, gentling the kiss, putting all her heart and soul into it. After so many weeks imagining what it would be like to have this woman in her arms, she wasn’t going to give up so easily.

  She broke off her kiss and looked at Maya whose face was tilted up towards hers. Her eyes were pooling with tears, her lips looked pink and swollen. ‘Oh god Maya I’m sorry…began Helen but Maya stopped her mouth with her finger tips, and then she stood on tiptoe and brushed her mouth against hers, oh so gently, looking into her eyes as she did so. Helen thought she would burst into flames with the surge of lust that consumed her. Maya ran her tongue over Helen's lips, parting them and then she kissed her again.

  Helen had never felt such passion, such longing. Maya seemed to know instinctively how to slowly stoke such a fire of sensual needs in her that she was literally shaking with lust. They sank down onto the kitchen floor; there was no awkwardness, no embarrassment it felt as natural and as necessary as breathing. Nor did they notice the cold hard tiles beneath them as they sighed and gasped at each new sensation, until at last they cried out together in climax, both in tears…Helen’s tears of joy…Maya’s tears of regret…guilt and regret. And a new and stronger determination that Craig O’Bruin was not going to spoil things for her this time, no matter what it took to stop him.


  Ted arrived at the appointed time looking dapper in yet another new jacket. Carla watched him as he made his way over to her car; whatever was going on between him and Ms Smiles, it was doing him the world of good. There was a glow of happiness about him that Carla had never seen before, it had transformed his whole demeanour, and he seemed to have a renewed energy for life. It was wonderful to see; Carla had grown extremely fond of her gruff, monosyllabic partner over the last couple of years and had often wished that he would meet someone nice, and have some love in his life.

  As he approached the car Carla got out and walked to meet him. Carla had received a call from the technical forensics team, who had been trying to get something from the CCTV image of O’Bruin and the mystery woman. Apparently they had something to show her…Carla hoped so, at the moment they seemed to be getting nowhere.

  ‘Have you managed to put someone on to following Maya Dronski around Ted?’ Carla asked as they walked together.

  ‘Well Sam was on it last night, but a call came in…domestic, some bloke took a bottle to his girlfriend and the attending officers called for backup, so he had to leave it. I plan on keeping an eye on things myself tonight, assuming nothing else crops up,’ he finished as they were entering the ugly 70’s built building that housed the technical forensics dept.

  They were met by a small nervous looking man, who introduced himself as Pete Brownlow.

  ‘So what have you got for us Pete?’ Carla asked, as they followed him into a darkened room that was filled with various screens and recording equipment. There were several other people in the room, all seemingly absorbed in whatever was on the screen in front of them.

  ‘We couldn’t enhance the original image much more than we already had,’ Pete began, as he typed instructions on a keyboard, bringing up the already familiar image. ‘So we decided to try and see if there were any distinguishing things on the woman, that we could maybe find on other cameras in the area. And we got lucky; the bag she was carrying is quite distinctive, expensive. And when we zoomed in we were able to make out the writing on the gold metal tag on the front of it. It says “Jimmy Choo” can you see right there?’ Ted and Carla leaned towards the screen as Pete drew their attention to the enhanced image.

  ‘Wow,’ said Carla, ‘that must have cost a bit…ok so how does that help us though?’

  ‘Well on its own it doesn’t, much, but then we looked at her shoes…we can’t see much of the front of them unfortunately but they do have a rather distinctive red stripe running down the back of them. So we started looking for a woman, dark hair medium build carrying a “Jimmy Choo” handbag and wearing black pumps with a red stripe down the back of them. And it took us a bit of time, but I think we’ve found her, caught on the camera just as she entered Sainsbury’s. It’s not a particularly good picture but I think you would recognise her if you knew her.

  A grainy black and white image of the woman appeared on the screen, and both Ted and Carla once again drew closer, peering at the picture.

  ‘Oh my god, but that doesn’t make any sense,’ said Carla looking hard at the image again to make sure she wasn’t imagining things.

  ‘Well whether it makes any sense or not that’s her alright,’ said Ted; he turned to Pete. ‘How sure are you that this is the same woman?’

  Pete shrugged his shoulders, ‘Of course we can’t be one hundred percent sure, but she’s in the same shop, wearing the same shoes carrying the same bag and this image was taken only about an hour before she was seen arguing with O’Bruin on the car park cameras. I’m as confident as I can be that this is the woman from the car park.’

  ‘Well, well, well…why would Susan Marshall know Craig O’Bruin, and more importantly, why hasn’t she come forward and told us she knows him?’ pondered Carla.

  ‘Yes Carla,’ said Ted, ‘but this begs the question, did she also know Mary O’Bruin, and if sh
e did …what the bloody hell is going on here?’

  ‘I don’t know Ted, but I am sure as hell going to find out, thank you Pete for all your help,’ said Carla who was already heading for the door.

  Once outside, Ted jumped into Carla’s car and they headed off to the Marshall residence.

  ‘Ok,’ said Ted, ‘how can the Marshall’s, a normal law abiding middle class family, have any connection to Craig O’Bruin? An Irish thug; guilty of running brothels, drug dealing and now of course, suspected of murdering his own sister. And if there is a connection, are we to assume that somehow Susan Marshall knew more about the kidnap of her son than she led us to believe? And if so what was her angle…I mean what did she get out of it? There were no ransom demands …no, none of this makes any sense Carla.’

  Carla sighed, ‘Well there has to be an explanation; let’s see what Susan has to say for herself,’ they pulled up outside the Marshall home, the car was not on the drive and it seemed very quiet.

  Carla knocked on the door and waited…no answer, she knocked again. ‘Ted go round and see if anyone’s home can you?’ she said when no one came the second time. Ted wandered round and Carla started looking through the large bay window at the front of the house. It all seemed quiet and when Ted reported no one at home a couple of minutes later, they decided to call back another time, they left a card through the door requesting that Susan got in touch with them ASAP.

  ‘Bloody bloody hell,’ said Carla in her frustration. ‘The first good lead we get and we can’t act on it…right well…I think I’m going to have a look round town; you never know she may be out shopping or something, Ted why don’t you try Gordon at his office. I mean there’s a good chance that he doesn’t know about Susan’s association with O’Bruin, but he might be able to shed some light on the situation, you never know.’


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