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The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee

Page 23

by Tristan Stephenson


  acidity 65

  Aeropress 134–7, 142

  affogato 155

  Africa 18, 25, 28, 32, 172–3, 182

  Americano 110

  Americas 175

  Central America 17, 18, 175–8, 182

  North America 14, 17, 18, 20, 49, 77, 177

  South America 17, 178

  Arabian coffee 11, 16, 76

  arabica 24–5, 182, 186

  countries grown in 173, 175, 176, 177, 179

  growing and harvesting 26–7

  aroma 65

  Asia 179–80

  Auckland 110

  Australasia 179–80

  Australia 110, 179

  bica corrida 34

  bitterness 64–5, 92

  blooming 124–5, 186

  Bolivia 175

  bourbon 24, 182, 183, 184

  countries grown in 172, 173, 177

  growing and harvesting 16–17

  Brazil 175, 178, 180

  growing and processing 27, 29

  history of coffee 17–18

  milling 34

  varieties grown in 17, 45, 183

  brew ratio 70–1, 72, 94, 186

  brewing methods 114–45

  burr grinders 78–9, 186

  Burundi 29, 172, 182

  butter coffee 165

  buying guide 185

  cafés 20–1

  cafetière 114, 120–3, 142

  caffeine 25, 64, 67–8, 70

  decaffeination 37

  cappuccino 104, 108

  Caribbean 17

  cascara 33, 162

  catimor 182

  catuai 182

  caturra 177, 182

  Central America 17, 18, 175–8, 182

  China 179

  chlorogenic acid (CGA) 25

  clever dripper 128, 133

  cloth filters 126–7

  coffee: anatomy of coffee beans 25

  grinding 76–83

  growing and harvesting 26–8

  history 10–21, 40

  milling and transportation 34–7

  processing 29–33

  roasting 44–61

  varieties 182–4

  coffee borer beetle 28

  coffee houses 12–14

  coffee leaf rust 28, 177, 187

  coffee liqueur 152

  cold brewing 142–5

  Colombia 17, 32, 65, 175

  commodity price 40–1

  Constantinople 116

  Costa Rica 18, 32, 175, 183

  crack 55–6, 186, 188

  cream: Stephenson’s Irish Coffee 151

  crema 96–7

  Cuba 17, 175–6

  cupping coffee 73, 186

  decaffeination 37

  Direct Trade 41

  Dominican Republic 176

  dosing 93

  drum roasters 48–9, 51–7

  dry milling 29–33, 34, 186

  drying coffee 32–3

  Ecuador 176

  eggs: pumpkin spice latte 158–9

  El Salvador 18, 28, 176, 183

  espresso 70, 86–97, 185

  affogato 155

  coffee ice cream 156

  coffee liqueur 152

  espresso and milk 100–11

  espresso machines 86, 87–91

  espresso martini 161

  grinders 82

  making espresso 92–7

  pumpkin spice latte 158–9

  Straits 7 148

  espresso bars 20, 86

  Ethiopia 10–11, 24, 45, 172, 182, 183

  extraction 69–71, 72, 92, 94–5

  Fair Trade 40–1

  fermentation 30

  filter coffee 124–33

  fineness 80

  first crack 55–6, 186, 188

  flat white 110

  flavour 64–5, 76

  fluid-bed roasters 52

  France 14, 16, 17, 77

  French press 114, 120–3, 142

  freshness 60–1, 70, 185

  Geisha 183

  Germany 128, 138

  roasters and grinders 49, 77, 78

  green coffee 36, 187

  grinding coffee 76–83

  growing coffee 26–9

  Guatemala 17, 18, 27, 28, 176, 183

  Guianas 17

  Haiti 17, 176

  harvesting coffee 26–9

  Hawaii 177

  Hispaniola 17

  Honduras 28, 177, 183

  ice cream: affogato 155

  coffee ice cream 156

  iced coffee 166

  immersion brewers 80, 114

  Aeropress 134–7, 142

  French press 114, 120–3, 142

  the pot 116

  India 16, 24, 179

  Indonesia 16, 32, 179

  instant coffee 38–9

  International Coffee

  Organisation (ICO) 40

  Irish Coffee, Stephenson’s 151

  Italy 20

  Jamaica 17, 177

  Java 16, 24, 41, 179

  Kent varieties 173

  Kenya 28, 30, 65, 172, 180, 184

  Kopi luwak 185

  latte 100, 104–7

  pumpkin spice latte 158–9

  liberica 24, 180

  liqueur, coffee 152

  London 12–14, 20, 47, 76

  macchiato 111

  Maillard reactions 55, 96, 187

  Malawi 172

  maragogype 183

  martini, espresso 161

  Martinique 17

  metal filters 132

  Mexico 177

  Mibirizi varieties 172

  milk: espresso and 100–11

  latte art 104–7

  steaming 102–3

  types of 100–1

  milling 34–6

  mocha 187

  moka pot 117–19, 187

  Monsoon Malabar 179

  mundo novo 182, 183

  natural coffee 29–30, 31

  Nepal 179

  Nespresso 91

  the Netherlands 16, 17, 47, 49

  New Zealand 110

  Nicaragua 27, 28, 32, 177–8

  nylon filters 132

  organic coffee 40–1

  Ottoman Turks 10, 11–12, 14, 47, 76

  oxidation 60–1

  pacamara 183

  pacas 183

  packaging 61

  Panama 178, 183

  paper filters 128–31

  Papua New Guinea 179

  Paraguay 178

  parchment coffee 34–5, 187

  Paris 14

  percolation brewers 70, 80, 114, 187

  Aeropress 134–7, 142

  filter coffee 124–33

  moka pot 117–19, 187

  Persia 46

  Peru 178

  Philippines 24, 180

  the pot 116

  pre-infusion 94, 187

  preservation 61

  processing coffee 29–33

  Puerto Rico 178

  pulped natural coffee 31–2, 188

  pumpkin spice latte 158–9

  Rainforest Alliance 40–1

  Relationship Coffee 41

  Réunion Island 16–17, 24, 182

  roasting coffee 44–61

  roast date 60–1, 185

  roast profiles 57

  robusta 24–5, 182

  caffeine content 67

  countries grown in 172, 173, 175, 176, 179, 180

  growing and processing 26, 31

  Rwanda 172, 182

  scales 66

  second crack 55–6, 188

  SL-28 (coffee variety) 184

  SL-34 (coffee variety) 184

  sourness 92

  South America 17, 178

  speciality coffee 41

  species 24–5

  Sri Lanka 28

  staleness 60–1

  Starbucks 20–1, 180

  steaming milk 102–3

  Stephenson’s Irish Coffee 151

  storing coffee 60–1

  stove-top pot 117

  Straits 7 148

  strength 70–1, 94

  Sulawesi 179

  Sumatra 24, 32, 33, 179

  sweetness 64, 92

  syphon brewing 138–41

  tamping 93–4, 188

  tangential roasters 52–3

  Tanzania 172–3

  tekisic 183

  temperature: brewing 70

  temperature graphs 57

  water 69, 92

  Thailand 180

  Timor-Leste 180

  transportation 34–5, 36

  trigonelline acid 25, 64

  Turkish coffee, brewing 116

  Turks, Ottoman 10, 11–12, 14, 47, 76

  typica 24, 173, 182

  Uganda 173

  United Kingdom 12–13

  vacuum brewing 138–41

  varieties 24–5, 26, 182–4

  see also arabica; bourbon, etc.,

  Venezuela 17, 178

  Vienna 108

  Vietnam 18, 24, 180

  villa Sarchi 184

  vodka: espresso martini 161

  washed coffee 30–1, 188

  water 68–9, 92

  West Indies 17

  wet milling 29–33, 188

  whiskey: Stephenson’s Irish

  Coffee 151

  Yemen 11, 16, 24, 162, 179, 180

  Zambia 173

  Zimbabwe 173


  Not for the last time, I think, I must thank my wife for her patience during the many weeks of research, writing and caffeinating (not in that order) that made this book possible.

  Also to my son, Dexter, who is currently accepting challenges for the title of ‘youngest barista in the world’!

  Thanks to Linda and Rod for allowing me to commandeer their office space for a not-insignificant period of time.

  A shout-out to Origin Coffee in Cornwall and Workshop Coffee in London for use of their space, equipment, coffee and expertise.

  Thumbs-up to all the people I have enjoyed a coffee with over the years. There’re too many of you to remember, but here’s a shortlist of names: Anette Moldvaer, Colin Harmon, Dan Fellows, Dave Jones, Flavio Urizzi, Gary McGann, Gwilym Davies, James Hoffmann, Lance Turner, Hugo Hercod, Phil Gevaux, Sam Hebburn, Stephen Morrissey, Tim Williams and Tom Sobey.

  Huge thanks once again to the dream team responsible for putting this book together: Nathan Joyce, Julia Charles, Leslie Harrington, Geoff Borin, Addie Chinn and Sarianne Plaisant.


  All photography by Addie Chinn, with the following exceptions:

  Page 8 Wellcome Library, London; Page 11 Palestine Exploration Fund, London, UK/Bridgeman Images; Page 12 © Christie’s Images/Bridgeman Images; Page 13 Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images; Page 14 Mary Evans Picture Library; Page 15 INTERFOTO/Alamy; Page 16 Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy;Page 18 Mike Greenslade/Alamy; Page 19 Image Courtesy of The Advertising Archives; Page 21 Jake Curtis/Getty Images; Page 22 Philippe Bourseiller/Getty Images; Page 24 World History Archive/Alamy; Page 26 Nick Gunderson/Getty Images; Page 27 Bjorn Holland/Getty Images; Page 28 © Nigel Cattlin/Visuals Unlimited/Corbis; Page 29 © Paulo Fridman/Corbis; Page 31 © Devon Stephens/Alamy; Page 33 Pphoto by Michael Tsegaye/Bloomberg via Getty Images; Page 34 Dallas Stribley/Getty Images; Page 35 © National Geographic Image Collection/Alamy; Page 36 RGB Ventures/SuperStock/Alamy; Page 37 INTERFOTO/Alamy; Page 38 Neil Overy/Getty Images; Page 39 Image Courtesy of The Advertising Archives; Page 40 Jake Lyell/Alamy; Page 41 above left Media for Medical/UIG via Getty Images; Page 41 above right Simon Rawles/Getty Images; Page 46 below left Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Page 46 below right photo by Haeckel collection/ullstein bild via Getty Images; Page 48 istock images; Page 49 © English Heritage; Page 89 left Steve Hamblin/Alamy; Page 89 right ERIC LAFFORGUE/Alamy; Page 116 Irina Zavyalova/Shutterstock; Page 125 © amana images inc./Alamy; Page 132 © Neil Setchfield/Alamy; Page 133 © Image Republic Inc./Alamy; Page 173 © Wolfgang Kumm/dpa/Corbis; Page 174 left © Ian Wood/Alamy; Page 174 right © Found Image Press/Corbis; Page 181 insert © Julian Nieman/Alamy; Page 183 © HUGHES Herve/Hemis/Corbis.




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