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Way Of The Clans

Page 25

by Robert Thurston

  Aidan pondered the familiarity of the situation, as he again faced a Hellbringer to begin his Trial. But there would be no impulsive action this time, no jumping over the heads of his three foes. This time there would, in fact, be a delaying action rather than a sudden one. Swiveling his 'Mech's torso an eighth of a turn, he placed it so that it seemed to lean toward Horse's Summoner. Horse's 'Mech remained still, waiting for its adversaries to appear.

  The Hellbringer seemed to hesitate. Aidan suspected it was field procedure to allow the Trial cadet to fire first, but he also knew any tactic was fair and that he could not trust the Hellbringer's pilot to remain polite for long.

  He glanced toward Horse's 'Mech. Suddenly it raised its arm and pointed to its left. His opponents had now made their appearance, arising from a deep gully. He also had drawn a Hellbringer and a Warhawk, but the third 'Mech was a Dire Wolf, the same type Aidan had faced, but not engaged, in his first Trial. The Dire Wolf was the largest of the Clan OmniMechs. As in Aidan's trio, a Hellbringer broke off from its group and contemptuously advanced some 600 meters to face Horse alone and unsupported.

  Using a prearranged signal, Aidan rotated his 'Mech's torso another eighth of a turn, then returned it to its original position. Horse's 'Mech made the same precise rotations. Aidan smiled, knowing that the movements no doubt looked odd to the other 'Mechs in the field, and also to those observing from safe havens. It might have resembled a kind of 'Mech calisthenic. First one did the exercise, then the other.

  Since both trios of opponents were entering the fray at about the same plane instead of at angles to the Trial cadets, Aidan's and Horse's 'Mechs lined up side by side, as they had agreed to do if the attack came in this fashion.

  The arm of Horse's 'Mech pointed down at an angle for a moment, then came up level, the signal that he and Aidan would begin to walk their 'Mechs straight toward the pair of Hellbringers, each of which was now detached from the others as the first to engage the cadets. Aidan noticed some scorch marks on the Hellbringer in front of him, which made him think this must be the same 'Mech that had finished off Tom or Spiro in the earlier Trial. He drew this conclusion because the other two 'Mechs were shiny and untouched. He also assumed the Hellbringer's pilot was probably feeling pretty cocky, because the 'Mech itself had hardly been damaged. Horse, on the other hand, had drawn a Hellbringer that apparently had not been involved in the first battle, showing that one of the freeborns had probably inflicted some damage on his opponent.

  Neither side had yet fired. Aidan wondered how long the warriors in the rival cockpits would wait to commence the battle. He did not have to wonder for long. A grid on the side of his primary screen showed that the Hellbringer was trying to lock onto him at cockpit level with its Targa-7 fire-control system. A good move, Aidan noted, for it forced him to dodge sideways, away from Horse, breaking their even line. They had expected to have to continually adjust in order to remain close together, and Horse's move toward Aidan might even have looked cowardly to the other 'Mechs.

  They had agreed there would be no signal to fire. Whichever of them decided to strike first would do so.

  Aidan, figuring the pilot in the Hellbringer would make another attempt to lock on with the Targa, aimed and set off a volley of short-range missiles toward it. The missile's arc was true, but the Hellbringer picked them off, as expected, with a burst from its anti-missile weapons system. What its pilot did not foresee was that another missile would come swooping in, fired by Horse. It hit the Hellbringer at mid-torso and sent armor flying.

  As his opponent reeled from the hit, Aidan rapidly turned his attention to the Hellbringer facing Horse's Summoner and shot at it with his extended-range PPC. Catching that Hellbringer's pilot by surprise, Aidan got in several shots very near the Hellbringer's cockpit. Horse, reacting quickly, knowing that the pilot in that cockpit must be disconcerted by Aidan's hits, turned his attention back to the foe intended originally for him. Aidan glanced quickly at his long-range scanner. The other heavier 'Mechs were now released and advancing quickly to support their comrades. Horse and Aidan had less than a minute to finish off their opponents.

  Alternating adversaries, heedless of the damage being inflicted on them, the two Summoners strode steadily toward the Hellbringers. A cluster round hit Aidan's 'Mech in the lower part of the torso, just above the left leg, while Horse's foe penetrated his armor in a long line of fire that nearly bisected the 'Mech's torso. But none of the havoc was significant. The two Summoners continued their march forward without either one falling behind. Frequently their crossfire seemed to confuse the Hellbringer pilots, sending their assaults off target.

  It was a real showdown, as Aidan had planned. The two Summoners took on the pair of Hellbringers simultaneously, working together against them. The Hellbringer pilots, used to fighting single battles according to bidding procedures, had difficulty adjusting to the unClanlike assault.

  Aidan knew he would take criticism on two accounts. First, that he violated the rules by persuading Horse to fight their opponents in tandem (of course, to Ter Roshak and Joanna, Aidan's violation of rules would be no surprise). Second, they were using up their firepower drastically against their initial opponents, thus removing any chance of winning a higher rank by defeating a second 'Mech. This time, Aidan's strategy was pure and simple: to win and become a warrior. Having failed once because of ambition, he did not want to ruin this chance. In his first trial he had been greedy and had lost because he overextended himself. Now he would concentrate on defeating just the single opponent. One for him and one for Horse, and they would both be warriors. Any complaints from Clan officers would be easy to endure. And, anyway, were not he and Horse freeborns? What good could trueborns expect from freeborns, after all? They would all go back to their bunks tonight muttering about how lousy freebirths always ruin everything, while he and Horse would sleep tonight as warriors.

  Seeing that his Hellbringer opponent was severely weakened, he helped Horse finish off his enemy. Concentrating fire from two directions, they forced the enemy 'Mech to its knees, then pierced the last shreds of armor protecting the 'Mech's fusion reactor. Aidan almost whooped when the Hellbringer pilot, endangered by the collapsing magnetic bottle containing the miniature sun that drove the BattleMech, ejected. They did not even watch the 'Mech fall, turning their attention to the remaining Hellbringer.

  Aidan's barrages had ruined all the laser weapons on the Hellbringer's torso, and it was firing the PPCs in each arm almost desperately. Horse and Aidan spread apart as they continued their assault on the 'Mech, which was now rocked by each blast. Aidan nearly made a fatal mistake, however. He had not realized the Hellbringer had one SRM salvo left, and it came flying directly at his cockpit. Suddenly, the massive arm of Horse's Summoner blocked his view. The SRMs detonated, engulfing the arm in a ball of flame. Aidan's Summoner wavered dangerously with the concussion and the shrapnel bouncing off its surface.

  It was time to finish off the Hellbringer, and he and Horse moved in on it relentlessly, hitting it with shot after shot, missile after missile. Smoke began pouring out of the enemy cockpit and Aidan's heart stopped as he realized the pilot might be unconscious, unable to eject. Certain that the pilot had to be Joanna, he suddenly realized that, no matter how much he disliked her, he did not want to spoil his Trial by killing her. His body mimicked the eject procedure as he mentally urged the opposing pilot to get out of his or her 'Mech.

  Another cross-barrage and the 'Mech toppled, falling backward onto the ground, with an impact that sent tremors through Aidan's Summoner. The two cadets, so much of their firepower spent on the pair of victories, immediately ceased their attack.

  Though Aidan knew he should be concentrating on the Warhawk coming toward him, he could not take his eyes off the fallen Hellbringer's cockpit. Finally, through the smoke, a figure appeared. The pilot came out of the cockpit and, running, got clear of the 'Mech. As the pilot took off her headgear and shook out her hair, Aidan saw that it was a woman. But
it was not Joanna. It was Marthe. And she was all right.

  He turned his attention to the Warhawk, knowing that the rest of the Trial would be routine, as long as he was careful to protect himself and not foolishly get injured or die. Checking his systems, he saw he had little response to offer the Warhawk. He used it until his Summoner took the hit that would disable it completely, then the new warrior signaled defeat and ejected from his 'Mech.


  For a time after the Trial, Aidan experienced events in a daze. He was a warrior now and that was all that mattered. He had avenged his failure, shown Joanna and Ter Roshak what he could do, and in the bargain had helped Horse along, too.

  Horse thanked him energetically. "Never thought when we were struggling on that primitive 'Mech that fate'd bring us together and—and look what did happen."

  "No such thing as fate."

  "Are you sure?"

  "No, I am not sure about anything right this moment."

  True to form, Joanna refused to praise him. "That was a pretty shoddy performance out there."

  "It worked, did it not?"

  "But it was not Clanlike."

  "Are you sure? Is not the point to win?"

  "But single combat is the ideal of the Clan warrior."

  "Will we always encounter enemies willing to divide themselves up and fight us on our own terms?"

  "If they have honor, yes."

  "When we return to the Inner Sphere, we might not be so fortunate. We may have to battle on their terms, not ours. It is good for us to face one another on unknown terms, without a defender declaration, without a bid. I did that today."

  Joanna gave him her usual glare, although he thought perhaps it contained a hint of amusement. "Aidan, I think you have been with stinking freebirths for so long, you are beginning to think like one." She whirled around and left without waiting for a reply.

  Beyond the border of the Trial field, Marthe ran up to him from behind and whirled him around. "It is you."

  "I was the one who sent your 'Mech—"

  "I know, I know. What are you doing here?"

  "Becoming a warrior."

  "It is illegal to compete with an assumed identity."

  "It may be. Will you report it?"

  She shook her head. "No, of course not."

  "Thank you, Mar—"

  "No, not for you. For the sibko, but not for you. I do not allow personal favors. You won and that is enough."

  She went away from him as quickly as she had appeared. It was the last he was to see of her for several years, and he carried that memory with him.

  Ter Roshak called Aidan to his office. He was impressed with the young man as he walked into the room with a warrior's gait. There was a new arrogance in his face, replacing the old look and improving on it.

  "In both Trials, Aidan, you overreached your—"

  "I do not care about that. This time I achieved the goal. You should be satisfied."

  "I am."

  "Enough people had to die to satisfy you. I hope you have no more killings to—"

  "Stop. I want to explain my reasons to you."

  Aidan's face became hard. It very much resembled a warrior's defiance. "You are my commanding officer. If you wish to explain anything, I must listen. But, as I must tell you, I would prefer not to hear it."

  "You will, you piece of filth. You will."

  Ter Roshak smiled as he spoke the insult. Then he told Aidan about Ramon Mattlov, all his memories of the man, and how he had manipulated events in tribute to his former comrade. He tried to convey some sort of emotion, but expressing emotion was not his forte and the story came out, he knew, cold and dispassionate. At the end of it, he looked at Aidan and said, "Well?"

  Aidan shrugged. "It is a good tale. Why do you not petition to have it inserted into The Remembrance?"

  Then he stood silently, stoically, and Roshak knew he could not convince the new warrior that it had been respect for Aidan that contributed to his decision to take a hand in his success. He could have tried to say more, but instead changed the subject: "You know, then, that you must retain this identity? That you are still, in the eyes of others, a freeborn, albeit a freeborn warrior?"

  "Joanna explained that to me just moments ago. I had hoped otherwise, but I belong to the Clan, especially now. I must serve the Clan however I can, in whatever identity I can."

  "Then you also know you have no hopes of serving in the front line of battle?"

  "I am told that, yes."

  "And many of your assignments will not be pleasant, quiaff?"


  "And you will not earn a Bloodname, for that would be a lie, too, quiaff? Why do you not answer?"

  "I wish to earn a Bloodname."

  "But you are freebirth now. You cannot."

  Roshak noted the tightening of Aidan's shoulders at the word freebirth.

  "If you clam to be otherwise at any time," Roshak continued, "I will have you killed. If others found out what I have done in your cause, it would threaten my position, taint my own Bloodname. Your former identity may never be revealed. You are Jorge, now and forever. Is that clear? Is that clear, warrior?"

  "Yes. It is."

  "Good. Dismissed."

  As Aidan left, Ter Roshak wondered if he could count on Aidan to remain silent. The young man's volatility ran deeper than Roshak had suspected. Well, the risk had been taken, the risk would have to be taken.

  He sat back in his chair, rested his prosthetic hand upon the table, and thought back again to the times when he had piloted a BattleMech in combat beside Ramon Mattlov.

  * * *

  On Tokasha a warrior-to-be was going through its first Trial, and a long, hard one it was. Sliding through liquid and skimming along wet surfaces, it pressed forward, always struggling to achieve its goal. Around it, surfaces expanded and contracted, pushing the warrior-to-be forward. It was a long Trial, conducted in darkness. But gradually light came and grew larger. With a final effort, the warrior-to-be shot forward, suddenly bursting into the light and seeming to hang in air for a very brief moment, and then settling into the hands of a waiting collaborator in the Trial. The warrior-to-be heard voices but could not understand the words.

  "What? What? Tell me, Watson. Please."

  "It is a girl, Peri. Healthy. Fiercely healthy, from the look of her."

  Other voices made sounds that the warrior-to-be did not realize were utterances of approval for her.

  "What will you name her, Peri?" one of these people said.

  "Diana," she said.

  The voices sounded their approval of what they deemed a lovely name.

  Peri was thinking that she had hoped for a boy, which she would have named Aidan, thus revealing the identity of the father to all. As it was, the cleverer among them might realize that Diana was an anagram for Aidan.

  Listening to the satisfying cries of the newborn, Peri leaned back and fell into an exhausted half-sleep. In one dream she gleefully told Aidan about the baby.



  This is a rapid-firing, auto-loading weapon. Light auto-cannon range from 30 to 90mm caliber, and heavy autocannon may be 80 to 120mm or more. The weapon fires high-speed streams of high-explosive, armor-piercing shells.


  BattleMechs are the most powerful war machines ever built. First developed by Terran scientists and engineers, these huge, man-shaped vehicles are faster, more mobile, better-armored, and more heavily armed than any 20th-century tank. Ten to twelve meters tall and equipped with particle projection cannons, lasers, rapid-fire auto-cannon, and missiles, they pack enough firepower to flatten anything but another BattleMech. A small fusion reactor provides virtually unlimited power, and BattleMechs can be adapted to fight in environments ranging from sun-baked deserts to subzero arctic icefields.


  The history of Bloodnamed warriors of a particular Bloodright is called the Bloodheritage.


  This is another name for the Trial of Position that determines if a candidate will qualify as a Clan warrior. To qualify, he must defeat at least one of three successive opponents. If he defeats two, or all three, he is immediately ranked as an officer in his Clan. If he fails to defeat any of his opponents, he is relegated to a lower caste.


  Bloodname refers to the surname of each of the eight hundred warriors who stood with Nicholas Kerensky during the Exodus Civil War. These eight hundred are the foundation of the Clans' elaborate breeding program. The right to use one of these surnames has been the ambition of every Clan warrior since the system was established. Only twenty-five warriors, which corresponds to twenty-five Bloodrights, are allowed to use any one surname at one time. When one of the twenty-five Bloodnamed warriors dies, a trial is held to determine who will assume that Bloodname. A contender must prove his Bloodname lineage, then win a series of duels with other competitors. Only Bloodnamed warriors are allowed to sit on the Clan Councils or are eligible to become a Khan or ilKhan. Most Bloodnames have gradually been confined to one or two warrior classes. However, certain prestigious names, such as Kerensky, have shown their genetic value by producing excellent warriors in all three classes (MechWarriors, Fighter pilots, and Elementals).

  Bloodnames are determined matrilineally, at least after the original generation. Because a warrior can only inherit from his or her female parent, he or she can only have a claim to one Bloodname.


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