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Trace Memory

Page 14

by David Llewellyn

  Compared with its worn and weathered exterior, the interior of the pavilion had a certain, threadbare glamour to it. With just the right amount of imagination it was possible to picture its halcyon days, when men in dinner jackets and women in evening wear might have passed through the doors for dinner and a dance, not so many years ago.

  Hugo led them up a sweeping staircase and past a bar room full of upturned stools and tables before taking them down into the pavilion's ballroom. In the centre of the dance floor, beneath a single spotlight, three men and a woman sat around a small, round table. They weren't the kind of people Jack had been expecting. He'd expected a dozen more Hugos, with public-school voices and folded handkerchiefs in their breast pockets. These people were young, and dressed like students. The men had long hair and beards, and the woman was bedecked in beads and ribbons.

  'This is our gathering,' said Hugo.

  'These?' Jack said, laughing. 'These are your friends?'

  'They are,' said Hugo, flaring his nostrils. 'And what of it, Jack?'

  'How old are you all?' asked Jack. 'Twenty? Twenty-one?

  I was expecting... Well, I don't know what I was expecting, but this? Beatniks? You've brought me here to meet a group of beatniks?'

  'We're not beatniks, actually,' said a young man in a black polo-neck sweater with a peace sign pendant around his neck. 'We're revolutionaries.'

  'Oh,' said Jack, 'you're revolutionaries. Well, excuse me, but this is one revolution that most definitely won't be televised.'

  Hugo and the people around the table frowned.

  'We know things,' said the man with the peace sign pendant. 'There are eye-witness testimonies. Albion Hospital, London, in 1941. Maidens Point in 1943. The Torchwood Estate in 1879.'

  'Torchwood...' said Michael.

  Jack turned to face him. 'You know that name?'

  Michael nodded.

  'We could continue,' said the woman in the beads. 'St Teilo's Hospital, 1918; Cardiff, 1869; the so-called "fairies" of Roundstone Woods... All evidence of paranormal activities and extraterrestrial visitors to this planet. All officially denied or debunked by Her Majesty's Government.'

  'Well there's your answer, then,' said Jack. 'Denied and debunked. Did it ever occur to you that none of those things mean anything? That people might just be making stuff up?'

  The people around the table laughed.

  'Oh, come, come, Jack,' said Hugo. 'What use is there in denying it any further when you know that my friends here are telling the truth? There have been many unexplained goings-on this last century. Strange things that defy all logic, unless one applies an open and analytical mind to them. You, for example, Jack.'

  'You're wearing very well for a man who must be, what, a hundred and twenty?' said the man with the pendant.

  'OK,' said Jack, 'so just assuming you guys are onto something, what purpose does any of this serve?'

  'We're here for the truth, Jack,' said Hugo. 'The British Government has made a number of important scientific – not to mention philosophical and political – discoveries this last hundred years. Discoveries it has kept a secret from the public, and from our neighbouring nations.'

  'With good reason,' said Jack, coldly.

  'Oh really?' said Hugo. 'And so it is down to the upper echelons to decide what is and isn't in the best interests of the country? Of the world? Come on, Jack, do you really believe that? I always thought you were a little more rebellious than that. You never seemed the Queen and Country sort. Well, certainly not the Country sort, anyway.'

  'It's not about Queen and Country,' said Jack. 'Nobody benefits from knowing every secret there is. There would be mass panic. Confusion. Some things are best unknown.'

  'Like weapons, Jack?' said Hugo.

  'What's that supposed to mean?'

  'These visitors haven't always come unarmed. They don't always "come in peace", as it were. And who gets to keep all those wonderful new gadgets and gizmos that they bring here? Are they disposed of, perhaps? Or are they stored, examined, and put towards the efforts of a belligerent few in the name of preserving their interests? Hardly seems like protecting lives then, does it, Jack? How many devices capable of killing hundreds, maybe thousands of people have been dismantled and redesigned by our clandestine organisations? How many new bombs that could put Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the shade have benefited from a little extraterrestrial help? One shudders to think.'

  'So what are you going to do?' asked Jack. 'Talk to the newspapers? You know they won't listen.'

  Hugo laughed. It was genuine and confident enough to make Jack feel uneasy.

  'The press?' said Hugo. 'The venerable fourth estate? Oh please, Jack, don't make me laugh. The papers have little time for real news any more. They're too busy telling us about George Best and Brigitte Bardot to ever give us the cold, hard truth. No... There really is no point in us contacting the press with the information that we have. Better, I think, to level the playing field. When the Americans first developed the atom bomb, there were, thankfully, brave souls willing to transfer the information to their counterparts on the other side of the Iron Curtain. It is that information, Jack, which has prevented a holocaust that would make every massacre and genocide of the twentieth century so far look like a teddy bear's picnic. If both sides are so devastatingly armed, who dares fire the first shot? We intend to do likewise with any other-worldly information and technology that our authorities have.'

  Now Jack laughed.

  'And how are you going to do that?' he asked. 'What information do you have? What technology? You and your beatnik... I'm sorry... revolutionary friends are going to write to Kosygin and tell him you've heard some stories about flying saucers and little green men? That's great, Hugo. Really... That's hilarious.'

  'We don't need to give them information or technology,' said Hugo, his smile fading to a cold sneer. 'We can give them you.'

  Jack stopped laughing. From either side of the stage at the far end of the ballroom, men in heavy coats appeared, each carrying a gun. Jack turned to what he thought might be their only exit and saw more men entering the ballroom.

  Leading the men was an incredibly tall woman with jet black hair and intensely green lupine eyes, dressed in a long black leather coat and knee-high boots; a sense of innate style marred only by the Kalashnikov strapped to her side. She walked across the ballroom, smiling malevolently at Jack and, when she was merely inches away, and towering over him, Hugo introduced them.

  'Tatiana, this is Captain Jack Harkness. Jack, this is Tatiana Rogozhin. She's with the Committee for Extraterrestrial Research, or the KVI, as it's known in Moscow. They are very interested in you, Jack. Very interested indeed.'

  'You come with us,' said Tatiana.

  Jack looked back at Michael, who was now surrounded by men with guns. He'd asked him to run, but it was too late now. He could run alone, of course. They could shoot him, and those bullets would have little or no effect, but that would still leave Michael. They were trapped.

  'Now, Tatiana,' said Hugo. 'I know it might be rather vulgar of me to bring this up right now, but there is the matter of our payment. An organisation like ours doesn't run itself, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, and—'

  Hugo didn't have the chance to finish the sentence. Tatiana turned on her heels, placing the barrel of the Kalashnikov under his chin, and fired a single shot up through his head in the blinking of an eye. Hugo's skull burst open with a sickening wet crunch, and his body slumped to the ground.

  Around the table the self-proclaimed revolutionaries started screaming, getting to their feet and running for the exits. It was over in seconds, as each one was cut down in a streaming hail of gunfire from the foot soldiers. Tatiana turned to Jack once more.

  'You come with us.'


  The black Ford Transit sped through Tiger Bay in the pale blue light of the waning moon. Jack and Michael sat in the back, flanked on each side by Tatiana and her men, while in front and behind motorcycle outri
ders formed a convoy that snaked its way around the twisted narrow roads between the warehouses.

  'You know something,' said Michael, smiling weakly, 'I'm starting to think monsters aren't that scary.'

  Jack smiled back. 'You've got a point,' he said.

  'Quiet,' said Tatiana. 'You'll talk later. When we tell you to.'

  The van juddered to a halt, wheels crunching against gravel, and the back doors swung open.

  'Out,' said Tatiana, tapping Jack's shoulder with her rifle.

  Jack and Michael were pushed out into the waste ground between two large warehouses.

  As they were marched towards the entrance to one of the weathered grey structures, Michael looked up, above the gigantic doors, and gasped. Jack followed his gaze and saw the sign:


  'What is it?' Jack asked.

  'That name,' said Michael. 'I've heard it before.'

  The doors to the warehouse opened with a metallic groan, spilling a sliver of yellow light out into their path, and Tatiana and the foot soldiers took them in.

  Jack had seen the warehouse many times, but nothing had prepared him for what lay inside. It might once have been the warehouse for a sugar company, but it hadn't been used as such in a long time. There were crates and containers, sure, but all around the vast space were desks, telephones and, in one distant corner, an oversized Strela computer with whirring loops of tape and blinking lights.

  'I guess the sugar trade must be having a bad year,' said Jack. 'Looks like they've had to branch out.'

  'Quiet,' ordered Tatiana. 'This way.'

  They crossed the hub of what Jack now realised was some kind of KVI substation, and were taken down a flight of steps into a subterranean network of corridors. Jack had heard of the KVI, of course. He made it his business to keep up to date on anything of interest, but even so the facts were hard to come by. He'd heard that the organisation was essentially a 1920s Soviet rebranding of a department set up under the Tsar some time after the Tunguska explosion in 1908, but very little more. What did the KVI want with him? Or with Michael for that matter?

  They eventually came to two doors. One of Tatiana's men opened the first door and, clipping Jack in the small of his back with the butt of a rifle, pushed him inside before slamming the door shut. The second door was opened and, gripping him by the shoulders, Tatiana pushed Michael into the room.

  'You wait here,' she said, grinning. 'We have a friend who'd like to see you.'

  In the neighbouring room, Jack got to his feet and dusted himself off. He'd been in rooms like this before, but why did they always have to be so grubby? Why were they almost invariably underground? Why did they always smell of damp?

  In the centre of the room there was a desk, to either side of which there was a single chair. An interrogation room, then, Jack surmised. Other than the furniture, and the bare bulb hanging from the centre of the ceiling, the room was featureless, devoid of any other purpose.

  Jack crossed the room and placed one ear against the wall that connected to the next room. He hoped to hear something, anything, even if it was the sound of Michael crying. Michael had come to him for help, had come from nowhere, and now they were here, deep underground, and nobody except the KVI knew where they were.

  He wasn't scared of death, of course, but that brought no comfort. There were, Jack had discovered, far worse things that death, and far worse things that could be done to Jack than killing him. It always plagued him that his enemies might use this to their advantage and, sometimes, when he found himself in idle thought, he'd think about how awful it might be to find himself with his feet encased in cement at the bottom of an ocean, or trapped inside a block of ice in the wastelands of the Arctic. He'd die, of course, over and over again, but his punishment would be like that of Prometheus, chained to a rock, forever being eviscerated by an eagle, only to wake up the next day and suffer all over again. He'd seen death up close, and he doubted there was much beyond it; any punishment for Jack had the potential to be infinite, unending. He'd never tell anyone this, of course, but Jack was scared.

  Michael's room was similarly sparse and he spent his first few moments alone sat on the floor, where he had fallen, with his head in his hands. It was hard for him to feel despair; much of that had been used up these last few days. Now all that was left was pain and sadness. When he closed his eyes all he could see was the ballroom, its floor awash with blood and bullet-riddled corpses. He'd never seen death up close before, not even when his father had died. His memories of the explosion at the dock were cloudy; he'd seen little except that flare of light; but this time, in the ballroom, there had been blood. So much blood.

  The door to his cell opened, and Tatiana entered with two of the guards.

  'Get up,' she said, her husky voice echoing around the room. 'I said get up, and sit at the table.'

  Michael stood and followed the order, unable to look at Tatiana. She was a terrifying combination of beauty and malevolence with an air of sardonic amusement; both seductive and deadly.

  'We have a friend,' said Tatiana, 'who would like to speak to you.'

  Michael looked out through the open door into the corridor, and saw a tall, angular figure emerge from the shadows.

  It was Valentine.

  'What to do with you, ay?' said one of the Russians, circling Jack like a vulture, his rifle constantly aimed for Jack's head.

  'They say you can live for ever. Is this true, American? Is it true that you cannot die?'

  Jack said nothing.

  'I'd like to test that,' said the Russian. 'I could fire a bullet into your head right now and test that. Of course, Tatiana would never allow that. We need you.'

  'Why?' asked Jack.

  'They say you are special,' said the Russian. 'They say you are different. They say you have been many, many places and have lived a very long time. There are things you must know that would be very useful for our country. No?'

  'I don't know what you're talking about.'

  The Russian laughed. 'Oh, but we haven't even asked you what you know yet. Are you saying you know nothing? About anything? I doubt that very much. But who knows? Maybe we are wasting our time here. Maybe everything they say about you is a lie, no? Maybe I should shoot you in that pretty little head of yours.'

  'Are you flirting with me?' said Jack. 'Because, when I think about it, I don't think I've ever been with a Russian before. You might call that a glaring omission—'

  The Russian struck him across the head with the butt of his rifle.

  'Silence!' he yelled, grabbing Jack by the hair and slamming his face against the desk. Somewhere in the fog of pain, Jack wondered why his condition hadn't freed him of physical discomfort along with mortality. He put the back of his hand against his nose and taking it away saw blood.

  The door of the cell opened, and Tatiana walked in.

  'Ah,' she said, smiling. 'I see you are becoming better acquainted with Yevgeny.'

  'I had no idea this was going to be a threesome,' said Jack, and Yevgeny slammed his head into the desk once more.

  'Yevgeny is a good man,' said Tatiana. A good man, but... What is the word I'm looking for? Yevgeny, kak pa- Angleeski "izmenchiviy"?'

  'Volatile,' said Yevgeny, leering at Jack.

  'Volatile,' said Tatiana. 'He's a good man, but volatile.'

  'Michael,' said Valentine, smiling warmly as he sat down at the desk. 'Fourteen years for us, but I'd say no time at all for you. You've changed out of those clothes but you're still a little boy lost in a big bad world.'

  'Why are you here?' asked Michael. 'Where's the other one? Where's Cromwell?'

  Valentine winced.

  'Yes,' he said, 'I'm afraid we had our disagreements about the direction things should be going in. Then I had a better offer. Who would have thought it? Redistribution of wealth and all the rest of it, and yet our friends in Moscow are able to pay me more. But that's the problem when you switch sides, see? Your knowledge of the inside dries up, th
ings move on. Times change, as I'm sure you know. Jack Harkness has seen and done things way beyond what many of us could imagine, and that's saying something. He's useful to us. His knowledge and experience are useful to us. But imagine my surprise when they said you'd tagged along for the ride.'

  'But I don't know anything,' said Michael. 'I don't even know what's happening to me.'

  'It's not what you know,' said Valentine. 'It's what you are.'

  The butt of the rifle struck the side of his head once more, and this time Jack could feel blood, trickling down his cheek and along the contours of his chin. Yevgeny had tied him to the chair and was still circling him.

  'Torchwood,' said Yevgeny. 'What do you know about Torchwood?'

  'I've told you,' said Jack. 'I don't know anything about Torchwood. What's Torchwood?'

  'On lozhnee,' said Tatiana: He's lying.

  Yevgeny leaned close to Jack, so that his mouth was only inches from his ear and Jack could feel his breath.

  'Tell us what you know about Torchwood. We want names. Locations.'

  'How many times?' said Jack. 'I don't know what you're talking about. And if this is your way of trying to woo a guy, believe me, buddy, you're going about it the wrong way.'

  Yevgeny laughed, and placed one hand around Jack's throat.

  'You like that?' he said. 'You like it when I play rough, hm?'

  His grip tightened, and Jack felt the swell of blood in his face. He looked Yevgeny in the eye.

  'Oh yeah,' he croaked. 'That's it... Harder, baby, harder...'

  Yevgeny glanced across at Tatiana, who was standing in a darkened corner of the room, watching with a cool impassivity. She nodded, and Yevgeny squeezed Jack's throat even tighter. Jack was feeling dizzy now, coloured spots dancing before his eyes.

  'Is that enough for you?' said Yevgeny. 'I wouldn't want to crush your throat so bad you couldn't speak, now, would I? So is that enough?'


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