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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 2

by Elizabeth Jones

  I shake my head. “One person was missing, though, who they claim would have been in attendance. Tai, their packs enforcer.”

  “You think they took him?”

  I nod. “From what I’ve heard about Tai, he doesn’t seem the type to betray his pack.”

  “You think he could still be alive?”

  “Doubt it. They’ve had more than enough time to torture him for information.”

  “So, we’re back to square one,” he replies defeatedly, slumping back in the booth.

  “Not necessarily. We know they’re close. It won’t be long before they come looking for us. Hopefully, Mick and Ryan are having better luck than we are.”

  Mick is our alpha, and Ryan, our beta. The Shifter Council had called this afternoon for an emergency meeting. As shifters, we’ve always had our enemies, usually strays. Lone shifters who prefer to follow their animal instincts rather than their human one’s. It was Seth’s job to track them, and I as the enforcer to take them out. It was a tedious job, but one we had gotten used to doing over the years. But none had ever come close to being an actual threat as these new hunters.

  It started about a year ago. Single pack members going missing, only to be found tortured and mutilated a few days later. Now, entire packs were being wiped out, and no one had even come close to finding out who they were.

  “Lautner.” At the sound of my name, I turn my head, finding Thane, Vice President of the Sun Sinners, heading towards us. Tonight, Thane is dressed from head to toe in black leather, his long black hair flowing freely down his back. He’s the easiest to place amongst the vampires, and he always has a flair for the dramatics. “Cal wants to see you in his office before the fight,” he says, coming to a stop before me.

  “Why?” I ask, instantly on edge. Cal is the President of the Sun Sinners MC and owner of the Warehouse, and he had never called me in before a fight.

  Thane shrugs his shoulders, picking at his black-painted nails. “Do I look like his personal assistant?” he replies sarcastically.

  “You’re his VP, aren’t you?” I quip.

  “Yeah, VP, not PA,” Thane snaps, “now I suggest you go ask him.”

  I extend my middle finger, flipping him off. Standing, I nod to Seth before making my way down to Cal's office in the basement. It’s cold and dark down here with no windows, but luckily, I can see perfectly well with my heightened eyesight. Coming to a stop outside Cal's office, I rap my knuckles against the door.

  “Come in,” Cal's gruff voice calls out.

  I enter the room, which is a lot more pleasant than the dingy dark corridor I had walked down to get here. Cal might be an old vampire, but the man has expensive taste. If it weren’t for the lack of windows, it might easily be mistaken for a fancy New York office.

  “Lautner.” His smile widens as he sees me, ushering me in with a wave of his hand as if he’s motherfucking royalty or some shit.

  “What’s going on, Cal?” I ask, dropping into the black executive leather chair across from him.

  I watch as he leans back in his chair, placing his legs on the table. Picking up his cigarettes, he taps one out before offering me one. I shake my head as he shrugs his shoulders before lighting one up.

  “The Stone Valley Pack and the Sun Sinners have always had an understanding, yes? You leave us to our business, and we leave you to yours?” he says on an exhale, sending a waft of smoke my way.

  I nod.

  “Good, then let’s not fuck about. I was approached yesterday by Tommy West. It looks like he and his brother Brandon are back in town.”

  I tighten my hold on the leather armrests as I feel my anger rise. That asshole had raped and killed two humans in our territory two years ago. If it hadn’t been for Seth screwing up and getting his ass kidnapped, he would be dead by now, him and his brother.

  “What does he want?” I ask, wondering what the hell would bring them back here. It was suicide, and they knew it.

  “You. He paid me 10,000 dollars to get in the ring with you tonight.”

  I can feel the brush of my wolf beneath my skin, excited at the prospect of finally getting our revenge on one of the West brothers. “Good. I’ve been waiting to get my hands-on Tommy,” I say as I watch Cal smile, taking another drag of his cigarette. “But I have one condition.”

  “And what’s that?” Cal asks, dropping his feet from the desk and leaning forward towards me.

  “He doesn’t leave the ring alive.”

  Chapter 3


  I cautiously make my way through the Warehouse as my eyes search out the bar. I’d promised Lacey that I would stay out of trouble, and I’d meant it. But I wasn’t naïve. An Alpha like my father didn’t get to keep his position for so many years without making enemies along the way. I’ve no doubt there would be many here tonight who would love to use me against my father. Luckily, I wasn’t worried about being recognized. My father had kept me hidden for most of my life, probably embarrassed by the disappointment I turned out to be. Keeping my head up, I can feel their eyes penetrate at my back, but I'm not worried. I know they will smell wolf. I may not have shifted yet, but I’ve no doubt she’s in there, somewhere. Besides, according to rumor, shifting was forbidden inside the Club, so I should be safe for tonight. I continue walking straight ahead, coming to a set of four steel steps leading down. As people brush past me in both directions, I make my way over to the bar I spot in the far corner.

  “What can I get you?” a man asks as I sit down on an old battered bar stool that had seen better days.

  “Beer,” I shout to be heard over the loud music. He nods, turning away to retrieve my order. I catch sight of the Sun Sinners emblem on the back of his leather kutte. It’s a picture of a flaming skull with the words prospect underneath.

  “Dani?” a male voice calls out behind me.

  I slowly turn around, my eyes widening as I take in the man before me. He’s gorgeous. His dark wavy brown hair hanging just over his right eye as he smiles shyly, revealing two perfect dimples at his cheeks.

  “Daniel?” I ask, although somehow, I already know it’s him.

  He nods. “Wow, you look incredible.” His eyes shamelessly rake up and down my body as I feel the rush of heat at my cheeks. I’m not used to compliments, and I’d been worried that I wouldn’t blend in tonight. But by the look Daniel is throwing my way, I had definitely succeeded.

  “Is everything alright? I’m kind of surprised you agreed to meet me,” he replies, taking the empty seat next to me as his leg brushes against mine.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” I assure him. “I just wanted to get out of the house and experience this place for myself.” Although Daniel and I had been chatting for weeks now, I had never told him who my father is. There were just somethings that were better kept to yourself. I also have no intention of telling him about my upcoming engagement to Drake. My friendship with Daniel is like an alternate universe in which I can pretend to be normal.

  “Yeah, this place is something alright.” he laughs, “and you couldn’t have picked a better night than fight night. My pack brother Lautner is the champion here if you want to watch?” he asks eagerly, pride evident in his voice.

  I nod before taking a quick drink of my beer.

  “By the way, sorry I’m a little late. With all this hunter business going on, I’ve been trying to find possible locations for the pack to stake out, in case they turn up here next.”

  “What hunter business?” I ask, confused.

  “Damn, you weren’t lying, were you? Your alpha really does keep you in the dark. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” he says, averting his eyes.

  “Please, tell me. If it concerns shifters, then I deserve to know,” I plead, wondering what my father is hiding. He had always kept his pack on a tight leash and everyone on a need-to-know basis.

  After a moment's silence, he nods before continuing. “A small pack a few towns over were massacred at their meet. It’s not the first
one either, it’s been going on for the past year now. The numbers started small, but now they seem to be getting bolder, and it looks like they are heading this way,” he responds nervously, looking away as if he is wondering whether or not he is going to get into trouble for telling me.

  “Is that why my father was called away tonight?”

  “Yeah. All the Alpha’s were summoned by the Council to try and work out a way of identifying them before they hit us. My alpha has me tracking abandoned locations online, looking for any signs of recent activity.”

  “Should we be worried?”

  “I haven’t found any trace of them yet. I think we’re good for now.” He smiles.

  Picking up my beer, I drink up, finishing the remainder of the bottle. I don’t drink much, and I can already feel the effects of the alcohol calming my nerves.

  Daniel turns towards the bar ordering us another two drinks. Turning to me, he hands over another beer. “So, are you ready to head upstairs and witness your first infamous Warehouse fight?”

  Smiling, I nod, accepting the drink from his hand as we both stand. Daniel places his hand low on my back, leading the way. “Is it always so busy here?” I ask as we wait behind a row of people waiting to climb the stairs.

  “Only on fight night. Shifters, humans, vampires, it doesn’t matter the gene pool. Most people pretend that they detest violence, but they can’t help but be enamored when it all comes down to it. The women,” he suddenly whispers at my ear, causing me to shiver. “They get off on it. You can smell their arousal in the air. And the men … they feel a need to prove their worth. It brings their dominant side out to play. After a fight, you can feel the sexual tension in the air.” He moves away slightly, and I feel dizzy at his words. I’m certainly feeling something in the air tonight.

  As the crowd starts moving, I find myself eager to make my way to the second floor.

  “There’s my other pack brother, Seth,” he points towards the left side of the cage.

  Wow. The man he is referring to is huge. He stands, leaning back against the cage. Thick tattooed arms folded across his chest. His eyes taking in everything around him, scowling at anybody who dares get too close.

  “He doesn’t look like he’s having a good time,” I say.

  “Seth’s a recovering addict. He’s been clean for just over a year now, but this place … well, Thane is the biggest drug dealer in the Valley. You can get anything and everything in this place. Usually, Lautner and I take turns keeping an eye on him just in case he slips off the wagon.”

  “What happened to him?” I ask curiously.

  “Two years ago, there were a few attacks in Stone Valley. Women found raped and beaten in the woods. You might’ve heard about it, considering you’re just the next town over?”

  I shake my head as he continues. “Well, the pack went out and caught the scent of two new strays in the area. Brothers, Brandon and Tommy West. I was only seventeen back then, so I wasn’t allowed to go. One night, the pack got separated in their search. When they returned home, Seth was missing. Lautner spent the next forty-eight hours searching every square inch of the Valley. Eventually, he found him alone in the cellar of an old cabin down by smokey’s creek. He was bound, naked to a chair covered in blood. Some of it was his own, the rest … we don’t know. Seth wouldn’t talk about it, and we just let it go. That’s when it started.”

  “The drugs?” I inquire.

  “Yeah, and the nightmares.”

  “That’s awful. I’m so sorry,” I say, placing my hand on Daniel's arm in comfort.

  “Yeah, well, as I say, we don’t talk about it,” he grumbles.

  “Did you ever find them?”

  “No, and the attacks stopped after that. The scent was never picked up again. Come on,” he says, taking my hand and entwining our fingers together. “We better keep him company.”

  “Seth,” Daniel calls out as we draw nearer. The man looks up, his scowl slowly easing as a smile takes its place.

  “Hey man, you having a good night?” Seth asks as we approach, but his eyes remain fixed on me.

  “Yeah. This is my friend Dani. Dani, this is Seth.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand, half expecting him to refuse it. Instead, his warm palm connects with mine.

  “You know, Daniel here has been talking about you for weeks now. It’s great to finally put a face to the name.” he winks.

  “Thanks, Seth,” Daniel mutters, his cheeks reddening as he turns away. “Where’s Lautner?” he asks, quickly changing the subject.

  Seth shrugs his shoulders. “Cal wanted a word with him before the fight. He should be here soon.” As the words leave his mouth, the lights around us begin to dim. A tall man with long black hair dressed from head to toe in leather starts walking towards the cage.

  Suddenly nervous, I lick my lips, wondering what I’m letting myself in for.

  Fight night was about to begin.

  Chapter 4


  I remain hidden in the shadows, waiting for Thane to make his way down into the cage, ready to introduce the fight. My eyes glance around the room, knowing Tommy is up here somewhere. I spot Seth easily in the crowd, but I quickly turn away. I know I should have come straight up here and warned him off Tommy's reappearance, but I couldn’t do it. He would have wanted to take my place, and he isn’t ready to face his demons yet. Whatever had happened to him at their hands still plagues him, and I can’t risk Tommy escaping a second time.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Thane’s voice calls out loudly through a microphone. “Introducing to you, your undefeated champion from the Stone Valley Pack, Lautner.”

  The crowd cheers loudly, but I pay them little attention. My eyes are firmly glued to the far corner where I now see Tommy smirking, leaning against the far wall. I casually stroll towards the ring, letting him know I’m not intimidated by his reappearance. In fact, I was looking forward to it.

  “And now introducing his opponent, Tommy West,” Thane continues. This time the crowd reacts around me with a mixture of cheers and boos.

  I watch him saunter towards the cage, his eyes never leaving mine. He had obviously been working out since the last time we met, looking to have gained at least twenty pounds of muscle. As if reading my mind, he smiles, a nervous tick working at the corner of his mouth.

  “So, you’re the old champion of this place,” he smirks cockily, coming to a stop a few feet away from me.

  “Tommy West. The way you and your brother left the Valley, I’m surprised you’ve got the balls to get in the ring with me. It must be my lucky day.”

  “You’re dead, Lautner,” he sneers, looking me up and down, obviously unimpressed by what he sees.

  I return his sneer. The man before me was nothing more than a rapist and murderer. “You honestly think you can beat me in a fight, Tommy? You're crazier than I thought. You and your brother couldn’t take me out. Where the hell is he anyway? Don’t tell me he’s finally gotten sick of your bullshit.” I watch his hands curl into fists, knowing I’ve hit a nerve. I can hear the chains behind me as a padlock clicks into place. This is it. Only one of us is leaving here tonight still breathing, and there’s no doubt in my mind that that person will be me.

  “You leave him out of this,” Tommy snaps, cracking his knuckles.

  “It’s a shame he’s not going to be here to witness your death.”

  “You think you're untouchable, don’t you?” he snickers, “You’ve got no idea what you’re up against.”

  The bell rings, cutting him off. We circle one another, looking for an opening. I carefully lower the barrier between my wolf, as I feel Tommy do the same. I watch as Tommy’s fist lashes out, but I quickly see it coming, ducking out of the way. He keeps pushing forward, feigning left and right, trying to catch me off guard. I watch as his breathing increases with every punch. He might be a big guy, but he tires easily.

  Tommy lunges once more, this time catching me off guard with a ha
rd right to the face. The son of a bitch is stronger than I thought. I quickly respond, punching him in the ribs until he drops his guard, and I hit his nose, hearing the satisfying crack of it breaking. Changing my tactics, I fake a left as he moves to block me. Turning swiftly, I catch him in the head with a roundhouse kick.

  “That all you got,” he snarls, advancing again. We continue to trade blows, and it isn’t long before the scent of blood permeates the air. I can feel it trickle down the side of my face, but Tommy is bleeding just as badly. He catches me with a kick to the midsection sending me crashing against the cage wall. My wolf growls underneath my skin, but it has nothing to do with the hit from Tommy. My wolf is drawn to the scent of vanilla that envelops us, coming from outside the cage. Turning, I focus my attention on the crowd trying to trace its source. Tommy uses the distraction to his own advantage, landing three hard punches to the side of my head that I fail to block. Fuck. My head is spinning. I need to focus. The scent continues to torture me as I struggle to concentrate.

  Pulling myself back to my feet, I turn to Tommy. The smirk on his face says it all. He thinks he’s won. Unable to control my distracted wolf, I pull my shields back into place, blocking him out. This fight, I was on my own. With the delicious scent no longer at the forefront of my mind, I plan my advance.

  I throw a left that he easily blocks before catching him in the adam’s apple with my right. Caught off guard, he stumbles back, clutching at his throat. His mouth a wide O in shock as I quickly hook my leg behind his, forcing him to his knees. He lands hard as I grab his arm, twisting it behind his back.

  “Your good pal Seth liked it rough too,” he growls out as I pull tighter. “He fought a good fight, but we fucked him good.”

  “You’re a fucking liar,” I growl back, pulling on his arm until I hear the satisfying pop of his shoulder dislocating.

  “Why don’t you ask him?” He groans, turning his eyes towards the outside of the cage, searching for Seth. I grip his hair with my free hand, twisting his head back at an odd angle, forcing his eyes back to me. “You don’t get to look at him. You will look at me as you die.”


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