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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 5

by Elizabeth Jones

  Seth walks over with the plastic carrier bags in his hand. They weren’t ideal, but they would do the job of transporting the body. As he opens one of the bags, I pick up the partially shifted arm in front of me. It's cold and partially frozen. “It looks like they tried to freeze the body to preserve it,” I say to Seth. My eyes taking in the numerous track marks also present. No doubt they’d been injecting him during the torture to keep him awake and in pain. I bring it closer to my nose, catching the faint scent of ammonia and acetone. “Crank,” I say to Seth as I place it in the bag.

  Once we’d bagged up the head, it was clear that one of us would have to shift and sniff out the other parts of our John Doe.

  Seth pulls a quarter out of his back pocket. “Call it?”

  “Heads,” I say as he flips the coin into the air.

  “Shit,” he grumbles, placing the quarter back in his pocket.

  I smile, letting out a sigh of relief. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shift. But sniffing out decomposed flesh wasn’t the best part; that smell stayed in your nose for days. There is also the problem that my wolf desperately wanted to find his mate. I would have a hard time keeping focused on the matter at hand.

  I collect Seth’s discarded clothes, placing them in a clean bag as he prepares to shift. I wait until I hear him snorting behind me before turning around. It doesn’t take long for Seth to catch the scent as I quietly follow behind him. We find the torso to the east, where Thane said it would be, and his legs shortly after. It must have taken us about two hours before we have all our John Doe bagged up and in the back of the trunk. Looking at the lightening sky, we had made it just in time.

  Seth re-emerges from behind a tree, fully clothed with his cell phone in hand. “Alpha’s orders are to dispose of the body a few miles out if we can.”

  “Great. Let’s get this over with,” I mutter sliding into the driver’s seat.

  “You better let me drive. The last thing we need is to get pulled over. If this is the work of the hunters, leaving bodies out in the open. I wouldn’t put it past them to try and frame us, and with your driving, we’d be pulled over instantly,” Seth quips.

  Disgruntled and too tired to put up a fight, I do as he says. I know he’s right. I just want to get this over with, so I can go back home and drink myself into oblivion until I passed out. Hopefully taking a few more hours off this goddamn mate bond.

  Seth chooses a spot well out of the way of the usual trails, and we quickly get to work.


  Mick and Ryan are already waiting in the office by the time we get back.

  “You look like shit?” Mick says, glancing up at my face as we enter.

  “Finding and burying a body in the middle of the night will do that to you,” I quip.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.” Mick shakes his head in amusement before turning his eyes to Seth. “And who hit you?”

  “My own stupidity,” he grumbles.

  “Do I even want to know?” Mick asks, rubbing his tired eyes.

  I shake my head. “It’s not important.”

  “Alright then, tell me something that is? How did the fight go?” Mick asks, instantly all business.

  “Did you speak to Daniel yet?”

  “Yeah, now I’m talking to you.”

  “Cal called me into the office before the fight. Tommy West put down a lot of money to get in the cage with me tonight.”

  “No sign of Brandon?” he asks.

  “No, and from the sounds of it, I don’t think Brandon even knows he was there.”

  “Is he dead?” Mick asks, his eyes traveling over to Seth. I can see the pain on my alpha’s face, no doubt wondering just how well Seth is coping after seeing Tommy again.

  “I snapped his neck,” I reply coldly.

  “You do realize when Brandon finds out his younger brother is dead; he’s going to come straight here?”

  “Brandon’s a dead man,” Seth spits out angrily behind me.

  “We will deal with him when the time comes in the …”

  “No, he’s mine,” Seth cuts in, his voice shaking with rage. “After everything that happened, I want to be the one to take him out. I need this,” he says, looking directly at me. I know he is waiting for me to acknowledge his request. I had already taken Tommy from him. He needed Brandon to himself.

  In the silence of the room, Tommy’s words once again plague me. If he and Brandon had done to Seth what he’d hinted at, I didn’t know if I’d be able to sit back and let Seth kill him. I wanted to do it myself in the pit, just like I promised Tommy before he died. But I wasn’t about to let Seth down. I give him a nod, quickly turning away.

  “Very well,” Mick states, “when the time comes, he’s yours. Now, what about the body?”

  “I didn’t recognize him, so he’s not local. Whoever took him kept him alive for several days. There’s plenty of damage done to the body. Fingernails ripped off, missing teeth, burn marks. They worked him over pretty good before they eventually killed him. My bet is it's Tai. The time frame fits. I sent Daniel a couple of photos before we buried him to see if he can make a positive ID.”

  “What about the attack on the Warehouse?” Mick continues.

  “Cal seemed to think it was a hit against the Club, but after finding the body, my gut says it's the hunter’s, and they were well prepared. Once the shooter got out of the Warehouse, none of the vampires could find him. I think that was the plan all along, to lure us to the body.”

  Mick nods, accepting my theory. “I’ll wake Daniel and see if he can make a formal identification. I’ll also ring the Council and send them a copy, find out what our next move is.”

  “You sure that’s everything?” he asks, looking me dead in the eye. “Nothing else to report?”

  “That’s it,” I reply, holding his gaze. I’m not ready to admit what else had happened tonight. There’s already too much going on without adding a fated mate I have no intention of claiming into this shitstorm.

  “Alright, we’ll reconvene in a few hours. Both of you go get some rest. If the hunters are here, you’re going to need it.”

  Chapter 10


  “Danika!” My father shouts.

  “Yes, Father,” I jump. Mentally kicking myself for not paying attention. We were sitting around the kitchen table as my father held our packs weekly meet.

  “Did you hear what I just said?”

  I lower my eyes in submission, remaining quiet. The meeting had started at nine am sharp and had been underway for the past half hour. Unfortunately for me, my mind was still in bed, replaying last night’s events.

  “No, Father. Sorry,” I mumble, wishing he would hurry up and get this over with.

  “What I was saying to the pack, is that the hunters are here. The Council have agreed that neighboring packs should pull their resources together and find them before they can kill any more of us. Which means we are to work closely with the Stone Valley Pack,” he spits the words out in obvious disgust. “Their alpha, Mick, wants us to convene at his place in Stone Valley. He has more than enough room to accommodate us for a few days while dealing with this mess. The quicker we find and destroy these hunters, the quicker we can get back on with our lives. We leave for Stone Valley this afternoon.”

  I can feel the blood draining from my face as I look over to my father. Go to Stone Valley and meet the pack. They would recognize me. What if they told my father about last night?

  “I-I think I should stay here,” I stammer in panic, “I’m not going to be much help.”

  “Don’t be a fool, Danika. You will not be searching for the hunters. Drake has requested your presence. Would you deny your Fiancé the chance to spend some time together?”

  I turn to see Drake leering at me from across the table, and I quickly turn away.

  “You will be attending. Is that clear?” my father commands.

  “Yes, Father. How long will we be there?”

“A few days at most. Long enough for us to gather intel. If that’s everything?” he asks, pausing as he looks around the room. Everyone remains silent as my father stands up, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. “Good. Meeting adjourned.”

  My eyes dart to Lacey as I take her hand, making for a quick exit. I pull her up the stairs, and I don’t stop until I have my bedroom door shut firmly behind us. I go straight over to the CD player, turning it on and letting the sound of AC/DC flood the room.

  “What am I going to do?” I whisper anxiously, pacing the floor.

  “Dani, calm down. Listen to me. Everyone knows that the Ridgeway Pack is forbidden to attend the Warehouse. I doubt they would rat you out in front of your alpha,” she whispers back.

  “They won’t be expecting me though, they don’t know I’m Ridgeway,” I explain. “I told them my name was Dani Court, not Cortez.” I head over to the bed, forcing my restless body to sit down beside her. “Oh my god, Lacey, I kissed him. He really is going to think I’m a whore when I turn up engaged to Drake?”

  “I hate to say it, but you’ve got bigger problems than that. If Lautner really is your Fated mate, it won’t be long until your Father and Drake find out? These guys turn totally possessive when they find their mates. He won’t take well to you turning up with another man.”

  My stomach goes into overdrive at the thought. One false move on my part and I would likely be signing his death warrant. When my father wanted something, he didn’t let anyone or anything stand in his way, especially fate.

  Chapter 11


  “Glad you could finally join us.” Mick looks at me pointedly as I enter his office, where my brothers are already in attendance.

  I don’t say a word as I take my seat next to Seth. I’d barely slept last night. My wolf kept me awake half the damn night, demanding we find Dani. If last night's kill is the work of the hunters, it meant that no shifter in the Valley or surrounding area was safe.

  “Any news from the council about our John Doe?” I ask.

  “We got a positive ID. You were right. The victim was Tai Jacobson. As you all know, he was badly tortured. Whoever these hunters are, it's clear they know what they’re doing.”

  “Well, I say we let Daniel work his magic on the computer, and we can be rid of these hunters within the next few hours.”

  Mick holds up his hand. “Not so fast, Lautner. The council has decided that the best way to eradicate the hunters is to team up with another pack. I know a lot of you don’t like working with others,” he pauses, looking directly at me, “but that’s their decision to make.”

  “Bullshit. We can easily find the hunters without getting another pack involved.” I shift in my seat, unable to sit still due to the raging fire still burning within. The cold shower earlier, having made no effect.

  “The Council wants the matter dealt with quickly, and it’s the best way. The Ridgeway Pack will be arriving this afternoon. I don’t like it either, that’s why I invited them here. This is our territory, and they will respect our rules. Until then, I suggest you sort out whatever the hells got you in such a bad mood, so I don’t need to worry about your ass this afternoon. Meeting adjourned.”

  I quickly stand, ready to make a hasty retreat.

  “Lautner,” Mick calls out as I watch my pack brothers leave the room, wishing I could flee with them.

  “What’s going on? And don’t lie to me,” he says sternly.

  “Nothing, I’m just worried about Seth.” It’s not a lie, not completely. I knew seeing Tommy again after all these years would bring back unwanted memories, but so far, he’d been acting like a goddamn robot. It’s not healthy. Sure, I was acting the same, running away from my own demons, but Seth isn’t like me. He’s the smart one.

  “Look, I know something went down last night between you and Seth. I’m not an idiot. Sort it out now. I will not have us looking weak in front of the Ridgeway Pack. The Council is just looking to replace me, and I won’t give them the satisfaction. You’re one of my best men. I need you on board.”

  Shit. I knew Mick was having a hard time with the council, but I hadn’t realized it was that bad.

  “I won’t make the situation worse. You have my word.” Holding Mick’s gaze, I bow my head in a show of respect before leaving the room. I’m not surprised to see Seth already outside waiting for me.

  “What?” I snap.

  “You should have told him?”

  “There's nothing to tell,” I say as I go to walk past him.

  “You know, Daniel and Dani have been talking for weeks now. Do you really think he’s just going to stop talking to her after last night? Maybe after your bond breaks, Daniel and Dani might …”

  My hands grip his shirt as I pull him close, not letting him finish. “Don’t even go there, Seth.” I spit. The idea of Daniel being around Dani kills me, and I had no intention of letting him continue his friendship. As far as I’m concerned, Daniel would never see her again.

  “What about Dani? Doesn’t she get a say in this? Think about how selfish you’re being?” Seth pleads as I let him go.

  “What! Selfish to who? She will find another, someone who wants her. I may not get a second chance, but females do.”

  “You know there’s no turning back.”

  “I know,” I growl, my wolf starting to get on edge. “Leave it, Seth, or should we continue where we left off last night.”

  “I don’t want you to make a mistake, Lautner. You’re my best friend.”

  “If you were really my friend Seth you would tell me what the fuck went down when Tommy and Brandon took you? … Who was the one that stayed up all night going hunting after you would wake the whole house up screaming? … Who was the one who sat up all night when you were coming off the smack, making sure you didn’t choke on your own vomit? … It was me, that’s who. Don’t talk to me about being selfish.”

  His eyes drop to the floor in defeat as I stomp away, taking my small victory into the bar.

  Daniel is already perched on a bar stool as I enter.

  “Hey man,” Daniel starts, looking up from his phone, catching me coming in. “I just wanted to say, look, I’m sorry about last night, about Dani. I know we were there on pack business, and I shouldn’t have arranged to meet her. My mistake.”

  Daniel's phone beeps in his hand as I hear Seth’s words. He’s been talking to Dani for weeks.

  Anger rips through me, and before I can stop myself, I snatch the phone from his hand, staring down at the screen. The name on the top of the text read Teresa as I let out a ragged breath.

  “I want you to cut all ties with Dani, you hear me?”

  “No. She’s my friend.”

  “Not anymore. Teresa is,” I say, returning his phone before I end up doing something stupid like finding her number.

  I needed to get out of here. To go for a run, anything to get rid of this excess energy pumping through my veins. But I know if I shifted, I would only end up searching for her. My wolf wants nothing more than to follow the sweet scent of vanilla until we found her. Forcing her to submit beneath us, claiming her mind, body, and soul. With a groan, I Leave the bar, heading back upstairs to my room.

  As soon as I enter, I pull open my bedside drawer removing the emergency bottle of whiskey. My throat burns, and my eyes water as I drink deep, waiting for the comfortably numb feeling to take hold. I know Mick’s right about teaming up with another pack, but it’s the last thing I want to do when my wolf is on edge. He’s itching for a fight, and I’m a ticking time bomb right now. I just hope we get a lead on the hunters soon.

  Rubbing my tired eyes, I place the bottle of whiskey back on the table by my bed. I lie down atop the cool sheets, my cock aching, begging me for release. I’d been hard since last night. Since I’d first laid eyes on Dani Court. And I know, without a doubt, it will only get worse over the next few days. Shoving my joggers down my thighs, I grip my cock, hissing at the contact as I stroke its long length. Ima
ges of Dani’s tight body against mine has my hand working overtime, and it isn’t long before I come hard, ejaculating over my stomach.

  Shit. I tip my head back, drawing in ragged breaths. I have no idea how I’m going to survive the next few days. I’m still fucking hard. Picking up my phone, I scroll through my contacts until I come across the one name that might be able to help me forget all about Dani fucking Court. I quickly send a text before crashing back on the bed, closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to drag me under.

  Chapter 12


  Lautner eighteen years ago

  “Do it,” my father screams from the sidelines of the ring. The boy in front of me smiles as if sensing my fear. He could only be about ten, but the confidence in which he held himself makes me think of him as older. His fist smashes into my face once more as I fall to the floor. It’s not so bad. His punches were no way near as hard as my father's after a night of heavy drinking. Pulling myself up, I put my fists up once more, just like my father had taught me the night before. I don’t want to be here, it’s my eighth birthday, but my father had told me that I would get a surprise if I won. I wasn’t used to surprises. Birthdays were usually spent quietly locked away as my father hid, crying over my mom. The boy advances again, and I throw out a kick, nearly losing my footing. The boy snickers, obviously enjoying my feeble attempt at an attack. I’m no good at this. My father keeps telling me that I will be a strong wolf one day, and I will need to fight to control the power within me. There would be no room for weakness. The boy comes at me again, only this time I remember the blocking technique, and I manage to catch him with a punch of my own. I can hear my father cheering wildly, and I can't stop the smile that lights up my face. I do it again, and again, each hit feeling better than the last as my father calls out my name. As the boy lands on the ground in front of me, I straddle his hips, my punches continuing to land. The small crowd screaming in a chorus to finish him off.


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