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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 8

by Elizabeth Jones

  “That's what it will be like,” my father states. I can feel the blood from my nose trickle into my mouth. “It catches you unawares. Until you can't escape. Others are weak. John is weak. He may look happy now, but just you wait, he will end up like me, broken. They all do. Promise me you won’t let a mate ruin what I’ve created. The monster inside that feeds on the pain and destruction of lesser men. If you do, others will know your weakness. They will destroy you. The man is stronger than the wolf.”

  “The man is stronger than the wolf,” I repeat after him. It had become our mantra now. Words to live by. I wouldn’t let the wolf inside me dictate my future. I’m capable of anything. I didn’t need anybody else. If I ever did meet my mate, she better run as far away from me as she possibly could. She would be nothing to me, no matter what my wolf craved. I’m in charge.

  I turn towards the females now with a sneer on my lips. They were nothing to me—just holes to fill for my satisfaction. My prize, for a win I earned in the blood, sweat, and tears of my opponents.

  A female shyly advances my way, coming to a stop before me. I recognize her immediately, but I forget her name. She is the same age as me and had been watching me for a while.

  I scent the air cautiously, catching nothing more than the overpowering scent of her perfume. I relax my shoulders, knowing she is no threat to my wolf and me. Smiling, I take her hand, leading her to the trailers on the outskirts of the park.

  Chapter 18


  I glance at the clock above the bar. It had been thirty minutes since I’d followed Drake back inside, and so far, Lautner had been a no show.

  “I just hope their alpha has plans about keeping him in check while we’re here. He’s clearly unstable. His alpha should have him on a leash,” Drake snaps, his arm tightening around my shoulders, pulling me closer. He had been like this since finding me outside. I’d wanted nothing more than to vanish upstairs and call Lacey, but the way Drake is acting, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to follow me, and that’s the last thing I want to happen.

  “Don’t worry about Lautner,” my father replies, stretching back in his chair. He looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world, even though his eyes are scanning the room, no doubt looking for the man in question. “Lautner has his own demons.”

  I wanted to pry further, demand to know what dirt my father had on him, but it’s pointless. He would never tell me. This is my father’s specialty. He’s not stupid. Before he’d walked through the door, he would have had every member of the Stone Valley Pack checked thoroughly. Looking for anything incriminating that might give him the upper hand should he need it.

  The sound of the door opening has me eagerly looking up, only to be disappointed at the sight of Seth. As if sensing who I’m looking for, he makes his way over to our table.

  “Alpha Cortez,” he greets, “Drake, and Danika, isn’t it? Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all,” I say before my father or Drake can protest. I gesture to the chair across from me, grateful for a change in conversation.

  “I’m sorry to hear about the attack on your way here.”


  “She’s fine,” Drake cuts me off coldly. “I was there to look out for her.”

  “I’m talking to Dani,” Seth dismisses him with a shake of his head. “Will you be helping on the search?” he continues looking directly at me.

  “Me. Oh no. I’m not much good at tracking. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure why I’m here.”

  “Well, I’m glad you are.” He smiles, causing Drake to shift uncomfortably beside me.

  “I’m sure your alpha has already stated that Danika is mine. And your pack are to leave her alone,” he spits disdainfully,

  “Of course,” Seth replies, “I’m only being friendly.”

  It’s at that moment that Lautner decides to return. His presence sucking the air out of the room as he heads over to the bar for a drink. I watch him converse with Daniel, keeping his back ramrod straight as if determined not to seek me out. I know he wants to. He can deny it all he wants, but the connection between us is undeniable. It’s like an invisible string that binds us together.

  My father’s phone rings as he scowls, looking down at the screen. “I need to take this,” he says, standing. “Drake.” He ushers with a tip of his head. I can see the anger on Drake’s face; he didn’t want to leave me alone with Seth. His eyes bore holes into my skull in warning before following my father from the room.

  “Well, he’s friendly, isn’t he?” Seth chuckles, but I continue to watch Lautner as his alpha approaches him.

  “Don’t give up on him,” Seth says, breaking my focus.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your mate. You can’t keep your eyes off him while Drake here is practically dripping his claim for all to see. You only have eyes for one man.”

  I shrug my shoulders, unable to put into words whatever I feel for Lautner. “That’s none of your business,” I state. “My pack doesn’t believe in fated mates.”

  “And you?”

  “Does it matter? I’m engaged,” I say.

  He leans forward, the seriousness on his face instantly making me uneasy. “Lautner is my best friend, but right now, he’s a loaded gun … and you, Dani, hold the trigger.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask.

  “Because he doesn’t know how to help himself. Lautner’s complicated and refuses to let people in. If you are his mate, he won’t accept this easily. You will need to fight for him.”

  “Why should I? If that’s what he wants.”

  “His father, Drew, was a weak man. After Lautner’s mom died, he vanished from the pack taking Lautner with him. Lautner grew up amongst the strays, fighting for survival. Watching as his father descended into madness. He doesn’t trust people, and the thought of being mated after what happened to his father, well, he’s too strong for that, too stubborn. He believes that in order to be strong, he must be alone. There’s only one person in this world that Lautner fears. You?”

  “That’s insane,” I start.

  His eyes look up and down my tiny stature, and with a laugh, replies. “Fine, maybe not you exactly, but what you represent.”

  “So, what should I do?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it,” he replies, leaning back in his seat. “So, tell me. Why is it that Lautner’s running around enraged with the mating heat, and yet, here you sit, calmly, with another man’s arm around your shoulders?”

  “I don’t understand?”

  He scents the air around me. “Is she immune to Lautner? Or is there something else we should know?”

  I turn away from him. There’s no way I’m about to discuss my inability to shift with this man. “That’s damn personal. I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “I was just-”

  “She asked you to leave.” Lautner appears as if out of nowhere like my dark guardian angel, his eyes black, directed at Seth.

  “Whatever you say,” he replies, placing his hands up and slowly getting out of the chair as if not to provoke him. By the looks of it, Seth had dealt with Lautner and his anger long enough to know how to deal with him.

  “Thank you,” I say to Lautner, but he doesn’t respond. To be honest, I didn’t expect him to. Instead, he walks from the room, taking a bottle of whiskey with him. I glance at the clock on the wall to see it's well past midnight now. Taking a final look around the room, I'm surprised to find neither my father nor Drake had returned. I quickly bid goodnight to Terry as I pass, looking to make a quick escape to my room on the third floor.

  “Danika,” my father’s stern voice calls out from behind me just as I reach the safety of my room.

  “Can it wait till tomorrow, Father? I'm tired after everything that happened today?”

  “Now,” he replies sternly, looking at me as if I were some petulant child.

  Raising my shoulders, I enter his room, noticing Drake already
settled into the armchair by the old fireplace, his signature smirk in place.

  “Drake was just informing me that you and Lautner,” he spits out the name in disgust, “were looking rather close outside?”

  “I was just getting some air. Lautner was already outside; it’s hardly close,” I say in my defense.

  “Don’t take me for a fool, Danika. You think anyone from this pack will help you? You are bound to Drake.”

  “Don’t worry, Father, nothing will ruin your plans. I’m not plotting against you if that’s what you think. I will marry Drake, and you can inherit whatever it is you deem more important than your daughter’s happiness.”

  He stalks towards me, raising his fist, and I realize I’ve gone too far.

  “You dare to speak to your alpha this way.” His clenched fist lashes out, catching me in my midsection as I double over, winded. His hand reaching down as it clutches my face raising it to his.

  “Do you think your above talking to me with respect?” He twists my face around to look at Drake. “I have kept him from your bed till your wedding night, but I can easily change that arrangement.”

  Gasping for air, I try to hold back the fear that threatens to consume me, but I’m too late. Drake watches me carefully before cupping himself and throwing me a wink. I close my eyes to block him out.

  “I’m sorry,” I hear myself saying. “My nerves are still frayed after today’s attack. I’ll stay away from Lautner.” His eyes stare into mine as if seeking the truth in my words. I hold his gaze until finally, satisfied, he drops me to the ground.

  “Get cleaned up,” he replies, walking away, clearly finished with me for now.

  I nod, pulling myself up off the floor, clutching my stomach. I exit the room as quickly as I can while my hand fumbles in my pocket for my key.

  As soon as the door opens, I quickly enter, locking it behind me. I head straight into the small bathroom, turning on the light to see what damage my father had done to my ribs. He’d gone easy with his punch tonight. The area is red, but he hadn’t broken a rib this time. I go over to the bed and lie down, my hand automatically dialing Lacey’s number.

  “It took you long enough to ring me?” she answers excitedly, “I’ve been waiting all day.”

  “Well, sorry, it’s not all about you,” I snap, instantly regretting it. It’s not Lacey’s fault. “I’m sorry, Lace. I’ve just been with my father. My nerves are a little on edge.”

  “It’s alright. So come on, spill, what am I missing? Have you seen Lautner yet?”

  For the first time that night, I finally relax. I tell her all about the hunters and the attack on our way here. “Shit. Are you okay?” she asks, concerned.

  “I’m fine now,” I assure her, “just exhausted.”

  “What about Lautner? Did any of them mention last night in front of your father?”

  I shake my head before realizing she can’t see me. “No, everyone’s been great about the whole thing, but Drake mentioned it before.”

  “Asshole,” she mutters. “I knew he would have had someone watching. What about Lautner?”

  “That’s complicated,” I start. “I think we had a moment before.”

  “Now this, I want to hear.”

  “I went outside to get some air, and he was there. He knows somethings wrong with me. He kept asking me about my wolf.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. He used his power against me, and … I don’t know it was nothing like my father's. It was powerful, but instead of fear, it lit a fire deep inside of me. She’s their Lacey … my wolf.”

  “I told you he was your mate, didn’t I. She’s responding to him. What happened next?”

  “We kissed.”


  “Nothing. Drake showed up, and Lautner left. That’s it.”

  “That’s it! Girl, you’re killing me. Go find him. You deserve a true mate, not some sadist like Drake that your father picked out for you.”

  “Maybe,” I say, just to shut her up. “Anyway, Lace, I’m exhausted. I'll ring you tomorrow, okay.”

  “You better. Night, Dani.”

  “Night, Lace,” I reply, hanging up.

  Were Seth and Lacey, right? Is Lautner my fated mate? I wanted to believe it, and yet from the old stories I’ve heard, a male couldn't resist his mate, and Lautner looked like I was the last thing he wanted. I think back to our encounter outside. The way his voice and power caressed over my skin, burning me from the inside out. No man had ever caused my body to respond in such a way. I needed to see him again, to catch him alone and demand he tell me the truth.

  My phone beeps beside me.

  Just wanted to make sure you were alright after today D x

  I smile, happy that Daniel still wanted to be friends after everything that happened last night.

  I can’t sleep, I reply.

  Me either. Everyone’s gone to bed. Meet me downstairs for a drink D x

  The text is accompanied by a photo of Daniel, all alone, holding a bottle of tequila. Join me?????? please D x

  Smiling, I climb off the bed, grateful that I hadn’t bothered getting changed into my pajamas as I quietly slip out of the room.

  Chapter 19


  The heat on my skin is unbearable. Groaning, I climb out of bed, heading once again into the bathroom and running the cold water. Stepping into the shower, I expected my skin to sizzle under the cold water. It didn’t, but it did nothing to penetrate the raging heat that consumed me either. Closing my eyes, I remember her body pressed against mine outside. Never had anyone felt so right pressed against my body. Her scent still lingers on my skin, no matter how many times I washed it. My cock, almost painfully full, rocks forward of its own accord. I grasp it firmly, imagining her delicate fingers as they explored the tip before her mouth carefully encased me, tasting my precum. I come hard not once, but twice. Images of her mouth against me, assaulting my mind. Finally, somewhat sated, I step out of the shower, throwing my joggers back on. I need a plan, and I need her out of my life before it’s too late.

  “Wrong way, Dani, for God’s sake, are you trying to get us into trouble.” I hear Daniel whisper loudly, somewhere outside my door.

  What the hell is Daniel doing creeping about in the middle of the night with Dani. I quickly open my door, finding Dani leaning against the wall, her eyes glassy, a half-empty bottle of tequila in her hands.

  “What the hell. Are you drunk?” I demand, my hands clenching into fists itching to kill Daniel.

  “Shh, maybe a little,” she laughs, as Daniel comes round the corner behind her.

  Unable to stop myself, I slam him back against the wall. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Letting her get like that,” I growl.

  “We were just having a little fun,” he slurs, completely oblivious to the danger he is in right now.

  Fun. If he so much as kissed her, I would kill him, pack or not. “What did you do?” I hiss.

  “Nothing, we just-” My fist lashes out, catching him in the face and taking him down.

  “Take the hint, Daniel. She. Is. Not. Yours. She will never be yours.” I go to hit him again.

  “Lautner, stop,” Mick commands as I turn to see Mick and Ryan standing in the hallway.

  “What’s this? A party we weren’t invited to?” Ryan quips.

  “Daniel, get out of here and sober up. You know better than this,” Mick commands as he helps his son off the floor.

  “I was just trying to help her,” Daniel tries to explain, touching the blood at his lip.

  Dani doubles over. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Damn it. I quickly hurry over to her side, guiding her back into my room and the bathroom inside.

  I sit on the floor beside her as she leans back against the cold tile, closing her eyes. Even drunk, she looks perfect.

  “She alright?” Ryan asks, catching me by surprise.

  “Yeah, I think she just needs to sleep it off.”
/>   “Good. You need to get her back to her room now before her father or Drake realizes she’s gone. To be honest, I’m surprised. I thought if anyone were going to fuck this treaty up, it would have been you, but it's not over yet, is it,” he replies coldly, stalking out of the room.

  As I watch him disappear, I’m surprised to find that there is actually something we can both agree on. I suppose there's always a first time for everything.

  “He doesn’t like you much, does he?” Dani asks as I turn around to find her watching me curiously.

  “What do you want, Dani?” I ask, ignoring her question. I’m not about to get into the hatred between Ryan and me. “I know you didn’t just happen to turn up outside my room by accident. A hotel this size, and you end up at my door?”

  She closes her eyes as we sit in silence. “This is all your fault, you know,” she says, finally opening her eyes.

  “Mine. I was just minding my own business. You’re the one running around in the middle of the night with Daniel.”

  “I’m not talking about that.” She shakes her head in frustration. “I’m talking about you showing up in my life and making me realize what I can never have,” she replies sadly, and I hate how much it hurts me inside, seeing her sad. She looks miserable, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Scratch that, I could, but I won’t. It’s time Dani realized that she is wasting her time.

  “What do you see when you look at me, Dani? I’m no knight in shining armor. You think you can use me to end your contract with Drake, is that it?” I shake my head, pissed. “I fight, and I fuck. You’re nothing to me. I would never start a war between the two packs over you.”

  “What are you so afraid of?”


  “Then admit it. Just once, for me?” She snaps angrily.

  “Admit what?” I ask, although I already know what she is going to ask.

  “That you are my mate. That this connection I feel is real?” Our eyes lock, and I hate that she has this hold over me. I need to lie. To crush whatever fantasy she may be holding on to.


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