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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 12

by Elizabeth Jones

  I don't speak. I don’t want to encourage whatever this man is thinking. He might not be a hunter, but he is most definitely a stray, and they are just as dangerous, if not more.

  “I can't help you,” I reply as his hand moves to my waist, slowly traveling under Lautner’s hoodie till he hits the bare skin of my stomach.

  “I don’t need help. Just a distraction while I wait. I'm sure Lautner won't mind me sharing you. It’ll be just like old times.”

  His body slams into me, knocking the air from my lungs as he pins my body against the tree, catching me unaware.

  I can feel his hard length against my stomach as his hands pull at the waistband of my jeans. I try to push him off me, but it's no use. It's like pushing against a brick wall. Instead, I relax, letting him believe I’d given up. His hold loosens, moving from mine, giving his hand better access at my waist. Taking a deep breath, I bring my knee up between his legs with as much force as I can. He cries out, pushing away from me, as I run.

  I have no idea which way to go, and I don’t care. I can hear him cursing somewhere behind me, but I don’t look back. I can’t.

  “I’m coming, Danika!” he calls out maliciously before a howl breaks out, followed by that of another wolf. Fighting back my tears, I ignore the burning in my legs as I push on.

  I can hear his paws hitting the ground behind me like the rolling of thunder. His howl right behind me now as my tears flow freely down my face, blinding me. I just need to make it back to my pack, to safety. I quickly glance over my shoulder as the big black wolf soars through the air, taking me down.

  Chapter 27


  I should never have left tonight. I should have known it was too easy. The hunters were turning out to be far more intelligent than we gave them credit for. As Seth stops the car, I don’t wait for the others as I race inside. Smoke fills every crevice of the room as I run towards the stairs. If Dani’s here, I have no doubt, that’s where she’ll be hiding.

  “Dani,” I call out as I make my way through the thick choking smoke. My eyes burning as I run up the stairs. Daniel falls at my feet as a man jumps on him, brandishing a silver knife. I grab the hunter by the back of the neck, slamming his head into the wall. His knife falling to the floor as I pick it up, pulling the hunter's head back and slitting his throat.

  “Where’s Dani?”

  “I don’t know. I was on my way to find her.”

  “Get out of here.” I push Daniel towards the stairs as I continue up to her room. Her door is already open, but there is no sign of her anywhere. The sound of bottles smashing from the bar below has me hurrying back downstairs. I enter the bar just in time to catch my alpha stab a hunter through the face with a broken bottle, shoving his lifeless body to the floor.

  “Have you seen Dani?”

  No,” he replies, as another hunter rushes into the room, only this one is wearing a gas mask to protect himself from the smoke. As he lunges at my alpha, the sound of a female screaming has me rushing out the back door. I know my alpha can take care of himself, but Dani, wherever the hell she is, needs me.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I spin around at the sound of Brandon's voice, only to be tackled to the ground. I throw my elbow behind me, catching him in the face as I scramble back to my feet. I didn’t have time for this.

  I turn to run, but Brandon is on me in an instant, taking me down once more. “You afraid of me, Lautner? I never thought I’d see the day when you would run from me,” he chuckles. “Then again, you did just kill my brother, didn’t you?” he hisses.

  “Your brother should’ve never been in the ring, and you know it. Then again, he never told you, did he? Turns out you’re not as close as you think.” His fist comes down on me as I try to block, but I can't concentrate. I need to get to Dani. She is all I can think about.

  “Brandon,” Seth calls out. As Brandon lifts his head, I get my foot beneath his chest, kicking him away from me.

  Brandon growls. “Seth, how I’ve missed our time together. Have you missed me; I wonder?”

  I grit my teeth at Brandon's words, but I don’t have time to stick around.

  “This fight is between you and me. I'm not going to let you back out of it.” Seth launches himself at Brandon as I get back to my feet. “Find Dani,” he calls out, punching Brandon in the face and taking him down.

  I nod towards Seth before running for the trees.

  I quickly shift, knowing I have a better chance of finding her as a wolf. As soon as all four paws hit the ground, it isn’t long before the coppery scent of blood enters my nose. Rage consumes me as I push on, hearing Dani scream once more. I catch the sight of a big black wolf on top of her. Lester. I growl deep, drawing his attention towards me. His eyes flash red under the light of the full moon, the hate in their depths matching my amber ones.

  Leaving Dani, he stalks towards me, baring his teeth. I growl, raising my hackles, steadying myself on my injured paw, hoping he doesn’t notice. I crouch low on my back haunches, preparing to attack. Lester breaks into a lope towards me as I spring forward, catching his hindquarters with my claws, leaving four deep scratches in their wake. He growls, coming for me once again. This time when he attacks, I jump over his back, landing hard on my injured paw. The glint in his eye, letting me know that he noticed my injury as he circles me, trying to catch it with his teeth.

  “Looks just like old times from what I hear.” Brandon's voice takes me by surprise as I turn around to find Dani pressed up tight against his naked body. “Shift.”

  Growling, I do as he says.

  “Where’s Seth?” I ask, instantly concerned for my friend.

  “Still alive, unfortunately. But we’ll get our chance soon enough.” Brandon brings his nose to Dani, inhaling at her throat. She jumps in fright as he chuckles—his hand traveling down over the mounds of her breasts, dropping further until I notice the button of her jeans undone.

  I turn a murderous gaze to Lester, who laughs. “What’s the matter? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to share now that you’re pack,” he spits. “I’m disappointed in you, Lautner.”

  “She’s not one of us.”

  “The hell she isn’t. She felt fucking good to me. And her wolf, damn, she smells divine.” Lester licks his lips smiling wickedly.

  Pushing my hatred aside, I turn back to Brandon.

  “Let her go, and let's finish this.”

  “I don’t think so. Although I might give her a little head start, make it more interesting. “What do you say, sweetheart. Have you ever been fucked by the big bad wolf?” He smiles as I watch her tremble.

  “Please,” she begs, but it only makes it worse. Strays like Brandon and Lester feed on the fear of others.

  I want to go over and snap his wrist away from her body, but I can’t give the mate bond away. If they realize just how important she is to me, she’s as good as dead already.

  “Fine. Play your little game. We both know you're not man enough to take me on. It's two on one; the odds are in your favor,” I bait, praying he will take it.

  Brandon watches me as if wondering what game I’m playing. Hell, I also wondered what game I’m playing. But the sight of Dani in Brandon's arms is killing me. Mates were supposed to protect their females at all costs, and here I am, playing a game with her life.

  “What do you think Danika,” he whispers in her ear loud enough for me to hear. “Shall I kill Lautner now, then fuck you? Or just take you as my win tonight?”

  Her eyes look at me as if in betrayal before she turns her head, looking away.

  “No deal. I already earned my reward tonight.”

  Lester cries out, attacking me from behind. I turn at the last minute catching him in the throat. He goes down as I stand over him. “That’s always been your problem, asshole. You’re too predictable. That’s why you will never win against me.” I raise my foot, bringing it down hard on his ribs as I hear a satisfying crack.

  I leave my old friend rol
ling on the floor as I take off after Brandon. True to his word, Dani is no longer with him. I can hear him counting to ten, giving her a head start.


  He sighs as I come up behind him. “I do hope you’ve killed him. Saves me the trouble of doing it later.”

  “I made a promise to Seth that I would let him kill you, but I might just have to break that promise.”

  “You and I both know that Seth isn’t the same man he once was. I broke him, and you know it. Eventually, I’ll break all the pack, including you and your mate.” He smiles. “Did you think I missed that look you gave me back there? That was raw possession, jealousy, and hate.”

  “It's time to leave, Brandon,” Ryan cuts in. I turn around to find Seth, Terry, and Ryan standing behind me. They all looked pretty beaten up, and I know they didn’t want to fight. Not now. We needed to regroup and find out just how much damage the hunters have made here tonight. Brandon looks between us as if weighing his options.

  “Give my love to Danika for me,” he smirks before taking off into the cover of the trees.

  Chapter 28


  “Dani,” Lautner calls out.

  I lower my head, unable to stop the tears streaming down my face. I didn’t want Lautner to see me like this. Scared and weak. I’d spent my whole life trying to be strong, and Lester and Brandon had diminished that in a mere few seconds.

  “I know you’re there, Dani.” I close my eyes, wanting nothing more than to go to him. I hated that I wanted him so much when all he ever does is reject me.

  I place my trembling hands on the cold ground as I push myself up from behind the big oak tree. He strides towards me, taking me into his arms. I press my face against his naked chest, finally allowing myself to break. I’m safe.

  “I thought I was going to lose you,” he murmurs against my hair, holding me tighter. “What happened? Why were you out here?”

  “I was taking a walk.”

  “In the woods? At night? It's not safe, Dani, especially for you,” he growls angrily.

  “What do you mean, especially for me?” I snap, moving away from him.

  “You’re here under my protection. You should have told me. I know you can’t shift. Coming out here, alone at night, you’re a walking liability. You don’t belong here.”

  With me. That’s what's missing in his words. He may not say it aloud, but we both know that’s what he meant.

  “Under your protection. I thought it was the Stone Valley Pack’s protection. You’ve made it perfectly clear I’m nothing to you, so I don’t owe you anything.”

  I watch the steely resolve in his eyes. I know how much he is hurting right now. I remember the look on his face when Brandon had his arms around me. He was scared, but Seth’s right; he's just too damn stubborn to admit it.

  “I’ve spent my entire life a walking disappointment to my pack, and I’m done apologizing. Go and thank my fiancé, he was the one to drag me here. You’ve made your feelings towards me perfectly clear. Hell, you pretty much goaded Brandon into raping me,” I cry as I go to storm past him, but his hand grabs my arm, keeping me still.

  “Do you really believe that? I would never have let him hurt you, but I couldn’t risk him seeing the truth.”

  “The truth. I'm your mate, Lautner. The mate you don’t want so badly, so what does it matter if he knows?”

  “He will kill you just to spite me. I killed his brother the other night. You were there.”

  “Well, maybe you should tell him Alianna is here. I've no doubt she means more to you than I do. I know you invited her here. You don’t have to worry. I’m done being selfish. I’ll keep my distance from you from now on,” I snap, pulling my arm free from his grip and walking back towards the house.

  I can feel Lautner keeping pace behind me as I storm back, but I don’t turn around.

  As soon as we head inside, I’m shocked by the damage within. I must have only just left before they started their attack. Going straight up to my room, I pass the body of a man with his throat slashed on the stairs. I shudder at the dead man's gaze as it bore’s into mine. Had he been on the way to my room to kill me? He’s only a few doors away. I force my feet to start moving, not wanting to think about how fragile my life really is. My door is already open as I make my way over to the window, letting out some of the smoke that had traveled upstairs.

  I know the pack will have a lot to discuss tonight and I should be down there helping, but let's face it, as Lautner pointed out, I would only hold them back. I was used to being a disappointment to my pack, but hearing it from the mouth of the man fate intended for me cut deeper than any knife.

  Pacing the floor, I let my anger take over—the unfairness of my life. I hated my father. I hated Drake. I hated Lautner for rejecting me and inviting Alianna to take my place. Before I know what I am doing, I’m locking the door behind me, striding downstairs to Lautner's room. I try his door, relieved to find it open. It’s empty as I step inside, breathing deep in relief, catching his scent still lingering in the air. I must have only just missed him. Taking a seat on the floor, I make myself comfortable. If he wanted to sleep with Alianna tonight, then so be it, but I wouldn’t make it easy on him. I was done letting people walk all over me.

  Chapter 29


  I hastily grab a bottle of water from behind the bar, wishing I could pick up one of the surviving whiskey bottles, but I know I can’t. After what had happened outside with Dani, there’s only one thing I can do to ensure her protection, and for that, I needed to be sober. I had followed her up until the second floor before heading into my own room to collect some joggers. I knew she was afraid, and I wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but I didn’t know how. I’m just an asshole who doesn’t know how to deal with the feelings she brings out in me. But there’s one thing for certain that I do know. Seeing her out there in danger had nearly ripped me in two, and I won’t let it happen again.

  Ryan and Terry are busy picking up the few dead hunters and taking them out back, no doubt storing them in the deep freeze unit I had told mick would come in handy someday. I take a seat in the far corner, waiting for my alpha to appear to update him on the bunker. Alpha Cortez appears a few minutes later, his eyes taking in the mess around him before vanishing with Drake into Mick's office. I have no idea where he had been throughout all this, but I was determined to find out. These assholes should have told us about Dani from the start. If I hadn’t of stumbled across the documents in the bunker, she might very well have been dead by now.

  “You alright?” Seth asks, joining me.

  “What happened with Brandon?” I ask before tipping back the bottle of water to my lips and drinking deep.

  “A few hunters got in the way. I had to make a choice to let him go, for now, at least. I'm sorry about that. I didn’t think he would find you and Dani.”

  “He knows Seth … about Dani, being my mate.”

  I can hear his breathing increase beside me. Seth isn’t stupid; he knew what I was trying to tell him. I didn’t have a choice. If it came down to my promise to him and my need to protect Dani, she would win every time, but it wasn’t just about that. It was the fact that if she left here now unprotected, Brandon and Lester would kill her.

  “Don’t,” he starts. “If you don’t plan on completing it, don’t. I won’t lose you.” He finishes putting his head down, knowing he is fighting a losing battle. “You don’t even know if it will work? Ryan just informed me that Dani can’t shift.”

  “I have to try Seth. I can't let her go from here unprotected. Not until they're dead. They won't stop going after her.” I shake my head, hating that Brandon had found my one and only weakness. My father had been right all along. Sure, killing Seth or one of my pack would hurt me, but killing my mate, there would be no going back for anyone.

  Mick comes into the room, clearing his throat loudly. Cortez and Drake are behind him, whispering closely. I watch Mick take in the damage a
round him. I know he is trying his best to reign in his anger. In all his time here as Alpha, no one had attacked his home. The packs home. It was an insult and one he would want to be rectified as soon as possible.

  “You should have warned us.” I turn my cold stare to Cortez, “your daughter was nearly killed tonight.”

  “She's a little banged up,” Drake cuts in, “but nothing serious. She could do with a little toughening up if you ask me.”

  My eyes find Drake’s. I hadn’t forgotten about how he had spoken about her in the car, showing me just how little he cared for her. I had known plenty of people like him. I had grown up around the strays, thanks to my father. If Drake were right about Dani in the car, he would only abuse her and cheat until she’d finally had enough taking her own life. I would never let that happen. If there was anything I could give her, it would be his death. I know I will have to bide my time; if anything happened to him here, it would cause a war between the two packs, and I wouldn’t do that to Mick. I had to be smart about it.

  “My daughter, as you point out, is none of your concern. She’s alive, isn’t she?

  “No thanks to Lautner,” Seth cuts in.

  “Her failure to shift is my business, nothing to do with you. I don’t know what interest you have in my daughter,” he sneers, “but she is taken. I suggest you go fuck that little slut around here, Alianna, and leave my daughter to Drake. Just remember, your alpha is on very thin ice with the Council. If he gets kicked off, then he will more than likely lose his position as Alpha. Is that what you want? Is my daughter worth that much to you?” he pauses, awaiting my reaction, but I remain calm. I’m not about to give this man any more ammunition than necessary. “I didn’t think so.” He finally smiles in victory. “Drake, go check on your fiancé. I'm sure she would just love your loving touch right about now,” he continues, his eyes never leaving mine.


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