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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 14

by Elizabeth Jones

  “Have you changed your mind about a full Mating?” Mick asks, hopeful. “The pack,” he looked directly at Ryan, “will support you. You know that, right?”

  “No, but I'm determined to help Dani in any way that I can. It’s my fault she’s in danger.”

  “It’s not your fault Lautner, we don’t get to choose who we mate.”

  I stay quiet. There's nothing to say. I could think of a hundred reasons why Dani is better off without me, but Mick’s a good man and a good Alpha, and I know, unlike me, he believes in fate.

  “How about some good news. I heard from Thane this morning. He said he tried to ring you first but couldn’t get an answer.”

  “What did he say?”

  “You were right. The pills were mostly Valium and wolfsbane. Thane says the dose is high enough to comatose a wolf.”

  “So, what does this mean? Can we use this against Alpha Cortez and get him stripped from his position as Alpha and off the council?” I ask, putting my shirt back on.

  “Maybe, but we need more proof. Have you talked to Danika about the pills?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to make sure I was right first.”

  “Alright, explain it to her. Tell her she needs to ask him for more. If we can somehow get his phone, I can get Daniel to place a tracker on it. If we can find out the place and time of the meet and the supplier, it might be just what we need to take him down, ending Danika's contract to Drake, once and for all.”


  “How’s the arm?” Seth asks, coming to sit beside me.

  “It's fine now. Shifting last night helped. To be honest, with everything going on, I’d almost forgotten about it. Look, I know it's none of my business, but I heard you last night. Are the nightmares back?”

  “Yeah, I can’t seem to hide from them. Well, the drugs helped, but I seemed to lose everything else about myself as well. Plus, it nearly got you killed.”

  It’d been a little over a year ago. Mick had sent us after a stray that the Council had wanted to apprehend. Seth swore he hadn’t touched anything in weeks. We were supposed to lead him into a trap, but Seth never showed. I found him OD'd about a mile away. It was all alright in the end though. It was the night he came clean, determined to keep his pack safe.

  “That’s in the past. We’re alright.”

  “I take it you went through with it.”

  “I told you, I didn’t have a choice,” I reply sadly, although I’m not sure if that were the truth, or just a way to try and justify my actions. I wasn’t sure about anything anymore. “I’ve never felt so connected to anyone. It scares me.”

  “That explains it then, why you look like shit,” he explains with a laugh. “You look as bad as I felt on a comedown, and I don’t wish that feeling on anyone. So why not just go see her? Drake and Cortez aren’t around.”

  “It's not that easy. Every time we're alone, I can’t seem to stop myself. I need a clear head right now. Mick wants me to take care of the hunter we’ve got in the pit.”

  “Alright then, I'm sure Daniel said he was going to check on her before, anyway.”

  “Shit,” I mumble, getting to my feet as I hear Seth chuckle behind me.

  “Where are you going?” Seth smirks, watching me head towards the door.

  I don't answer with words. Instead, I raise my middle finger at him, making him laugh even harder. I can’t stand the thought of any man being near her. Mated males were a force to be reckoned with. I may not be fully mated, but Dani owned me, whether she knew it or not. And Seth, had just invoked the monster within.

  Chapter 33


  I spent the morning hiding out in my room. I couldn’t face Lautner, not after waking up here alone. I actually thought we were getting somewhere last night. I let him take my virginity, and he didn’t even have the decency to let me stay till morning. He made it so easy for me to hate him. I should be elated that I’d lost my virginity to Lautner instead of Drake. However, all I can feel is like I’d been used.

  A knock sounds at my door. “Dani, it's Daniel.”

  “It’s open,” I call out.

  Daniel comes through the door, looking exhausted, but I can tell Something else is bothering him. “I thought you might want one of these?” he says, holding a cup of coffee in his hands but refusing to meet my gaze.

  “You know, don’t you?” I ask, clearly pissed at how fast the news got around.

  “Of course I know,” he replies. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me? When the attack happened last night, I was on my way to find you. If I’d known you couldn’t shift, I would have come sooner.” His eyes won’t meet mine, and I know he is angry that I hadn’t told him the truth.

  “I didn’t tell you, Daniel, because I don’t like people knowing. You all assume I'm weak and that I can’t defend myself. But the truth is, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if one of you got hurt trying to protect me. Lautner’s right. I’m a liability.”

  “You’re not a liability Dani,” he replies, finally bringing his eyes up to meet mine.

  “Then why does it feel that way,” I say dejectedly.

  “Because you’re a good person, Dani Cortez. I would gladly get injured if it meant protecting you.”

  As I look into Daniel's eyes, I can see the truth in his words. I know his feelings towards me are more than just friends, but I also know that he’s a good man. He would do anything for anyone, not just me. I smile. “Don’t worry, I'm not about to sit around, feeling sorry for myself. I promise. So, what happened last night?”

  “I was behind the bar clearing up, and the next thing I know, one of the windows broke. Smoke filled the room quickly as the rest of the pack started to head out. They were waiting at the door,” he sighs.

  “Did we get any of the hunters?”

  “Yeah. Ryan and Drake disposed of five dead hunters early this morning. The rest of the packs are still tidying up the mess. The bar and kitchen took the most damage. We’re just lucky we live so far out of town that no one called the sheriff. What about you? How are you feeling after what happened with Lester and Brandon?”

  I fight against the tremble that his words invoke in me. If Lautner hadn’t shown up when he did, the packs would have no doubt found me raped and discarded in a ditch this morning. “I'm just glad Lautner showed up when he did.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Dani. If you need anything, you only need to ask.” His hand touches my arm as I flinch away, spilling the coffee down my t-shirt.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It's okay,” I tell him, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. “Can you just go into the bathroom while I change?”

  “Sure.” He turns away as I quickly lift my ruined top over my head.

  “Dani,” the door opens as Lautner strides in.

  “Can’t you knock?” I shout, holding my top against my bare breasts.

  His eyes flare with desire as he looks at me, and I feel the sudden rush of power that envelops me whenever he is near.

  “The- your pills,” he stammers, not taking his eyes off me. “Where are they?” he asks.

  “So, that’s it. After everything that happened last night, that’s what you come here for? No I’m sorry, Dani. I’m an asshole for treating you like that. I didn’t even bother to stick around until morning after taking your virginity?”

  I should feel embarrassed knowing that Daniel is in the bathroom, but I don’t care. I'm too mad.

  “Look, I’m sorry ok, but right now I really need those pills.”

  “Why?” I ask, clutching the wet t-shirt tighter against my chest, feeling my nipples harden, remembering his mouth on them last night.

  “It's wolfsbane,” Lautner explains. “I stole one yesterday and got Thane to test it. That’s why you can’t shift?”

  “You’re lying. I have seizures. I can feel them coming on,” I snap.

  “No. What you feel is your wolf trying to break free. Remember when I told you to trust me?” he ask
s, coming further into the room until he is standing before me. His hand reaching out, gliding down the bare skin of my arm as I close my eyes at the pleasure flooding my body at his touch. “Nothing bad happened. You didn’t have a seizure. I enticed your wolf to the surface, and you put your trust in me to keep you safe.”

  “My father wouldn’t …” I start, but we both know that’s a lie. My father was more than capable of doing this to me.

  “Where does he get them?” Lautner asks, taking a few steps away from me, pulling his t-shirt over his head, and offering it to me. My eyes instantly seek out the mark on his chest, and I lower my eyes in embarrassment. I’ve no idea what came over me. Scratch that, I do. Lautner used his power on me. Not in a bad way. His power was like a drug. It wasn’t malicious like my father's. It was like he had been touching me everywhere on my body all at once, caressing me until I thought I would combust from the pleasure. Caught up in the moment, I’d bitten him like it was the most natural thing in the world. Marking his flesh for the whole world to see. I can still taste the faint metallic copper of his blood on my tongue.

  “I told you before, I have no idea,” I say, slipping his t-shirt over my head. I head over to the dresser, taking my last bottle of pills out of the bottom drawer. “How long will it take?” I ask as I hand over the remaining pills. “The change? If I stop taking them. How long?”

  “It depends on how much is in your system. The levels need to be low enough for your wolf to fight through. But don’t mention any of this to your father. We need him to believe you have no idea and are still taking your pills.”

  “Why?” I enquire, wanting nothing more than to go to my father and tell him that he can't control me anymore.

  “These pills are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. We have no idea what else your father could be using them for. Ryan needs you to ask him for more pills. Tell him your running low. Mick has set up a meet in a few minutes. He plans to get Daniel to place a tracking device on his phone. Once he contacts his supplier, we’ll know, and hopefully, be able to catch him in the act.”

  “I’ll go ask him now,” I reply, getting ready to leave the room.

  “I’ll go down and get ready to sort out the tracker,” Daniel says, coming out of the bathroom.

  Lautner's eyes leave me feeling cold as they look over to Daniel.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Lautner's voice is cold as his eyes pin Daniel in place. The violence emanating from him is unmistakable, and I know I need to get Daniel out of here. I grip Lautner’s arm, jumping in front of him. “How is it every time I turn around, he’s here with you?” His cold stare frightens me, and I no longer recognize the man before me.

  “He’s my friend, Lautner,” I try to explain.

  “Friend. You do realize all he wants to do is fuck you?” he snaps.

  “What, and you're any better? At least Daniel listens to me.”

  He pulls his arm free from my hold before picking the lamp up off the dresser and throwing it against the wall, storming from the room.

  I don’t notice my tears as I quickly try to collect the broken pieces of porcelain off the floor. “I’m sorry, Daniel, I just can't seem to stop dragging you into my mess.”

  Daniel remains quiet as I turn to face him. His eyes are dark as he continues to look at the door where Lautner retreated. “When did it happen?” he asks coldly, not looking at me.

  “What?” I say, continuing to pick up the broken pieces of porcelain, wondering why I care so much about a damn lamp when my world is falling apart.

  “The mark. When did it happen?” he asks again, only this time he turns to face me, and I can see the anger on his face.

  “I really don’t want to have this conversation with you,” I say uncomfortably.

  “It's important, Dani, please.” His face softens, but I can still see he is worried about something.

  “Last night. I went to see him after the attack. I was angry. He … we had sex,” I blush, although I know he’d probably just overheard our conversation from the bathroom.

  “And you marked him?” He pushes me to answer.

  “Not exactly. I don’t really know what happened. There was a rush of power, and the next thing I know, I bit him,” I snap angrily. “This is none of your business, Daniel.”

  “You’re right. It's not my business, not anymore. I need to leave, and you need to go see him.”

  “No. After the way he just acted, I’m not going to see him.”

  “There's no going back now, Dani. Lautner, he … he used his wolf to get you to submit and start the bond. You need to go see him; he can explain. I have to go. Until the mate bond is complete, it’s not safe for me here.”

  “But I haven’t even shifted yet. This isn’t possible,” I shake my head.

  “Dani, Lautner is an Alpha. He’s more than powerful and crazy enough to do it.”

  “An Alpha?”

  “Yeah. His father, Drew, used to be the Alpha to the Stone Valley Pack before he went rogue taking Lautner with him. Mick offered the position back to Lautner when he returned, but he turned it down.” he replies, heading for the door.

  “Wait. Daniel, you’re scaring me,” I say as he pauses by the door.

  “Go see Lautner. He will give you the answers you need. He doesn’t have a choice no more.”

  Chapter 34


  I can hear Dani mumbling an apology to Daniel as I leave, pissing me off even more. He doesn’t need a goddamn apology. He needs to stay the fuck away from my mate.

  “What the hell was that?” Seth demands as I reach the top of the stairs.

  “You stalking me now?”

  “No, I was making sure no one interrupted you, jack ass. I have no idea where Drake or Alpha Cortez is this morning.”

  “There was nothing to interrupt.”

  “Didn’t sound like that to me. Look, I know you want her. Goddamn it. Look at you—you’re acting like more of a dick than usual with this shit.”

  “I've told her about the pills. Her wolf will present herself soon enough, and I won't have to feel as bad that I've put a death sentence on her head,” I snap.

  “Is this what it's all about? You think her being with you puts her in danger?”

  “You know as well as I do, Seth. I have a lot of enemies.”

  “We all have enemies.”

  “Yeah, well, she doesn’t deserve to have a life forever looking over her shoulder.”

  “But you think invoking the mate bond and driving yourself insane is the better option. You know what happens when you play with fire, Lautner?”

  “I’ll just add it to the rest of my scars,” I remark flippantly, storming past him.

  “Mick’s planning another raid tonight,” he calls out after me. “He had Daniel check all the known locations in the area last night. If he's successful, Dani and her pack will be leaving in the next day or two. After all, your mate has a wedding to plan, doesn’t she?” Seth calls out, rubbing salt in the wound.

  Ignoring him, I head straight for my room, slamming the door behind me. My body is like a volcano, filled to the brim with rage and desire. And it was more than ready to erupt. I shrug out of my joggers, leaving them in a heap at my feet as I head over to the bed. It’s getting harder having her under the same roof and not having her under me every second. Especially now that she is a part of me. I craved her touch, the way she moans and writhes under me. My father tried to teach me that we didn’t have to succumb to our wolf's desire, but he was wrong. It’s not just my wolf that wanted his mate. We both did. She invoked every protective instinct within me. She’s gorgeous and strong, no matter what she thought about herself.

  I grip my cock, closing my eyes. Her Mark on my chest tingling as I search for my release. I know she’d been embarrassed when she caught sight of it this morning. Shocked that she was capable of such actions. She has no idea just how strong her wolf is. But I do, and I’m glad she accepted me. I would wear her damn mark w
ith pride for the rest of my life. I know if I’d told her what I was doing, she would have said no. She was too selfless. If she had known her actions would eventually drive me mad, she would have run from me and never stood a chance once Brandon and Lester found her. And they would. Find her. I’d be damned before I let that happen. At least with this mark, she has a fighting chance. She has me in her corner, and I’d be damned if I let Brandon or Lester touch a single hair on her damn body.

  “I see you're starting without me,” Alianna purrs, exiting the bathroom. “Don’t stop. I’m enjoying the show.”

  “What do you want, Alianna?” I snap, angry at the interruption.

  “You know exactly what I want.” She climbs up on the bed straddling me.

  “It’s not going to happen. You're wasting your time.”

  “Really?” She lifts her eyebrow suggestively. “Because I seem to recall it happening plenty of times before.”

  “This hard-on isn’t for you this time. Get out!”

  “Don’t forget Lautner, it was you that texted me, begging me to come.” Her hand encircles mine around my cock as I clench my teeth at the pain her touch inflicts on me. “Don’t act like this is all me.”

  “It was a mistake. Trust me, it won't happen again.”

  “Don’t say it’s got something to do with that fragile woman downstairs wandering around all doe-eyed. She’s engaged, in case you’ve forgotten. Then again, you always wanted what you could never have.” Her thumb slowly circles the tip of my cock as pain ravages my body.

  I grab her wrist roughly. “Get out, Ali. Or I will throw you out.”

  Pouting, she releases my cock. I pant heavily against the pain, waiting for it to fade. I watch her lift her thumb to her mouth, slowly sucking at the precum that rested there. Her eyes coming down to glance at the bite on my chest. “It’s not going to end well, Lautner. You do realize that, don’t you?”


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