Book Read Free

Blood Line: 1

Page 19

by John J. Davis

  “Two down; two to go,” I said.

  The howling screams of pain from Ranger Travis got my attention next. “Do you want to live tonight?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he grunted through gritted teeth, “I do.”

  “Then shut up. Do that, and live to see the sunrise.”

  Chapter 9

  With Travis Smith disabled and quiet for now, and Briggs Smith unconscious, I was free from any immediate threat. I was busy cutting Julia out of the hood. I was worried. She wasn’t moving. I thought she’d been injured when Travis fell on top of her. I pulled her head free, and heard Hodges in my ear.

  “Moore and Porter are on the way. Ron, if you are planning on leaving, now is the time to get out of there.”

  I wasn’t going anywhere, but I wanted Julia free and clear before Moore and Porter arrived. I was about to ask her how fast she could run, but even there in the limited light, the lifeless quality of her body told me she was in a state of shock. I moved her into the shaft of moonlight. Her blank stare looked up at me. I checked her pulse. It was slow, but strong. I checked her breathing. It was shallow. I needed to get her moving. I slapped her lightly on the cheek. I called her name. I didn’t know what else to do with her. Her eyes blinked suddenly. She slowly raised a hand to her face.

  “Damn it. Is everyone going to hit me in the face tonight? First your wife knocks me out, and now you slap me. Who’s next?”

  “Sorry, but you looked like you were in shock,” I said. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “I guess I kinda was. I don’t know,” she said as I helped her to her feet. “Whose clothes am I wearing? Where in the hell am I?”

  “You switched places with my daughter, but now it’s time for you to get out of here, too.”

  “I heard one of those Smith guys say the word rape,” she said looking at herself in the moonlight. “I freaked out a little bit. Thanks, by the way. Thanks for not letting that happen to me.”

  “Never going to get that far,” I said, and against my better judgment asked, “Are you able to run?”

  This was the one part of the plan I didn’t agree with. I was worried about Julia in more ways than one – she’d already shown her loyalty to Moore – but Val had asked me to trust her where Julia was concerned, so I did.

  “I think I am. Why?” Julia asked.

  “Because Moore and Porter are on their way and should be calling my wife in,” I checked the time, “the next ninety seconds. And for whatever reason, Valerie doesn’t want you down here when we take on Moore and Porter.” Then something occurred to me. “And after hearing Moore talk about his time with the sex trafficking task force, I think I understand my wife’s reasoning.”

  “You know about that, then?” Julia asked.

  “Yeah, I know about it.”

  She gestured to the two Smiths and said, “Tom brought them around a few times. They stayed at my place before. With Tom there, of course. You know those two would’ve hurt your daughter badly.”

  Travis protested from the floor. “That little lying bitch doesn’t know what she’s saying.”

  I left Julia’s side, and it took me two long strides to cover the distance from the metal door to the back wall of the room, where Travis sat holding his knee. I led with my right leg and when my left foot touched the floor, I said, “I thought I told you to be quiet,” and drove a right front kick into the face of Travis Smith. He joined his partner Briggs in a nap.

  I said to Julia as I took her by the arm, “But they didn’t hurt my daughter, and they can’t hurt you now. Did they hurt you before?”

  She started to cry, but stopped herself immediately. She shook her head instead. “No, I’m not going to do that. I played that game before, and I don’t want you to think I’m acting again. So no tears this time. No, to answer your question, they never hurt me. Tom talked about what he called ‘conditioning,’” she made air quotes with her fingers, “all the time, and that was enough to scare me.”

  “Moore and Porter will get their due. Run up the stairs and turn right. Are you listening?”

  I saw that vague look reappear on Julia’s face. She was frozen in place. I heard Hodges in my ear.

  “Hodges here. Moore and Porter are on the lawn of City Hall.”

  “Can you run?” I asked her again.

  “He’s out there, isn’t he?” she mumbled. “Tom, I mean. He’s out there. I don’t think I can make it,” she said, shrinking in on herself and collapsing in my arms.

  At first I thought it was all an act, another attempt to delay things. I shook her harder. No response. I carried her back to the room behind the metal door and replaced the hood over her head, but didn’t tie it this time. I closed the door, leaving her there in the dark.

  I heard Moore’s voice in my ear, “Go down there and make sure they’re ready. I’m making the call.”

  I ran across the floor to the far corner of the main room. Then I heard Porter’s voice again.

  “Look, the Smiths have everything under control. I’m going back to PCPD and get the SUV. I want to get out of here as soon as we have what we came for.”

  “Fine. Since we can’t wait at the PCPD, we’ll just wait in the car till we see her coming. Then we’ll go down inside the jail ahead of her. That’ll be good. Yeah, I can’t wait to see her face when she sees her kid lying on the floor naked. Want to bet she caves in right then and there?”

  “No, that’s a sucker bet.”

  I heard Moore laughing as he said, “Go get the car. I’m making the call.”

  “Listen,” I said, only slightly above a whisper, “we have a change in plan. Julia did not make it out. I repeat, Julia did not make it out.”

  “Copy,” Valerie said. “Not to worry; the call should be coming at any moment.”

  I could hear the phone ringing in my earpiece. I heard Valerie answer the call in her best imitation of a freaked out mother.

  “This is Valerie. Where’s my baby? I have everything you want. Please don’t hurt my child.”

  “That’s good to hear, Mrs. Granger,” Moore said. “I’m glad there won’t be any complications. Now, if you’ll bring me what I want this will all be over very soon.”

  “Okay, where? Where do I go?”

  “Come to City Hall. Find the entrance to the old jail and take the stairs down to the door. The door is open. Your daughter is waiting for you. Hurry, Mrs. Granger. The sooner you get here, the sooner this is over.”

  “How do I know you won’t just shoot us both once I give you what you want?”

  “You don’t know, but if you keep wasting my time Valerie,” Moore’s tone had turned cold now, where before it had sounded warm and pleasant, “I might have to hurt this pretty little thing of yours before you even get here. Now, no more stalling, Valerie. You can’t trace this call. The local cops can’t help you now. As a matter of fact, your family is in the police station right now raising hell. And the inept Officer Lester can’t do one thing to help them. Do you know why?”

  Valerie laid it on thick as she started crying now, “No, why can’t they help me?”

  “The locals are under my jurisdiction now. They only do what I tell them to do.”

  “Hodges here. Moore is at the top of the stairs.”

  “So bring me what I want. Bring it to me right now. No assurances, but I’ll give you one guarantee.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If you aren’t here handing me what I want in the next five minutes, I’ll make you watch me and my boys having fun with little Leecy when you do get here.”

  “Oh my god. I’m on my way.”

  “It’s Hodges. The SUV is driving over the curb and backing up to the stairs. Moore is waiting for Porter like he said. That’s affirmative. Moore and Porter are now in position inside the SUV and holding.”

  “Okay, Ryan,” Valerie said. “Now move to your secondary position at PCPD. Lester is expecting you. Hodges, keep being o
ur eyes and ears on the SUV till Moore and Porter descend the stairs. Once those two are out of sight, you and Franks move to your secondary positions. Use their SUV as cover and take up positions along either side. Wakefield, Zach, and Leecy, hold for the all clear. Granger, are you ready?” Valerie asked.

  “Yeah, we’re ready.”


  “You’ll see.”

  “Okay, team; here we go. Hodges, make the call.”

  “Roads are clear. I’ve disabled the directional microphone. Moore and Porter are seated inside the SUV with the doors closed. Valerie, you’re clear.”

  I listened to the 4-Runner come to life. I pictured Valerie driving south down the alley before turning right on First Avenue.

  “Hodges, here. I’ve got her headlights coming right at me. She’s parking on the North side of City Hall. Moore and Porter are exiting the SUV and heading down the stairs. That’s my cue; I’m on the move. Franks, I’m rolling to you.”

  “Ryan, here. All is secure at PCPD. Be advised, Simons have lots of questions.”

  “Franks, here. I have Hodges and eyes on Valerie. She’s crossing the lawn. We’ll be in position in thirty seconds.”

  I watched from the corner of the old jail as Porter entered the room first, followed by Moore. Both men played flashlights across the room, and then Porter spoke in alarm.

  “Where’s the girl? Where’s Travis and Briggs?”

  The scream couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect moment if it had been planned. I guess Julia had come to, and didn’t like being back inside that hood. Moore and Porter were caught off guard by the scream, but didn’t hesitate. They responded by running toward the sound coming from behind the metal door.

  “Those little bastards couldn’t wait. I’ll kill them myself,” Porter seethed.

  “They’re going to ruin everything,” Moore added.

  The two men never noticed Valerie standing in the open doorway, or the shadow she cast with the moonlight at her back. No, they hadn’t seen her or me. I watched them as I stepped into the shaft of moonlight to greet my wife. Then Valerie and I watched Moore and Porter fling open the metal door to find Julia and the two unconscious Smith boys.

  “What the fuck?” Porter asked.

  “Hi, Tom,” we heard Julia say. “Sorry, but don’t blame me. I know this isn’t what you expected.”

  Valerie and I were behind the two men. We heard Moore’s meltdown.

  “What have you done, Julia? What did you tell them? You betrayed me, you bitch! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you!” Moore screamed.

  Porter played his flashlight over the bodies of the Smith boys, saying, “Who did this? How…I mean, when…” and then he stopped himself from stammering. He started again. “Tell me what…” and stopped.

  The answers came to him. We watched from the shadows now as Porter turned to Moore and said, “If Julia is in here then the phone call with Valerie was all fake. They already have the daughter. We need to get out of here, Tom!”

  Porter turned and saw Valerie standing behind him. She was pointing her 9mm Glock at his face.

  “Hello, John.” I said.

  Valerie kicked the left side of Porter’s face, knocking the man to his right into Moore and the metal door. Moore fell to one knee and looked around. He saw Valerie and me standing there. Moore looked back at Julia, and we both knew immediately that he planned on using the woman as a shield.

  Drawing his weapon and reaching for a frightened Julia, Moore screamed. “You fucking cunt! Come over here.”

  Valerie surged forward, grabbing Moore’s beefy right wrist with her left hand and wrenching up and back while slamming her closed right fist into the bridge of his nose. I was swinging my baton over Valerie’s head, and connected with Moore’s right hand, forcing the gun to drop to the floor. I heard Moore scream from the effects of the double impacts. I watched as he and Valerie tumbled into the darkness of the room beyond the shaft of moonlight.

  Porter, having recovered from the kick to the face, raced out of the shadows and slammed into me with his shoulder. I grabbed a fistful of his suit jacket and held on tight. I rolled onto my back, holding Porter close to my chest. Using his momentum against him, I rolled a complete backwards somersault, ending on top of him. Letting go of his clothing, I pushed off his chest, crashing my baton into his face. I heard him exhale and felt his body go limp as he passed into unconsciousness. I looked up to see Moore walking through the moonlight in my direction. I jumped to my feet, only to have Moore drop to his knees before collapsing on the floor next to Porter, like a curtain dropping onto a stage. There behind, where Moore once stood, was a smiling Valerie.

  I could hear Wakefield in my ear. “Is everyone all right? I repeat, is everyone all right?”

  I stepped over the bodies of Moore and Porter and kissed my wife. Valerie bent down and picked up a flashlight. “Julia?” she said.

  We walked back to the open metal door and found her in the same position she’d been in: laying prone and still on the floor.

  I asked, “Is she alive?”

  Valerie was leaning over Julia to check for vital signs when Julia asked, “Did you kill that sick bastard?”

  “Moore?” Valerie confirmed.

  “Yes; Tom. Is he dead?”

  “No, he isn’t dead. But this isn’t over yet, either,” Valerie said.

  “Well, I wish he was dead.”

  “Listen up,” Valerie ordered. “We don’t have a lot of time. Unconsciousness doesn’t last forever. I want to use the center of the main room. Face up and securely bind the arms, legs, and ankles. Make the bindings tight, but not too tight. Franks, you and Hodges are on light duty. I want the lights six inches from the face. Don’t worry about head turning. With the lights that close, there is zero visibility. As soon as we see any sign of consciousness we will tape the eyelids open. Everyone remember to remain quiet. Remember your cues. Ryan, are you ready with the duct tape?”

  “I’ve got several strips. I’m ready,” Ryan said.

  “Zach, are you and Julia ready?”



  “I’m ready,” I said.

  “Wakefield, are you ready?”

  “You bet your ass.”

  “Okay, I see eye flutter. It’s show time.”

  “What the fuck?” Moore bellowed.

  He didn’t have much time to protest. A pair of blue-gloved hands grasped him by the sides of his head and held him still while a second pair separated his eyelids and taped them open.

  He was screaming now. “What are you doing? You can’t do this to me! Porter! Where’s Porter? Travis? Briggs? Are you there?”

  “I’m here, Tom,” a frantic Porter could be heard saying. “What’s happening to us?”

  “Don’t say a word, Porter. Porter? Do you hear me, Porter? Don’t say a word. And you, whoever you are,” Moore yelled, “get this blasted light out of my eyes!”

  “Shut up, Tom,” Valerie said. “The light isn’t going anywhere, and neither are you. Your friend Porter is on the floor next to you, along with Travis and Briggs, but they can’t talk right now. We’ve taped their mouths shut. You shouldn’t be worried about them, anyway. You should be worried about you, Tom.”

  “What is this? What’s going on here? Who is that?”

  “Tom, you don’t recognize my voice? We were just chatting on the phone with each other; don’t you remember? This is Valerie Granger. And this? Well, this is your…let’s call it your reconditioning party. Now, I know it’s not the party you had in mind, but trust me when I tell you this party will achieve the desired results.”

  “What? You? You’re not behind this. Where’s Wakefield? She’s behind this, not some part-time housewife from Bumfuck, Georgia.”

  “That’s been your assumption all along, Tom, and it’s been wrong.”

  “What? That you’re nothing more than a housewife and cook? Look, lady, you
got me, okay. Tell Wakefield she can arrest me. Hand in the cookie jar and all that shit. But don’t tell me you aren’t exactly what I think you are.”

  “Denial? Not what I would’ve predicted for the behavioral analytics agent. I thought you guys were trained to unmask the truth by spotting the incongruities of speech and body language.”

  “For fuck’s sake, lady, is now the time for a lesson? Yes, that is what we do, and it’s what I did to you, your husband, and kid. Happy now? Just get on with it; whatever this is.”

  “So, you admit you aren’t very good at your job?”

  “A forty-six–year-old former CIA agent, and his forty-four-year-old wife and sixteen-year-old daughter. No threat detected.”

  “And yet here you are, flat on your back in the old Park City jail with your mates at your sides.”

  “Yeah, what of it?”

  “You are in denial. I don’t know about you, but if I was facing the last moments of my life, I would be very interested in how I arrived at this point. But that’s me.”

  “I’ll make it easy for you. I’m not talking. Whatever you do to me won’t change that.”

  The sound of a man screaming filled the space, reverberating off the stone walls.

  “What was that? Who was that?” Tom demanded to know.

  The scream turned to a low moan, and then sobs, as Valerie answered.

  “That’s Travis. His knee was busted up pretty good by my over-the-hill husband, and that sound…that sound is the sound Travis makes when I stand on his knee.”

  “Please stop. Stop! I can’t take anymore,” Travis could be heard begging.

  “Shut up, Travis. You’ll pass out when you can’t take anymore, and I’ll wake you by pouring more water on you.”

  The screams filled the room again, and then they were gone.

  “Travis!” Moore screamed. “Travis! Porter! Are you out there, Porter? Where’s Briggs?”

  “They’re all here, Tom,” Valerie said calmly. “Here, let me see if I can wake Briggs. He stopped responding to the water we were pouring on him, but if I stick my finger in the hole in his shoulder, that usually merits a response. You know the hole I’m talking about, right?”


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