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His New Roommate : Stepbrother Standalone Romance

Page 5

by Vanessa Kinney

  He lowered his head and whispered in my ear, “All I said was to dress appropriately,” his lower lip touched my earlobe. “Can you do that for me? Can you do that for your big brother?”

  An electric chill overwhelmed my body as my thong got drenched from my brother’s strong command.

  I looked into his lustful eyes and nodded.

  Nate released my sweater and headed toward his bathroom.

  The door slammed and only one thing popped inside my head.

  Level 8.



  Make the Line

  I looked in the mirror and checked myself out. I was wearing track pants and a green t-shirt that enhanced the color of my eyes.

  I looked at my phone. It was a text from Samuel.

  We’re ten minutes away. By the way, Mike is being a class “A” douchebag today.

  How? -Nate.

  The usual mixed in with ‘finally getting to see lil’ sis’

  Great. Thanks -Nate.

  I opened my door and headed toward the kitchen. I stopped, turned around to look at my door. I replayed the argument that happened yesterday with Lily.

  Fuck. I had overstepped. I thought I had more willpower, but I couldn’t even keep my distance. Everything was going fine until fucking Samuel and his dumb A.S.S. popped into my mind again. I shouldn’t feel guilty that I don’t consider her family. There was nothing wrong with liking Lily.

  Although, I shouldn’t have said anything about her clothes. My mind raced to her legs and ass shaking as she stepped over my legs. Those shorts had covered... nothing. They were practically underwear. I wanted to take hold of her hips and bring her ass to my face and then take a bite of one of her beautiful cheeks.

  I gritted teeth trying to contain myself.

  Fuck, I was already hard. I want those shorts to be mine. Only mine. I couldn’t let Mike have a peek. Who knows what he would try. I was getting angry at the thought of Mike flirting with Lily. He would probably try to feel her up as he did with most girls at bars.

  I took a deep breath and walked toward the kitchen. If Lily brings up what happened yesterday maybe I can just play it off that I was being an overprotective big brother. I sighed. It took so much control not to kiss her after her tits pressed against my chest.

  I heard loud mumbling coming from Lily’s door.

  “Hey, Lily do you want anything for breakfast?”

  The mumbling stopped. “Yeah sure, just a smoothie.”

  The mumbling started up again but this time it was quieter. I wanted to lean over to her door and figure out who she was talking to and what she was saying, but I knew I had to give her, her privacy. Her only rule.

  I started beating the eggs and frying the bacon, making a bigger batch than normal since Mike would probably want some. I then moved to make the smoothie for Lily, but I added some more fruit in the mix for Samuel. He doesn’t always break his strict diet but when he does, it’s usually for a good smoothie.

  The elevator BINGed. It was probably them.

  I heard bickering coming from the hallway.

  Yep, that’s definitely them. Samuel can’t be with Mike for more than half an hour without fighting. I swear they’re like little kids. The door opened wide. Mike was the first to step in, grinning from one ear to another, scanning the apartment. He was probably looking for Lily.

  “Hey, Nate! So, where is sissy?”

  Samuel came in rubbing at his temple. “I swear to god you are the dumbest thing on this earth, Mike!”

  I ignored them both, placed the eggs and bacon plate on the table for Mike, and handed a smoothie to Samuel.

  They both shut up.

  Mike was wearing his usual Bulls basketball jersey with some jeans and Samuel was wearing his khakis and a white button down. It was quiet for a few seconds until Samuel started talking about work.

  “So, I was thinking you can give me the updates on the changes and-”

  “In the office. We only talk about work in the office.” I interrupted him.

  “Ok,” he mumbled while he sipped his smoothie.

  “The eggs were better last time.” Mike talked with a full mouth.

  “Shut up and eat the food.” Samuel and I grunted.

  The door opened and Lily came out with her painting outfit. A long sweater hiding her ass and black leggings. I felt relieved that she wasn’t showing off the goods.

  “Hey.” She said shyly while walking toward me.

  “Here’s your smoothie.” I handed her the smoothie and gave her a warm smile.

  She seemed a little uncomfortable, but I couldn’t tell if it was because of yesterday or if it was because three men who were watching her suck on a straw surrounded her.

  “This is Samuel and Mike,” I said while pointing to each of them.

  Mike finished his food and placed his plate in the sink. He came next to Lily and started to invade her space.

  “Oh, you have a little paint on your cheek there.” He licked his finger and rubbed off the invisible paint.

  I curled my hand into a fist, clenched my jaw and tried not to lash out at Mike. I looked over at Samuel. He was studying my behavior. Dammit.

  “OK,” she chuckled nervously. “Thanks,” rubbing off Mike’s egg and bacon saliva.

  “Let’s get to work boys.”

  Samuel’s eyes switched to Lily. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  “Aw, but I wanna spend time with lil’ sis.” Mike said in his annoying baby voice as he pulled Lily against his side.

  I couldn’t control my anger this time, “Let’s get to work!” I yelled.

  I knew I was going to hear about this later from Samuel, but I didn’t care. Mike and Samuel headed toward my office as I stayed behind to talk to Lily.

  “Sorry, about Mike. He thinks he has the charisma of a prince.”

  “Yeah.” She said while still rubbing at her cheek. “Does he try to lick every girl you bring over?”

  I chuckled with her, “You see why I asked you to dress appropriately.”

  Fuck. The laughing stopped.

  Why did I bring that up?

  I was going to wait for her to bring it up or wait for the memory to just disappear.

  I coughed to break the tension, “Well, I’m going to work now. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Yep.” She avoided eye contact with me, while still sucking on the straw. Her cheeks burning up.

  “I’m going to hit the washroom,” Mike grunted as he got up.

  It was just Samuel and me now. I’ve been trying to avoid being alone in the same room as Samuel for the past three hours.

  “You son of a bitch,” I heard Samuel address me.

  “Well, that is true.”

  “You said you were going to think about it,” he scolded.

  “No. You told me to think about it, but I didn’t agree to it.”

  He knew I was right.

  “Well played. But I saw how you acted this morning with her. What the fuck.”

  “I was just trying to protect her from Mike.” I told the truth.

  “Okay, yes. That makes sense. But you got mad way too quick. You need to control yourself, Nate. Just don’t let anything happen.”

  If only he knew how hard I controlled myself yesterday.

  “We’ll go out tonight and have some beers.”

  “I’m not really in the mood, Samuel.”

  He’s quiet. Probably trying to figure out what’s wrong.

  “Something happened?” He questioned me, hoping that I would react differently.

  “No. Nothing happened.” I played it cool. I wanted some things to be left just between Lily and me.

  He crossed his arms and picked up his phone.

  There were a few seconds of silence. “So, what did you do yesterday? You weren’t at the gym.”

  “I had dinner with Lily,” His eyes darted to me.

  “You went out?”

  “Yeah, we went out to Rooftop.” I trie
d to limit the details.

  “So, like a date?” He questioned me.

  “No. She just wanted to go out and I picked the spot.”

  “Hmm. She did?”

  I was getting sick of this interrogation. “Samuel. Stop it. I can make decisions on my own. You can’t keep watching over my shoulder.”

  “Okay,” he hesitated. “I’m sorry. I just think there needs to be a line between Lily and you. And I think that line should never be crossed.” He made a line with his hand.

  I could tell he was feeling like an ass for hounding me with questions, but he was still staying strong with his opinion.


  “So, you're not going out tonight?” He asked me one more time.

  “Nope. Just take Mike.”

  He rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. We both knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  Speak of the devil.

  “I’ll have you know. I did NOT clog your toilet this time.”

  “Oh my god, Mike! No one needs to know that!!!” Samuel snapped.

  “Well, if I clogged the toilet like last time then Nate would have to know! So I just wanted to give him some good news,” Mike yelled back.

  I started to zone out as they argued. They were getting louder and louder.

  “Shut up!” I raised my voice. “Mike just go back to the office and I’ll finish the report up with Samuel!”

  Mike was already packed and heading for the door.

  “If you say so, boss,” he chuckled. He wouldn’t have to do much at the office since I wasn’t there.

  “I can finish up the report. You say bye to Mike.” I could tell that Samuel was happy that I let Mike go.

  I followed Mike to the kitchen, to find him already sitting on the couch with Lily.

  “How about we go out tonight for some drinks. There’s this bar a couple blocks down that I think you would like.” Mike’s arm was across Lily’s shoulders.

  She started to giggle, but it wasn’t a nervous giggle. It was genuine. I took a deep breath and tried not to overthink what I was seeing.

  “Sure, just not tonight. But I’ll take you up on that offer.”

  What? A few hours ago, she was complaining about his saliva on her face and now she’s actually considering going out with him?

  “Here’s my number.” He grabbed her phone and put his number in her contacts.

  “Mike.” I called out his name through my teeth. “It’s time to go.”

  “Well, I was thinking maybe I could spend some time with lil’ sis,” he said, pulling her closer.

  “No, I think it would be best if you leave. And go back to the office.” My attitude changed the atmosphere in the room.

  Mike got up from his seat, “Okay. Okay. No need to get your panties in a twist.”

  Lily stared me down as I followed Mike to the door.

  “Don’t forget to text me lil’ sis.” He winked back at her. I wanted to punch him in his cocky little face.

  Mike leaned toward me and whispered, “Lily is hot as fuck. Good thing I’m the only one in this apartment that can get with that.” He laughed.

  He snickered as he walked down to the elevator. I slammed the door behind him without saying a word. The slammed shook the apartment.

  “What the hell, Nate?” Lily was confused and frustrated.

  “I’ll talk to you later. I need to finish something up.” I headed toward my office with Samuel sticking his head out of the door.

  Samuel blocked the entrance to the office.

  “I already sent the report. All you have to do is code the updated program. It should only take you an hour or two.” He patted my chest.

  Samuel walked past me, drawing out a line with his finger, “Make the line.”

  He walked past Lily, “It was nice meeting you, Lily. If you ever want to talk here is my number.” He handed her his business card. Samuel gave her a fake warm smile then cast a cold glance toward me.

  The minute he stepped out Lily looked my way. Her arms were crossed and her mouth was an angry pout. I walked into my office and waited for Lily to snap like she did yesterday.

  “What the hell, Nate?”

  “Mike was going to be a distraction and he had to go back to work.”

  “No. You kicked him out because he wanted to hang out with me. What is wrong with you? Am I not allowed to have friends over now? Even though he’s YOUR friend!”

  “Mike isn’t a friend! He is just trying to get in your pants.”

  “Not all guys are like that!” She yelled.

  “Well, Mike is EXACTLY like that!” I put my hands out at her. “Just relax.”

  Her whole body froze, as if I just shot her.

  “You know what your problem is?”

  “Lillian. Let’s just stop yelling and talk about it later-”

  “You’re the guy who is trying to get into girls’ pants. You’re the one who teases them and flirts with them-,” she paused mid-sentence as if she realized that the same exact thing was happening to her, “You’re the sicko!”

  Lily gasped. She knew she took it too far, but she couldn’t take it back.

  I felt my body go numb. I rubbed my chest. It was getting harder to breathe.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean-”

  I put my hand up. “Like I said before. Mike is NOT a friend.” I walked toward her.

  “And rule number one. The only rule.”

  I could see the regret in her eyes, but what’s done is done.

  “Understood?” I asked firmly.

  She nodded faintly.

  “I need to work now so, please, leave.”

  I walked behind her closing the door as she left.

  I sat at my desk and one thing rang inside my head.

  You’re the sicko.

  I felt numb again.

  You need to make the line.

  You can’t cross it.

  You sicko.



  180 Degree Day

  You’re the sicko.

  I woke up. It was only a nightmare. I looked around my room and realized that the nightmare was actually real life.

  She was right. I did tease and flirt to get into girls’ pants. It’s like second nature to me. I have been doing it for so long now. Shit. I did it a week before Lily arrived with some random girl at the bar. The numb feeling started to take a hold of me again. She is my stepsister. I need to make the line and control myself. I got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.

  The smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled the air. Lily had made chocolate chip pancakes and strawberry smoothies for breakfast. I sat down at the table and looked at my plate. Every time my Dad felt troubled about something. He would always make chocolate chip pancakes. And strawberry smoothies.

  “Oh, you’re up. Good.” She smiled shyly.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.”

  The apartment was so silent. I started working my way through the pancakes.

  She was wearing a pencil skirt and a blazer. It looked like she was getting ready for work. Lily sat down next to me. She looked down at her nails and started to pick at them.

  “Mickey used to always make these for me after we got in a fight, or whenever he felt bad about something.”

  She paused and looked up at me.

  “What I’m trying to say-,” She touched my hand. “I’m sorry. I just let my emotions take over. I should have listened to you when you said we should have stopped… and when you said that Mike was just trying to get in my pants.”

  I looked up at her.

  “Hmmmm-he tried get me to send him a photo… a nude photo.” She whispered, avoiding eye contact.

  I went back to my food. That seems about right. Mike had a collection of nudes from girls he’s texted.

  “I didn’t send him-”

  “I don’t care.” I stopped her. “You can do whatever you want.”

  To be honest, I was relieved she didn’t send anything to Mike.<
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  “No, that’s-”

  “The pancakes are good.” I changed the subject.

  “Hmm. That’s good to know.” She got up and fixed her pencil skirt. “I am- I have a last-minute job interview at this small company. It’s called Major and Minor.”

  “It’s a Saturday.” I checked my phone to make sure I was right. “Watch out. Companies that work Saturday’s are usually the places that make you work from home without overtime.”

  “Thanks.” She headed for the door. “It’s only an interview so we’ll see how it goes.”

  “Good luck.”

  She closed the door and I was alone. I finished my pancake and sat the couch sipping my strawberry smoothie.

  I brought out my phone and started to research the company. It was a new company that had just started up and so far, the clients have loved all the marketing they’ve worked on. There wasn’t much on the web, but I can find out some more information.

  I headed to my office.

  Gosh, I am dripping in sweat. But I had the best workout I’ve had in years.

  Probably, because I had so much anger to take out.


  I walked toward my apartment and headed inside.


  It had been four hours since she had left.

  I called out again, “Lily?”

  They must really like her if they kept her this late.


  I looked at the door and she walked in, looking exhausted. She let out a heavy sigh and then slammed the door and kicked off her heels. Her eyes were filled with sadness.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She walked over the couch and plopped down on it. She was talking into the couch and I couldn’t hear what she was saying.

  I walked over to the couch. “What?”

  She turned on her back and stared blankly at the ceiling.

  “Guessing the interview didn’t go as planned?”

  “No.” She let out another heavy sigh. “I had two interviews.”

  “What? I thought you said you only had one.”

  “Well, I went to the interview and it was really professional, but they said the work in my portfolio didn’t match the company and their branding. But-“


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