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Aces Over Queen (The Drift Book 8)

Page 16

by Susan Hayes

  “That was all Royan. I didn’t want to divert course. I thought it was a trap,” Owen said.

  Zura gave her brother a knowing look. “Dad’s rule?”


  “Another of your dad’s rules for living?” Luke asked.

  “Always answer a distress call if you can.” Zura started, and Royan joined in to complete the phrase together. “Because the next time, you might be the one in trouble.”

  Owen and the cyborgs exchanged a look, then all three of them laughed.

  “What?” Zura demanded.

  “There’s no might about it. You Watsons attract trouble like a black hole sucks in light,” Kit said.

  Zura pursed her lips, then sighed. “I want to be mad, but you have a point.”

  “Nothing wrong with a little trouble. It keeps life interesting,” Royan said.

  “You would think that way, you lunatic,” Owen grumbled.

  They talked over cocktails, the small talk slowly changing, becoming warmer and more open. The topic shifted to business, and soon she was involved in a fascinating discussion about the business of running both the club and the freight company Zura operated. She discovered that Cynder handled the financials for both companies, and learned more in one conversation then she had in the hours she’d spent speaking to Astek’s executives.

  “One more word about profit margins or managing overhead and my head is going to explode,” Royan declared and rose from his seat. “Come on, baby, we’re hitting the dance floor before I forget how to have fun.”

  “We won’t be far, and these folks are the best protection you could possibly have. You good with us stepping off for a bit?” Owen asked.

  “I’m good. I can’t believe you’re going to actually dance, though.”

  Owen chuckled. “Me either. He’ll probably come back with bruised toes and regrets.”

  “I doubt that. Go on, I’ll be fine.”

  “She’ll be more than fine. Anyone comes near her or Little Blue they won’t live long enough to regret it,” Cynder said.

  Tianna had to agree. She was currently surrounded by cyborgs. She might be like them in some ways, but ultimately, she was a human with aftermarket modifications, while they were created and programmed to be the ultimate soldiers.

  Royan took hold of Owen’s hand and led him onto the dance floor, and everyone at the table saw the gesture and smiled.

  “Were they together when you came on board?” Cyn asked her.

  “They were in the middle of figuring it out, yeah. They’re good together.”

  “Yes, they are,” Luke agreed. “Royan needs someone to level him out.”

  The conversation came to a natural lull while drinks were refilled and more food was ordered. While that happened, Tianna watched Owen and Royan together. Even if she hadn’t witnessed their declarations earlier, it was plain to anyone with eyes that they were in love.

  “So, how serious are things with them?” Zura asked softly.

  “Pretty serious. I think they’re destined for each other.”

  “I think so, too, but that’s not what I meant.” Zura leaned forward as much as her pregnant formed allowed. “You’re involved with them, aren’t you?”

  “It’s complicated.” It was becoming her default answer.

  “I’m sure it is. But I saw the way you looked at them a second ago, and what I saw wasn’t complicated at all. You want them.”

  “We don’t always get what we want in life.”

  “Not always.” Zura looked over at her husbands, who had risen from the table and were talking to two of their staff about something. “But some things are worth fighting for. If those two have made a place in their lives for you, it’s because they want you with them, complicated or not.” She took a sip of her drink and smiled. “And so ends the speech by the meddling sister.”

  Tianna raised her glass in salute. “I can’t promise I’ll take your advice, but I appreciate the spirit in which it was given. Royan’s lucky to have people in his life that love him as much as you do.”

  “We’re family.”

  “And family is everything. Royan said the same thing.”

  Kit rejoined them. “He did? Looks like your baby brother is finally growing up, little one.”

  “It looks that way,” Zura agreed, then winked at Tianna. “Maybe he just needed a good reason.”

  Owen was having the best day of his life. Royan loved him, their friends and family were happy for them, and Tianna… well, Tianna was still a work in progress, but they were making progress. Wanting more than he already had might be stupidly greedy, but damned if that wasn’t exactly what he was hoping for. Soon, he and Royan needed to talk and make sure this was what they both wanted. It seemed like it, and it felt right, but if they were going to do this, they needed to be sure.

  Everything was going so well, he could almost forget that his family were somewhere out there, likely making plans to hurt someone he cared about, again. It would be different this time, though. They weren’t going to take anyone else away from him, or tear down the life he’d made for himself.

  Toro, Jaeger, and Cynder offered to walk them back to Tianna’s place. Tianna and Cyn talked shop the whole way, their conversation filled with unfamiliar terms and business shorthand that made his head spin. Still, Tianna was clearly enthused about whatever they’d discussed, and Cyn must have felt the same way because she invited Tianna to call or drop by her office any time.

  “So, what did you think of your first foray onto the station?” Royan asked as they identified themselves to the on-duty security guards and headed inside.

  “I think that this station has the potential to be something amazing, and I don’t understand why it isn’t making triple its current income. If things were done differently, the cost of air and living space could actually be lowered, and we’d still make a profit.”

  She wanted to lower the cost of living? Owen had to fight the urge to pick her up and hug her right there in the hallway. “When could you get started? What would you need?”

  “Time, mostly. I need to figure out where all the money is going, first.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I knew things weren’t right, but talking to your friends tonight confirmed some things for me. The station should be making a profit, but it’s not. At least, not according to the reports I’ve read.”

  “You should have told us.” They were going to have to increase security again. If the ones doing this realized Tianna was investigating, they’d retaliate.

  “I didn’t have all the pieces I needed until tonight. If you hadn’t brought me to the club, it might have taken me weeks to see the pattern.” They stepped into her private mag-lift and she set her hand on the biometric scanner, unlocking access to her floor.

  “You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You’ve only been here a few days, and you’ve already found things no one else even noticed. You’ve been outside of these walls twice, and you can see the potential everyone else missed.” Owen knew what it was like to grow up with a parent who was never satisfied. He’d lost faith in himself and his abilities, and Tianna had, too.

  She didn’t say anything until they were inside her suite. “I need to make some notes about what I learned tonight. Get it all down while it’s still fresh in my mind.”

  Royan shook his head. “You need to get some rest, sweetheart. You’re not going to forget a damned thing, and we all know it. And even if you did, you’re going to be chatting with Cyn again soon.”

  “There’s so much to do, and it’s not that late. I can work for a bit and still get a few hours of sleep.”

  Royan looked at Owen and tipped his head toward her bedroom. “You got this?”

  “Yeah.” He walked over and kissed Royan goodnight, part of him still amazed that this man was part of his life, now. “Stay alert, and wake me up when it’s my watch.”

  “Night, baby.” Royan turned to Tianna. “Your sexy little ass is going to bed now. You might l
ook like a goddess and act like a queen, but you’re still mortal, and mortals need sleep. Night-night.” He blew her a kiss off the tip of his fingers.

  Her expression turned stormy and Royan grinned. “It’s cute how she thinks she’s got a choice, here.”


  Owen was already moving as he spoke, sweeping Tianna into his arms before she knew what was happening.

  “I can walk to my room all by myself.”

  “But we both know you’re not planning on going to your room.”

  “Because I have work to do. But since my choices are to let you carry me to bed, or kick your ass here in the hallway, this time, I’m choosing to let you be in charge.”

  “You think you can take me?” She was fit and feisty, sure, but there was no way in hell a handful of self-defence classes made her a threat. He added that to the list of things he needed to discuss with Royan. They could set aside some time to teach her a few moves, just in case.

  “You might be surprised. I’m tougher than I look.”

  “I have no doubts about that. You’ve taken everything the universe has thrown at you and haven’t missed a step. You’re fraxxing amazing, but I still don’t think you could take me in a fight.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I’ll prove it to you some other time. Right now, I have other plans for you.” He walked into her bedroom and lowered her gently to the floor.

  “Bed. Sleep. I heard you.”

  “Nice to know you were listening, but no, not yet. You’re too wound up to sleep, so why don’t we start with a hot shower in that decadent monstrosity you call a bathroom.”

  “Now that sounds like a great idea. I do some of my best thinking in the shower.”

  Thinking wasn’t part of his plan. “Then get undressed and get in there. I’ll join you in a moment.” He gave her ass a light swat as he passed her, already stripping out of his clothes as he made his way over to the bed. It was as spacious and luxurious as everything else in her quarters, though there wasn’t a single thing here that was hers. It felt more to him like they were all staying in a five-star hotel, elegant but impersonal.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she undressed, enjoying the slow, teasing way she peeled off the dress and then her boots, making eye contact with him the entire time. When he didn’t make a move on her, she gave him a saucy grin and sauntered away, heading for the shower.

  The moment the door closed behind her he rose, shed the rest of his clothing, and snagged what he needed from the nightstand drawer. He and Royan had made some purchases of their own the last few days, and tonight seemed like the perfect time to try out one of his selections. He palmed the sex toy in one hand, taking a moment to familiarize himself with its operation. It activated with a barely audible hum, and once he’d put it through its paces, he double checked the packaging – just as he thought, it was waterproof. Perfect.

  Fragrant steam enveloped him as he opened the door and he breathed it in, letting the soothing scent fill his senses. He didn’t recognize the aroma, but Tianna had told him that her AI blended various mood enhancing fragrances using something called aromatherapy. Rich people have strange hobbies. They could also afford the luxury of an unrestricted water supply, every drop of it filtered far past what was deemed acceptable for the rest of the station.

  The shower was built into the far wall of the room, a raised platform with a low-level force-field that kept most of the water contained. Tianna was already inside, her lithe form partially obscured by the steam and the subtle shimmer of the force-field. He was hard in a heartbeat, every part of him aching with desire as she turned and smiled at him, then beckoned him closer.

  “You were right. This was a good idea.”

  “I’ve got another idea I think you’re going to like. Something to help you relax.” He joined her on the platform, barely noticing the tingle the field caused as he passed through it. Inside, the water fell like warm rain, soaking him in seconds as he took her hand and drew her in for a long, slow kiss.

  She melted into his arms, her hands on his chest and her water-slick skin like silk under his hands. Veth, she was beautiful, but beneath the beauty was a core of steel. That strength was what attracted him to her, along with the wild streak she kept hidden from the universe.

  He set the vibrator down on one of the shelves attached to the back wall, then reached for the cleanser that sat on the same shelf. Without breaking their kiss, he filled his palm with the cool fluid, then started gently massaging it into her hair. She moaned and rose onto her toes, letting her head fall back against his touch.

  He lathered and massaged her scalp, listening with pleasure at her soft moans. He’d never played with a woman’s hair before, not the way he did with Tianna’s. He loved the way it flowed over his hands and the weight of it when he wrapped it around his fingers. He’d even volunteered to help her braid it in the mornings, a task that took far more time and patience than he could have imagined. It was one of the few times she would let anyone help her, and he’d enjoyed both the momentary closeness and the chance to be there for her, even for such a minor task.

  He worked his way down her neck to her shoulders, massaging away the knots of tension he found along the way. The moans continued, soft vibrations that buzzed against his skin as she sank deeper into his arms. He didn’t stop until she was soft and pliant under his hands and her moans had turned to contented sighs.


  “So much.” She looked up at him. “When you said you planned on relaxing me, that wasn’t what I expected.”

  He cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. “You needed some TLC.”

  “TLC?” She frowned.

  “Tender loving care.”

  Her expression softened and for a moment she looked up at him with such vulnerability and need his breath locked in his lungs. “Thank you.”

  “Anything you need. Always.”

  She gave an almost imperceptible nod of her head, and then the moment was gone. “So, no orgasms, then?”

  “I never said that. Orgasms are still on the agenda, but I wanted to make sure you were nice and relaxed, first.” He stepped over to the back wall and leaned against it, then drew her in so her back was to his chest. He moved one leg out in front, bracing himself. “Lean on me and spread your legs.”

  She followed his instructions, but he could feel her tensing. “This feels a little precarious.”

  “I’ve got you. All you need to do is relax and trust me.” He picked up the toy with one hand and crossed his free arm over her body, giving her more support and something to hang on to.

  “I can do that.” She tipped her head back, smiled, closed her eyes, and let herself relax.

  His cock was trapped between them, and every move either of them made created a tantalizing amount of friction and pressure. He palmed the toy and moved his hand between her legs, using his fingers to part her labia, exposing her clit. He toyed with it for a few seconds, feeling it swell as he worked it between his thumb and forefinger.

  Her hands gripped his forearm as she parted her legs wider, giving him full access to her body.

  “Good girl.” The words slipped out before he could stop them.

  “Do I get a lollipop?” She arched her back, opening enough space between them to slip her hand in and wrap it around his cock.

  “You can suck my lollipop later. Right now, I believe I promised you an orgasm.”

  Before she could say anything else, he thumbed the switch on the vibrator and slid it into place so the small opening at the top was directly over her clit. Her response was instantaneous—eyes wide, mouth open—and with every gasp and moan he made tiny adjustments until it was perfectly situated. She bucked her hips and gripped his forearm so tight her nails dug into his skin.

  “Holy fraxx.”

  “And that’s only level one.” He dialed it up to the next setting and watched her control start to shatter. It was
intoxicating, seeing her like this. Her skin was flushed with more than the heat of the shower, and the more she moved the more she rubbed against him. At this rate, they were both going to come before long.

  “Higher. Harder. I need more.”

  “You sure?”

  She nodded, her lips parting as she twisted her head around to look up at him. “More.”

  “As my queen wishes.” He turned it up two levels higher and the toy’s soft hum grew louder. Her eyes closed, and she covered her breast with her newly freed hand, playing with her nipple, rolling it between her fingers. He started moving the toy in slow, concentric circles, keeping it in contact with her clit but altering the angle and pressure.

  She made a soft keening noise at the back of her throat and he knew she was close to release. He kept up the steady movements, taking his cues from her as the tension built until she was shaking with need.


  She nodded, but he wanted to hear her say it.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want to come. Please?”

  The breathless way she said the last word nearly broke him. He groaned and ground his dick against her slick skin. He needed to be inside her, soon, but this time was all for her. “Make sure Royan hears you.”

  She laughed and flashed him a wicked grin. “You got it.”

  He braced himself against the wall and thumbed the switch to its highest setting. She came hard, her cries echoing off the walls as she bucked and writhed against his body. It took all his strength to hold her up, and when it was done and she let go of his forearm, she’d left bruises, along with traces of blood where her nails had broken the skin.

  She stood on unsteady legs and eyed his arm with dismay. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Medi-bots, remember? Besides, I’m going to wear any mark you leave on me like a badge of honor.”

  “In that case, let’s go to bed and I’ll give you a few more marks to admire.”

  He swept her into his arms and carried her off to bed, more than happy to let her leave as many marks on him as she wanted. They’d all be gone by morning, anyway, unlike the marks she’d left on his heart. He’d carry those for the rest of his life.


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