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Aces Over Queen (The Drift Book 8)

Page 23

by Susan Hayes

  Her father was a monster. All those warnings she’d sent to him, and he was the one trying to kill her. Every time she thought about it, her anger flared again.

  Owen and Royan were at her side, though, and that made all the difference. They helped her through the grief and rage. Held her hands while Lieksa had systematically shut down the implants that modified her behavior. Loved her and supported her through the long days and nights battling with the board and the other corporations.

  She’d discovered something else, too, buried in her father’s files. The name of her mother. Tianna hadn’t contacted her yet. She wasn’t sure she ever would. But now, she had the choice. So much had changed for her. Her life had been upended, but her two lovers had stood by her through it all. They were the rock she’d clung to when the storm had been at its worst, and now the skies were clearing, she wasn’t in any rush to let them go. Not now, not ever.

  “You’re thinking too much again. You want to go see the twins? I bet they’re missing their Aunt Tia,” Owen said.

  She banished her dark thoughts and conjured a smile. “Not as much as they’re missing their uncles. I swear those girls already know they have you both wrapped around their tiny little fingers.”

  “That’s because I’m the galaxy’s most awesome uncle,” Royan said. “They just tolerate Owen because he has the good sense to have fallen for me.”

  Owen rolled his eyes, but stayed silent. He’d been quiet since he’d said goodbye to his sister. Katy had cooperated with the authorities and was now on her way to a prison planet for the foreseeable future. A lifetime of raiding, piracy, and the attempts on Tianna’s life had added up to a substantial sentence.

  Tianna had tried to be there for him, too. His attempts to reconnect with Katy had been rebuffed. She was too broken. Too angry. Tianna suspected that the pirate turned killer had lost too much of her soul in the years since Owen had left, but that didn’t stop him from trying. He’d visited Katy every day she allowed it. Some days she hadn’t. Those were hard days for him. He had questions for his sister, and she would not, or could not, give him the answers he wanted. She understood how that felt. Her father had left her with questions, too.

  Thinking about Owen reminded Tianna that she had one piece of good news to share. She’d been hanging onto since this afternoon, but now seemed the perfect time. Tonight was supposed to be about celebrating new life, wasn’t it?

  “I was going to tell you after the party, but I’ve decided not to wait. Owen, I got word from a friend of mine at the Justice Ministry. Your application for amnesty was fast-tracked. It won’t be official for a few more days, but any and all charges relating to your previous life are going to be expunged. You’re getting a clean slate.” She couldn’t help Katy, but she had been able to pull a few strings and see to it that the man she loved could finally leave his past behind completely.

  Royan cheered, and Owen looked dumbstruck. “How? That kind of thing usually takes years.”

  “Your girlfriend knows the right people. And before you grumble about justice not being blind and money buying all sorts of unfair advantages, remember that this time, it all worked in your favor.” She’d done what she could for Katy, too. Not for her sake, but for Owen’s.

  Royan laughed. “She knows you so well.”

  “Thank you. I…I don’t know what to say. I was worried about what would happen if anyone found out you were sleeping with a criminal. You’ve already faced enough censure and bullshit thanks to your old man.” Owen pulled her close and kissed her hard. “I love you so much.”

  “And I love you, which is why I’m happy I could do this for you. The files will be sealed. Your secret is safe. You can even go back to your old name, if you wanted to.”

  “I like Connors.”

  Royan shifted in his seat. “I do too, but maybe it’s time to think about changing it.”

  “I don’t want to be a Valentine.”

  “I know.” Royan shifted again, then left his chair and moved to stand between them. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to be a Watson, instead.”

  Owen stilled but didn’t answer.

  “I think you’re supposed to be on your knees. Isn’t that tradition?”

  “Fraxx tradition.” Royan held out both hands. “And that question was for both of you.”

  It was the first time she’d ever seen Royan nervous. He stood in front of them, arms open, hands shaking.

  Owen looked at her, then back to their lover. “What do you think?”

  “I think Tianna Watson-Astor has a nice ring to it. What about you?”

  Royan smiled but stayed quiet, which couldn’t have been easy for the naturally exuberant man.

  “I think Owen Watson-Astor has a nice ring to it, too.”

  “Is that a yes? Please tell me that’s a yes.”

  “Yes.” She and Owen answered at once, and Royan let loose with a whoop of delight that drew everyone’s attention.

  “Oh, hell, what have you done, now?” Cynder called out.

  “I proposed. And they said yes!” Royan leaped onto the table and danced in a circle, hands raised over his head as both she and Owen looked on in stunned amusement.

  There was laughter, cheers, and several groans from around the room. “Dammit, I lost again!”

  “I missed it by a month.”

  “I was off by a fraxxing year.”

  “I had ten-to-one odds they never got around to making it official.”

  “I better get my share of the winnings, Roy-boy,” Owen muttered.

  Royan looked outraged. “It wasn’t me. Not this time. Who the hell was taking bets on my love life without giving me a cut?”

  Zura appeared and the crowd parted, letting the guest of honor through. “You think you’re the only one around here who knows how to make money gambling, little brother? I know a sure thing when I see it. I’m just happy you figured it out on your own.” She raised her glass. “Congratulations, you three. Owen and Tianna, welcome to the family.”

  Royan hopped down and gathered them both into his arms, kissing her and then Owen. She held onto them, nearly overwhelmed by her emotions. Love, joy, and hope swirled inside her. This was the life she wanted for herself. These were the people she chose to be her family. To love, cherish, and laugh with for as long as the universe allowed.

  * * *

  The End

  Want to read more stories with book boyfriends

  that are out of this world?

  * * *

  Check out Susan Hayes’ other Science Fiction Romance Titles

  * * *

  The Drift

  Double Down

  All In

  Wild Card

  Three of a Kind

  No Limit

  Full House

  Blind Bet

  Aces Over Queen

  Dealers’ Choice

  Drift Box Set Books 1-3

  Nova Force

  Operation Phoenix

  Operation Cobalt

  Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides










  3013: The Series

  3013: RENEGADE

  3013: STOWAWAY

  3013: TARGETED

  3013: FATED

  3013: SCARRED

  About the Author

  Susan lives out on the Canadian west coast surrounded by open water, dear family, and good friends. She’s jumped out of perfectly good airplanes on purpose and accidentally swum with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef.

  If the world ends, she plans to survive as the spunky, comedic sidekick to the heroes of the new world, because she’s too damned short and out of shape to make it on her own for long.

  To contact her about her books or to arrange end of the world team-ups, you can email her at

  For all ti
tles by Susan Hayes, please visit her website:

  * * *

  To keep up with her latest news, releases, and appearances you can join her Newsletter




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