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Sugar and Skulls: Rebel Skulls MC Book One

Page 9

by LM Terry

  Big Dan starts towards us from across the street. “No smoking. Jesse, goddammit,” he growls.

  Dirk tosses me his lighter. I light my cigarette and toss it back just as Dan joins us. I stretch my arm out towards him keeping him at arm’s length as I take a long, much needed drag. “After what you just made me do you can fuck off. I’m inhaling this entire thing.”

  Dan places his hands on his hips and huffs like an angry mama bear.

  I roll my eyes, sharing a knowing look with Dirk. He laughs until Dan slaps him in the chest.

  “So, you next?” I ask, tipping my head towards Dirk.

  Without taking his scowling eyes off Dan he answers me, “Not a fucking chance.”

  “Why? Do I got you spooked?” Sarcasm drips off my tongue before I can stop it.

  That fucking scary eyebrow pops up on his scary fucking face, sending my heart galloping and my thighs clenching.

  Why do I do that? Why?

  There is something that makes me want to push his buttons. Provoke him. He makes me want to run only to see if he’ll follow. God what is wrong with me?

  Calculating, stormy eyes make their way from Dan to me. Oh god, I’m going to pay for that later.

  “Got no room for you to paint your pretty pictures, baby.” He gestures down his body with both hands. My dad joins us for a smoke. Dirk and I don’t take our eyes off each other.

  A slow smile spreads across my face. “You got plenty of real estate. How about that empty spot on the top of your thigh? That spot’s mine, baby.” I back away, flicking my cigarette butt at him before heading inside.

  I hear my dad and Dan roar at the same time. Fucking grizzly bears.

  Chapter Thirteen



  Before you get your shackles all stirred up, hear me out. Jesse isn’t your normal girl. I know, I know she’s seventeen but just so you know the legal age of consent here in the great state of Nevada is sixteen. She’s a year and fucking half above that. And…she looks and acts at least a good ten above that, just saying.

  Now, I’m not stupid. I’ve not forgotten the risk to my balls or my dick. But, I’m not worried about either of those. It’s my fucking heart that’s got me concerned.

  She is my Eve, the girl who is going to lead me down a damming path. Oh, who am I kidding I’ve been on that path most of my life. However, she is a hairpin turn. I can’t see what’s up ahead and I’m coming in at nine-o. I need to put my foot on the break real quick.

  Bill and Dan are both in my face the minute the door closes behind her. That little bitch is going to spend a considerable about of time on her knees for that little stunt. When she turns eighteen of course, even though we already went through all that. Besides, I never said I was good man. I’m being generous here. She is asking for it. She will be begging for it by the time her birthday rolls around.

  You know as well as I do that there is something undeniable between us. The push, the pull. The sparing, it’s all foreplay. She’s good at it and the most alluring part about it is she doesn’t even know what it does to me. Not that she’s naïve. No, innocent maybe the right word. She reeks of it. Unfortunate for her. Because it calls to the predator in me. I want to defile her, piss on her, mark her, make her mine.

  “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.” I glare into the face of my best friend, my president.

  Bill snarls in my face as Dan flexes his fists. I get it, they want to protect her. We’re all on the same page here.

  “How does she know where your ink stops and starts?” Bill grinds his molars.

  I drop my cigarette to the ground between us, grinding it into the pavement with the heal of my boot. My hand rakes through my hair as my eyes take in our surroundings. Lowering my voice, and leaning into his space, I give the information he won’t like. “I checked on her while she was showering and caught her clawing at herself.”

  His eyes instantly soften, allowing me a glimpse of his soft spot. Continuing, I push the knife deeper, “The water was so hot it was scalding her skin.” I step back reigning in my own feelings about that night. “I went in for her.”

  He stumbles back, leaning his ass against the concrete steps. I pause long enough for Raffe to pass behind him, heading into the shop. Raffe gives us a once over but continues inside. When Bill’s attention turns back to me I finish. “She caught a glimpse of me when I put my clothes in the dryer. That’s when she took the opportunity to make her escape. Don’t worry, I won’t get caught with my pants down again.”

  “Did she tell you,” he swallows convulsively, “what happened? Who hurt her?”

  “If she had we would be knees deep in blood and entrails.” I motion between the three of us.

  He runs his hand over his face. “Sorry to jump all over your shit.”

  Waving off his apology I l circle around him and Dan. He should hold off on the apology because he will most definitely be jumping all over my shit again. My skin feels itchy knowing Raffe is inside with Jesse alone. My head knows she’s too smart to fall for the charms of Raffe, but my heart is beating a war chant preparing my blood for a fight. I point to the door, maintaining enough sense to ask Bill for permission to leave the conversation. He nods once.

  When I step inside my muscles lock down one by one. Forcing air into my lungs I control the urge to rip my pretty friend’s head off his shoulders. Her face is inches from Raffe’s cock. The fucker tips his face up at the sound of my entry. He winks at me with a shit eating grin on his face that is soon going to be shoved to the back of his nonexistent brains.

  Raffe places his hands behind his head, relaxing into her chair in nothing but a t-shirt and tight-fitting boxers. My jaw clicks against the silence as I work my teeth together to keep my war cry buried in my chest. Jesse gives me a quick glance before returning her concentration to Raffe’s body. Her hand clenches around his thigh. His tongue snakes out to wet his bottom lip while cocking an eyebrow at me in challenge. I'm not sure if he is trying to make me jealous of him or her. He has never hid his attraction for me.

  They are beautiful together. Her blue-black hair lying in ropes across his thigh. His chiseled jaw clenches with each brush of her breath over his skin. She’s so close to his crotch I bet she can smell him. He lowers one hand and hovers it over her head, not touching but painting a sinful image of his fingers wrapped in her shinny tresses. A torrent of blood gushes to my cock spurring me farther into the shop.

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I stalk towards them slowly, stopping only when I’ve effectively crowded their space, towering over the both of them. Jesse instantly reacts to my presence. The hum in her hand halts. Her eyes climb up my frame. Slowly I release Raffe from my gaze and focus on her. She blinks rapidly before tearing her eyes from me to seek shelter in Raffe’s. Whatever she was seeking she didn’t find. Comfort, reassurance, safety?

  Nervously she pushes her chair away from us. She busies herself with the tools of her trade. My eyes go back to him, silently scolding him. He shrugs his shoulders, running his palm heavily down his dick in a punishing stroke.

  His hands grip the chair as I lean over to inspect her work. The sound of approval I make in the back of my throat triggers him to raise his hips slightly. My eyes slide to his, promptly putting him back in his place. He dips his head in submission. He clears his throat. “I told you she was an amazing artist. Dan had been doing the piece but seeing as he’s letting her work on customers I thought it would be nice to have her finish it. You know since it’s her design and all.” He clamps his jaw shut and focusses his stare out the window, silently hoping my attention will wane even though moments ago he craved nothing more than my full attention.

  I grab his thigh harshly turning it to inspect every puncture to his skin. When her hand shoves mine away I raise my head to glower at her. She snaps her teeth at me in a possessive feline way before patting his leg to draw his attention back to her. “Leave us alone, I don’t want to mess up Raffe’s fuckab
le Grecian body.”

  “What did you say?” I growl.

  She laughs.

  I look around, snatching a chair and shoving it right up beside her.

  She gives Raffe an exasperated expression. “Is he always this clingy?”

  Raffe wants to joke with her I can tell. They have an easy camaraderie between them. But, he is aware of my arousal. It equally excites and terrifies him into silence. She laughs nervously when he doesn’t answer, her eyes darting between the two of us. Shifting away from me on her stool she braces herself against the side of his leg. “Ignore him,” she whispers against his thigh, sending goosebumps to break out over Raffe’s tanned skin. He stares at me over her head, pleading with me to spare her.

  Too late.

  Bill and Dan enter the shop giving the three of us a once over. Dan points Bill in the direction of his chair while storming over to us. “Jesse,” he growls. His eyes peruse over her current canvas. He tips his head this way and that as if he is searching for a clue to appear in the ink. A sexy smirk appears on her face while she watches him.

  “Next time you secretly ink a cock on someone you’re fired.” He points at her, his finger a sliver away from her nose.

  She smacks her gum and nips at his finger. “One and done. I don’t have a desire to tattoo anymore dicks on anyone.”

  Raffe sits up straight in the chair and pulls his leg up for closer inspection.

  “Not you, dumbass.” She shoves his leg.

  He drops his leg, relaxing in relief against the chair.

  “You love dick,” I state dryly.

  “Doesn’t mean I want the veiny things tattooed on me.”

  “For the record, he said I could tattoo a dick on him, and he would proudly show it off. Guess he changed his mind,” she says, glaring at Bill.

  Dan snaps his gloves on. His face pinches as he inspects Bill’s new tat. She didn’t? She glances at me over her shoulder before bowing her head over Raffe’s lap. The look of satisfaction in her eyes gives me the answer I’m looking for. I stifle a chuckle and push my chair back to give her a little space. A little.

  Her tenacity makes my balls ache.

  Chapter Fourteen



  Thank Gabriel’s God my dad and Dan came back inside when they did. The air was so heavy with…well I don’t know exactly. Whatever it was it caused a physical reaction that I’ve never experienced before. I wish Dirk would take a step the fuck back. Christ, my skin is hot and itchy. “Dan, you stingy bastard, turn the air on.”

  “It is on.” He is trying to fix the dick I just finished tattooing on my father. Hey, he asked for it. It was intricately hidden in the ink. He wouldn’t have ever noticed but Dan has an eye for these things and I’m sure he picked up on it first glance.

  Blowing a wisp of hair from face I try to focus on the black rose I’m constructing beneath my hand. Dirk and Raffe’s eyes are caressing my skin. My teeth seer into my bottom lip. I need the pain to distract me from the scorching heat their gaze leaves behind.

  A blackened hand snakes into my vision. A thumb reaches out to tug my lip from between my teeth. I keep my hand gliding smoothly over Raffe’s thigh as every other part of my body convulses at Dirks touch.

  I’m too close.

  Too close.

  I roll my head to the side, the loud crack my neck makes does nothing to break the spell that lingers in the air. It hasn’t evaporated since Dirk decided to pounce on me. No not just me. My eyes dart to Raffe’s. He stares at me. “Run, run now,” they scream.

  My needle pulls up as I study his expression. He’s worried for me, yet there is something else. One thing I’ve always prided myself on is my ability to read people. When trouble finds me, I know. Not that it’s ever helped, but it does give me a heads up. I’m having a hard time reading Raffe.

  Dirk’s hand ghosts over my back, his hot breath rustling the stray hairs against my cheek as he hovers beside me, pretending to study my art. Raffe’s eyes pull away from me, seeking Dirk’s. He blinks slowly, his sexy fucking lips parting.

  Jesus, they are too close.

  My body twitches to run. To fight their proximity. To protect what is mine.

  I don’t run. I never run.

  You could surrender.

  The word flits like a butterfly in my chest, banging against the wall of bone that protects my internal organs.



  Then the only man in the room who could burst my lustful thoughts speaks.

  “I’ve been talking with Dan and we’ve decided that you will stay with him during the week and stay with me on the weekends.”

  Raffe’s eyes soften at the sight of my anger bubbling to the surface. He grabs my arm as I push away from him. I pry his fingers off my arm one by one, glaring at my father across the room.

  “I’m sorry, Raffe. I’m done for the day. Come see me when we’re not so busy.”

  “Sit your ass down,” Dan growls.

  “No. I’m done.” This is ridiculous. I’ve taken care of myself since my grandparents died. I’ve got shit to do. My own agenda to fixate on. I can’t let Big Dan or a wannabe father, or two painstakingly beautiful men slow me down.

  “We have things we need to talk about, Jess,” my dad pleads with me.

  “Well, you have about five minutes while I clean up.” Swiftly I gather my things, hurrying to put everything in its proper place.

  “Jesse, the living arrangements are non-negotiable. Also, you need to see a doctor.”

  My heart stops then lurches forward. I need out of here and fast. As if he can sense my haste he hurries his speech, knowing that while I may not agree I’m at least hearing him.

  “My final demand is for you to tell us who hurt you.”

  “Your final demand,” I repeat deadly calm.

  He nods his head in confirmation. His chest pauses as he holds his breath.

  I let my fingers trail down the injury on the side of my face. Where was he when my face was rubbing over the musty, dirty carpet as Jimmy held my head against the floor while ramming into me from behind.

  Gulping in a shudder of breath I steel myself. I’m not giving these fuckers my tears. “I’ll go to the doctor right now.” No fucking way in hell. Dirk stands as I pass him, assumingly to be the stink on my shit. “Alone.” I turn on him fast, shooting daggers between him and my dad.

  Dirk throws his hands up in front of him in surrender.


  Aiming my threat directly at my father I draw a line in the sand. “I mean it, keep your dog off me or you’ll see just how far I’ll run.”

  Dirk growls and bares his teeth just like a canine would.

  Fuck me if that wasn’t the sexiest snarl I’ve ever seen.

  With one last glance at Raffe I push out the door, leaving the infuriating group of men behind. I wait perched behind the wheel of Sylvia waiting to see if Dirk emerges from the shop. No one followed me. I text my guys to head to our usual meeting spot, keeping my eyes trained on the mirror watching to see if the stench follows me. Fucking asshole.

  I need to stay clear of him and Raffe. Whatever the fuck that was back there, it was scary. Being caught between the two of them felt like being trapped between hard edges and sharp points. One movement in the wrong direction and it could tear my heart clean open.

  Alone they disengage my senses, together they rip those suckers out and fill me back up with a darkness that promises to steal my soul.

  My pulse has always quickened around Raffe. I mean you would have to be dead not to be affected by his disarmingly good looks. And, Dirk? Well Dirk is a different story. I have to will my legs not to give out on me when he is around. I want to run to and from him at the same time. It’s confusing. My eyes don’t know where to land when I look at him. He is all the dark and dirty things you know you shouldn’t want but yet you do.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out keeping an eye on the re
view mirror.

  “Trailer. Now.” Jimmy’s grimy voice invokes a fresh wave of nausea to rise in my throat.

  I don’t give him the respect of an answer, I just hang up. I turn towards the trailer. May as well get this out of the way.

  When I get there, he hands me a bag filled with dope. “I’ll give you something, girly, you are ballsey. Aren’t you worried about Bill finding out about this?”

  “I’ll worry about Bill. You worry about keeping your guys away from me.”

  He tips his head to the side to studying me. “You know it didn’t have to go down like that,” he says, pointing at my face.

  “So, you’re telling me I had a choice?” I back up closer to the door.

  “Yes. You could have chosen not to steal from me.”

  Yeah. He has me on that one. “And, you could have asked me to pay it back…with cash, not my hide.”

  He glances around the room as if searching for something. “I know that got a little out of hand. The president changed things up, it wasn’t supposed to go down like that. I know it probably wasn’t good for you….”

  I cut him off with an incredulous snort.

  He narrows his eyes but continues. “I can make it good. Let me show you how gentle I can be.” He reaches for me as I dash out the door.

  Only after I pull out of the court do I breathe again. How the fuck is this going to work? Every interaction with him drains me. The faster I pull my plan together the sooner I’ll be done with him.

  A billboard of a voluptuous seventy’s era stripper winks at me in approval as I drive into the broken-up parking lot to the abandoned strip club. Tate my main seller walks up to my window. “Nice,” he says as he drags a finger through the dust along the side of Sylvia.

  “Yeah, the others inside?” I ask.

  “Yep.” He eyes the bag in the seat next to me. “What did you want to talk to me about?”


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