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Claiming Racheal

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by Michelle Woods

  Claiming Racheal

  Red Devils MC: Book 2

  By Michelle Woods

  Copyright©2014,Michelle Woods

  All Rights Reserved

  Thanks to Carla and Angela

  For putting up with

  all the trouble I gave them

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21



  In the year 2075, the world was well on its way to being disease free, with the portents of also being a technologically advanced society. Only, Mother Nature had another plan, when the government discovered that the world would lose more than half its land mass to the ocean, they built the wall to keep it out.

  Built to protect the rich and the privileged from the fallout of the catastrophic natural disaster that was likely destroying half the world, the city behind the wall was to be an elite society. The world outside the wall on the other hand, was left to the lawless. As the years passed, the city behind the wall created a class system that was only fair to those born in the upper districts. The Hillies, an elite class according to them, ruled the lower Slum class with fear of the being forced into the lawless world outside of the wall. Only the world outside had reset itself. It was no longer lawless, those who lived outside the city had created their own set of rules, ones that were made and enforced by outlaw bikers, who weren’t about to let anyone change the world they now ruled.

  Chapter 1

  Tiny watched, as the feminine butt wiggled back and forth with every turn of the wrench, almost moaning in pain. His dick was aching. He’d been watching Racheal work on the engine rebuild for over an hour. Damn that woman was sexy. Even after three months, he was still obsessed with the woman. He remembered the day he’d first met her. She’d been covered in bruises, but his dick had stood at attention the moment he saw her. He’d been obsessed ever since. Thinking about those bruises covering her silky skin made him want to commit murder.

  If he could have dug the bastard who’d hurt her up and killed him again, he would have tortured him for hours before he finally put him out of his misery. Racheal moved around the truck slightly to get a better angle with the ratchet she was using. Tiny groaned. She now had her butt facing him as she worked on the engine. He couldn’t think about anything except walking up behind her grabbing those hips, and ripping off those coveralls to take her from behind in a hard pounding rhythm.

  That woman had a fine ass that made a man lose his head. Not that the rest of her wasn’t fine too. He was just an ass man. Most men loved tits, not Tiny. Nope, show him a fine ass and his boner was like a steel rod in seconds. This is why he found himself sitting on a chair across the room staring at her ass doing a little jig, while aching with desire.

  Trick walked into the bay. He came over to where Tiny was sitting on the crate watching Racheal. He leaned back against the wall beside Tiny, propping his foot on the wall behind him looking at Tiny with a wicked grin.

  “You know that most women find a man staring at them for hour’s creepy right?” Trick asked in a low voice as he chuckled at his own joke.

  “Yep.” Tiny said, earning a raised brow and a look from Trick. But really? Had he expected Tiny to reply to that ridiculous comment that was meant to annoy him?

  “So, maybe you shouldn’t keep staring at the woman it might be creeping her out. How do you figure you’re gonna manage to get into her pants if she’s freaked out about you watching her all the time?”

  “Nope.” Tiny saw Trick grit his teeth a bit. It always pissed off his brothers when he didn’t answer them like they expected. Tiny smiled. He loved messing with family, he thought with an inner laugh. Trick looked at him for a long moment then turned away watching Slim walking towards them. Slim laughed at Trick’s sour expression when he stood beside them.

  “Let me guess it’s a one word day, huh.” He chuckled with glee.

  “Yep.” Tiny grunted, letting out a slight chuckle. Slim’s smirk became a full blown belly laugh.

  “Shut up, fuckers!” Trick said, glaring at Slim who bent forward laughing so hard he was turning red. Tiny looked to see if Racheal was still bobbing around working on the truck, and saw that she was leaning over, her abundant breasts revealed by the way her coveralls were unbuttoned, making him growl. Racheal had sexy breasts too, Tiny watched them sway as she worked. Really, that woman was just sex on a stick and he wanted to bite.

  “You know he does the one word thing to piss you off Trick. After ten years you should have figured that out by now.” Slim got out when he’d finally stopped laughing. “Damn, how stupid can you be?”

  Trick just glowered at him saying again. “Fuckers!” Pushing off the wall he walked back into the office with Slim’s laughter following him.

  “Dang, he’s moody, huh?” Slim leaned against the wall taking the position that Trick had just vacated.

  “Yeah, I don’t think he likes it when we make fun of him. Wonder why?” Tiny asked with a grin.

  “Yeah, the idiot doesn’t get that you do it just to piss him off.” Slim grinned, then asked. “What do you think of these new rumors we’ve been hearing about the Jackal’s?” Slim shifted slightly on the wall looking at him as he tore his eyes off Racheal’s breasts, with effort meeting Slim’s eyes with his own.

  “Not sure, they’ve been quiet since the kidnappings. It’s strange they’ve been attacking us for more than six years, and suddenly we don’t hear from them for almost ten months. It’s making us all nervous.” Tiny’s grim expression was mirrored on Slim’s face.

  “Yeah, I know. Bone’s been a bit edgy. Tank too. I think we need to start checking up on the rumors we’re hearing. I’m going to talk about it in church today.” Slim ran a hand through his hair with a dark frown.

  “Huh, I was just thinking the same thing earlier.” Tiny watched Racheal walk toward the backroom entering it with a glance over her shoulder at him before she moved inside. Dang, he wished he could follow her in there and just screw her against the bench table they had back there.

  “Really, is that what you were thinking about?” Slim asked with a laugh as he stood up and looked towards the backroom where Racheal had disappeared. “Seems to me that wouldn’t give you a hard on, but I’m guessing that Racheal’s tits might.”

  “Shut it, asshole!” Tiny growled, getting up, he ignored Slim’s laughter moving towards the backroom following Racheal. He needed to ask her if she wanted anything to eat from Tammy’s diner anyway.

  “Yep, when are you patching that woman?” Slim asked with a chuckle. Most likely expecting the same denials he’d gotten from Bone, but he’d be disappointed.

  “When she’s ready.” Tiny replied, glancing over his shoulder at Slim. His response earned him a surprised look from Slim. Tiny knew that he was obsessed with the woman, and he had been for three very long, very hard months. He wasn’t going to deny that he wanted her for more than just a simple screw.

  He wasn’t messed up cause his daddy had cheated on his mother like Bone. Nope, he had his own demons. His father had beaten his momma to death and then killed himself when Tiny was fourteen. It was lucky he hadn’t been home because his father may have beaten him to death too. But th
at was the past. He was focusing on his future now, and that woman was his future, she just hadn’t realized it yet. Besides his father’s madness had led him to Devils Peak, where he’d met Bone and Tank, when he was twenty two. They’d been just prospects then, out on a run for the club. He’d struck up an instant friendship with the two younger men, and he’d joined the club a year later.

  He was thirty one, which meant he’d been with the club for nine good years. He liked having a real family, and a stable life. He understood Racheal in a way no one else ever would and he could wait until she was ready.

  Tiny had been gawking again, Racheal Trenton thought frowning at her reflection in the tiny bathroom mirror in the back of the shop. Feeling more than a bit upset that she wasn’t the person she’d been a year and a half ago. She was mad at herself for allowing Eugene, her abusive husband, this power over her emotions, even three months after he’d forced her to kill him that horrid night, she was still in his grip.

  A year ago, pre Eugene, she would have been teasing a hunk like Tiny to death before finally putting him out of his misery by sleeping with him. She looked at the haunted, broken woman gazing back at her from the mirror with dismay. How had she become this woman? She wondered with increasing anger at herself. Inspecting her reflection, she saw a woman who wanted to just hide away from the world, it almost made her start crying. This was a regular occurrence for her now, one minute she was fine, and the next she was in tears. It was a miracle when she made it through a single day without crying at least once.

  She was better than she’d been when she’d first arrived in Devils Falls, but she was still a broken bird waiting to fly again. Pearl would be disappointed in her, she thought with despair, her mother had always stood strong no matter what happened, unlike her. She’d crumbled beneath the crushing load of misery that Eugene had dealt her. Racheal sighed, she missed her mother, Pearl, desperately. She’d always been the glue that kept Racheal together. Without her Racheal felt like she’d been set adrift without a tether. Maybe that was why she’d latched onto Tiny, he made her feel safe.

  Racheal felt the tears, that she refused to cry, threatening. Damn it. She needed to get a grip. It wasn’t that Racheal didn’t like it here in Devils Falls far from it. She loved being here with her best friend Molly, and Tiny’s constant presences soothed her somehow.

  She wasn’t sure why, but ever since that first day she’d met him she was calmer as long as he was hovering somewhere nearby. His hazel eyes watching her every move and those thick arms were always crossed. His muscled five nine frame coiled with deadly energy, that she somehow knew would never be used against her. It made her want to run her hands all over him. His sexy black locks, that he’d allowed to grow out after she’d called Bone’s hair sexy, made her burn with desire.

  If only she wasn’t still broken. Sighing, that thought swirling in her head she opened the door to the bathroom. She was looking down not really paying attention lost in her own head when the man looming outside the door of the bathroom moved. She jumped back screaming in surprise, not able to make out the figure in the darkened backroom, she almost fell. Hard male hands reached out and clamped on her hips steading her. A gruff voice barked at her as she flinched away from the man.

  “It’s just me, darlin’.” Tiny moved forward, his face entering the light from the one bulb in the hallway.

  “Oh, you frightened me, again.” Racheal watched him with relief, her heart still pounding with the fear he’d caused by startling her. Damned Eugene, she really hated that man's influence over her.

  “You want something from Tammy’s?” He asked not commenting on the fact that she’d reacted like a frightened rabbit again.

  “Yeah, a turkey sandwich wi-”

  “Mayo, tomatoes, and hot sauce.” Tiny said before she could finish causing her to smile. Tiny always remembered how she wanted her lunch prepared. It was kinda sweet.

  “Thanks, Tiny.” Racheal said smiling. Not wanting him to leave, she rushed to ask before he could move away. “Are Bone and Molly coming back today from the run to Titus?”

  “Yeah, they should be back before church.” He was watching her with a solemn expression. “Babe, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just missing Molly.” Racheal looked down, unwilling to tell him that she was tired of being afraid of her own shadow. That she almost hated herself for it.

  “Humm…” He said, still looking at her in that piercing way of his. He watched her for several minutes. He squeezed her waist making her realize that he still held her hips in his light grip. It surprised her that she hadn’t noticed. She’d been excruciatingly aware of every touch by another person since Eugene, that rat bastard, had wrecked her.

  “It’s going to be alright, Racheal.” He squeezed her again then lifted his hand brushing a loose strand of her hair away from her face. “It won’t be this way forever.”

  She was taken aback by the way he always seemed to read her without even trying. Looking up at him with tears in her eyes she wanted to kiss him. Only she wasn’t ready for the fire she knew it would spark in them both. She settled for reaching out and wrapping her arms around his waist pulling him into her for a tight hug. Pressing her face into his chest, she almost groaned with the relief it afforded her. How was it that Tiny always soothed her?

  Tiny held Racheal his face buried in her apple scented ponytail. His heart aching for the wounded expression on his woman’s face when she’d stepped out of that bathroom. He hadn’t meant to startle her, he thought with self-discrepancy. He held her, rubbing her back. Livid with himself, he’d startled her again. He was always causing her to feel even more misery than she already did, and he hated it. He just wanted to take care of her, not freak her out.

  Racheal pulled slowly away from Tiny whispering quietly, “Thanks, Tiny.” before heading back into the shop with him trailing behind her silently. Racheal saw that Slim was working on the truck she’d been fixing. She walked over to stand next to him.

  “Hey, that was my damned job!” She exclaimed watching him pulling out the radiator.

  “Well, you felt the need for a break. So, I took over. Snooze you lose, doll.” Slim said, laughing as he set the radiator down with a clang. It had been slow the last few weeks at the shop, and it was causing them all to be a bit stir crazy. When she’d first gotten here they had been short one mechanic for almost ten months, and the repair back log had kept them all busy. Now, with all the work caught up they were all clinging to every job.

  “Slim.” Tiny said glowering at Slim from behind her. Uh-oh, she thought with glee. Tiny was up in arms for her again. Smirking, she waited.

  “Her. Job.” He gritted.

  “Damn it, can’t you stop acting like a damned pansy for one damned day!” Slim exclaimed glowering right back at Tiny.

  “No. I’m going to Tammy’s and you’re comin’ too.” Tiny said causing Racheal to snort out a laugh. Slim grinned, even as he whined. Yep, she really did love it here.

  “Man, it’s just not fair. I wanted to fix something this week.”

  Tiny just watched him with his hang dog expression till he threw his hands up grumbling under his breath as he followed Tiny out the door.

  Racheal really did like that man. He was always ready to take on her cause, even if she had stolen this job when Slim went to the bathroom two hours ago. She wasn’t ashamed she’d wanted to do the complete rebuild on this motor. She needed the distraction from her own ridiculous thoughts. Racheal walked over to the engine and got to work with a slight smile still on her face.

  Chapter 2

  Tiny moved up the stairs of the club heading into church beside Slim three hours later. As the entered, they saw Pretty Boy and Log standing just inside the door handing their guns to a man at the table set up near the door. The two men had recently gotten their bottom rockers making them full members in the club. They threw their cells into a bin, which sat on the end of the table.

  Moving toward it he nodded to Pretty Boy
and Log who nodded back then entered the room to the left of the table where they held church. He handed his gun to the prospect while Slim did the same. Then they both threw their cells into the bin before entering the door after Pretty Boy and Log. Twelve men were already sitting at the large conference table when they entered the room. Tank stared at the pen Bone spun on the table. Looking bored, he watched the spinning blur of the pen as it twirled. Tiny took his usual seat beside Tank with Slim sliding in beside him. After a moment he leaned forward looking at Bone who wore a grim expression even as he played with the pen.

  “How was the run to Titus?” He asked.

  Bone stopped the spinning pen, looking at Slim, then he just shook his head slightly indicating he was waiting to talk about it. If Bone was waiting on the rest of the club before he talked about what was going on, it wasn’t good news, which made Tiny even more nervous than he’d been already. Slim sat back, a grim expression now covering his face.

  “We’re still waiting on Dog and Duck.” Tank complained, watching Trick enter the room and sit down next to Slim. Pretty Boy and Log stood with a few other new members at the back of the room. Dog entered and took his seat on the other side of Bone a few moments later. They all sat in silence, with Bone again spinning that pen on the table, waiting for Duck.

  Ten minutes later, Duck entered, looking sheepish. “Sorry, I was talking with my niece and didn’t realize the time.” Tiny smiled, Duck had discovered he was related to Bone’s old lady and he’d teased Bone shamelessly ever since.

  “Let’s get started.” Bone was still looking grim as Duck sat behind him in a chair against the wall. Tiny began to worry even more at Bone’s lack of reaction to Duck’s late arrival and his blatant teasing. Usually, Bone would have teased the older man for not being on time for at least twenty minutes, that he didn’t tease him meant something was seriously wrong.


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