Claiming Racheal

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Claiming Racheal Page 4

by Michelle Woods

  “Hey, darlin’.” Tiny purred wishing he could hug her. His trip so far had been unsuccessful except for the information he’d gotten today. It was frustrating, but he had to keep working the slight leads to find out the information the club needed.

  “How was your day?” Racheal’s voice was still slightly husky making his body hardened, and he began to think of her sweet ass, all round and firm. He almost groaned remembering waking to her sweet ass cradling his hardness the morning he’d left. He’d wanted to stay there with his dick cradled between her firm thighs and give her a good hard ride.

  “It sucked. Yours?” Tiny asked, not wanting to talk about the shit day he’d had. He’d hoped that he’d be wrapping this up by now, but he was going to have to dig more than he’d realized.

  “It was good. Molly and I went over to Titus to get some parts.”

  “Yeah, how’d that go darlin’?” Tiny wanted to hear her talk about her day, just hearing her voice helped him to relax, even while it caused his dick to throb painfully. He leaned back against the cheap headboard with a sigh, listening to her tell him about the trip.

  “It was fun. It’s the first time I’d been over there. We stopped in at the Department store there. Molly wanted to pick up a few things for Bone,” Tiny’s dick jumped at that statement wondering if Racheal had gotten any of the sexy lingerie they sold there. “I bought a few things too.” Tiny could hear a smile in her husky voice, damn now he was thinking of his woman in sexy lingerie.

  “That’s good. I’m glad you had a good time.” Tiny wanted to talk about what she bought at the store, but since his dick was already painfully swollen, he refrained. Having blue balls sucked. They talked for about ten more minutes before they hung up with a whispered good night. Tiny went back to the shower needing some relief from the images in his head.

  Turning on the cold water he got in, but after five minutes he realized it wasn’t working to cool his raging need. Taking his dick in his hand, he thought of Racheal bent over that little bench table in the backroom at the shop, naked. His hand began to move up and down as he built the fantasy. He’d tell her to spread her legs, getting on his knees his mouth would cover her sweet clit. He’d be sucking it gently with his hands gripping her ass.

  He’d work her till she was incoherent from the pleasure. He’d stand behind her his arms wrapping around her waist playing with her pretty pink nipples. Watching her reactions in the mirror behind the table, she’d be turned on even more that he was making her watch him touch her. Racheal would wiggle her hips, as he pinched and rolled those nipples between his fingers. He’d rub his dick between her legs feeling the wetness of her hot sex, slipping his dick inside her slowly.

  His hand squeezing his dick, he thought about the tight wetness he’d find gripping his dick. He growled, his other hand bracing on the shower wall picking up his pace. Damn, she’d be so fucking hot with her tits bare, and his dick stuffed inside her. Her tight ass against him, he’d be kissing and licking her neck, she’d moan. One hand would move to her hip to help guide their rhythm. Slowly, he’d roll her little nipples, his mouth on her neck sucking. His dick, pounding into her hard, working her tight channel.

  Tiny moaned, beginning to coming. He growled, again in pleasure thinking of her tightness squeezing him as she came with him. Leaning heavily against the shower wall he panted for several minutes before he sighed and got out. He felt drained, yet not satisfied by the release. He wanted to make love to Racheal, not jackoff in the shower thinking of her. Collapsing on the bed to get some sleep, he threw his arm over his face. He wanted to leave at first light because the faster he got the information for the club the faster he could get back to Racheal.

  Chapter 5

  Racheal hung up the phone with Tiny, wishing he was here with her not off only god knows were. Molly came back into the room with a cup of tea, followed by Aunt Mae. Racheal took the honey tea Molly held out to her and murmured thanks through her swollen throat.

  “Was that Tiny? What’d he say when you told him what happened?” Molly demanded, looking at her. Racheal wanted to laugh at her friend’s outrage on her behalf. The pain in her throat was slight compared to what Eugene had done to her.

  “I didn’t tell him. He sounded stressed.” Racheal replied, sipping the honey tea.

  “He needs to know what that whore did!” Molly growled, in an uncharacteristically mean tone, but then again Molly had changed since meeting Lucca, or Bone as everyone but Molly called him. Racheal knew these changes made Molly stronger, not as afraid to say what she meant. Molly’s parents had been tough on her. If she’d put a single toe out of line, Molly’s mother gave her hell about it for weeks.

  She’d never cared much for Molly’s parents. Especially Molly’s mother, that woman was a piece of work. The best thing that ever happened to Molly had been her mother refusing to lift a finger to help her when she was tossed out of the city behind the wall.

  “Molly, I’m fine and what Tessa did has nothing to do with Tiny. Bone already handled it.” Racheal looked at Aunt Mae who frowned at her.

  “That girl has always been a Bitch. Tiny didn’t let that girl think she was more to him than she was. He hasn’t even touched her since more than a month before you got here, sugar. Slick told me today after he took Tessa to Bone. She’s trouble that one.” Aunt Mae got a sparkle in her eyes then, one that reminded Racheal of a look she’d seen several times on her mother. “He’s making her go over to work with the Dixon’s for four months. Not as a sweetbutt either, as a farm hand. She ain’t never done any hard labor in her life.” Chuckling with glee, she sat down on the couch across from Racheal.

  “See, Molly, she’s already been taken care of.” Racheal soothed looking at Molly who sat in front of the couch her elbows on the coffee table.

  “That witch is not done with this, Racheal! She isn’t just going to give up on getting Tiny back into her pants after four months of working on a farm.” Molly slammed her hand down on the coffee table, tossing an angry look at Racheal.

  Racheal exhaled wearily, she hadn’t realized until this moment that Molly wasn’t just angry, she was livid. Tessa had really stepped in it with the attack on Racheal today. Molly had a lot of pull with Bone, being as she was his fiancée, and Tessa was going to be kicked out of the club if she didn’t watch it.

  Racheal thought about the woman who’d attacked her today. Of course, Racheal had asked for it with the words she’d said to the woman. She and Molly had gone to Titus with Rock and Slick, to get some parts that needed to be restocked at the shop.

  Racheal was confused, when Molly insisted that they needed to go with them so they could make sure that they got the right parts. Her true motivation hadn’t been clear until she insisted that they stop at the department store in Titus for some clothes. She’d asked Rock to give her a thousand credits.

  Racheal was surprised, when the man had handed her the credits without a complaint. Never once asking when she’d be returning his funds. Rock, Stick, and two prospects had hung close by as Molly had gone through the store buying half the lingerie that she found for herself, while insisting that Racheal buy a few pieces too.

  Racheal had to admit she’d had fun picking out lingerie, thinking of Tiny taking it off her. It had surprised her that she hadn’t been fearful about Tiny making love to her. She’d chosen tiny panties with little bows, red and cream lace bras with the panties to match, and sexy teddies in six different styles, which had all been slipped into her basket by Molly. After Racheal looked at the different colors and styles Molly insisted that Racheal needed them all shoving them into the basket.

  They’d gotten the parts from the auto store nearby, and then driven home. Arriving at about five thirty, they’d both been hungry. Molly suggested that they stop at Tammy’s Diner to eat dinner. The men roared off as soon as they’d gotten close to the diner, thinking they’d be safe at Tammy’s.

  Racheal and Molly decided to get their dinner to go, planning on taking it ba
ck to Tiny’s house to eat. Bone was taking care of some club business tonight at the clubhouse, so Molly wanted hang out and chat to pass the time until he was done.

  As they’d exited the diner, Tessa had glared angrily at her. Racheal hadn’t taken much notice of the women as they’d headed towards Bone’s truck. Tessa had called out loudly with a cruel laugh.

  “I guess Tiny finally left because you bored him.”

  “Tessa, no!” Her friend exclaimed.

  Molly had opened the door to the truck calmly setting her bag down in the seat. She turned with aimed a dark look at the other woman. Uh oh, Racheal remembered thinking, she’d watched Molly head towards the woman with apprehension overcoming her. Tessa stood beside the door of the diner, not reacting as Molly had walked towards her. Racheal immediately knew that the confrontation would not end well.

  She’d tried to stop Molly by calling out. “Let’s just go, Molly”

  Racheal knew that the woman had no idea what she was talking about anyway. Tiny called her every night to talk, this she knew was not the actions of a man who didn’t want to be bothered with a woman.

  Molly had ignored her, nearing the woman she’d gotten right in her face. “I hear you got a thing for Tiny. I’m warning you, leave him and Racheal alone.” She’d demanded.

  “I will leave her alone, but I can’t control Tiny. If he comes back to me, like he always does, I will let him fuck me!” Tessa had yelled back at Molly.

  Racheal grimaced, knowing that that statement wasn’t going to make the situation better. She’d met women like Tessa in the Slums. Women who had wanted so bad to be important to a man they were screwing, when all the man wanted was a wet pussy. Pearl had told her once that she should pity these women, not hate them for their annoying whining.

  “Oh honey, you’re deluding yourself if you think Tiny’s going to come back to you.” Racheal sadly stated. She wanted to tell the other woman that she knew about a whore’s lot in life. She hadn’t lived it, but her mother had.

  “What do you know, Bitch!” Tessa screamed running around Molly straight at Racheal, which startled Racheal making her flinch away instead of block the woman’s hands that wrapped around her throat.

  The woman was stronger than her slight five two frame would have lead Racheal to believe. Once she’d latched onto Racheal’s throat it had caused another panic attack. Racheal was suddenly remembering, hard male hands wrapped around her throat, and hearing Eugene’s sinister laugh, as he choked her until she’d passed out.

  She’d come back to herself, hearing Molly screaming. “Let her go, you stupid whore!” Racheal had moved her hands to free herself, only a male voice had interrupted.

  “What the hell is going on here? Move, Molly…fuck let her go, Tessa.” Slim yelled.

  Slim shook Tessa trying to make her let Racheal go. He’d come to the diner to get Lisa something to eat. Lisa was due to have their baby in two weeks, and she was still having mad cravings.

  Tessa’s hands were finally removed from Racheal’s throat. Racheal coughed gagging a bit, as Slim thrust Tessa at Tank, who’d come out from inside the diner when he heard Molly screaming. Her breathing rough and her mind in chaos, she’d bent over her hands resting on her thighs. Choking and gasping for breath still a little shaken from the memories that had assaulted her

  “Fuck, are you okay Racheal? If that bitch had killed you Tiny would have cut off Bone’s balls for sure. Fuck.” Tank proclaimed holding onto Racheal’s shoulders.

  Molly had still been screaming at Tessa. “You little whore! How dare you put your hands on Racheal! She’s been through enough!”

  “That fucking BITCH deserved it!” Tessa was screaming back, jerking uselessly against Tank’s hold on her.

  “Moll-molly leave her be. I’m okay.” Racheal finally managed to get out. Molly came over to her taking her arm leading her to the truck.

  “Fine! We’re leaving. Slim, you take her to Lucca. Make him deal with this or I will!” Molly helped her into the truck insisting on taking her to Doc’s. Doc had pronounced that a little tea would clear the slight huskiness in her voice. There weren’t any bruises and Tessa hadn’t done much harm.

  Racheal sighed her mind moving back to the present, remembering that Molly didn’t forgive easily. She looked at her best friend for a moment meeting her brown eyes with her own. Racheal really loved this girl, thank god they were friends.

  “Rach, you need to tell Tiny about what she did.” Molly told her for the fifth time tonight. “She’s not going to give up that easy trust me.”

  “The girls probably right unfortunately, dear.” Aunt Mae chimed in.

  “Molly, it doesn’t matter if she gives up or not. I know that Tiny isn’t interested in her. You’re forgetting that Pearl raised me Molly. I can handle Tiny. He’s no different than any other man. Pearl knows every trick to get and keep a man, you know that.”

  Racheal looked knowingly at Molly waiting for her to realize that what she’d said was true. Her mother had taught her everything she could possibly need to know about men, and some things she never wanted to know. If only she’d realized that before Eugene, she might not have had to kill the man.

  “Oh, right. That’s why you’re not worried then? Not that you’re still hurting from what Eugene did?” Molly asked her face twisted into a worried expression as she sat leaning forward onto the coffee table. Grimacing at the man’s name, Racheal nodded.

  “This mother of yours sounds interesting Racheal. Tell me more.” Aunt Mae said with a lecherous grin.

  Laughing, before she sipped her tea again, Racheal said once she’d swallowed. “You’d have to meet her. Pearl is amazing.” Losing the smile she frowned slightly. “I miss her.”

  “I’m kinda surprised she didn’t show up with you.” Molly sent a questioning look at her as she leaned back into the couch behind her with her arm resting on the coffee table.

  “She would have. I told her not to. Traven is dyeing” Racheal whispered sadly.

  “Oh no, that’s awful! Poor, Pearl.” Molly exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I hated to take her away from him. I know she was torn between staying with him and leaving with me. He’s the one who gave me the five thousand credits, you know.” Racheal’s eye burned slightly, the man had always loved her mother. He’d also been the closest thing to a father that Racheal had. Twenty years ago he’d met her mother at the market near the whore’s district in the Slum’s. He always said that from the moment he’d first laid eyes on Pearl he’d known that he loved her.

  To him she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. He’d moved her into the upper Slum housing as his exclusive mistress the very next day. To most people it would look like lust not love, but he wasn’t able to offer her more than that at the time. He was unable to bear letting her live in the whore district for even a moment longer, he’d once told her.

  Racheal had become just as important to him. He would bring her gifts every time he came to visit, and he’d play with her while her mother cooked.

  “He always was a good man. Even when he was married to that witch, he took care of you and your mother. It was so sad that he couldn’t marry your mother, he loved her so.” Molly watched Racheal with a quite sorrow. “Why didn’t he marry her when his wife died?”

  “She wouldn’t marry him. You know Pearl. She didn’t want to be committed.” Racheal snorted at the thought. Her mother was committed to that man and had been since Racheal was about four years old.

  “Sounds like some other women, I know.” Aunt Mae chimed in, meaning Lisa, Racheal was sure. Her old man, Slim, been trying during her entire pregnancy to get her to marry him and she’d refused.

  “Hasn’t she been his mistress exclusively since you were like five? How is that not committed?” Laughing, Molly lay her head back on the couch seat behind her with her black hair flowing over the grey couch beneath her.

  “Since I was four.”

  “Again, how is that not committed?” Molly chu

  “I know, right.” All three of them laughed.

  Chapter 6

  Rolling over, Racheal grabbed the buzzing phone from the bedside table. It had been three days since what she was labeling the ‘Tessa incident,’ and Tiny hadn’t called her last night, which made her worry that something might have happened to him. It made her grouchier than usual.

  “Hello” She barked, grumpily. Looking at the time on the small clock, to see that it was nine fifteen. Damn it, she only went to sleep at six, three hours ago.

  “Hey, get dressed. I’ll be there in twenty minutes to pick you up.” Molly’s chirpy voice accosted her, making her feel like killing Molly for being so damned happy.

  Ugg…she really hated morning people. Racheal was lucky if she could function this early in the morning. Mornings really were the bane of all existence. Racheal lay back on her pillow wanting Tiny, the one morning when she’d awakened with him wrapped around her had been nice. She really missed him.

  “Why?” She questioned Molly cantankerously.

  “All the girls are getting together to have a spa day! Even Lisa’s coming.” Molly’s voice was gratingly excited. It annoyed Racheal. Now that she and Bone were together she was always gloriously happy. Racheal really couldn’t understand in that moment why she and this girl were friends.

  “Isn’t Lisa like due this week? She’s huge, how is this gonna be fun for her?” Rolling over onto her back, she ran a hand down her face.

  “Wow, that was mean. You’re awfully grumpy this morning. I’ll be happy when Tiny gets back you’re not as cranky when he’s around. Now, get dressed!” She hung up after that demand, making Racheal want to throw the phone at the wall. She didn’t give in to the impulse only because the phone was the only way Tiny had to contact her. Instead she got up and stumbled to the shower, with a loud curse when she stumbled, hitting her toe on the corner of the dresser. Damn that hurt, she just knew this day was going to suck.


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