Claiming Racheal

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Claiming Racheal Page 5

by Michelle Woods

  Fifteen minutes later, she was brushing her hair to put it up in a ponytail when she heard the ding dong of the doorbell. Knowing that Aunt Mae was up she didn’t bother to go let Molly in. Aunt Mae was sleeping on a cot in the study.

  Tiny only had the one bedroom, Racheal had tried to have the older woman sleep on the large king sized bed, but the older woman had refused. She had arthritis in her knees and Tiny’s bed was on a small platform with stairs.

  Racheal was shocked when Aunt Mae had told her that she had the condition. They had cured that disease, years ago, using nano technology. She’d asked Aunt Mae why she hadn’t asked Doc to get it for her, to which she had crackled “Ain’t no little robots going inside me, girly!”

  Racheal laughed a bit pulling up her hair, remembering the horror that her suggestion had caused to cross the older woman’s face. Finishing with her hair, she exited the bathroom walking towards the voices she could hear in the kitchen.

  “You girls don’t need an old biddy like me at that spa of yours! I’ll just hang around here and read my book. Getting to the good part, they’re gonna have wild sex.” Aunt Mae was laughing as she answered Molly’s question.

  “Alright, if you’re sure, Aunt Mae.” Molly turned looking at her as she entered the kitchen. “Morning, grumpy!”

  “Ha, you know I’m not a morning person, Molly. You’ve known me half my life.” Racheal smiled at her friend. Molly just shook her head.

  “Grab something to eat and we’ll head over to Longville to meet the girls. They already left. I told them we’d catch up since you were so cranky.” Racheal stuck her tongue out at Molly who laughed and did it back.

  “You girls are silly. Oh, to be so young again!” Aunt Mae exclaimed.

  Startling a laugh from Racheal as she grabbed a muffin from the basket she’d made yesterday. Looking at Molly, who asked.

  “You ready?”

  “Yep, let’s go. See ya, Aunt Mae.” Racheal called as they headed out the door.

  “Bye, Mae.”

  “You girls have a good time!”

  Molly walked to the truck opening the doors so they could both get in. Racheal climbed in and settled herself eating her muffin.

  “Did you get me one of those?” Molly asked.


  “You know I think you’ve been around Tiny too much. You’re starting to do that thing he does with the one word, a lot.

  “Huh, that’s annoying I bet.” Racheal stuffed the last bite into her mouth looking over at Molly.

  “It really is. I get why it irritates Trick so much.”

  She and Molly chatted for the rest of the ride talking about the bonfire the club was planning that night. She was still worried about Tiny, but she didn’t want to let Molly know she was obsessing over it, so she stayed silent about it. They arrived at the salon; someone had set up a few years ago, at around ten. Lisa, her bright pink hair clearly visible from a block away, sat on a bench outside surrounded by five other women. Getting out of the vehicle, she and Molly walked over. Racheal recognized all the women except two.

  Brandy, Stick’s old lady, stood with her back to Molly and Racheal facing Lisa where she sat on the bench. Tracy, Dog’s old lady, was sitting beside Lisa who looked uncomfortable sitting in the hot summer sun. Her huge belly could be seen covered by a light blue top and with her cotton candy pink hair; she looked like a giant beach ball. The other two women who leaned on the wall, Racheal didn’t know.

  “Bought time you two got here, we were about to go inside to wait. Lisa’s melting.” Tracy gripped rising from the bench then turning back to help Lisa up. Lisa grabbed Tracy’s hand, wobbly getting to her feet with a loud grunt.

  “I fucking hate being pregnant!” Lisa exclaimed, letting go of Tracy’s hand.

  “Now, Now, no negativity today. We’re here to have a good time and relax.” The woman leaning on the wall cautioned earning a glare from Lisa. The woman’s hair was chestnut colored and she had a chucky figure. She was wearing a colorful shirt with bright orange and yellow flowers printed on it.

  “Ha, you try to relax with swollen ankles and an aching back!”

  Lisa was not one of those women who enjoyed every second of being pregnant and seemed to glow with happiness from day one. Nope, Lisa was the woman who wanted to murder the man who’d gotten her knocked up. Racheal knew that Lisa was as happy as Slim about the baby, but she hated being pregnant.

  “I’ve been pregnant you know. Max was a nine pound baby, quit whining!” The colorful woman said, before she looked at Molly, smiling.

  Molly grinned back at her, moving to hug the woman who opened her arms to enfold her.

  “Vivi, I’ve missed you!” Molly laughed, moving back from the woman. “I don’t think you’ve met Racheal. You and Tick had left before she came to town.” Molly indicated Racheal.

  Racheal was stunned when the other woman walked over grabbing her in a hug. Returning the hug awkwardly, Racheal grimaced a bit. She was never very comfortable when someone she didn’t know touched her.

  “Sugar, I’ve heard so much about you from our Molly.” Vivi pronounced releasing her.

  “You’re making her uncomfortable, Vivi!” Tracy stated loudly. Vivi’s reply was to shoot her the finger as she stepped back from Racheal.

  They all moved towards the door Tracy was now holding open. Vivi and Lisa entered the salon before her, she stared wistfully at the property patches covering the two women’s leather vests. They both said property of Red Devils MC and beneath it was each woman’s old man’s name. It made her wish that she had that security of knowing she belonged. Not that she wanted to have a patch that was the equivalent of marriage. It was the knowledge that no matter what happened she’d always have a home that she envied. Racheal sighed following the other women inside.

  Entering, Racheal looked around taking in the tacky gold wall paper and the bright lights that shown from the mirrored salon area. Yuck, she’d always kinda hated this gaudy style.

  “Katie, why are you so quiet today?” Molly questioned the other woman, who’d entered behind Racheal. She was a slender, strawberry blonde with golden highlights. She had a pixyish face, her blue green eyes held a sadness that reminded Racheal of her own. Katie smiled at Molly, and even that slight smile didn’t relieve the sadness that seemed to hover around the girl, she replied.

  “I’m fine. I was just thinking.”

  “Ladies, welcome.” A woman in a gold dress that reached mid-thigh with a white apron and gold heels, said as she came around the counter. Racheal wanted to laugh at the ridiculous outfit, but decided against it because she didn’t want to be rude. “How may we help you?”

  “We’ve got appointments for a full spa treatment foot massages, pedicures, and manicures. Oh, and I need a Brazilian.” Brandy proclaimed from behind Racheal.

  “Wonderful, then let’s get you ladies set up.” The woman was way too chipper for Racheal. The woman led them to another area of the spa. This room was slightly dim and held eight chairs, at each chair stood a technician. They all sat down, Racheal sat next to Vivi. She looked around, again seeing more of the tacky décor inside this room, the salon seemed to have a gold theme that made her slightly nauseous, and she really hoped this didn’t take long. She wasn’t really in the mood for this crap.

  Racheal laughed, her eyes watering with mirth, as Vivi began telling them about an escaped pig that had terrorized her six year old son. The boys fear wasn’t what was so funny. It was his father trying to catch the pig, who’d gotten inside the small farmhouse they’d been staying at. She and the other women had already gotten their manicures and were currently getting foot massages.

  “So, I’m still holding our baby boy on my shoulders and Tick’s diving into the carpet trying to grab the pig. It’s knocking over tables and squealing, panicked almost as much as our Maxey is. Tick’s cursing and I’m trying my best not to laugh at all the ridiculous chaos.” Vivi giggled.

  “How did he finally catch it?
” Brandy asked, laughing as hard as the rest of them.

  “Oh, he didn’t! Ratchet heard all the racket and he came over to see what the hell was going on. He opened the kitchen door, just as Tick dove at the pig again landing at Ratchet’s feet, and the pig just runs out the door!”

  Racheal’s sides hurt from laughing so hard. She was enjoying the day more than she’d expected to. These women where a lot of fun, she could see why Molly loved them all so much. She was glad that Molly had insisted that she come.

  “That was the best story! I really needed a laugh like this.” Racheal wiped the tears from her eyes, before asking Vivi. “How was your son?”

  “Hum…well, he started laughing. He giggled and said ‘Daddy, lost the pig, Momma!’ Tick just got up glaring at him then stormed out with Ratchet and me laughing our asses off at him.” Vivi chuckled.

  “My God, Vivi you always have the best stories!” Katie was saying and Racheal noticed that she looked a little less haunted.

  “Thanks. That man of mine is a calamity! Enough making fun of my old man, ladies! Where are we going for Molly’s bachelorette party next week?" Vivi asked.

  “Oooh…lets go to the Wink club!” Brandy cried sitting up with a smile.

  “Last time we went there you started a bar brawl, Brandy.” Katie exclaimed, looking at her as if she’d lost her mind.

  “Oh pooh, that chick was asking for it! She had her hands all over Stick! Little hussy.” Brandy sat back huffily.

  “Brandy, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but you man’s a man-whore. He was letting her.” Katie responded.

  “I know, but if she’s not club she ain’t touching him! It’s bad enough I gotta put up with the sweetbutt’s. Not going to let it be any woman the man meets!” Brandy’s face hardened into a twisted expression of hate and love. Racheal watched the other woman with a thoughtful expression. She wished Pearl were here, she’d have Brandy’s man reformed in weeks. It really was too bad she wasn’t here.

  “Oh, honey.” Vivi clucked her tongue in sympathy.

  “Wink sounds fun.” Tracy chimed in, trying to change the subject.

  “Well, as long as you guys promise that I can sit I don’t care where we go.” Lisa moaned, the woman messaging her feet hitting a particularly tender spot.

  “Wink, it is. I’ve never been to a club,” Molly pronounced. “Racheal you’re coming too. No letting Tiny talk you out of it.”

  “Okay, it sounds like fun.” Racheal stated, looking at her with a smile.

  “Hey, Rach, is Tiny coming back for the bonfire tonight?” Vivi asked, reminding Racheal why she’d been upset earlier in the day. Tiny hadn’t called her yesterday which caused a bit of panic to fill her. She hoped he was alright.

  “I don’t know, he didn’t call me last night.” Racheal muttered, with a calmness she didn’t feel. Her mind was screaming that she needed to get Bone to send someone out to look for him. He hadn’t missed a call to her since the first night he’d left.

  “Doesn’t he call you every night?” Molly asked, sharply sitting up.

  “Yes.” Racheal met her eyes with her own, knowing the other woman would see the panic inside her, but not caring.

  “Shit, that’s not good.” Tracy snapped, also sitting forward a worried look on her face.

  “No, I’m worried.” Racheal murmured, her hand brushing her hair back from her face in dismay.

  “He might have been late getting somewhere and just didn’t want to bother her. I’m sure he’ll call her tonight.” Brandy was saying.

  “Yeah, I’m sure your right.” Tracy replied, her eyes troubled as she sat back and Racheal knew Racheal didn’t really believe those words any more than she did.

  Racheal knew that Tiny would have called even if it was late. He knew she barely slept anyway. She wanted to demand that they send someone to look for him, but instead she sat back. She wasn’t going to let her panic show. She’d wait, if he didn’t call her tonight she’d panic then.

  Chapter 7

  Racheal sat outside the clubhouse with Stick, Brandy, Molly and Bone. The bonfire party had been in full swing for over an hour. Stick and Brandy where dancing to the slow music pounding in the background, while she and Molly chatted. Bone was holding Molly in his lap rubbing her leg, content to just be with her.

  “You know he’ll call tonight. If he doesn’t Bone will send out some feelers to see what they can dig up. Won’t you Bone.” Molly demanded.

  “Sure, Baby.” Bone said, his lips caressing her neck with light kisses. Molly sighed, her arms wrapped around his neck. She tried to pull back slightly, Bone followed with a growl.

  “Stop! Bone, do you even know what I just said!” Molly accused in a demanding tone.

  “Yes, baby. I told you that I’d send someone to find Tiny.” He snarled, pulling her back towards him. “Now, we’re going back to the cabin. You’ve been chatting with your friend and torturing me for three hours!”

  “I have not been torturing you!” Molly exclaimed.

  “Ha, you have. This tiny skirt is making me nuts!” He leaned forward whispering something into Molly’s ear that made her giggle and turn red.

  “Okay.” She said her arms still clinging to his neck.

  “Damn,” Bone rumbled before turning to look around.

  “Rock.” He bellowed. The man walked over standing in front of them.

  “Yeah?” He questioned.

  “Take care of Racheal. I’m taking my woman home!” With that declaration he stood, throwing a giggling Molly over his shoulder to shrieks of glee, taking off at a run leaving her sitting there with Rock who stood staring at her. The staring made her uncomfortable.

  “I’ll be fine if you want to go.” Racheal nervously muttered, looking at the large man.

  “Nope, I’m your babysitter now. Get over it.” Rock just kept giving her that creepy stare.

  “Well could you maybe not stare at me? It’s making me nervous.”

  “Fine, wanna go up and play pool?” He questioned, still watching her.

  “Okay,” Racheal answered not caring what they did as long as the man quit staring at her she stood. “Let’s go play pool.”

  “Tank,” He yelled out, startling her. She flinched, looking at him in disbelief why was he bellowing at the man?

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Tank asked, headed in their direction.

  “Check the playroom and the hallways for me would ya. Gonna take Racheal inside to play pool.” Rock replied.

  Tank nodded and turned walking into the clubhouse. What the hell? Racheal thought, it wasn’t like there where dangerous people lurking everywhere, it was only the Red Devils here tonight.

  “I’m sure it’s fine let’s just go in.” Racheal moved to walk past the man who grabbed her arm stopping her. Racheal cringed, she wasn’t frightened of Rock. She just didn’t want him or any man besides Tiny touching her.

  “No, wait out here till Tank gets back.” Rock was saying.

  “Let. Me. Go.” Racheal bit out angry that the man was touching her. She felt his hand loosen at the same time she heard a cold voice say.

  “If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you remove it from my woman now!” Tiny’s deep voice was music to her ears and she turned seeing him standing on the end of the porch, a dark look on his face.

  “Tiny!” Racheal exclaimed excited that he was here and safe. She felt Rock’s hand release her and she took off at a run towards Tiny throwing herself into the arms he opened to catch her.

  “Hey, Darlin’.” He grunted as he absorbed the impact of her landing in his arms, which wrapped around her. She squeezed his neck so tight she feared she was choking him and loosened her arms. She lifted her face to his meeting his eyes, which were filled with relief as if he’d been afraid she wouldn’t be happy to see him. She stood on her tiptoes pressing her mouth to his. He was only a little over six inches taller than her, but it was enough that she had to rise to her tiptoes to kiss him.

  His mouth caug
ht hers, he moaned, grabbing her. He clutched her to him tightly, his tongue thrusting into her mouth. She’d meant to just press a light kiss to his lips, but his tongue was already taking over her mouth with a demand that she respond. Unable to resist him she allowed her own tongue to thrust against his. Her body sank into his as she whimpered her own tongue dueling with his, in an erotic dance.

  Tiny growled roughly, grabbing her ass, moving with her towards the wall of the clubhouse, his mouth glued now to hers. His hands squeezed and he rubbed his hardened dick against her as her back hit the wall. Then Tiny was nipping and sipping at her mouth with hard possessive caresses, and he was growling and grunting in pleasure. She wasn’t sure how to handle the sensations Tiny was creating. His tongue caressing her own caused her to moan in need as her body flooded with aching desire to have him inside her.

  She wanted him to keep kissing her, but the roughness was a little nerve racking. After Eugene, she wasn’t sure she could handle a man manhandling her even a little bit. She tried to pull back some, to create some distance between them. Only Tiny didn’t like it, he followed her, his mouth moving to her neck, nipping and sucking. Moaning she tried to ask him to slow down, but could barely think enough to form words.

  “Tiny…oh…Sl-sl” Racheal panted, trying to calm him down. Tiny growled again, his mouth taking hers again, forcefully. His tongue thrust into her mouth, causing another moan to escape her, he devoured her then, growling and grunting wildly as he pressed his hardness into her wetness, which throbbed in need.

  “Fuck, I need to take you. Let’s go.” He pulled away grabbing her hand leading her inside the clubhouse. He tugged at her hand leading her up the stairs. A little dazed, Racheal looked around the clubhouse, while Tiny practically dragged her up the stairs.

  She saw why Rock had been insisting that she wait outside. He’d probably thought that the blatant sexual displays would shock her. They didn’t. She’d been raised around whores for goodness sake. Pearl had always told her sex was just sex. Love was different, when there was love you just knew. She’d said this to Racheal, when she was seventeen and had thought she was in love with the boy who’d given her her first orgasm.


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