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The Echo

Page 2

by M C Sheridan

  Darcassian gave her a dramatically deep frown, “Tsk. All that to be rid of me? And here I thought you were just crude. Very well my love, if that is how you feel, I shall bother you no longer.”

  She smirked as she watched the elf walk away, feigning sorrow with his hand against his forehead and his nose in the air. She ran to him and hugged him from behind. Resting her cheek on his back, her head could scarcely reach his shoulder blades.

  Darcassian patted her hands that were tightly clamped around his waist. “I knew you’d never want to be rid of me.” he said as he turned to face her. “Still, I do wish you’d leave the room to empty your nose. It is indecent.”

  “I’ll try.” said Quesys with a crinkled nose.


  The weather in Siannodel was usually warm making the vast courtyard of the academy the perfect place to spar and today was no exception. Under the shade of the tall oak trees, tiny beams of sunlight shone through the closely knit leaves, casting an odd patterned shadow of dark and light speckles over a very stern looking elf.

  “Alright class,” said the commanding elf as he slowly paced back and forth in front of a lineup of students, “Today you’re going to learn how to defend yourselves against someone who is coming at you with a sharp object.” He eyed each pupil as he passed them, making sure every one of them was paying close attention.

  This particular teacher was unlike most of Quesys’ professors. He didn’t wear scholarly robes hiding his figure. Instead, he wore dark loose-fitting pants and his shirt was black, tight and had a plunging v-shaped neckline with no sleeves. He had a slim build, shoulder length brown hair that was tied back into a knot and he stood at 5’11”, which was quite short for an elf.

  “Now,” continued the elf, “If you’ll—”

  A few feet away, a rustling came from behind a short wall of shrubbery. Hopping over a small bush and stepping into the courtyard, was a very large and burly human male. With a wide grin, the muscle-bound human confidently walked up to the teacher and handed him a note.

  The professor’s eyes scanned over the letter quickly.

  “Ah. I see we have a new student today.” said the professor addressing his class. “A Mr. Lake Bladeflow.” A chuckle came from the lineup of students. The professor whipped his head around with a scowl causing the students to cease their snickering and stand at attention. He slowly turned his gaze back to the new student, “Looks like you transferred from Professor Clell’s course.”

  “Yes, Sir Professor Magmaris.” replied the male human.

  “Any reason why?” asked the professor.

  Lake puffed out his wide, barrel chest and replied, “I heard another student dropped out of your class recently and I knew you were the best, Sir. So here I am.”

  “Yes…” said professor Magmaris in an unimpressed tone, “Here you are. And late might I add. By eight whole minutes.”

  Lake’s chest deflated. “Um, actually I was on time. I went to the gymnasium and no one was inside. I had to go back to the office and they told me you were holding lessons outdoors today.”

  Professor Magmaris clacked his tongue, “Well, Mr. Bladeflow, if you were so eager to join my class, you would have shown up early and saved yourself some embarrassment. Forty pushups. Five for each minute you were late.”

  Quesys stared at the new pupil, waiting for him to defend himself or even storm off like so many had before him. Instead, he immediately dropped to the ground, almost anxiously, and began counting off pushups as he did them. On his knuckles no less. The half-elf lifted her brow as she watched the human, barely breaking a sweat during his punishment, which he treated more like part of his daily routine.

  She admired his large form as he lifted himself from the ground. His skin was a beautiful bronze color from being out in the sun and his body had a lovely V-shape that was hard to ignore. Looking down at his arms, she thought his biceps were ready to burst through his skin at any moment. The young man had so many muscles, they even peeked through his loose-fitting training clothes.

  “Forty.” said Lake as he rose to his feet, “I’m sorry, Professor. It won’t happen again.”

  Professor Magmaris gestured with a slight nod and an eye movement telling him to take his place standing with the rest of the students. Lake eagerly joined his other classmates. The small class was made up of twelve, now thirteen, students.

  “As I said before,” continued the Professor, “we’ll be learning how to stop an attacker from coming at you with a knife. Anyone wish to volunteer?”

  Quesys excitedly lifted her arm.

  A much taller male elf stepped out from behind her, aggressively checking her to the side with his hip. “Out of the way woman!” he said pushing his way in front of her. He cocked his head to the side and looked down to meet her fiery gaze. “Why don’t you run along and play with your dollies, pipsqueak, and leave the fighting to the stronger sex.” He smiled wickedly as he turned to the students chuckling behind him.

  Quesys smirked as an acorn smacked him in the side of the head.

  “Back in line, Strou.” commanded the professor as he plucked another acorn from the tree.

  Strou scowled as he moved back into formation.

  “Listen here males.” said the professor in a deep voice. “On the field of battle, the females you work alongside will be your comrades in arms. When the day is done, they’re ladies and you are gentlemen and gentle-elves and you will act as such. If I see you pushing anyone aside—female or not—just so you can prove yourself, I will throw the whole oak tree at you. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” replied the classroom in unison, even the elf rubbing his newly acquired bruise.

  “Alright then.” continued the professor, “Quesys, I want you to come up here, pretend you have a knife and attack me.”

  Quesys adjusted the front of her sparring uniform and proudly walked over to the instructor. She knew he didn’t appreciate showing off, so she went for a simple lunge. Quesys blinked and in an instant she was brought to her knees and wincing from the pain in her shoulder. Her clenched fist that was holding the imaginary knife was now behind her head as a large and sweaty handheld it there.

  The professor helped her back to her feet. “That is how you disarm your assailant.” he said addressing the entire class, “I’ll show you all again, slower this time. Now, when your attacker comes at you, move away like this, to the side of them without crossing your legs so you maintain your balance. This way, they can’t attack you with their free hand. Your hand closest to the attacker chops into their elbow joint. You then grab the hand that is holding the knife. Pushing up, moving in, rotating their elbow up and then pushing their arm down, forcing them onto their knees. Anyone else care to try?” The professor lifted an eyebrow, “Strou. Since you’re so hungry for the attention, why don’t you show us all how it’s done?”

  Strou stepped forward. His narrow frame towering over Quesys, “Yes, Sir.” he said with an air of cockiness.

  Professor Magmaris gave a curt nod, “Alright Quesys, you’ll be the attacker and Strou, you will defend yourself. Just as I showed you. Ready?”

  Strou curled up his lips as he stood over the redheaded half-elf who was waiting for him with a battle-ready stance. The professor nodded for them to begin.

  In a whirl, Quesys spun around and lunged at Strou, aiming high. Caught unaware, the elf took an imaginary dagger to the temple. Strou sneered at the half-elf. He flung his long black hair away from his face and readied his stance for another blow. Quesys lunged again, only this time, she moved to the left and aimed for his inner thigh. Again, Strou was unable to deflect her movements.

  “Sir!” Snapped Strou, his emerald eyes flaring with enmity. “She was asked to do a simple lunge and she won’t. How am I ever going to learn to deflect her attacks if she refuses to go down!?”

  The professor grinned for the fourth time in his life and replied, “Going down is a lady’s decision I’m afraid.”

  The p
rofessor’s eyes bugged out when Quesys chuckled while the rest of the class stared blankly. Professor Magmaris cleared his throat and motioned Lake to come forward. “Okay everyone, time to pair up. I’ll be watching you and keeping an eye on your technique, so I hope you all paid attention.” He moved his eyes over to the half-elf, “Quesys, I’ll train with Strou you can practice with Mr. Bladeflow here. Do try to hold back on the fancy footwork. You don’t get extra marks for flourish.”

  “Yes, Sir.” replied Quesys.

  With a nod, the professor turned on his heel and began pairing up the other students.

  Quesys’ eyes swept over to the human striding towards her. Lake smiled at her. He cleared his throat as he ran his hand through his closely-cut chestnut brown hair.

  Before she could introduce herself, a familiar and annoying voice grumbled in her ear.

  “Yes, Sir.” mocked Strou.

  Quesys rolled her eyes and turned to face her ridiculer. “Buzz off why don’t you.”

  “Buzz off?” he snorted, “Well, now I’m offended. Such harsh language and from a lady too.” Strou glanced over to the human male walking toward him and then back to Quesys, “Ugh. First the professor lets a halfie female into his course and now a human. Tch. This academy is really starting to go downhill.”

  “The academy has always been free to anyone who wishes to learn.” said Lake as he moved his body in between Quesys and the haughty elf. “Even narrow-minded blowhards apparently.”

  Strou clacked his tongue in amusement. “Well, well. If it isn’t Mr. Lake Bladeflow. Nice name by the way. Did you give it to yourself?”

  Lake smiled, “I think the professor is waiting for you. Maybe its best you toddle along before another acorn hits your face.”

  The elf grinned and stepped forward, pushing his chest up against Lake. Lake didn’t budge. Strou glared down at the human and without moving his gaze replied, “Well Quesys, it looks like you already got yourself a new boyfriend. A human too. Figures.” Quesys’ face burned with anger. Strou saw from the corner of his eye how much he was getting under her skin. His smile grew wider as he continued. “Good luck with this one, Lake. Someone’s already taken a bite of that peach I’m afraid. Must have been some awfully rotten fruit if she couldn’t even keep the eyes of humdrum Nym from wandering.” Strou looked back over to Quesys, “Whatever possessed you to think that someone like like you could be good enough for an elf?”

  Quesys narrowed her eyes and sneered. She curled up her fists tight enough for her knuckles to crack.

  “I think you’re done here Strou.” said Lake firmly, “I’ve been wanting to get into this class for some time now and I don’t feel like getting kicked out on my first day. So why don’t you move along and take your snide comments elsewhere.”

  Strou gave out a tiny chortle, “Oh, I see. You think you have a future to look after, do you? Hehe. That is rich. I am curious, do either of you really think you belong here? I mean, really. We elves take self-defense so that we can become agents of her royal majesty, not filthy scrappers and…” He eyed Lake up and down, “Whatever you are. No human or half-elf female would ever be allowed to serve the crown again so why would you even bother?” The elf’s face turned sour as he pointed his finger at them, “I hope you both realize that you’re taking up valuable class space. Space that would be better off given to serious elves with serious career aspirations. Otherwise, your presence here is not only wasted but selfish as well.” Strou straightened his sparing outfit and his sour expression faded into a serious one. “Something for you both to ponder.” He turned from them and arrogantly sauntered back toward the professor who was busy instructing another sparring pair.

  “What a crab.” said Quesys as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Don’t worry about him. He’s just mad because he can’t block worth a damn. My imaginary blade is sharper than his wit.”

  She looked up at Lake who was standing in front of her, smiling and seemingly content in listening to her speak.

  She held out her hand, “Hi. Uh, I’m Quesys. Quesys Rose Lujor.”

  Lake took her hand, squeezing back firmly but not too hard. The perfect handshake, she thought.

  “Huh.” she commented, “Most males go to kiss my hand instead of shaking it.”

  “I’m sorry,” replied Lake sarcastically, “I thought you gave me your hand to shake, not to kiss. I guess next time I’ll just have to read your thoughts.”

  “Can you do that?” she asked with surprise in her voice.

  He chuckled, “No. Diviners are a pretty rare breed and almost never human. My name is Lake by the way. Lake Bladeflow.”

  “Yeah, I got that.”

  “I’m surprised you’re not laughing. Most people hear my name and assume I’m a knight in training from the Eastern Kingdoms or something.”

  Quesys raised her eyebrow at him, “You don’t like your name I take it.”

  “Not particularly.” said Lake. “I’ve often thought about changing it.”

  “Yeah? Same here. I never really liked my name either.”

  Lake cocked his head to the side, “Quesys? What’s wrong with that name?”

  The she-elf’s face contorted, “It sounds more like a symptom than a name. ‘Oh, healer help me. I’m groggy and lightheaded and constantly feeling Quesys’.” she scoffed.

  “Feeling Quesys, huh? That doesn’t exactly sound like a bad symptom.” he said scratching the back of his neck.

  Quesys’ lips curled upwards, “Did you—just flirt with me?”

  Lake shrugged, “Why? Was it bad? Ugh, I’ve never been good at flirting. I always just say the first thing that comes to mind. Maybe after school you could help me practice.” he said, his brown eyes looking skyward.

  Quesys giggled, “Oh my gods you did it again.”

  “And you’re laughing.” he sighed, “I’m not sure this is going well. Maybe I should retire before—”

  In a whirl of movement, Lake lunged at Quesys hoping to catch her off guard. She stepped to the side and thrust back at him with her imaginary knife. She made a ‘ssshhhhkkk’ sound as she dragged her hand across his belly, spilling his imaginary guts all over the grass.

  “Ow.” hissed Lake as he rubbed the back of his head.

  “That’s what you get, Mr. Bladeflow.” shouted the instructor as he lobbed another acorn at Lake’s temple. “Next time stop flirting and pay attention to your attacker.”

  “Ouch.” laughed Lake, ”That’s what I was doing.”

  “I can’t believe you tried to attack me when I wasn’t ready.” said Quesys shaking her head. “Tsk. Shameful.”

  “Yeah.” replied Lake, still rubbing his head. “I gotta admit, I thought it would have worked.”

  Quesys rested her hands on her hips, “You wanna try again?”

  Lake nodded and made a quick lunge. Quesys moved to the side and swiftly brought the musclebound human to his knees. She let him up and readied herself for her turn to attack. She sprung forward, and Lake turned to the side bringing her arm back with her fist behind her head. Quesys winced from the strain he was putting on her arm. He let go and helped her up from the ground.

  “You alright?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” she said rubbing her shoulder. “You got a real strong grip.”

  “Sorry if I hurt you.”

  Quesys shook her head, “No, don’t apologize. People always assume that I can’t take care of myself because I’m short or young or female but I’m stronger than I look.”

  Lake straightened his back with a smile, “I can appreciate that. I always wanted to be part of the royal guard but since I’m human… well, not a lot of doors are open to me I’m afraid. Who knows, maybe by the time I graduate they’ll have changed the laws so I can actually serve. A lot can happen in a few years.”

  “You sure are optimistic.” said the she-elf, “I guess anything’s possible. It’s a stupid law anyways. I think anyone willing to give their life for Siannodel should be able to.”

  “What about you?” asked Lake. “What made you want to take this class?”

  “Professor Magmaris is an excellent teacher. The best in the whole academy and he doesn’t judge.” Quesys raised her head proudly. “When I heard about his teaching methods, I signed up for his course two years in advance.”

  “His methods, eh? You mean an acorn to the head or a quarterstaff to the knees? That got you excited to learn self-defense?”

  Quesys bit her lip, “Weeell, if you really wanna know.” She shifted her eyes from side to side. Leaning in close, she whispered, “I’m going to be captain of my own ship one day. I’m going to sail the world, looking for adventure and riches. I’ll fight pirates and abominations and anyone else who stands in my way. I’m going be the best Captain to ever sail the Shimmering Expanse.” she said grinning.

  Lake snorted.

  Quesys screwed up her face at him.

  “Oh. You’re serious.” Lake cleared his throat and paused for a moment, “Well, then I suppose if you’re going to do that, you’ll have to learn how to wield a sword as well as a pretend knife.”

  The she-elf puffed up her chest, “I’m already pretty handy with a sword and I’m alright with a bow too.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” replied Lake, “I bet you’re good with magic too.”

  Quesys lowered her eyes, “No actually. I can’t wield magic. Something always goes wrong when I do, so I just gave up on it.”

  Lake lifted his hand to his chest, “Same. I never could manipulate the Echo. I’m surprised by you though. I would have thought you’d be a master at it.”

  Quesys gave him a kindly smile, “Awwee, that’s sweet. It’s because I’m half-elven, right? I know, I know. All elves are supposed to be great Echo manipulators. Sorry to disappoint.”

  “No.” he said looking at her with his round puppy-dog eyes. “It’s because you’re already casting a spell.”

  Quesys snorted loudly, “Oh Lake, that was bad. Did you just come up with that?”

  “Nah,” he replied swatting at the air, “I’ve had it in my back pocket for years now if you can believe it. I’m so glad I finally got to use it. I told you I was bad at this.”


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