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Blood and Light

Page 6

by Rue Volley

  Samantha stood up and put her hands on her hips. She cocked her head to one side.

  “Well Rue are something special!” she said with a grin.

  I looked at her.

  “Start talking... Now,” I said as I clinched my fists at my sides.


  William knew he was in trouble. Knowing Theodore could probably be a formidable foe, he simply agreed without any resistance. He knew of him, being a middle of the road protector.

  “I'm sorry William...but it would be better if you allow me to bind you first,”

  Theodore said.

  William just nodded. Theodore created a rope of white light and waved it over William's wrist and whispered, “bind.”

  He winced a little from the sting.

  “I'm sorry, but to enter the council you need to be unarmed...being a protector yourself, you must agree. You left long ago and they will trust you better bound,”

  Theodore said.

  “You mean trust you,” William said, as he looked at his hands. Theodore sighed.

  “You simply do not understand William, I am not in power here, I simply exist here, without trouble… I like it that way.”

  William sighed. He looked at Theodore, knowing he meant no harm...just preserving his own safety.

  “I can assure you that I wouldn't cause any trouble here,” William muttered.

  “Hmmm... Well I have to say you seem convincing but I have to be sure.”

  Theodore smiled at him. “Oh 100 years ago your face alone would have swayed me… but not today William.”

  Theodore took his arm and led him out the door. Immediately William realized where he was. The streets were filled with people. William looked around to see them staring at him... He tried to look calm but soon realized that the despair on his face was clear.

  William looked to Theodore and said in a low voice.

  “This is Valon... I have not been within her walls, it seems, forever”


  Theodore laughed and looked at William.

  “Where else would we be…? Did you think I lived out there...? The world is not kind, I've seen it.”

  They crossed the center square, all white brick, with a fountain in the middle...not with flowing water, but a stream of white energy flowing upward and down until it pooled, resembling liquid metal. He looked left to right, catching glimpses of people in their 3rd and fourth story windows looking down, they backed away from their windows. He started to slow down, and Theodore jerked him forward, hurrying them both along. They came to a wall size mirror.

  Theodore muttered words under his breath and waved his hand across the mirror. The metal started to roll in waves and he stepped through pulling William with him.

  Seven men dressed in white robes stood before them.

  “I am here to see the council... As you can see, I have business I would like to discuss,” Theodore said.

  Two of the men stepped forward; pulling their hoods down from their heads...

  their eyes were white as snow. They looked at Theodore, then at William.

  “You are expected Theodore,” One said to them, as he kept his eye on William.

  They moved away from the doors. Theodore and William were allowed to pass. They entered a room with a large ball of light hovering above them. The room was so much larger than he thought it would be... A glamour maybe…maybe not. The walls were all white brick, in the center a raised circle, blue flames licking around the outer edges of it. William looked around and noticed many people, men and women, talking amongst themselves. Not a child in sight.

  A voice boomed over everyone s chatter...“We will have silence!”

  The room went dead.

  Theodore moved forward with William. He turned to William and whispered,

  “You do not speak until spoken too...understood?”

  William started to follow, but felt a sharp pain flowed through him...he looked down and realized he was standing in the middle of many symbols drawn on the floor. He looked up to see Sophia Graph, Henry Adda's wife, standing in the middle of the circle.

  “Oh shit,” he whispered.

  Sophia came walking down to him...circling him like a vulture.

  “Oh nice of you to pay us a visit,” Sophia said, as she looked him up and down.

  “Trust me…it wasn't by choice,” William said under his breath.

  Sophia laughed.

  “Now William…no need to be testy.” She stopped in front of him.

  “I don't even know where to start with you.”

  “How about we skip to the good stuff Sophia.”

  “Oh I see… still the gentlemen, are we?”

  William looked down at his wrists; they were starting to bleed from the binding.

  He looked at her with a grin.

  “Is this really necessary...? I'm in a binding circle Sophia.”


  She turned away from him… “Theodore… Take off your binding.”

  Theodore ran over to him and waved his hand. “Release,” he whispered. He looked at William and mouthed, “I am sorry.”

  William rubbed his wrists.

  “Now I've done something for you… Now it's your turn,” Sophia said with a grin.

  William looked at her and smiled.

  “I'm not going to be so nice to you forever patience is running out,”

  she added.

  Sophia looked at him...waiting for a response, but got nothing.

  “Listen to me… You and your partner, Grace, left Valon long ago William...during the war.”

  William looked at her.

  “A war Caine started Sophia!” he said loud enough, so the closest to them could hear.

  “Oh William really…still the protestor?” Sophia said with a laugh.

  “I will not feed on Humans Sophia... Never did, never will.”

  “Now William...did the people here look as if they are in distress...? We do them a favor… We trade their energy, for a lifetime of bliss and harmony. We live forever…you know that William…only by feeding.”

  “And their lives get cut short!” William yelled out.

  “William... you have been away for a long time… We, as a race, have honed our skills... Some live to be very old now… ” Sophia said as she looked around the room.

  “How nice of you to prolong their death... Surely that was self-interest…not for their benefit,” William said in protest.

  “We do not feed on cattle William... We are the givers of life.” She waved her hands around the room and everyone just fixed their eyes on her. She turned back to William. “Fall,” she whispered. William fell to his knees. Red flames starting to rise from the symbols around him.

  “You see William...we give and we can take away.”

  Sophia leaned in close to him, so only he could hear.

  “You will give me what I want William...or I will take.”

  William strained, groaning...falling to his side. He said nothing.

  “I grow tired of this… Take him to the tower…maybe there, after a hundred years or so, he will tell me how he came to be here...and where he is hiding his precious Grace!”

  The red flames subsided... Two of Sophia s guard picked him up and drug him away.


  Kai had been driving for an hour...just driving... Soon he forgot what had upset him to begin with… He had one place he wanted to be, with Sophie. He pulled up to the Graph house and just sat there thinking, “Maybe I should call first.” Before he could dial her number…she tapped on his widow. He looked up surprised.


  “Hey Kai!” Sophie said as she grinned at him.

  “Hi... Sophie.” She backed away from his window and he got out of the car.

  “So...” he said, she interrupted him.

  “I'm glad you came to see me... How's Rue?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “Oh she's good... Groggy I guess,” Kai said.r />
  “Well I'm glad she…that you, came to the party.” Sophie smiled at him and looked down.

  “ too…” Kai said as he started to fidget with his hands.

  “Well…” Sophie looked at him with confusion.

  “Yea… Well I thought maybe you'd like to hang out… Maybe go get some coffee...or something,” Sophie said as she watched him press his hands together. Kai gave her his famous smile, the one that melted hearts.

  “That would be great…really,” he said as he opened the car door for her.

  The coffee shop was packed with people. Kai left Sophie at the table and walked up to order.

  “So... You hangin" with my sister huh?”

  Kai turned around and Johnathan was standing behind him.

  “Yep…” Kai turned back around and started telling the girl behind the counter what he wanted.

  “Well… I would say I was glad to see Sophie having fun, but…”

  Kai turned back around...

  “But what, Johnathan?”

  “Oh nothing…” Johnathan said as he stared at him.

  “No really… but what?” Kai said, as he turned to him.

  “Well, its not like you have a squeaky clean rep,” Johnathan said, as he looked back at Sophie.

  “I've dated some girls… So what...? It's not like nobody talks about you Johnathan.”

  “Well Sophie"s special,” Johnathan said, in a low tone.

  “Listen dude... I'm just drinking coffee with her, I don't think that means you have to call out the National Guard and shit,” Kai said as he looked back at the girl behind the counter.

  Johnathan stepped back and started to feel a vibration in his hands... He looked down at them and then back up to Kai. Kai raised his head and felt something, he didn't know what it was, and he turned to face him.

  “What?” Kai said, as he took a step forward. Johnathan held his ground.

  Sophie stepped in between them...

  “Hey Johnathan!” she said, then she turned to Kai… She grinned and placed a hand on his arm.

  “I didn't tell you... I wanted skim milk in mine.”

  Kai looked past her, to Johnathan.

  “Yea...okay… Hey can you make that one with skim milk?” he called out over his shoulder.

  Sophie turned to Johnathan and smiled. Johnathan turned around and left muttering, “dick”, under his breath. Kai turned around and smiled at Sophie. They 43

  walked back to their table, in the corner. Sophie held her coffee in her hands.

  She slowly turned it and then decided to talk.

  “So… Kai. We only have a week left before summer break.”

  Kai looked at her and smiled, letting Johnathan's aggravation leave his mind.

  “Yea…yea...! Thank God! I'm ready for some fun in the sun.” Sophie looked into her cup.

  “So...any plans?” she said, as she raised her eyebrows.

  “No not really...just gonna hang out, sure I can find something to do.” He looked around the room.

  “Well… I was thinking maybe we could hang out some…ya know…this summer.”

  Sophie said, as she looked at him and got a crooked smile on her face.

  “Yea…yea… Sure, I'd like that Sophie,” Kai said then she leaned towards him.

  “That is, if your sister and my brother can handle it,” she whispered.

  Kai reached up to his head…a flash of white had appeared and Sophie went out of focus. He raised a finger to his temple and shook his head back and forth…

  “Yea…ummm... Well I don't think we have to ask their permission to hang out…

  ya know?” Kai said.

  Sophie reached her hand across the table and touched his arm.

  “I like you Kai,” she whispered.

  Kai stood up…feeling a little dizzy. He looked at her for a moment.

  “Yea...yea… Hey listen, I'm gonna have to take you home Sophie… I don't feel so good... I'm sorry, I think I need to go.” He stumbled, almost tipping his chair over; he caught it and stood it upright.

  Sophie stood up…confusion on her face.

  “You okay Kai?” she asked, as she reached toward him.

  “Yea…yea… Feel like the flu is creeping up... Sorry Sophie.”

  Kai reached up to his head again…static…pain. The room started to blur.

  “ Johnathan still here?” he asked her.

  Sophie looked at him, then out the window. Johnathan was standing next to his BMW across the street.

  “Yea he's outside Kai… Do you want me to ask him for a ride?”

  Kai looked out the window... Johnathan's image shifted...blurred... “Yea, listen Sophie… I'm sorry I... I just need to go... Sorry.”

  He turned and walked out the door.

  Sophie sat back down at the table. “Weird...” she whispered.


  I stood in a crouched position...bright white glowing from my palms.

  Samantha shifted her weight to one foot, waiting for the worst and hoping for the best.

  “I said you better start talking to me now... I'm not asking you again!” I said, pissed off.

  “Listen need to calm down, I am not the enemy.”

  I started laughing...

  “Really...? Listen you crazy bitch... I am not the milk carton girl!” I yelled at her.


  “The what?” she said, as she blinked her eyes.

  I looked at her and tilted my head. A smile started to creep in.

  “What"s the psychotic smile for?” she asked me.

  With a flash, I felt the energy collect in my hands and I pushed it out of me hurling it toward Sam.

  Samantha moved out of the way so fast, she was a blur.

  “Really Rue...? Listen we can do this all day…but I'd rather sit calmly and…”

  Another flash came at her and she stopped it mid-air and sent it right back at me.

  It knocked me flat on my ass.

  “What the hell?” I said, as I sat up.

  “Sorry, but you are just too short tempered for your own good.”

  She flashed up to me, to fast to comprehend, and waved a hand over me...

  “Bind,” she said.

  I looked down and my wrists were held together by a glowing white light. I decided at that moment that maybe…just maybe, I should put on a front and let her talk.

  “Nice...” I said.

  “You give me no choice... You are a tornado Rue!” She walked over to the couch and sat down. She started looking at her nails. “Dammit...! I chipped a nail,” she said. Sam looked at me, like she could just knock me out.

  “Well...listen Rue… I am Samantha Barrington.”

  “Like the school?” I said

  “ the school,” she went on

  “I am here to help you... You have to believe me.”

  I looked down at my wrists and they were starting to redden and a stinging had begun.

  “Listen... I will stop freakin out…please just take whatever this is off... I promise no more fits… I promise, or I'll just let you kick my ass… Okay?” I said, as I looked at my wrists.

  Samantha stood up and started to laugh… “Oh, you will LET me, huh?”

  “No...nooo… Listen, I"m sure you could kick me into next week…” I winced a little, the burning getting stronger… “Please…” I held my hands up to her, and she looked at me, with some skepticism.

  “Okay little girl…but I swear, one look from you that hits me as strange, and sleepy time…got me?”

  “ you,” I muttered.

  She leaned in and waved her hand over my wrists… “Release,” she whispered.

  My hands fell free, and I rubbed my wrists... I won't lie, I considered a world-class ass whippin" for a second, and then decided quickly, that it wouldn't get me anywhere I needed to be. I didn't even know for sure that I could take her... I just knew that whatever power she had, I had too and she seemed to be impresse
d with my use of it...which I knew would come in handy, if this shape shifter decided to go freaky on me.

  I stood up in front of her and we circled each other like a “who's gonna draw first” moment from a bad B film. I decided to sit down... Honestly, I couldn't wait to sit on a cushion and just kinda try to get a hold of this fucked up situation.


  “So...” I said to her.

  Sam looked at me still fidgeting with her nails.

  “So,” she said, without looking at me.

  “How...did you appear as my mother?” I said.

  “Thought it would be best... Listen, when I saved your ass last night from vampire boy, I knew you would wake up much better if things just looked normal,” she said, as she waved her hand at me.

  “Saved me?” I paused… “Well mom hasn't spoken to anyone for a year…bad call”

  Sam stood up. “God dammit Theodore... I swear to god! He needs to get his info a little more accurate!”

  Sam looked back to me... “Well that explains why you didn't accept the reality…

  at least to a certain extent,” she continued. “Well, when I got to you... he was pretty much draining your energy so I...”

  “You what?” I asked, as I leaned forward.

  “Well I knocked him on his ass... What else?” Sam said, as she grinned.

  “Did you hurt him?” I asked her.

  “I wish... Seems Caine has a strong interest in Johnathan... He should, it"s his son. I had every intention of sending that bastard to hell, but I could only knock him out… He has some sort of protection spell on him... So I sent him home, with no memory after the party.”

  She smiled at me. “Looks like you do too interest in Johnathan, I mean...from the looks of it, you let Johnathan get to whatever base he wanted too,” she winked at me.

  I blushed and looked down at my hands.

  “You were watching us?” I said.

  “Listen girl, I don't judge... Whatever you and vamp boy wanna do, other then end the world, is none of my business... Trust me he is a hottie…if he wasn't so fucked up, I would try to hit that shit myself.”

  “Hey!” I yelled at her.

  “Ooooh... Sorry, just settle down Rue Volley... I'm kidding,” she said, as she smiled.

  I sat there and remembered Johnathan standing before me... Why didn't I start glowing or whatever the hell I did, and just bust out a ninja move on him myself?


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