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Blood and Light

Page 11

by Rue Volley

  “, I bet you and Sam have some girl stuff or something.”

  I looked at him.

  “Girl stuff?” I asked.

  “Yea…you know...whatever you guys do, girls I mean, when you hang out.”

  Johnathan cracked his, oh so famous, smile.

  “You know I don't really do „girl stuff". I'm more the listener, not the talker.”

  “Huh,” he said.

  I just sat there wondering what the hell he thought I did with Sara... Sit around watching romance movies...? Talking about boys... What the...

  “I'm kidding you know... I don't think you are girlie, just don't get that vibe from you,” he whispered.

  I felt bad for painting him into the dick corner.

  “Oh yea… I know that.” I reached up and started to mess with my hair across my shoulder... I stopped pretty quick, realizing I was coming dangerously close to being “girlie”.

  Suddenly I felt a burst of energy come out in a wave…it almost had a sonic sound to it. It had radiated out in flash of white, leaving everything looking shimmery. I looked around at the table...Sara, Johnathan, and Kai were frozen still. I pulled myself up and realized the entire coffee shop was suspended...

  people mid sip, mid laugh, mid walk. The girl behind the counter was pouring some liquid into a glass and it just hung much for physics. I was about to run...then I noticed three people just standing in a circle in the middle of the shop. It was Josh, Sam, and Mr. Noble.

  “Nice Clark,” Josh said.

  Mr. Noble just smiled at them both.

  “Well, I would say it's nice to see you...both of you…but you know I've never been the emotional type.”

  Sam and Josh stood their ground.

  “What controlling time now too?”

  He started to laugh, “Oh you would be surprised how many skills you can hone with all this time I've had on my hands Josh.”

  “I don't understand why you would help Grace and William, seem to be a creature that only looks out for himself,” Josh said.

  Clark shifted his stance and crossed his arms...

  “Well I know neither one of you would believe me, but I do have a heart.”

  Josh started to laugh really hard...

  “Your kidding right? You are the one who turned us all in to the council Clark…

  too Caine!”

  “Oh yea…that unfortunate business, well you know self preservation is a strong motivator, seems Caine wasn't willing to take anything but a confession from me at the time.”

  Josh backed up and light started to glow in his hands...


  Samantha put her hand on his arm, “Josh…please, we need information… He's no good to us dead.”

  “Listen to your older sister were always so quick tempered my boy...

  Unfortunate, you had so much potential.”

  “I'm going to kill you now,” Josh muttered.

  Clark chuckled... “I think not.”

  Clark raised his hands above his head and started to chant…as I looked around the room symbols started to glow, one after the other.

  Josh and Sam noticed it too they both looked around the room.

  Clark started to lower his hands...

  “As you see…this entire place is protected… Mainly for me, I placed symbols all over these grounds, just as a safeguard for myself, of course.”

  “What the hell Clark?” Josh asked him, obviously pissed off.

  “Sorry couldn't have any funny if you don't mind,” he waved his hand.

  Everything came out of suspension...I dropped back down into my seat.

  I must have had a “what the fudge…” look on my face.

  “You play with your hair too...cute,” Johnathan said.

  I was still trying to digest what I just saw...

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Your were playing with it Rue.”

  I looked at Johnathan..

  “Yea…ummm…yea I didn't even notice,” I lied.

  He smiled at me, it would of caused me to feel my heart start skipping beats, but it already was.

  Josh and Sam came walking up to the table… Sam had a Frap in her hand…

  good choice. Josh looked as if he just saw the devil.

  “So...looks like I'll be staying for the summer too,” Sam said at the table.

  Sara smiled... “Awesome.”

  Sam looked at Johnathan, he looked at her. No sparks started flying. I was relieved.

  “Yea, well listen guys, your Mom wanted me to bring you home. She's taken a trip…going to hang out with our Mom for a couple weeks, so she wanted to say goodbye I guess.”

  “Really...? Oh yea Okay sure”...I looked at everyone at the table... “Guess we better go then,” I said.

  I waited for Johnathan to move, he delayed, but I nudged him and he started to move.

  “Ohhh…okay, well can I give you a call later on, or something?” Johnathan asked me.

  I looked back at him… “Sure…yea, I'll give you a call after mom leaves and stuff k?”

  He started to push his hair out of his face… “Sure, that's cool.”

  We all shuffled out of the coffee shop and piled into the car. Kai gave it a go at front seat but without any banter, he had to take the backseat with me, when Josh pushed him aside.


  “Just get in the back dude,” Josh said.

  Kai looked defeated, but got in.

  “Sooo…Sam, now you look like yourself huh?” I asked.

  Sam started the car and without looking at us said.

  “Looks that way.”


  We got home and I wish Mom had been there, to say a goodbye, I really did. Would have been so cool if this glamor was real, but I knew it wasn't. Sucks.

  Kai went back to playing his game and Josh and Sam stayed on the porch. I wanted to stay, because I had so many questions swimming in my head it hurt to think. I couldn't believe Mr. Noble was a protector just like us. What the hell was that conversation all about? Josh hated him obviously, but I didn't know the whole story. The way Josh is, he probably wouldn't tell me, but maybe I could trap Sam at some point soon and have some of the blanks filled in... at least a few! I didn't know how long they thought me being in the dark was going to be a good idea… Not long I can tell you. I've always asked every question about parents must have loved that when I was growing up. Anyway...I thought I'd give them some time to talk, Josh had a “I dare you” scowl on his face all the way home. I felt it wouldn't be the smartest move to start up on him.

  Especially since Kai froze too...but why didn't I? Kai is older then me, but I seem to be further along with this new power. Maybe it's true...guys mature slower, I had to smile at that one. I heard voices raise on the front porch and the car started up... I ran to my window, only to see Sam standing in the driveway, with her arms crossed, the car pulling away. I decided this was my chance to talk to Sam, so I went downstairs. I made it to the bottom of the stairs just in time to see Sam coming in. I looked at her, but she started for the kitchen, I followed her.

  “Soooo,” I said.

  She sat down at the table, not saying anything.

  “So, Mr. Noble is…” I looked back at Kai then to her.

  “Yea,” she muttered.

  “Look Rue, do you want to go outside?” she asked me.

  I looked back at Kai just to catch him whoo-hooing at the screen.

  “Yea I think that would be good,” I said.

  We both headed for the door.

  Sam stood there looking out into the woods.

  “Listen, I know you have a thousand questions Rue… I can only answer some...

  I'm afraid.”

  “Okay…well, first of all where are my parents?”

  “Well your Dad is in Valon...your mom I don't know yet.”

  “Is my Dad okay?” I asked her.

“For now...probably the best place he could be.”

  “Why is that?” I asked as I rubbed my palms.

  “He is with Sophia… She would never harm”

  “How can you be so sure of that? Isn't there a council or something?”


  “Yes, but Sophia heads it, she won't allow them to vote him to death.”

  “Too death…? Wait why are you sure of that?” I asked a little too loud.

  Sam looked at me..

  “Because she…and your dad, well at one time they were together.”

  “Ewwwe. You mean to-get-her,” I said. “Your kidding me.”

  “Yep, pretty serious really, everyone thought they'd be together forever.”

  “What happened?” I had to know...had to.

  “Well... Sophia wanted to create…children you know.”

  I looked down at my hands…

  “Ohhh and what....? My dad didn't want any?”

  “ he wanted to create but they just couldn't, they weren't compatible…


  “What we have to sync up or something?” I said.

  “Yea, something like that... She just wanted it so badly, so she decided to do something we should never do.” Sam looked out into the forest.

  I had to look at her, now I really needed to know.

  I knew I might regret it, but I asked anyway. “What did she do?”

  “Well, she turned to the only person she knew would make it possible for her.”


  “Her brother Joseph.”

  “Oh my god...that was true?” I said, as I sat down on the porch swing.

  “Yea, looks like Clark decided to weave that into his spooky story here...well, with you anyway, and you shared that story at the party right?” she looked at me and crossed her arms on her chest.

  “Well, I shared it with Sara.... She shared it at the party.”

  “By doing that, it triggered a change in the glamor here... That led to your little romp with Johnathan in the woods.” I had flashes of that crap memory bubble up.

  “Why would he do that?” I asked, as I pulled my legs up to me on the swing.

  “I haven't figured that out yet...but Josh is right, Clark does everything for a reason.”

  “Well what happened with ya know…Joseph and Sophia.?”

  “Ohhh, well they created, Joseph died in the process,” Sam said, like it was nothing.

  “Really...? Well guess it's gross no matter what species you are.”

  Sam looked to me..

  “Well Rue, gross or not, Caine was the result of it.”

  “Caine is real.?” I asked with my eyes big.


  I just started to drift off, thinking of my dream with my mother...

  “Yea…he wasn't allowed to stay in Valon, he was quite the handful while he was growing up. He had abilities none of us had ever seen, evil if you ask me. He was bent on making it known that our people were the top of the food chain and that we should rule the world. He believes that humans are nothing more than cattle.”

  “What a tool,” I muttered.

  Sam had to laugh, I did too.


  “Tool... I like that…but anyway, Caine was the reason for the war. He had enough people believing we were only going to survive by showing force against the world. He didn't think a glamor was necessary, he thought we should just grow humans for feeding. Your mom and dad, along with my father, didn't want it to be that way… So, a war broke out. The first war that protectors fought each other.”

  She drifted off...obviously remembering. Then continued… “Many died, some think, thanks in part to Clark Noble.”

  “Mr. Noble?”

  “Yes, he told Caine where to find all of us, those who didn't believe in Caine"s crazy plan to rule. They were not ready when he attacked, some escaped including your mom and dad, but some weren't so lucky...including our father.”

  “Ohhh, so that's why Josh is so…”

  “Yes, he hates Clark… Caine even more.”

  “Didn't he just leave?” I asked her.

  “Yes, but he won't be able to do anything to Clark here. He knows that. Besides I'm more concerned about you and your brother.”

  I stared at her. “Why?”

  “Well, all protectors were bound after the war, it was decided that we would not create anymore, as a race. But…” she looked at me. “Here you are, I don't know how, but you exist.”

  I felt really weird the way she looked at me…like I was the wolf girl in a circus crate.

  “And also…” she looked back out into the woods... “so does Johnathan.”


  Chapter 4

  Rolling River


  Grace started to move. She didn't realize where she was, until she opened her eyes. It seemed that she was in a room glowing with symbols, some she recognized, some not. She sat up on her bed and leaned over, only to see a white glowing circle around it. She leaned against the back headboard and started trying to remember anything... It came in small flashes, but quickly went to static in her mind. She raised her hand to her head, feeling a small pain welling up.

  “Ohhh, good to see you awake.”

  She looked up, with wide eyes, only to realize it was Caine.

  She tried to jump up, but the pain in her head pulled her down. She grabbed both sides of her head cursing.

  “Now please Grace...we need to be civil here… We are a dying breed you and I.”

  “You…should be dead Caine,” Grace hissed at him.

  “Oh, but as you can see I am not, my dear.”

  Grace started to chant and held her hands out in front of her. She concentrated as hard as she could, but with each thought the pain in her mind grew stronger.

  “No need...not here, as you can see, I've bound you quite effectively in this room.”

  Grace opened her eyes, tears welling up... “Where is William?” she asked.

  “Oh…wish I knew, you see that little spell he conjured up with you, really was an amazing thing, the energy was astounding… I was impressed, but by the time I arrived, William was gone… Too bad really, I would love to see him again.” He smiled at her. “But we won't let that put a damper on our will we Gracie?”

  “Don't call me that,” she said as she squinted her eyes.

  “Sooo angry, your temper I swear... Now tell me Grace, did you happen to pass that on to your Rue?”

  Grace looked as if a train was coming at her on the tracks and she was tied up.

  “I… I don't know what you mean.”

  Caine walked to the foot of her bed...

  “Oh come now Grace, you didn't think I wouldn't find out, did you?”

  Grace turned her head away from him, tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I think it's just precious that you and William were able to find a way around the binding, quite impressive really... We need to talk about that, you know, how you figured it out.”

  Grace said nothing.

  “Listen… I will find a way to get to her... Well, to both of them, Kai was the first correct? But not quite as special as your little Rue, now is he?”

  Grace was desperately trying to call upon the creator to bring her energy to the surface.

  “Now Grace… I'm hurt, I am being civil and you won't talk to me…”

  He raised his hands and a flash of light hit her in the chest slamming her against the headboard.

  “We can do this for a century if you like...but I'd rather talk sooner than later.” He tilted his head and stared at her. “Well to show that I am gracious I've brought you company.”


  Grace held her chest, catching her breath. Caine walked to the door and reached out dragging a girl into the room. The young girl had tears streaming down her face.

  “Sleep...” Caine said as he waved a hand across her face...she fell to the floor.

; “Eat Grace...” Caine said, as he waved a hand down at the girl.

  Grace looked at him with contempt.

  “You will have to...eventually my dear.”

  Grace looked to the girl laying on the floor.

  “I will not do that Caine... I will not.”

  Caine went back to the door...

  “We will see how you feel after time goes by Gracie, it's not so bad you know. In fact it's better then brushing against cats or whatever it is you and William do to feed. In fact it makes everything so clear…they...” he waved a hand at the girl laying on the floor. “...are for us, we are at our strongest, feeding on them.”

  He closed the door... Grace began to sob.


  I decided I had had enough of our conversation, for the moment. I guess Sam did too. I let her stop talking and I went back into the house and up to my room. I had more questions, a lot more but for now my head was telling me to leave it alone. I don't think I can digest anymore today, I really don't. I laid down on my bed...emotionally exhausted. I was staring off into space when I saw it lying there...Kai"s birthday present to me, the two sided clock on the endless chain. I picked it up, rolling it over in my hand. My eyes were getting heavy, I felt like I had been crying, but I hadn't. I put it on and laid back down, drifting off into much needed sleep.

  I felt the wind on my face...I recognized the smell of grass. I looked down at my feet and noticed the knee high grass swaying back and forth. I've been here before, I thought to myself. I looked around waiting to hear a whisper, my mother, but I didn't see her anywhere in sight. I started to walk, for what seemed like forever, nothing, no sight of her. I realized I was at the top of a hill looking down.

  Where is she...where is Caine I thought. The sun was full throttle in the sky and I had to raise my hand to block it's glare. I thought I saw someone out in the middle of the field. I started to move towards this shape, hoping it would be my mom. As I got closer, things started to come into focus...Johnathan.

  I knew I should stop, but I kept moving forward until I was about five feet from him. He turned around... He smiled at me.

  “I've been waiting for you...a lifetime,” he said.

  I felt myself moving forward, but I can't say my feet were touching the ground. I didn't fidget with my hands, nor have the impulse to mess with my hair...weird. I stopped right in front of him...inches away.


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