Book Read Free

Darkness Falls

Page 9

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  That made him laugh, and then he gave me one of those glances. He didn’t always know he had that power, but at some point he figured it out!

  Miles kissed me, then grew serious.

  “I do have my own kryptonite though, the same as every superhero.”

  “Only Superman has kryptonite,” I said, thinking he knew an awful lot, but apparently not when it came to superheroes.

  “No, all superheroes do. The woman they love. That’s where they’re most vulnerable.”

  I sighed.

  “I really need to stay out of trouble then, so no one can use me against you.”

  “And I need to keep my abilities completely hidden from everyone so that you don’t end up in trouble because of them,” Miles said seriously. “It dawned on me watching this movie that while it wouldn’t put me in danger if others knew, it would put you in a lot of danger. So you don’t need to worry. I’ll copy your redirection tactics, I’ll burst into tears if I have to. I don’t want anyone to know, and I won’t bring up the subject of telling our friends ever again.”

  “Okay,” I nodded.

  “Remember when I said we have more important things to do than search for information online?”

  “Yes,” I said, expecting another melting look.

  “I need to learn remote-control.”

  “What?” I said, completely thrown off track by that unexpected change of direction.

  “I can’t be in class with you. I can’t use my abilities on what I can’t see. Not well, anyway. If I can see though, then can I use my abilities remotely? I want to try. If it’s possible, then all we need are webcams like Xander used last year. You should each have one, and I want one placed so I can see you at all times, too. But first we need to find out if I can do this. As much as I’ve learned to do already, I think I can make this work.”

  “Okay,” I said, liking this idea. “So call Tony, and let’s get some webcams and get started!”

  “Consider it done,” said Miles, his phone already in his hand.

  Miles was on the phone for several minutes discussing the technology available and what would serve our purpose the best. He explained that we had another situation in which we needed to do surveillance, and Tony didn’t ask for details.

  Miles ended his call and put his phone back in his pocket.

  “Tony’s on his way over. He’s bringing a catalog we can look through. We’ll rush-order whatever it is we decide to use, and have it before classes start next week. We need to get a look at the classroom, too. The building won’t be locked, but the classrooms will be. I can get us in though.”

  “Where will you be while Xander and I are in class?” I asked.

  “Somewhere nearby with my laptop, so I can view the webcam feeds. Near enough to get involved if I need to. How close I’ll be will depend partially on whether I can master remote-control or not.”

  “I have a feeling you will,” I said with certainty. “Look at what you’ve learned to do already.”

  “I have a feeling I will too,” agreed Miles. “I’ll feel so much better about you being in that classroom, once I do.”

  “Me too,” I said, putting my arms around Miles and leaning against his chest. “It will be like you’re there with me. I’ll feel safe that way.”

  Miles kissed me, and I kissed him back. I forgot all about Tony, until the buzzer sounded.

  “I’ve got to get that, I did ask him to come over, after all,” said Miles, as he loosened my arms from around his neck and stood. “You’re surprisingly strong for someone so—well, thin and not strong-looking.”

  I laughed and threw one of the throw pillows at him, which he easily caught, and tossed back with a grin on his way to the door.

  “Thanks Steve, send him on up,” I heard Miles say into the intercom.

  I got up and went to the kitchen.

  “Where do you want to meet with Tony?” I called to Miles, as I took three water bottles out of the refrigerator.

  “The living room’s fine,” Miles called back.

  There was a knock at the door as I set the water bottles on the coffee table. Miles and Tony joined me in the living room.

  “Hello, Tony,” I smiled, reaching out to shake his hand.

  “Good to see you, Mrs. Bannerman.”

  “Go ahead and have a seat,” said Miles, indicating one of the recliners.

  “Would you care for some water?” I asked, as I sat next to Miles on the couch.

  “Thank you,” said Tony, accepting one of the bottles.

  “So what do you have for us, Tony?” asked Miles.

  “Here’s the catalog I mentioned,” he answered. “You said you need to do surveillance in a classroom, so I’ve marked a few items here.”

  Miles opened the catalog to the first page that was marked.

  “Oh, that is so cool!” I said, looking at the photos and descriptions.

  “We need to find out if there’s a bulletin board in the room,” said Miles, looking at the webcams disguised as thumb tacks.

  “You know we could always stick one in the wall if there isn’t,” I said.

  “I suppose,” said Miles. “Or install a bulletin board, maybe no one would notice.”

  I laughed at that thought.

  Miles and Tony discussed webcams, battery life, transmission range, and all sorts of other things that eventually made my mind start wandering. I watched Night, as he sat in the window high up on the wall near the vaulted ceiling, observing Tony suspiciously. Chip lay sound asleep on the floor, and Pandora was struggling to remain draped across Miles’ knee. Trixie sat next to Chip, looking from Miles to Tony as they talked, as if watching a tennis match. I wondered what she was thinking.

  “Anika, would you mind calling John? See if he has time to help us with something.”

  “Sure,” I said, taking out my phone and calling, as Miles and Tony continued to discuss the items in the catalog and their pluses and minuses.

  “He’s not answering,” I said several rings later, after his voicemail picked up. “I’ll run down the hall and see if I can find him. He could be at Jenny and Annette’s.”

  I jumped up and walked down the hall, glad of an opportunity to get up and move. The lack of sleep and the subject matter in Miles’ and my apartment, was about to put me to sleep.

  “Anika, hi!” said Jenny, when she answered the door.

  “Hi, Jenny,” I said. “I’m looking for John, Miles was hoping he could come by and help him with something. I don’t suppose he’s here, is he?”

  “Yes, he is, come on in,” Jenny said, leading the way to the living room. It always felt funny coming here, this apartment had been home all of last school year, before Miles and I got married.

  “Hi, everyone,” I said, seeing that all of our friends were there.

  Everyone said hi back.

  “John, Miles wondered if you could help with something. It’s probably computer related.”

  “Oh, cool,” said John, jumping up from the couch. “See you later, Annette!”

  “Aw, man! I want in!” said Xander.

  “Well go on over,” I said. “Miles is looking at webcams with Tony, deciding what to order.”

  Both guys were out the door before I finished my sentence.

  “So what are you girls up to today?” I asked, dropping into one of the living room chairs.

  “Just hanging out,” said Annette. “Thinking about ordering a movie, but we can’t agree on one. How about you?”

  “About to be put to sleep listening to Miles and Tony talk tech,” I said.

  Annette laughed.

  “You can hang with us, if you want.”

  “With Xander and John over there now, it’s only going to get worse,” said Jenny. “Xander is very excited about going undercover.”

  “I’ll bet,” I said, remembering how much he enjoyed that last year. “Annette, do you have any idea what we’re talking about?”

  “No,” she said, looking curious, so
I filled her in.

  Considering she and John were Jenny and Xander’s roommates, and our friends, it only made sense that they should know. It would come up in conversation, like it just did.

  “Oh my,” she said, her eyes wide. “That’s—crazy! That had to really freak you out!”

  “Well, I’ve had this happen before, to a lesser degree. I thought everyone sensed the same things that I do, but I realize now that isn’t the case. This Professor Mead though, I never encountered anything like I have the two times I’ve seen him. There is something very wrong there.”

  “Aren’t you scared to get anywhere near him?” asked Annette. “I know how protective Miles is of you, I can’t believe he isn’t putting his foot down.”

  “He doesn’t like the thought of me being near the guy, and I don’t either. We both believe I have this ability for a reason, though. I feel like it would be wrong to sense these things and then ignore them without investigating. I might solve a murder, or prevent one in the future. Miles is supportive of me, so he’s enlisted Xander to keep an eye on me during class, and is going over surveillance equipment right now so that he can see whatever we do in real-time from somewhere on campus. If I need him, he’ll be nearby.”

  “In a crowded classroom, surely you’ll be in one of the safest places you could be,” said Jenny, thinking it over.

  “Yeah, I’m probably safer there than anywhere else on campus,” I agreed. “Miles is hoping I can learn more about this ability and what it can tell me, or show me, besides the sense of darkness I get. I’ve been so overwhelmed before, I haven’t paid attention.”

  “Well…” said Jenny. “Just be careful. Don’t—open yourself up to anything. This darkness, it sounds spiritual. So be careful.”

  “I will,” I assured her. “Miles said to be aware. I won’t be open to anything, just aware.”

  “Okay… good,” said Jenny.

  “More than likely the guys are going to be occupied for a while,” I said. “We should do something while they’re busy. Watch a movie, go shopping, something.”

  “Ooh, let’s go shopping,” said Annette. “I like that idea.”

  “Yeah, I do too,” agreed Jenny. “I love Cedar Oaks, but it doesn’t have the shopping opportunities we do here. I’d love to go to the mall.”

  “How about the outlet mall?” suggested Annette. “It was being built last year, and was finished over the summer.”

  “That sounds great!” said Jenny.

  “Okay then, I need to get my purse and let Miles know where I’m going,” I said, as I stood.

  “Okay, we’ll meet you at your place if that’s okay, so we can tell John and Xander goodbye,” said Annette.

  “Sounds good,” I said, already on my way to the door.

  I walked back down the hall, and into our apartment. The guys were huddled around Miles’ laptop, looking at whatever John was doing. I motioned to Miles, and he stood and joined me in the kitchen.

  “We girls are going to the new outlet mall,” I said, “If that’s okay with you?”

  “Sure, of course. I wish we weren’t in the middle of this, I’d go with you.”

  “I’d love that,” I said, because I would. “Call me when you guys are done. I’ll either come back, or let you know where we are, and you can join me.”

  “That sounds great,” said Miles, kissing me goodbye.

  I felt a paw on my knee, and looked down.

  “What is it, Trixie?” I asked, wondering at the look in her eyes. She looked up at Miles, and he looked back.

  “Huh. She wants to go with you,” he said, as surprised as I was. “She said Chip is asleep and can stay with the guys, she wants to go with you and the other girls.”

  I managed not to laugh, concerned that doing so might offend her.

  “Well, okay Trixie, if you really want to. It’s an outlet mall after all…” I looked back at Miles. “So… that’s fine with you?”

  “Sure,” Miles said, and seeing the look Trixie was giving him, quickly added, “Not that Trix needs my permission, or anything.”

  I laughed and kissed Miles again, then grabbed my purse, and he walked with me and Trixie to the door as we heard a knock.

  “Come on in girls,” I said to Annette and Jenny. “John and Xander are in the living room, if you want to tell them we’re leaving. And Trixie’s coming with us, by the way. She wants to hang out with the girls.”

  “Aw, that’s so cute the way you talk about her as if she’s got thoughts and feelings like people do,” said Annette.

  I was glad Annette and Jenny walked on by and missed the glare that Trixie gave Annette.

  “Other people don’t understand, Trixie,” I said softly, kneeling beside her. “Just… try to be tolerant when others speak out of ignorance.”

  A look of long-suffering replaced the glare, and she looked at Miles.

  He rubbed his forehead and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

  “Never mind,” he said, looking at me, laughter in his eyes. “Just—Trix, behave yourself if you want to ever go shopping with the girls again.”

  She sniffed, and I managed with superhuman effort not to laugh.

  “We’ll be fine,” I said, ruffling her fur.

  “Okay, well… call me if you’re not,” Miles said softly, under the guise of kissing my cheek.

  “We’ll be fine,” I said reassuringly. “Won’t we, Trixie?”

  She pressed against my leg and smiled up at me.

  “Okay, we’re ready,” said Jenny, as she and Annette walked back into the entryway.

  I hugged Miles again and said goodbye, and we were on our way.

  Chapter 6

  “I feel like it’s been years since I last went shopping!” said Jenny, as she wove through traffic in Xander’s Yukon. “I’m looking forward to this.”

  “The outlet mall has an unbelievable variety of shops,” said Annette enthusiastically, looking at an app on her phone which listed them all.

  “Yeah, it should be fun,” I said.

  “Oh, they have a pet bakery,” Annette noticed.

  Trixie gave me an appalled look.

  “Oh, you mean like treats for pets?” I hurried to say. “Dog biscuits, things like that?”

  “Yeah, Trixie will probably like that,” Annette replied.

  Trixie looked a little less horrified, and I smoothed the fur on her forehead reassuringly.

  “I’m sure she’ll love it. Maybe she’ll pick out something to take back for Chip too,” I said. “Maybe even Night and Pandora, if they have treats for cats. They’d love that, wouldn’t they, Trixie?”

  She smiled up at me.

  We reached the outlet mall. The place was huge! As Jenny parked the vehicle and we got out and began to look around, I wondered if there was anything they didn’t have.

  The shops were arranged in a meandering pattern. It reminded me of the way the stream winds through the forest near the estate. The space between each row of shops was beautifully landscaped with grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees. Benches and umbrella covered tables and chairs were set at frequent intervals. It was the ideal place to shop or to take a walk or both.

  “This is so great!” said Jenny. Looking around, she stopped and pointed at one of the clothing shops. “Oh! I’d love to go in there.”

  “Me too!” said Annette.

  “Why don’t you go ahead,” I said. “Trixie and I’ll look for the bakery, and we can meet up later. I’ve got my phone.”

  “Okay, sure, if you want,” said Jenny, looking uncertain.

  “No, it’s fine,” I hurried to say. “I didn’t plan on doing any shopping, I thought Trixie would have fun getting out for a walk. So please, go ahead!”

  “Well, alright then,” said Jenny. “I’ve got my phone too, so call when you’re ready to meet up.”

  “If you change your mind about shopping, let us know and we can stay with Trixie while you do that,” Annette offered.

  “Thanks, girls,”
I smiled. I waved, and Trixie and I walked to a large map and began to read. Well, I read… and I’m not certain, but it sure looked like she did, too.

  “There it is,” I pointed. “Come on Trix, let’s see what they’ve got!”

  It was a gorgeous day, the perfect temperature. The sun wasn’t too hot, and the breeze wasn’t too cool. There were a few clouds dotting the brilliant blue of the sky. I was looking forward to the colors of fall, and snow in the winter, but had to admit I was really enjoying this late summer weather right now.

  Trixie’s ears perked up the closer we got to the bakery. The scent of fresh coffee wafted our way from the shop next door, and I knew where we were going next!

  I pushed open the door of the Bow-Wow Bakery, and Trixie and I stepped inside.

  The selection was unbelievable. As Trixie and I browsed, a friendly woman with short curly hair and very round cheeks bustled up to us.

  “What can I help you girls with today?” she asked cheerfully.

  “Well, I’m not sure. Trixie was going to pick something out herself, I think,” I said, and looked at Trixie.

  “Oh my, why it looked as though she nodded!” the woman said in amazement.

  “That’s Trixie for you,” was all I could think to say.

  “You are a smart one,” said the woman, beaming at Trixie and holding out her hand.

  Trixie smiled back and let the woman pet her.

  “My name’s Emma, and I’m the owner and chief baker here. If I can help you with anything, you just let me know,” she said, smiling as she returned to her biscuit baking.

  Trixie picked out a rather large assortment of treats for herself and Chip, and some for Night and Pandora, too.

  “Funny girl!” I laughed. “Pick out any more, and I’ll have to get you a backpack so you can carry them yourself!”

  Trixie considered that, then indicated she was through.

  I paid for the treats and thanked Emma, then went next door to the coffee shop. There was an order window which was perfect, since I had Trixie with me. There was also a counter for ordering inside the shop. The sun outside was much brighter than the lighting was inside, but I could dimly see square tables and chairs where the few customers sat and drank coffee as they talked, took advantage of the free Wi-Fi, or read. It would be fun to come here with Miles sometime.


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