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Regicide (The Completionist Chronicles Book 2)

Page 32

by Dakota Krout

“Gotta tell you, I’m a big fan of walking. We could go for a light jog, maybe? Have you seen me skipping before? It’s funny. The castle isn’t that far away…” Joe tried to chuckle, but his voice was a bit too dry. Sounded more like a heavy wheeze.

  “Mmm,” the guard responded noncommittally as they exited the dungeon and spotted a heavy carriage trundling toward them. “Here we are; hop on in.” As soon as they exited the dungeon, Joe got a notification.

  Rewards for clearing the dungeon have been assigned! Achievement unlocked: Soul Survivor. Not only were you the only member of your party to survive the clearing of the dungeon, you survived the attempts of a Mythical-class Specter to convert you to his own race and destroyed him. You do not leave this place unscathed! His changes have left a mark on you! You have been infused by the darkness of a Sage, a process that not many can claim to have survived. In fact, it is only you, currently. Experience gained: 1000. +3 to all stats except Karmic Luck.

  Title gained: Dungeoneer. Being the only survivor of a dungeon is not something that happens by chance. This title will help you do it again in the future. Your tenacity has been rewarded. Rewards: Accurate information shown in dungeon clearing progress bars.

  Joe followed the instructions he had been given, noticing that the interior of the carriage was exactly as the guard had described it… though he had missed a few of the details. Namely, the bloodstains and other various material that had never been cleaned up. With his heightened perception, he could easily smell that there wasn’t an attached bathroom. When the two guards got in with him, he tensed up and began sending mana into a fresh coat of Exquisite Shell.

  The guards waved him down, dropping a couple of cushions on the floor. “Nah. Outside of the dungeon, the Warden has no authority. Typically, we might beat you out of respect for the others you’ve hurt but not only did you come here willingly, you came back when you had a chance to escape. Not many people earn the respect of the Royal Guard. Take a seat; we’ll be on our way momentarily.”

  The ride to the palace was a cheerful one, the guards bantering amongst themselves, though they did include Joe from time to time. He did his best to keep a smile on his face but was leery of actually engaging in the jokes or taunts they were tossing around. He was only one hundred reputation points above being put in the clinking chains dangling from the ceiling, after all. At the end of the ride, Joe was deposited directly in front of a bathhouse. He was scrubbed by servants who complimented his lack of bruises and bleeding, then was given a clean white robe to wear to his trial. No one tried to take his codpiece, thankfully and for obvious reasons, though he did give it an extra thorough scrub with soap.

  Then it was time for his trial. Nerves filled Joe as he was led into a small waiting room. He stared at a large, ornate door that reminded him far too much of the typical Boss room of dungeons. When it opened and he was led in, Joe was startled to see that a large crowd had been gathered into the… oh, this was the throne room? Great. He walked forward, unimpeded by the chains normally seen on prisoners coming from the prison dungeon. This inspired murmurs and chatter that quieted as Joe stopped moving and the door behind the throne opened.

  For the first time, Joe was able to see that the Queen did indeed move on her own and wasn’t a statue like the rumors suggested. Also, she was entirely terrifying, which was likely why she moved so little. Each footstep touched the ground silently, but the simple movements of her body seemed to scream about their new position. Joe knew it was only in his head, but each move told him that a predator was approaching… and there was nothing he could do to stop her. Her grace was beyond that seen by master swordsmen, dancers, or contortionists. There was simply no comparison.

  When she sat down and went still, nearly everyone in the room started coughing, having held their breath a dangerously long time without noticing. Apparently, this was a common occurrence because the Queen waited patiently before speaking. “The trial shall now commence. Traveler named ‘Joe’, you stand accused of holding restricted skills and a restricted class. How do you plead?”

  Joe had to swallow a few times before he could speak. “Guilty, Your Majesty, but there were…”

  “Guilty plea understood. The sentence is death followed by the binding of your classes.” A gasp swirled around the crowd, and shocked looks were on nearly every face. “I jest. As I understand it, there are extenuating circumstances, as well as the fact that the skills you earned are untrained, defensive only, and you have not been seeking out training in their usage. Is this all correct?”

  Joe had almost fainted when she said she was joking. Not at all what he was expecting out of the Queen. “That… that is correct, Your Majesty.”

  “I have heard the report of Guard Captain Blas, your past actions, and have been given a report on your actions during your time in the prison dungeon. So long as you share your status with me willingly, and I am able to verify that you are not lying, this case will be dismissed. All details shared with me will remain confidential. If you ever gain offensive skills for this class or teach the skills to another, you will gain a maximum ranked Warlock title and need another trial to clear it. You will be admitted directly to the trial, bypassing prison, so long as your actions were not seen as treasonous. Do you accept these terms?” The Queen waited patiently for an answer as Joe tried to process the rapid trial.

  “I do,” Joe stated with great relief. The Queen nodded, and Joe shared his screens with her. She looked at it for a moment and muttered, “Absolute Inspection”. Light shone from her gaze, and Joe knew for sure that she saw everything in his status.

  Name: Joe ‘Tatum’s Chosen Legend’ Class: Mage (Actual: Rituarchitect)

  Profession: Tenured Scholar (Actual: Arcanologist)

  Character Level: 11 Exp: 70,762 Exp to next level: 7,238

  Rituarchitect Level: 1 Exp: 0 Exp to next level: 1,000

  Hit Points: 220/220

  Mana: 1792/1792

  Mana regen: 18.45/sec

  Stamina: 195

  Characteristic: Raw score (Modifier)

  Strength: 22 (1.22)

  Dexterity: 29 (1.29)

  Constitution: 27 (1.27)

  Intelligence: 67 (2.17)

  Wisdom: 61 (2.11)

  Charisma: 26 (1.26)

  Perception: 47 (1.47)

  Luck: 29 (1.29)

  Karmic Luck: +3

  “Interesting. You have been a busy man during your time here. Your titles intrigue me.” The Queen tapped a finger on her throne, denting it and causing everyone to tense once more. “It is obvious that you are a good man and that you had not intended to gain power in order to harm our people. I judge this matter complete. Case dismissed. Go do other things, I hear there is a war on.” The Queen stood and left the room. After another round of coughing, the people that had shown up as a friend to see the trial cheered for Joe. With a gulp, he noticed that his mother was included in that list.

  ~ Chapter Forty-three ~

  “Hi there, Mom! Welcome to Ardania!” Joe smiled brightly as he walked up to the glowering woman.

  “What are you, a city guide?” She snorted, pulling him into a tearful hug. “What in the world is going on? Blas told me why you got sent to prison, but…”

  “I tried to tell her that you were going to be totally fine, but Brenda wouldn’t listen to a word I said,” the Captain ruefully informed him, shaking his hand in congratulations.

  “Don’t worry, she only hears what she wants to.” Joe ducked a playful swipe from his mother. “She’d be a great scout and will probably be a Sage of selective hearing within a month.”

  “Oh, please!” Brenda stamped her foot. “All I ever heard from you was how wonderful this place was! As soon as you went away, I knew I had made a terrible mistake not following. I put in an order for the pod right away, and it still took a couple weeks with me paying triple the going rate. Then I get here and you are being tossed into the darkest pit these people have access to! Of course I’m upset!”

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m sorry.” Joe hugged her, twirling her around as she smacked him on the back and yelled for him to ‘put her down’!

  Smoothing the creases in her clothes, she grumbled a bit and looked him over. “I’m so glad that you are okay, and… well, the last time we were interrupted and…”

  “You and Blas are dating?” Joe rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “I didn’t need a magical spell to see that.”

  “It’s still Captain to you, mister.” The Captain growled deeply.

  “Maybe someday it’ll be ‘daddy’.” Joe sighed longingly as Blas sputtered. “I can picture it now, you training some new recruits, me running over and yelling ‘Daddy, I’m back from a mission’.”

  “I’ll cut you,” Blas whispered and pointed at Joe as Brenda pulled the Captain in for a kiss to distract him.

  “Now, all I’ll need to do is find something to do.” Brenda pushed Blas away gently and looked at Joe. “Just like you, I brought in quite a bit of money, but I’d be bored as all get out sitting around and wasting it. I’m not overly fond of the idea of going out and fighting all the time, though; the news said that a lot of people are trying to sue for how much pain the game makes them feel.”

  Joe and Blas both nodded seriously, glad to hear that she wasn’t planning on risking herself. Joe pondered over this conundrum for a moment. How could his mother thrive without putting her at risk, have fun, and–being realistic–gossip all day. “Let me see… you are actually perfect for a position an acquaintance of mine was offering. Let’s go to the merchant quarters; it isn’t too far.”

  Blas looked Joe over, but when Joe told him they would be at the ‘Odds and Ends’ store, he simply nodded and told Joe that he’d pick her up at five for dinner. Joe thanked the man, and they parted ways.

  Brenda kept giving Joe curious looks, but he simply ignored them. If she had something to say, she would do so. She always had. Eventually she did, blurting out the question that must have been on her mind for a while. “You don’t think it’s weird? He… he isn’t real, and we are dating!”

  Joe was thrown off a bit by the question; he had been expecting something entirely different, but… “Mom, he is as real as we are. That’s what you were worried about? Nah, not strange at all. This is my reality.” They talked for a little bit, walking up to their destination right as a young lady was levitated out of the door, spun around, and dropped on her face.

  “Ha! As if I’d let you work here sweeping floors, let alone run this place!” The wizened old lady that owned the shop sniffed at the deposit she had made on the ground, looking around and seeing Joe. “You! Weren’t you telling me that you’d find me the perfect new employee?”

  Never had Joe told her anything like that. He wasn’t about to say that out loud, though, not with the mood she was obviously in. “Ah, but doesn’t true art take time? Allow me to present to you the perfect coworker: my mother, Brenda!” Joe grandly bowed toward his mom, hamming up his performance and getting a smack over the head for his trouble.

  Seeing Joe get a good whack over the head, the shop owner chuckled and ushered Brenda forward. “Shall we go talk?”

  “Certainly! I bought a new type of tea that I am excited to try; do you have a kettle I could put on? Go have fun, Joe, but don’t forget to check in with me every once in a while.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and walked into the store, gossip mode already in full swing. Joe was sure that she would do well here. The next thing he did was go to the bank and retrieve his gear from the safety deposit box, looking over a notification as he did so.

  Quest updated: Apprentice to a Sage! You have found a person willing to become a merchant and sent them to ‘Odds and Ends’ for tutelage. Rewards will be granted dependent on the results of their chain quest.

  “Next up, a coffee shop.” He started to walk away, kicking himself for not canceling the rental of the warehouse while he was at the shop. There was a new coffee shop in the location of the inn that his guild used to stay in before it was burned to the ground, and Joe went into it more for nostalgia’s sake than anything. It turned out to be a good idea because for the first time since coming to this world he found an espresso! Good lord. He sipped it like a thirty-year scotch and shivered. Enough pleasure, to work!

  Two of the books that he had raided from the dungeon appeared on the table. Reading through the first again, he found a few small details that he had forgotten about regarding turning spells into rituals. Joe nodded at his foresight, glad that he was able to take notes this time. Next, he pulled out the tome detailing the spell ‘Dark Compulsion’ and read through it. Joe frowned. Though it was a powerful spell, it was twisted. Whenever someone lied while under the effects, dark thorns would dig into them, causing intense pain. Once the spell was activated, only the person using it could deactivate it safely.

  No wonder the investigator had been assassinated. Even if the family he was investigating had done nothing, Joe was sure that they wouldn’t want their children placed under such a nasty spell. If he had kids and someone came around with something like this, he might take a few regrettable actions himself. Originally, he had planned on turning this into a ritual and gifting it to the city guard. Now… nope. Their reputation would plummet if they used this torture device masquerading as a helpful spell. Joe decided to go to the library and turn in this book.

  Skill increased: Reading (Beginner VI). Wait a minute, you can read? Wow! So impressive for someone in your… situation.

  Well, that message just didn’t even make sense this time. Joe cracked his neck and stood; his coffee had vanished, and it was time for him to do the same. Going over to the library, he dropped off the book with a few notes about properly storing it, gaining another hundred points of job experience. Asking about the spell books that Boris had mentioned last time, Joe was directed to floor three and a half. Following the instructions given, he walked into a room that was about the size of an airport bathroom. The door must have had ‘ignore me’ magic on it because otherwise, Joe had no idea how people didn’t accidentally find their way in here.

  Looking around at all the spell books, Joe was impressed by the power their titles proclaimed to bestow. ‘Ultimate mana blade’, ‘Skyfall’, ‘Endless Army’, to name a few. He was less impressed by their accuracy. Most of them shown a dull grey with only a few having the telltale golden signs that proclaimed truth. Joe took three books that had the most promise, knowing that he didn’t have a lot of time before the war began in full force.

  If these were spells that no one had been able to get working in decades or centuries, he quickly understood why as he read them. Whoever had written these books clearly only had a general idea of what was going on. Perhaps they were writing down the information, having it dictated to them from the bedside of a dying Mage. The spellforms were sloppy, a few words were spelled incorrectly which changed the meaning of entire sections, and component cost was not standardized. A ‘pinch’ of powdered quartz? How much was that supposed to be?

  The books he had chosen were ‘Mass Enchant’, which promised to enchant any weapons within a given area, ‘Shielded City’, which at its most powerful could apparently create a dome of force over an entire city but would most likely only be able to cover a single building, and ‘Mana Battery’. The last one was more something that he had picked up for himself to use in the future. Using the spell on a Core would transform the potential experience inside of it into mana at a one to ten rate. That meant that a low-grade Core could be used for five thousand mana, and then up to fifty percent more mana could be added to it.

  If Joe could create some weaponized rituals and set them up with mana batteries, he could make some seriously powerful siege weaponry. Or perhaps traps. Joe had been liking traps in recent days. First, he needed to un-spaghetti the spells. In other words, he had to get all of the mistakes unraveled and make a clean spell diagram. Then he could transfer that to a spell scroll and then transfer that to a ritual. Bleh. No, no, it wa
s fine. The first thing to work on… Mass Enchant. Joe nodded to himself and walked through town, getting to the town square and vanishing, reappearing in the temple area of the Grand Ritual Hall.

  ~ Chapter Forty-four ~

  “What the heck is going on?” Joe looked around at the carpet of bodies groaning and moaning on the floor of the temple. “Are you all wounded? Why is the temple the hospital? Why am I asking rhetorical questions?” He got to work healing the people around him, not bothering to get too close but instead just chucking balls of water at them. There were simply too many to be able to go person-by-person. This method of healing had an unexpected benefit. Since people were packed so close to each other, the healing water tended to… splash.

  Skill gained: Group Heal (Apprentice VI). As this skill was discovered by using the skill ‘Mend’, it retains all current bonuses. Effect: Select a target to heal restoring 5n/T HP where ‘n’ equals skill level and ‘T’ equals number of targets. Cost: 5n mana.

  Handy but nothing overly special, unless… well, he could channel the spell, couldn’t he? He selected ten people and used group heal, an orb of water flying out of his hand and turning into water streaming through the air and connecting the ten people to himself. Channeling the spell for the maximum time he could left him totally drained of mana, truly an impressive feat. Panting, he looked at what he had accomplished. Not much, but… it was at least decent.

  Connecting to ten people meant that he healed twelve health a second for each of them, and at the end of fifteen seconds–when he ran out of mana–he had been able to heal them for over four hundred health. There were a few drawbacks to this, namely that broken bones were apparently not fixed when he used the healing spell this way. Another issue that was more concerning to him was that these guys were fighters, meaning that they had put a significant amount of time into boosting their health. If they had fifty points of constitution that meant they had at least four hundred and fifty health. It was likely that they had also boosted their health with items, skills, or other methods.


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