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Regicide (The Completionist Chronicles Book 2)

Page 37

by Dakota Krout

  “Did you catch his name, by chance? I’d like to inform the College of his passing.” Joe inquired of the bounty hunters while waiting for the Mage to expire.

  The two men looked at each other, and after a drawn-out second, the one on the left spoke, “Sure did. Master Mage of Silence: Reggie.”

  You have committed Reggie-cide! As the person you just murdered was a Racial Traitor, you have been granted a preemptive pardon for any action taken against them, though no experience can be gained. Keep up the good work!

  ~ Afterword ~

  Stick around for a sneak peek of The Divine Dungeon: Dungeon Desolation at the end of this book! Even better, sign up for the mailing list to get the first three chapters:

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  ~ Appendix ~

  Notable Characters

  Alexis – Joe’s second-in-command for his current team, Alexis is an Aromatic Artificer. By making poisons and weapons and using them to great effect, she has proven her worth time and again.

  Aten – The Commander of ‘The Wanderer’s’ Noble Guild.

  Bard – Bard holds the position of a tank in Joe’s current team. Contrary to his name,

  Bard is a Skald. Instead of staying in a well-protected position and playing songs, Bard is on the frontlines of any engagement chanting and swinging his axes.

  Boris – The head librarian and the local leader of the Scholars profession.

  CAL – Certified Altruistic Lexicon, the AI that controls Eternia.

  Cel – A fire mage who was captured by Joe during a ritual mishap. This Mage learned too much, and the Mage’s College had found a way to silence him. Joe freed him from captivity, and they now work together… no matter how uneasily.

  Chad – The ranger on Joe’s old team, this man–also known as XsnipemasterX–is deadly with a bow.

  Dylan – The tank on Joe’s old team, Dylan devoted himself to protecting his group, leading him to the rare class ‘Bulwark’.

  Guard Captain Blas – Blas has proven himself to be an honorable man and is now dating Joe’s mother. Joe has decided to keep a closer eye on this situation.

  Guess – An enigmatic… man…? This rogue is sliding down the path of an assassin but offers very little personal information to the group.

  Jake – An Alchemist who has set up shop in the city, this man has deranged tastes and a mysterious interest in seeing random acts of violence.

  Jaxon – An acupuncturist and chiropractor in real life, Jaxon came into the game to try out new methods of healing. Is it his fault that everyone is so… brittle? Playing the game as a Monk, Jaxon uses his talents to deadly effect.

  Joey (Joe) Nelson – The main character of our story, Joe is a Ritualist who has specialized into a ‘Rituarchitect’ class. By supplying the material and power, he can grow a building with ease. His contributions in the future will need to be significant for the human race to survive…

  Poppy – Papadopoulos Whisperfoot is a Duelist who wears eye-catching clothes and wields a rapier. Able to take down heavily-armored foes with ease, Poppy is an invaluable member of Joe’s current team.

  Tatum (Hidden god) – The deity of hidden and forbidden knowledge, Tatum has only one follower so far, Joe.

  Terra – An overly exuberant enchanter in Joe’s guild, Terra is a jogger, vegetarian, and just started a relationship with Tsnake.

  Tiona – The leader of Joe’s old party, Tiona is a no-nonsense warrior that beats her subordinates into shape and makes sure that each person is doing the job they should be striving for.

  Tommulus (Deity of fire and wrath) – The first addition to a young pantheon, Tommulus is the patron of berserkers and especially vindictive assassins.

  Tsnake – Known as ‘Snake’ by his subordinates and Tim in reality, Tsnake is the guild leader of a guild of mercenary Mages. By hiring themselves out to those who need magical assistance, his guild has become powerful and wealthy. He is a real-world friend of Joe’s who brought him into the game. His cryptic advice and secret warnings have not yet been explained.

  Sir Bearington – The Mayor of a small town that Joe’s guild chose as a base of operations. Sir Bearington is an honorable man… and an unbearable foe if angered.

  Spriggan (Minor deity of nature and fertility) – The second addition to a young pantheon, Spriggan is currently only the patron of Sir Bearington but was once very powerful. She has vowed to regain her position… someday.

  Warden of Souls – The Warden was a Specter cursed to watch over the Shadewell, a mythical source of darkness and the summoning location of all Shades. With his passing, dark events that had been held at bay may soon threaten the world.

  Joe’s stat sheet as of the end of Regicide:

  Name: Joe ‘Tatum’s Chosen Legend’ Class: Mage (Actual: Rituarchitect)

  Profession: Tenured Scholar (Actual: Arcanologist)

  Character Level: 15 Exp: 125,993 Exp to next level: 10,007

  Rituarchitect Level: 2 Exp: 2,190 Exp to next level: 810

  Hit Points: 220/220

  Mana: 1926/1926

  Mana regen: 19.97/sec

  Stamina: 195

  Characteristic: Raw score (Modifier)

  Strength: 22 (1.22)

  Dexterity: 31 (1.31)

  Constitution: 27 (1.27)

  Intelligence: 72 (2.22)

  Wisdom: 66 (2.16)

  Charisma: 26 (1.26)

  Perception: 51 (2.01)

  Luck: 29 (1.29)

  Karmic Luck: +3

  ~ Sneak Peek ~

  The Divine Dungeon: Dungeon Desolation

  “I’m not happy, Dale,” the Dark Elf Princess Brianna barged into the meeting room, the anger in her voice causing all other noise to fade away. “Do you know why I am unhappy?”

  Dale was sitting at the head of a long table that had been expressly designed for the council. The words being directed at him - singling him out - grated against his overstressed mind. It showed in his snappish response. “Let me guess. Could it be because nearly every human government has been toppled at the same time? Would it be the fact that the necromantic army now controls almost all of those surviving humans? Perhaps it is because the High Elves were able to push them back and we were not?”

  “You can’t believe that they would hold that against us.” Tyler - the only non-cultivator on the council - looked around nervously at the important people filling the space.

  “I’m still in shock that we lost Frank.” High Magous Amber sighed and leaned back into her chair, though it was impossible for her to get sore from remaining seated too long.

  Dale nodded at that. “I am already having trouble with the Guild. The main branch is trying to send a replacement and demanding to have a vote on my council. I gave Frank that position because he earned it, not because of his Guild membership. Now, I saw Frank’s final moments and I am still surprised that a single, chantless invocation was enough to kill him.
I thought that their equal power levels would make it much harder for one of them to gain the upper hand. Can anyone explain what happened?”

  “I’m sorry, did you say equal power levels?” Madame Chandra, the A-ranked cultivator who owned the Pleasure House restaurant in town was frowning at him with a slight tinge of pity bleeding through.

  “Yes, they were both A-ranked, correct? Does anyone know what the difference between them was? Are the individual steps in each rank that much more potent?” Dale looked around but caught Chandra shaking her head.

  “Dale, do you remember when I told you that I trained Frank for almost a decade?” Chandra leaned forward, making sure he was focused on her. Dale nodded slowly, and she continued. “Frank was a B-rank Mage. He was not a High Magous, or he would have held a much more important position in the Guild. Who told you that he was A-ranked?”

  Dale thought back, his eyes narrowing when he finally remembered. “…Hans. Of course it was Hans. I’m going to kick his-”

  “It’s likely that he was just trying to ‘wow’ you, Dale. What would the difference between A and B rank be for you if you were in the F-ranks? Don’t be too hard on him, just understand where your confusion comes from and rectify the issue.” Chandra sighed and pulled another report toward herself. “Also, I’d still like to learn how you got back into town. I know that portal collapsed, and by all accounts… you died. Are you finally willing to explain yourself?”

  “I’m not,” Dale firmly announced. The other people in the room, including scribes, couriers, and the servers that had brought lunch, all sunk back into their normal positions or started walking again. This was a rumor that all of them had heard, and each had heard gossip more wild than anything they could imagine to be true. To be fair, none of them were overly imaginative. “How are we progressing on talks between the various races? Do we have any information on how to arrange a counterattack against the necromancers?”

  “Excuse me!” Brianna lightly rapped her knuckles on the table, leaving a small dent. In marble. Dale rolled his eyes; that was the fifth time that had happened. He’d need to get an Earth Mage to reinforce it and fix it again. “Did we forget the reason this conversation is happening?”

  “Please, Brianna. Tell us why you aren’t ‘happy’.” Dale tried to placate the highly ranked Assassin Princess.

  Speaking in a loud voice, she took a moment and tried to lock eyes with all the members at the table. “It’s been three weeks since the battle. Not only have we not made any progress in finding a base of operations or launching a counter-initiative, do you know what I saw when I looked off of this floating island? Ocean. Ocean. We are no longer over the continent, Dale. The dungeon is running away.”

  Like what you see? Sign up for the mailing list to read more (the first three chapters) of Dungeon Desolation:

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