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Karl Marx

Page 63

by Jonathan Sperber

  46 Jonathan Sperber, “‘The Persecutor of Evil’ in the German Revolution of 1848–1849,” in Jeremy D. Popkin, ed., Media and Revolution: Comparative Perspectives (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1995), 98–114.

  47 MEW 5: 112–53; RhBA 2/2: 345; Seyppel, Die Demokratische Gesellschaft, 129–31; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 301–02.

  48 BdK 1: 1122.

  49 Freiheit Arbeit (Cologne), vol. 1, no. 2, January 18, 1849; cf. Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 229.

  50 MEGA 3/3: 608; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 228–31.

  51 Seyppel, Die Demokratische Gesellschaft, 216–38; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 314–21.

  52 MEGA 3/2: 163–65, 169–70, 476, 488, 494–95, 500–01, 516, 527–29; François Melis, “Friedrich Engels’ Wanderung durch Frankreich und die Schweiz im Herbst 1848: Neue Erkenntnisse und Hypothesen,” MEGA Studien 2 (1995): 61–92; Silberner, Moses Hess, 296–97; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 110.

  53 E.g., MEGA 3/2: 168.

  54 Ibid., 3/3: 591; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 322–36.

  55 MEW 6: 240–57; Dowe, Aktion und Organisation, 229; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 264–65.

  56 MEGA 3/3: 17, 277.

  57 Ibid., 3/2: 164; 3/3: 10–11, 19–22, 187–90; François Melis, Neue Rheinische Zeitung Organ der Demokratie: Edition unbekannater Nummern, Flugblätter, Druckvarianten und Separatdrucke (Munich: K. G. Saur, 2000), 35–36; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 28.

  58 Cited in Schmidt, Andreas Gottschalk, 122; cf. MEGA 3/3: 255.

  59 MEW 6: 397–423; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 351–54, 360–64.

  60 Ibid., 378–79.

  61 Dowe, Aktion und Organisation, 229–30.

  62 MEW 6: 503–6, 519; Melis, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 11, 36–38.


  1 MEGA 1/10: 37–118.

  2 Ibid., 3/3: 30; 3/10: 1136; Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 458; see also Marx’s defensive remarks in 1850, quoted in Carl Vogt, Mein Prozess gegen die Allgemeine Zeitung (Geneva: Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1859), 141–56.

  3 MEGA 3/3: 23, 52, 361–62, 804; MEW 6: 523.

  4 MEGA 3/3: 26, 30, 32, 36, 485, 727.

  5 Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 421–23, 457–58, 465; MEGA 1/10: 5.

  6 Sperber, Rhineland Radicals, 410–11; MEW 6: 527–28; MEGA 3/3: 25.

  7 MEGA 3/3: 27–29, 36–37, 39, 43, 361, 725, 727.

  8 Ibid., 3/3: 36–37, 40, 44, 372, 817–18, 823; Herbert Reiter, Politisches Asyl im 19. Jahrhundert (Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt, 1992), 201–06.

  9 MEGA 3/3: 44, 48, 628–29, 725, 728, 823; Reiter, Politisches Asyl, 216–74.

  10 MEGA 3/3: 44.

  11 Ibid., 3/3: 49, 830; 1/10: 6–12.

  12 Ibid., 3/4: 109.

  13 Ibid., 1/10: 553–54.

  14 Ibid., 1/10: 555–59, 563–65, 569–75; 3/3: 65–66, 76–77, 80, 402–03, 509, 512, 547, 554, 570; 3/5: 36, 97; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 50; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 29.

  15 BdK 1: 969–70; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 46–47.

  16 MEGA 3/3: 60; BdK 2: 11, 81–82, 445; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 55–56; BdK 2: 614–21.

  17 MEGA 1/10: 560–61; 3/3: 435, 461.

  18 Ibid., 3/3: 439, 491, 517, 557, 686, 707–08; 3/4: 13.

  19 Ibid., 3/3: 439, 449, 455, 464, 515, 518, 548, 555, 572.

  20 Ibid., 3/3: 491–92, 494–95, 572, 603.

  21 Ibid., 3/3: 94, 656, 665, 668, 686; 1/10: 447–48, 990–92.

  22 Ibid., 3/3: 75, 415, 496, 477.

  23 Ibid., 1/10: 254–63.

  24 Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 56–59; MEGA 3/3: 51.

  25 MEGA 1/10: 119–96, quotes on 140 and 192.

  26 Ibid., 1/10: 318–20; for another example of denouncing radical democrats, see ibid., 1/10: 202–04.

  27 Christian Jansen, Einheit, Macht und Freiheit. Die Paulskirchenlinke und die deutsche Politik in der nachrevolutionären Epoche 1849–1867 (Düsseldorf: Droste Verlag, 2000), 172–96; Reiter, Politisches Asyl, 274–83.

  28 MEGA 3/3: 27, 733.

  29 Ibid., 3/3: 363, 376, 385, 500–01, 571.

  30 Ibid., 3/3: 48.

  31 Ibid., 3/3: 735.

  32 Ibid., 3/4: 143; 3/8: 45; Rosemary Ashton, Little Germany: Exile and Asylum in Victorian England (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), 16–24.

  33 MEGA 3/3: 82, 85, 538–39, 563, 733–35.

  34 Ibid., 3/4: 355, 444, 473, 509; 3/5: 184, 305, 472; 3/6: 12.

  35 Ibid., 3/3: 372, 374–78; 3/6: 197.

  36 Ibid., 3/3: 87–88, 555, 563, 567, 588, 614, 647, 653; 3/4: 83–84, 158, 290; 3/5: 163; 3/6: 16.

  37 Ibid., 3/4: 5, 84, 170; 3/5: 163; 3/6: 11–12, 50, 452, 554.

  38 Ibid., 3/5: 411.

  39 Ibid., 3/6: 11–12.

  40 Ibid., 3/4: 555.

  41 Ibid., 3/4: 520.

  42 Ibid., 3/3: 417.

  43 Stanley Nadel, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City, 1845–80 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990); Bruce Levine, The Spirit of 1848: German Immigrants, Labor Conflict and the Coming of the Civil War (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992).

  44 MEGA 3/4: 161, 167–68, 204–05, 276, 415; 3/5: 143, 145–46, 182, 237, 411–12, 468; 3/6: 5, 12, 566. On this very interesting individual, see, accessed 12/1/11. MEGA 3/5: 486–567 contains correspondence of Cluss giving a good impression of his political abilities and activities.

  45 MEGA 3/3: 617–18. Just fragments of evidence remain in Marx’s and Engels’s papers concerning their plans to move to New York: ibid., 3/3: 82, 87, 513–14, 564, 582, 624, 628, 660; 3/4: 103; also a contemporary report, reprinted in Vogt, Mein Prozess, 141–56.

  46 MEGA 3/3: 621–23; Westphalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 214–15.

  47 MEGA 3/3: 105, 108, 702; 3/4: 141, 291–93, 312–13, 396–71, 432, 464; 3/5: 123–24; Hunt, Marx’s General, 183, 187–88.

  48 MEGA 3/3: 99.

  49 For just a few initial examples of what would become a years-long practice, see ibid., 3/3: 93, 95; 3/4: 5, 31, 33, 39, 96, 99, 109, 111, 141, 151, 161, 170, 199, 234; 3/5: 40, 43, 45, 65, 68, 78, 92, 111, 125–27.

  50 Ibid., 3/3: 91–92; Westphalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 215.

  51 MEGA 3/5: 89, 92; Westphalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 217.

  52 MEGA 3/5: 96.

  53 Wheen, Karl Marx, 171–76; Heinrich Gemkow and Rolf Hecker, “Unbekannte Dokumente über Marx’ Sohn Frederick Demuth,” Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 43 (1994): 43–59.

  54 MEGA 3/3: 57, 445.

  55 Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 49–54; Jansen, Einheit, Macht und Freiheit, 185–93.

  56 Quoted in Christian Jansen, ed., Nach der Revolution 1848/49: Verfolgung, Realpolitik Nationsbildung: Politische Briefe deutscher Liberaler und Demokraten 1849–1861 (Düsseldorf: Droste Verlag, 2004), 42.

  57 BdK 2: 253–56; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 67–82, 110.

  58 MEGA 3/4: 17; see also ibid., 3/3: 566, 1306; 3/4: 140; 3/6: 58; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 85.

  59 MEGA 1/10: 578.

  60 Ibid., 3/3: 740; Karl Bittel, ed., Der Kommunistenprozeß zu Köln 1852 im Spiegel der zeitgenössischen Presse (East Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1955), 111–12.

  61 MEGA 3/5: 157, 190; 3/6: 37–38, 74–75; 3/6: 107; Bauer, Konfdentenberichte, 37.

  62 Jansen, ed., Nach der Revolution, 42; Carl Wermuth and Wilhelm Stieber, Die Communisten-Verschwörungen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 2 vols. in 1 (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1969), 1: 267.

  63 MEGA 3/3: 669; 3/4: 76–77, 302.

  64 Ibid., 1/10: 491–92; 3/3: 77–78, 582; 3/4: 84, 307; 3/5: 166; 3/6: 186; and esp. 1/10: 491–92; Jansen, ed., Nach der Revolution, 205.

  65 MEGA 3/3: 650; 3/4: 147–49, 187, 706; 3/5: 191; 3/6: 37–38, 110.

  66 Ibid., 3/4: 138–39; similarly, 3/5: 191; 3/6: 74–75.

  67 Ibid., 3/3: 92, 96, 641–43, 878; 3/4: 46–50, 57–58, 63, 234, 240–41, 555; 3/5: 209; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 73–74, 111, 1

  68 MEGA 3/4: 14–16, 31, 66–67; 3/5: 38–39, 60–61, 68, 82, 85, 106, 111, 115–16, 159–60, 176–75, 178–79, 188, 394, 401, 405–06, 409, 473, 773; 3/6: 37–38; 1/11: 221–311.

  69 Ibid., 3/4: 164.

  70 Jansen, Einheit, Macht und Freiheit, 189–90; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 83–109; MEGA 3/6: 554.

  71 MEGA 3/5: 96, 135–36; BdK 2: 255; Lattek, Revolutionar Refugees, 70.

  72 MEGA 3/5: 127, 129–30, 135–36, 140, 151, 171; Westphalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 212. In “The Great Men of Exile,” Marx only alluded in literary form to Willich’s sexual escapades: MEGA 1/10: 300–01.

  73 Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 69–82; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 27, 29–30, 32.

  74 Vogt, Mein Prozess, 141–56; excerpts from the letter are reprinted in BdK, vol. 2.

  75 Vogt, Mein Prozess, 141–56; cf. MEGA 3/4: 37, 41–43.

  76 Jansen, ed., Nach der Revolution, 88, 205, 241.

  77 MEW 6: 148–50; MEGA 1/10: 302–03.

  78 MEGA 1/10: 467; 3/4: 157–58, 213, 235; 3/5: 6, 93, 110, 183, 185–86; 3/6: 27.

  79 Ibid., 3/3: 584; 3/5: 285. On the question of spies and government agents, particularly illuminating are Jürgen Herres, “Der Kölner Kommunistenprozess von 1852,” Geschichte in Köln 50 (2003): 133–55, and Ingrid Donner, “Der Anteil von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels an der Verteidigung der Kölner Kommunistenprozeße 1852,” Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch 4 (1981): 306–44; also Ernst Hanisch, Karl Marx und die Berichte der österreichischen Geheimpolizei (Trier: Karl-Marx-Haus, 1976); and Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 154–56.

  80 MEGA 3/4: 247, 255–58, 355, 473, 490, 502–03, 782; 3/5: 440–41; 3/6: 224, 266.

  81 Ibid., 3/5: 38, 307, 342, 382, 390, 395, 411–12, 470–71; 3/6: 269, 272, 277.

  82 Ibid., 3/5: 191, 342, 798; 3/6: 37–38, 288, 303, 390–91, 411–12, 438, 474, 496.

  83 Ibid., 3/6: 41, 48, 68, 81, 83, 98–99, 111–13, 288, 294, 303, 324–27, 338.

  84 Hanisch, Karl Marx, 18–30; Vogt, Mein Prozess, v–viii.

  85 MEGA 3/3: 571, 586, 646, 650, 672.

  86 Ibid., 3/3: 94, 502–04, 533–35; 3/4: 85, 104, 117, 121, 300–01, 322, 326, 334–35, 344, 368, 373, 375, 385; 3/6: 106; Herres, “Kölner Kommunistenprozess,” 142; Seyppel, Die demokratische Gesellschaft in Köln, 284.

  87 On the Cologne Communist Trial, see the articles by Donner and esp. Herres, in note 79; additional details in Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 76–97.

  88 MEGA 3/2: 178, 548–49.

  89 Ibid., 3/4: 128, 138–39; 3/5: 85; 3/6: 553; 3/7: 31.

  90 Ibid., 3/6: 259–60; 3/7: 217; Bittel, Der Kommunistenprozeß, 53, 55, 63, 68, 112, 153–56, 158, 224, 248–49.

  91 Bittel, Der Kommunistenprozeß, 92–103, 119–26, 167–70, 182–88.

  92 Ibid., 103 (quote), also 59–62, 67–69, 81–82, 84–90, 160, 179, 188–200, 239–41, 243, 247–48, 255–59, 284–85; MEGA 3/4: 146.

  93 Bittel, Der Kommunistenprozeß, 73–80, 137, 143, 145, 212–34, 291–94; MEGA 3/6: 46, 83, 106, 555.

  94 MEGA 3/6: 352, also 52–54, 56–58, 61, 67–68, 70, 557; Bittel, Der Kommunistenprozeß, 119–26, 135–36, 167–70.

  95 MEGA 3/6: 85, 286, 299–300; Bittel, Der Kommunistenprozeß, 135–36; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 155–56; Bauer Confidentenberichte, 97.

  96 MEGA 3/6: 66, also 86.

  97 Ibid., 1/11: 363–422; 976; 3/6: 51, 55, 78, 88, 132–33, 407, 412–13; Donner, “Der Anteil von Marx und Engels,” 318–19; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 156–58.

  98 MEGA 3/4: 259–60, 263–74, 276; 3/5: 56–59, 251–52, 255–58; 1/11: 686–90.

  99 Text in ibid., 1/11: 96–189. Two literary analyses are Zvi Tauber, “Representations of Tragedy and Farce in History on Marx’s The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,” Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 29 (2000): 127–46; and Martin Harries, “Homo Alludens: Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire,” New German Critique 66 (1995): 35–64.

  100 MEGA 1/11: 101.

  101 Ibid., 1/11: 178; also 110, 179; on the literary allusion, Harries, “Homo alludens,” 53–55.

  102 MEGA 1/1: 128.

  103 Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, trans. John and Doreen Weightman (London: Jonathan Cape, 1973), 57.

  104 MEGA 1/11: 690–96; 3/5: 409, 432; 3/6: 241.


  1 MEGA 3/7: 32, see also 154–55; Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees, 159–82.

  2 MEGA 3/8: 215, similarly, 223.

  3 Ibid., 3/4: 41–43; 3/6: 138, 154.

  4 Ibid., 3/8: 90, 99, 109, 115, 123, 128–31.

  5 Ibid., 3/7: 189, also 182–88, 197, 205; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 74–75. My thanks to Dr. Brian Johnson, of Boone Hospital Center, for his retrospective diagnoses.

  6 MEGA 3/7: 189; also 197; 3/8: 211; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 74.

  7 MEGA 3/7: 166, 178, 182; 3/8: 107; 3/9: 122, 126, 174; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 75; Chushichi Tsuzuki, The Life of Eleanor Marx, 1855–1898: A Socialist Tragedy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967), 9–13.

  8 MEGA 3/3: 591; 3/4: 170, 183, 185; 1/11: 3–85.

  9 Ibid., 3/5: 163–64; 3/6:11, 118, 133–34, 180; 3/7: 13, 24–25, 55, 300; 3/8: 109; Westphalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 222; Adam Tuchinsky, Horace Greeley’s New-York Tribune: Civil War-Era Socialism and the Crisis of Free Labor (Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 2009), 104–07, and passim. The articles for the New York Tribune are republished in MEGA 1/11–14, and MECW 14–18.

  10 MEGA 3/7: 54, 162–64, 209, 346, 472, 496, 526; 3/8: 33, 71, 262, 272, 596–97; 1/12: 393–442; 1/13: 18–26. The articles for the New Oder News are in MEGA 1/14.

  11 MEGA 3/7: 195, 198; 1/13: 368; 1/14: 444–45, 529; 1/25: 408.

  12 Ibid., 3/6: 103, 129, 521; 3/7: 5, 26, 31, 62, 91, 98, 119, 452, 521; 3/8: 35, 323–24.

  13 Ibid., 3/7: 54.

  14 Ibid., 3/7: 182; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 70–73.

  15 MEGA 3/8: 45, 48, 53, 65; 3/9: 129; 3/10: 181; Westfalen, “Kurze Umrisse,” 221–22; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 224.

  16 MEGA 3/8: 65–67, 72, 74–75, 88, 90, 127; 3/9: 60–62, 115, 136, 169, 221; 3/9: 44, 48.

  17 McLellan, Karl Marx, 242–44; Wheen, Karl Marx, 180–85.

  18 MEGA 3/6: 203, 207–08; 3/7: 5, 13, 31, 62, 138, 262, 276, 285; 3/8: 285; 3/10: 289.

  19 Ibid., 3/7: 219, 525; 3/8: 103–05, 118–19, 148–49, 192–93, 211, 496; 3/8: 193; 3/9: 8, 11–12, 15, 25, 40, 531.

  20 Ibid., 3/6: 203; 3/7: 69, 119–20, 126–28, 133, 138, 156, 158, 201–02, 209, 216, 223, 817–18; 3/8: 107, 323–24; 3/9: 53, 122, 129–30, 134; 3/9: 186–92, 196–200, 220, 224, 235, 386.

  21 Ibid., 3/7: 138; 3/8: 107; Francis Sheppard, London 1800–1870: The Infernal Wen (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971), 211, 217–18, 234–35.

  22 MEGA 3/9: 188–89.

  23 Ibid., 3/7: 55, 300; 3/8: 281.

  24 Ibid., 37: 58, 62; more generally, Olive Anderson, A Liberal State at War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War (London: Macmillan, 1967), 1–28.

  25 Hans-Henning Hahn, Aussenpolitik in der Emigration: die Exildiplomatie Adam Jerzy Czartoryskis 1830–1840 (Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1978), esp. 191–201, 207–17.

  26 MEGA 3/3: 35, 40, 43, 51–52.

  27 Ibid., 1/12: 83, 181–84, 229–30, 235, 243–44, 549–56; 1/13: 14, 56–57, 84–85, 89–90, 292, 268–99, 370–74, 398, 532; 1/14: 61–65, 88–93, 117, 194, 243–45, 268–71, 296–301, 411–15, 425–26, 452, 455–59, 546–49, 567; 3/6: 133.

  28 Ibid., 1/12: 336, also 358–59, 468; 1/13: 35–36, 41–42.

  29 Anderson, A Liberal State at War, 33–93.

  30 MEGA 1/12: 357–86, 564–65; 1/13: 16, 184–85; 1/14: 652; 3/7: 44, 53, 85, 242; 3/8: 85–86; 3/9: 218–19; 3/11: 19–20, 24; MEW 30: 371.

  31 MECW 15: 27–96; also MEGA 1/14: 785–88.

  32 Anderson, A Liberal State at War, 139–52; “David Urquhart,” Dictionary of National B
iography; Miles Taylor, “The Old Radicalism and the New: David Urquhart and the Politics of Opposition, 1832–1867,” in Eugenio Biagini and Alastair J. Reid, eds., Currents of Radicalism: Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain, 1850–1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 23–43.

  33 MEGA 3/6: 130–31; 3/7: 56, 65, 94, 110, 298, 390, 526; 3/8: 6, 19, 36–37, 39, 43, 54–55, 66, 107, 523, 596–97; 3/9: 94; 3/11: 18; Liebknecht, Karl Marx zum Gedächtniß, 56–57; Bauer, Konfidentenberichte, 164–65.

  34 MEGA 1/12: 632–33, 1165.

  35 Ibid., 1/12: 80.

  36 Ibid., 1/13: 90–91, 121–22; Jansen, Einheit, Macht und Freiheit, 260–65; Natascha Doll, Recht, Politik und “Realpolitik” bei August Ludwig von Rochau (1810–1873) (Frankfurt-am-Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2005).

  37 Jonathan Parry, The Politics of Patriotism: English Liberalism, National Identity and Europe, 1830–1886 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 145–57, 195–205, 213–19; K. Theodore Hoppen, The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846–1886 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 198; David Brown, Palmerston: A Biography (London: Yale University Press, 2010).

  38 MEGA 3/7: 372–73; also 331.

  39 Ibid., 1/12: 68; 1/13: 81, 359; 1/14: 330–31, 367.

  40 Ibid., 1/12: 358–59. More generally, for Marx’s opinions on the Whigs and his articles on Palmerston and Russell, 1/12: 357–85; 1/14: 575–602; also 3/6: 133–34.

  41 Ibid., 3/7: 44.

  42 Ibid., 3/9: 63, 121–25.

  43 Ibid., 3/6: 174–76, 179–84; Suzanne Marchand, German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race, and Scholarship (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

  44 MEGA 3/6: 189, 198–200; Bipan Chandra, “Karl Marx, His Theories of Asian Societies and Colonial Rule,” Review 5 (1981): 13–91.

  45 See esp. MEGA 1/12: 166, 169–73, 248–53.

  46 Ricardo King Sang Mak, The Future of the Non-Western World in the Social Sciences of Nineteenth Century England (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 1999), 87–173; cf. also Andrew Zimmermann, Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001), 38–61.

  47 Salahuddin Malik, 1857: War of Independence or Clash of Civilizations? British Public Reactions (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2008); MECW 15: 329, 363.

  48 MECW 15: 336–41, 349–56; also MEGA 1/12: 179, 217–19; MECW 15: 575–79, 587.


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