Book Read Free

Little Red

Page 7

by Justin Cairns


  The van’s engine offered a light purr as the ignition was switched off. It rumbled to a halt, the working parts inside tinkered as they cooled down. The Wolf climbed out of the seat and gave a glance over each shoulder, checking his surroundings, all clear. The van had been backed up as far as possible, laying ten feet from the rear entrance to his house. The previous kidnap had gone well up to this point, he had miss-judged the parking and had to carry the girl double the distance to hide her inside. This he wanted to avoid as it was still daylight. He gave another check to confirm his concealment and pulled on the back door handle, the clunk told him that the catch had been released. The doors swung open and he entered the back, being sure to duck slightly to stop his head colliding with the wooden interior. The girl was still unconscious as the Chloroform had been a high dosage, especially for someone so young. He imagined it swirling around her lungs like small puffs of smoke performing a dance. He reached down and grabbed her wrists and her torso was heaved up into a seating position. She slumped forward unaware of her current situation.

  He turned the girl so that her back was facing the back doors and dragged her to the rear bumper. He climbed down carefully and lifted her into his arms. He turned and fled inside the building, now she was out of sight. The interior of the house was dark, as usual. He liked the blackness surrounding him, it helped in his development. The guest within his mind gave courteous words, encouragement and praise. His task was accomplished to a rewarding standard and he was slowly becoming what he longed to be. The girl lay in his arms, her body felt light as his biceps hardened. He shuffled down the steps to the den, needing to secure her before she awoke, to save himself from scratching finger nails and kicking feet.

  The van’s back doors were slammed shut, the vehicle rocked slightly from the force behind it. The Wolf entered the driver’s seat and wound the window down by hand. The squeak rang in his ear as the glass caught the rubber seal. He relaxed his body, forcing the adrenalin to exit him. The key slipped into its home and the engine sprang to life as the key was turned. The black van rolled slowly out of the drive.


  Nathan pulled the car onto the curb being careful as the front wheel connected with the concrete block. They bounced slightly inside as the suspension absorbed the blow. He revved the engine gently to push the car up onto the small grass patch. The voice on the Sat-nav had told them that they had reached their destination. Jack spied for the number that Anne had given him. He noticed the area was a clean and welcoming environment. The houses seemed new looking, an array of well-trimmed hedges and mowed lawns surrounded them. It offered the picturesque images from an estate agents brochure, the enticing fresh looking buildings, their double garages and large bay windows. Nathan was surprised to find a lack of white picket fences.

  ‘Well that’s the place’ pointing across the street to number seven.

  They sat for a while observing the location. They noticed the bright yellow Mazda parked outside the front of the house. The once clean rooftop was littered with brown leaves and splashes of bird excrement, the greenish white colour running down the windscreen.

  ‘Well it’s not a van!’ stated Nathan.

  ‘Noticed, it also appears that the car has been static for a long period of time, a week or two maybe, judging by the crap upon the top’.

  ‘Yeah, noticed!’ he smiled to Jack.

  ‘Come on, let’s take a look’.

  They exited the car and walked towards the building. They could see that the house was well taken care of. The driveway had been swept and kept weed free. The windows were clean and blinds were closed. They approached the door and rang the bell. Nathan removed his finger from the button and Jack slapped the brass knocker against its plate several times. They waited……………………

  ‘Let’s take a look around the back’ Jack decided when there was no answer.

  They followed the drive down the gable side of the house which led to the rear. The garden was a small size but had been well nurtured. In the far corner sat a shed, the trees covering the rear to add privacy for the occupant.

  ‘See anything?’ Jack asked, as he patrolled the garden.

  ‘Nope………nothing’ replied Nathan, his face pressed against the kitchen window as he scanned the interior. He caught Jack’s reflection as he walked to the shed and watched as he clasped the bulky padlock in his hand and pulled it.

  ‘Locked’ he stated.

  ‘Doesn’t mean anything………the guy likes to keep his doors locked to stop pinching!’

  ‘I know. I just had my hopes up that’s all’.

  ‘But still………….what happened to Mr Breen?’

  ‘Maybe he saw the Wolf in action and was taken too!’

  ‘Possible’ agreed Nathan, ‘but I doubt he would risk it, surely his face is covered when he takes them?’

  ‘Yeah……we can stand here all day throwing suggestions at each other……but we won’t get anywhere will we……come on, let’s head back, we can see what the team retrieved from the school.’

  They walked back to the car, not a word was spoken. Both men were expecting something from the lead, but the result was disappointing, these things are never easy. Jack slammed the driver’s door over enthusiastically, the results affecting his temper. There was nothing to take away from the scene, no helpful pushes to advance with the investigation.

  ‘Maybe a surveillance car would be worth a shot, for a couple of days, see if anything happens!’ he suggested, the bony fingers brushed over his scalp and combed his hair.

  ‘Don’t see why not, shows that we’re doing something more than sat on our arses in the office!’ Nathan assured as the vehicle was started.


  The team were typing away as Jack entered the room. Their heads remained down as they organised the evidence and statements from the school.

  ‘Please tell me we have something?’

  The typing stopped and heads were flicked to the direction of his voice. Their faces displayed the answer he didn’t want.

  ‘There are still teams on the ground Sir. They are conducting the door to door questioning. We’re awaiting a sitrep anytime now!’ the PC informed him.

  He turned back and headed for the door. The windows shook as he slammed it closed.

  The coffee seemed thicker today and Nathan chose to bin the cup he had poured. He felt exhausted, he hardly slept and when he managed to catch a few winks it was terrorised by his dreams of blurred figures and dead children. He sat upon a hard back chair in the corridor and watched the water dispenser, the bubbles gurgling their way to the top of the clear blue container. He felt his mind falling into a trance-like-state.

  The visions of home crept in slowly, of warm sand between his toes. His wife preparing a healthy salad lunch, the vegetables soaked with cold water and the crunch they would make when devoured. He watched as Elle approached him with an ice cold beer, just from the fridge. The sun beamed down upon him, the parasol provided a cool shade. She stopped at his feet and leaned towards him, her low cut top revealing a tease of cleavage as the beer was placed in front of him. Nathan………Nathan…………NATHAN!

  The pleasing vision had been replaced by an ageing man with a hair colour that was more silver than grey. Jack knelt in front of him, a hand placed on his knee. Nathan now despised the world in which he sat……….he longed to be home again with his wife, with sun and fine powdery sand……….he desired his world.

  ‘Hey………were you in a trance or something?’

  ‘Possibly…….it was a good trance though’ a very good trance.

  ‘I think you should go get some sleep. We have a team at the girl’s house now. They are speaking with the parents so I’m expecting an update sometime soon. I’ll call you when it’s in if you like?’

  ‘I’ll sleep in my office mate its closer!’

  Nathan gained height as he stood. His knees strained and he placed a hand on the lower section of his back for support. He entered
his little office, the paper from the case file was scattered in all directions. He located a place of comfort and removed his thick black jacket, rolling it up into a pillow shape to rest his head. He drifted slowly, his wife’s recent flash of skin appearing in his mind.


  She had started to awaken, her head throbbing mildly from the wet tissue that had been forced into her face. The attempt to rub her eyes free from sleep had failed, she was unsure why. She noticed her arms had been strapped down by lengths of rope. She managed a slight wiggle of the forearms but had no luck with freeing herself. The old bind nipped at her flesh, gnawing at the wrists and producing a burning sensation. Abby shook her body from left to right realising that her legs were also incapacitated. She stopped moving. Noticing her ability to breathe was restricted she lowered her eyes as far as possible. The gag had been placed into her open mouth and wrapped around her face with a tied knot at the back of her head…….she felt it pulling fine strands of her hair free from the scalp. The scream had barely filled the room as the thick cloth in her mouth absorbed the sound. The second attempt was also poor and she gave up.

  Looking around the room she noticed instantly the painted trees upon the wall. She followed the image as far as she could rotate her head before it ached. The colours were bright and she found herself attracted to the large array that each leaf harboured. Moving her head so that she faced front, she found the camera that was perched upon the tri-pod. She edged her head forward slightly finding the slight reflection of herself in the lens. Her fearful eyes then located the large wooden cabinet that ran from the door and passed her chair. The shelves had a mixture of items, some she recognised. The small stack of CD cases, a bottle of bleach and some cloths. Her eyes landed upon a large book, the greenish tint shimmered under the light. The lettering ran down the spine in a golden colour. She tilted her head to read the words, The Brothers Grimm Collection.

  Abby recognised the name but her memory failed when she attempted to locate where she had heard it.

  One thing stood out from the rest. The large glass jar sat upon the top shelf, the screw lid catching the well lit room. Within the jar lay an object, it appeared to be a circular shape but rugged. The liquid it sat in was a pinkish colour, tiny segments floated around inside. Abby squinted as if she were able to zoom into the object. Studying it for several seconds she gave up and decided to look elsewhere.

  The heart had been placed into the jar once the killer had taken it back to his van, the first kill required a memento and nothing suited his fantasy more than the heart, after all, it was a vital piece behind the meaning of his becoming. The blood that coated it had eroded into the water and created the pinkish appearance.

  Abby, in her fragile state of mind, failed to spot the six empty jars that sat on the shelf below, awaiting the fill of liquid and placing of the next object.

  Chapter Seven

  Jack had decided to leave Nathan, the information he had received from the interview with the victim’s parents had been of an unsatisfying nature. The door to door enquiries had received a small piece of information from an elderly man living on the street. He lived alone and opposite the school. He had informed the officer’s questioning that a black van had been parked beside the playing area, he had seen it in the morning and it had disappeared once the police had arrived. Sadly, this news was not enough to act upon. Nathan had already suggested that the killer may use a large vehicle to transport the victims. There was no licence plate to work from and no identifiable marks upon the vans exterior. The elderly man had failed to see any persons in or around the parked vehicle. He sat and ran his open fingers through his hair, he also needed rest. He attempted to drag his mind away from the case, just for a moment of tranquillity. Being a single man and divorcee, he looked forward to a break. Somewhere warm, somewhere not British. He envied Nathan. Jack was close to retirement, he believed this would be his last case and people always told him the last case would be the one unsolved…….he begged to differ.

  His life in the Met was one he took very seriously, this being the reason his ex-wife decided to call it a day. His brain delivered copious options for his break and retirement. Spain had popped up on many occasions. He decided to settle with buying a boat and sailing the rest of his life away. The crashing of waves and cawing of seagulls was what he was happy with, you don’t find addicts, rapists or serial killers in the Ocean!

  He was brought back to life by the ringing of his mobile phone.

  ‘Great’ he said aloud, before taking the incoming call.

  The call was from the Director of New Scotland Yard. He had expected to receive it before now, knowing that an update would be needed and the organising of yet another press conference. Jack accepted the call and the visions of a peaceful future were demolished like a wrecking ball crushing a conservatory. His boat dream shattered to tiny pieces of transparent glass.


  He watched as she struggled. The tears escaped her eyes and were soaked into the gag. The Wolf stalked his prey, his mask forced fear into the small girl. He felt a thrill, a surge of enlightenment as she fought the binds and cried muffled sounds. He was becoming more powerful, he was becoming the Wolf. His footsteps offered a scraping sound as tiny chunks of dirt and brick were crushed by his treading. He stopped behind Abby and lowered the long nose to her scalp, the sniffing noise startled her and she fought it, her head was tossed in a circular motion. He inhaled the smell she offered, holding it deep within his lungs. The nose was moved to one side of her face. He rubbed it against her ear, and panted heavily. She moaned louder. He felt the urge to lick her skin, to dry the small streams of salty tears she had been shedding. The removal of the mask was forbidden when in view of his kill, the temptation to taste her fear was quickly withdrawn…………..instead he howled wildly into the small ear. He watched as the panic drowned her small body, her limbs trembled, her pale skin held a swarm of goose bumps. They feared him, they feared his appearance. The splashing sound caught his attention, the yellow water landing upon the floor below her chair. The girl had wet herself, the shock and panic taking control of her weak mind, the beast causing a loss of bladder control. He smiled, knowing it was him that she was scared of, he controlled her now…….he was in charge.


  He stood at the door knowing what was on the other side. The problem was that he didn’t know who was in the room. The music was playing before he reached the last step of the stairs. He had expected it from the moment he entered the house. The same surroundings from the previous nightmares engulfed him, the scorched walls welcoming him with evil disfigured faces. Armed with the wheel brace and flash light he pushed the door open with his foot, it creaked as the bright light was revealed. Before the door was fully opened a thick darkness swallowed the once well lit room. Nathan stood, confused by his surroundings. The flashlight came on as he depressed the button, the beam wobbling as his nerves got the better of him.

  The walls were dark, not quite black but still held a type of eeriness to them. He entered slowly, scanning the interior repeatedly. The blurred figure had gone, so had the boy on the metal table. The whole room was empty.

  Nathan stood in the centre, confused he decided to walk around the room. The floor swallowed his footsteps and spat them out as a thudding noise. It seemed to echo in his ears. Behind the thuds he could hear the low sound of music and he focused to find its source. He placed a hand flat against the wall and proceeded with another lap of the small space. The vibrating grew more intense as he kept moving and his body trembled as he reached the far wall. He stopped still and faced the taunting song.

  The wheel brace sent clumps of plaster into his face as the metal tool hacked at the surface. Nathan felt the urge to find the location of the song, it was an urge he had no control over. He couldn’t remember raising the weapon and sending it into the wall…….but now he attacked it. The brick work seemed easy to penetrate, large chunks fell to his feet and an orange dust climbed to the ce
iling. He had done this before. He could remember the similarity as if déjà vu had struck him. The wall was slowly destroyed, a doorway being created. He forced his strength into the obstruction, expecting something to appear, to jump out and spook him, but he didn’t know what or who. The small spec of light appeared in the centre of the newly created hole. He peeked through to spy on the other side. The metal tool was sent in several times, the small hole growing larger. He pulled at the bricks with his bare hands, the music grew louder. The hole that stood before him was half the size of a door, he approached it.

  The music had stopped and silence surrounded him. He poked his head into the new room. The light illuminated the small box space. The pink walls seemed to glow, reflecting the light from above. He entered cautiously.

  The pictures had been drawn by a child. The house was coloured with a brown crayon, the grass depicted as green vertical lines. He counted six in total and each seemed to be drawn by a different child. The style was different in each piece. They all appeared to be of happy things, the stuff that would make a child smile. Nathan studied them carefully. There seemed to be something in the top window of the house, a distorted figure of sort. He stepped closer.

  The Wolf starred back at him from behind the glass, the red Crayola dripping from its mouth. He checked the next one……………there it was, in the tree. Its head peeking from the growth, the red drops falling from its mouth. He moved through each piece on a find the Wolf task. He found it in every picture, the same face, the same blood escaping its mouth.

  ‘What does it mean?’ he found himself asking aloud.

  The light tapping sound came from his left. He looked, his body remaining still. It came again…..tap………….tap…….tap…tap..tap. The repetition’s had increased and were repeated every second. Nathan grinded his teeth as the sound chipped at his brain. The weapon was raised, again. He approached the wardrobe, his reflection displayed in the large mirrors that were fixed to the sliding doors. He moved closer to the man starring from the doors, he too wielded a wheel brace, his eyes checked behind his shoulders, ensuring there was no monster lurking at his back.


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