Book Read Free

Little Red

Page 10

by Justin Cairns

  ‘Morning Sir’ his hands remained in their pockets.

  ‘Morning Lewis, cold one today’ grunted Jack

  ‘Yes it is. Well, I’m going to ruin the surprise,…’s him! The MO is a match, very obvious. Follow me, I’ll take you through what we have’ he turned and shuffled up the track to the entrance of the wood. Jack and Nathan followed close behind, Nathan was slightly annoyed as the Detective failed to introduce himself or offer a welcome. He chose to dismiss it. The branches hung from the large ageing trees, flakes of white lay upon the leaves. They were stopped by the tape as the guard requested a form of identification. Nathan heard Lewis grunt and spit towards the large male, something about being checked four times already, again he ignored the winging. They lowered themselves under the tape and came to a faint set of tracks, the mouth of the wood swallowing them.

  ‘This has to be the vehicle our guy used, it’s the only track we can find leading to the centre. Measurements and shit have been taken but I doubt it will come to anything, the snow has helped to cover most evidence up……again’.

  Nathan lowered himself to one knee, he followed the tyre marks deep into the woods core. He stood when Jack began to move with their escort.

  The tracks ended in the open space. Nathan performed a slow three sixty, scanning his surroundings. He noticed that the trees provided an excellent all-round cover from sight.

  ‘We believe he stopped the van here’

  ‘He did, he will have removed the body in this location…….it’s perfect, blocked from view and would hide the vehicles head lights’. Nathan offered.

  ‘The white suits have done their stuff around here already, they’re with the body now…….follow me’ waving them on with a flick of his head.

  The mouth of the wood still held darkness, even though it was morning and the sun was up to aid their sight. Lewis began pointing out several broken branches along the way, he was talking aloud but Nathan had blocked out the sounds around him, he was attempting to picture himself there when the Wolf was doing his thing. The ground crunched and cracked as the snow covered debris was crushed by their boots.

  The tents extremities bowed as the wind struck it. The white canvas appeared to cave in slightly. The Detective began to walk with them and Jack ordered him to head back, ‘We can take it from here, thank you’, his stern words proved slightly insulting as Lewis about turned with a face like thunder. The ground held a fresh glisten as the rising sun offered its rays of warmth. They walked on the recently made track, the white powder clung to their soles. There was another guard posted at the closed entrance, his arms crossed tightly across his torso. His illuminated puffer jacket reflected the light and Jack squinted as he approached him, Nathan was just behind.

  ‘Morning Sir’

  ‘Morning…… Sally inside?’ he asked, nodding toward the tent.

  ‘Wait one Sir, Ma’am, Chief Inspector Crawford is here!’ he called

  ‘Morning Jack’, the voice came from inside the canvas shell, ‘In you come, just watch where you stand please gentlemen’.

  The zip was tugged to the top by the static guard. He pulled a flap aside and allowed the guests to enter. Nathan was surprised at how warm the interior was, even though the floor still remained cold and damp. The wind had been denied by the flimsy walls, bending under the strain. They stood at the doorway, the grinding sound came from behind as the zip was pulled downwards, sealing them in. There were four in the Forensic team, led by Doctor Sally Brough. She was kneeling beside the mound that lay in the centre. The dark stained snow surrounded it.

  ‘Well it’s obviously our man’ she stated, ‘the MO is the same, well used area, left in plain sight, next to a wood and the heart has been removed’

  ‘So are we facing the same dilemma as last time?’ asked Jack

  ‘You mean are we going to have to wait until the body has defrosted again.........yes Jacky boy, I’m afraid so.’ She worked whilst talking.

  ‘Shit……..this fucking weather conceals everything’

  ‘Well, you never know……something might come up’ she tried to reassure.

  The team had begun to chip away at the snow around the body, preparing it for removal and transportation. The blood soaked ground was dragged to one side as they dug under the victim, a small mound of crimson building up slowly. Jack decided to leave the tent, Nathan stood a while longer……….collecting the images before him and storing them in his mind’s eye.

  ‘Thanks Sal’ he smiled before leaving.

  ‘It’s a pleasure’ her flirtatious wink fired towards him as he left.

  Nathan stepped outside to find Jack attempting to light a cigarette, the small stick protruding from his lips and his cold hands cupped around the end to guard the flame.

  ‘Jesus Jack……….how long has it been?’

  ‘Twelve months…give or take’.

  ‘So why start again?’

  ‘I’m not, it’s just a small one for the stress……….helps me to relax’ he stated as the deep drag filled his lungs. He exhaled slowly, the smoke blew into Nathans direction. Smelling the distinct aroma of tobacco he decided to partake in the event in which he had quit several years ago. His hand extended towards his friend who grinned from the corner of his mouth, the cigarette bounced and dropped its gathering ash.

  ‘The devil you know Nathan……the devil you know’.

  ‘Piss off……….it’s just one’ he smiled.

  The end was lit and glowed a bright orange. He inhaled as deep as he could, his old lungs rejecting the first offering. He coughed slightly, the smoke escaped his nostrils. The second attempt was more fulfilling and he welcomed the slight buzz it brought, his head spinning slowly. The flashes from the cordon caught their attention. The news crews had gathered whilst they had been occupied in the tent, several cameras sat upon their high tri-pods, the reporters standing in front and informing the viewers of the situation. The quick succession of blinding lights came from the line, blasts of lightning aimed towards the men as they watched from the tent.

  ‘Fucking vultures!’ spat Jack as he flicked his cigarette; the wind caught it and tossed it behind his left shoulder.

  ‘I think it’s time to get out of here………what do you think?’

  ‘I agree…let’s walk the path we came’ Nathan pulled his coat higher to mask his face. He was unsure of the publicity the case might receive if people knew of his agreement to help. They moved with speed onto the track and entered the mouth of the wood.

  Jack’s phone gave a mumbling sound as the incoming call vibrated in his pocket. He dug a cold hand inside his jacket and searched with his fingers, pulling it free once it was located.

  ‘Dawson’ he held an open hand to Nathan, telling him to hang slack for a minute whilst he took the call. He wandered off track into the woods, his free hand moving as he spoke. Nathan stood and looked up the track. He located the position of where they believed the van had been parked. His eyes followed the route that the Wolf had possibly taken.

  The snow had proved an aid to the killer, an advantage to the secret of his routine and whereabouts. Nathan had expected to find deep shoe prints, prominent tyre marks and maybe a bit more to advance with the case. Due to the recent downfall of brilliant white flakes the evidence normally located at a crime scene had been hidden from sight. To discover any prints, no matter how big, the area would have to be combed continuously and the planning for such a large search would be extortionate. There were several patches of foliage and dirt that were untouched by the weather, but these proved unsatisfactory in the evidence search. Nathan decided to request that one of the police vehicles be brought into the cordon and placed in the location of the killer’s vehicle. The favour had stunned several officers, but due to the lack of evidence and area already cleared they had no objection. The car was moved steadily, the driver trying his hardest to align the wheels with the slight markings left by the Wolf. Nathan circled the car, the wheels were just slightly out but he
was satisfied with the position.

  ‘Headlights……turn them on…..main beam’ he shouted as the driver peered through the foggy windscreen. Doing as he was asked, the headlights came to life and he received thumbs up. Nathan headed back down the track where they believe the Wolf took his victim. He turned and looked upon the dim lights coming from the front of the police vehicle. His recent request and behaviour had caught the attention of several officers as they moved towards his location. Jack also observed from the trees as he took his call.

  Something wasn’t right, Nathan could feel it. He lowered his eyes to where he stood and brought them back to the lights slowly. The angle that the vehicle had been parked in was aiming to his right side but several thick trunked trees lay in sight of the right hand set of headlights.

  ‘Just confirm that this track was here when the first team arrived!’ he bellowed.

  Seconds passed and the PC that stood next to the vehicle confirmed his question.

  ‘Why would he illuminate a section of the wood but walk down here into darkness?’ he asked himself with a whisper. He turned on the spot to face his right, the snow crunching under his movement. There was Jack walking in slow circles as he talked.

  ‘Jack………stop!’ he shouted, his voice bouncing from the trees. Jack froze, his back towards his friend. Nathan stepped lightly towards him, his eyes scanned the ground and lower sections of the trees as he moved. Jack turned his head and watched Nathan stalking towards him, he knew he was onto something…….but what?

  Nathan crept passed Jack, no words were exchanged as he moved, no eye contact was made between them. Looking to his left he spotted the car with the lights on. He stepped forward several paces and stopped to face the vehicle. His line of sight was clear, the headlights shone towards him.

  ‘Here’ he confirmed, ‘This is where he would have come’.

  The track lead from the parking area straight down to the edge of the wood, he checked the trees hand-railing it and found several broken branches at the trunks lower section, the foliage on and around the snow track had been flattened whilst the remaining debris still held its shape. Several PC’s began heading down the track as he ran back to the previous location. He searched and found the same, broken branches but this time towards the mid-section and trampled foliage.

  Jack approached him, eager to hear what he had found.

  ‘Nathan…..tell me you got something!’

  ‘I think so………’

  Nathan performed a walk through talk through for the eyes that watched him, most of the occupants on the scene were baffled by what they were observing.

  ‘He parked the vehicle at the top of the wood……ideal entry point and concealed from sight. It’s getting dark, he moves at night to evade being spotted…….so he turns on the headlights. This section is illuminated for him to see.’ He stood on the newly found track.

  ‘Now this track leads straight towards the location we found the body, clear track with a slight protrusion of branches. But this track that was found when we arrived is hidden, the line of sight is poor and obstructed and works around the outskirt of the area…….why use it?’ no answer was offered.

  ‘What are you getting at Nathan?’ asked Jack, intrigued to know the outcome.

  ‘Both tracks were used……….one by the girl… by the Wolf!’

  ‘You think they are alive when he brings them here?’ asked Jack

  ‘I do…….both tracks show us they have been used, they both have broken branches and trampled foliage………just this track here has branches snapped off at a higher level. He lets them run free Jack……….he directs them to the large track which he lights up for them. Then he chases….hunts, using this track. It’s dark and hidden and he uses the night to hide as the girl runs for her life. He thinks he’s a wolf Jack………….he stalks his prey through the wood……cuts them off at the exit and kills them!’

  Jack stood in silence. The information provided by his friend sank in slowly, he wanted to find a doubt to the accusation, something to argue Nathans proposed idea. He couldn’t. It seemed too perfect…..too suited to the killer. He wants to be a wolf, he dresses and imitates a wolf………..he hunts like a wolf.


  ‘Sorry……I was just thinking it over’

  ‘There’s something else’ Nathan approached him. ‘Last night and the night the first girl was killed……….how much do you want to bet that they were both full moon nights?’ he smiled, his eyes glowing as the idea popped into his over-flowing mind.

  Chapter Twelve

  The organ sat at the bottom of its new home. The excess blood and claret had been churned with the water, the pinkish effect created like before. The heart held no purpose, once a major supplier of life it now lay motionless; just a keepsake for the man who removed it……who killed it. The low thud and slight cling sound rung in his ears as he placed it next to his other memento, the glass wall’s connecting with one and other. Proud of his collection he moved to the wall behind the camera and prepared to plot the pin upon the map. Several pins protrude from the paper, two sets of three; one set yellow and the other set red. On top of the pin heads were the numbers one to three, the yellow displaying his victim’s locations and the red showing the place of the kill. He studied the number three pins. The killing site was roughly fifteen miles from his current location, a nice small wooded area with several public footpaths. The victim’s safe place was further, twenty five miles give or take. He studied the plan, absorbing his choice of routes to and from each desired location. He memorised the roads and paths, the possible places for his viewing and emergency routes in the chance that someone may spot him. The overpowering rush hit him again, his body trembled as within his mind he moved to girl number three……….little Megan Crowe.

  He planned a quick stop to her house, her safe place. Firstly though, things would need to be re-organised, the tools needed to be cleaned and the floor underneath the chair had to be scrubbed. It was his ritual………….they were his rules.


  Nathan climbed into the passenger seat as Jack made his way around to the driver’s side. The thoughts from the wood passed through his mind, a picture slowly merging together like thousands of tiny fragments of puzzle creating the final piece. Jack slammed the door as he lowered himself, the sigh escaping his mouth.

  ‘Jesus Nathan, what a show!’

  ‘Right place, right time’

  ‘So let’s get this straight……….he keeps the victim’s alive, brings them to a wood of his choice……a public place. He releases them and lets them run free……….then he chases, hunts his prey through the woods and kills them?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s the thrill Jack…………..the power of manipulation. He controls them even when they run free…….I imagine he tells them they are free to go and their life is spared……….filling them with hope. They run through the wood that is illuminated, children hate the dark……he knows this. They head off into the headlights and he flanks them, chasing his kill and thriving on the adrenalin rush it gives him. Then he pounces, takes them by surprise………..probably drags them out into the open field and………..removes the heart. The fact that the bodies have been found in a field means that there are no obstructions above them, the night will be visible………the moon and stars shining. That’s why I think he kills on a full moon……….it’s one of those pieces that go with a wolf, and why else would he kill them in an open space?’

  ‘Good effort………very good effort’, the car skidded on the frozen ground as Jack reversed and turned it back the way they came.

  Nathan waited for him to start talking about the phone call he received whilst in the wood. Several minutes had passed and Jack remained silent, Nathan decided to throw the question at him.

  ‘Was that the team on the phone?’

  ‘When?’ he sounded confused.

  ‘In the woods…….your phone rang before I started to build the picture of the sce

  ‘Oh yeah, the surveillance team called’.

  ‘Ok……………..any news?’

  ‘No…..they said they have two teams of two PC’s, each team on a twelve hour shift. Neither has seen any movement for forty eight hours, not a single thing. They were just confirming how long they were needed to stay in place’.

  ‘How long did you give them?’

  ‘Another forty eight, if nothing comes up then we will have to collapse the task. We can’t waste time on needless operations’.

  ‘I agree………anything from the teams at the schools yet?’

  ‘No not yet, I’ll give them till midday then make a few calls…….get a situation report myself!’

  Nathan pulled the small handle that sat to the left of his chair, lowering his back rearwards. He felt the exhaustion grab a hold of his body, the recent adrenalin rush from his find began to wear off. His muscles felt numb and his shoulder ached, he massaged it gently through his coat; his eye lids gradually falling to a close.


  The news station broadcasted the findings from the morning. The reporter stood in the white surroundings; behind her left shoulder he could see the canvas tent that hid his recent kill. The two men stood in front looking into the crowd of flashing cameras. The volume was extinguished; he didn’t need to hear about the victim, he knew all the details. He watched his work as it was presented to the millions viewing the channel.

  ‘Fear meeeeeeeee’ he whispered to the television.

  The room had been cleaned and organised, he looked over the layout for the third time; making sure it was as he required. The aroma of bleach stung at his nose, he flared his nostrils as it entered. He turned through the door way and turned the room into darkness, the light switch gave a click as it was pressed. It was time to view her, his new girl awaited and he didn’t want to miss an opportunity to visit her. His feet gave a hollow thud as they connected with each step, he ascended the cellar stairway whistling his favourite tune. Entering the kitchen he closed the door behind him. The room was filled with the blackness of space, the curtains were drawn and blinds closed tight. He moved through his domain, knowing where the obstacles lay in his path.


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