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Little Red

Page 23

by Justin Cairns


  The kiss upon his cheek warmed his heart; her perfume entangled his body with lust. The drinks were still in her hand as she sat, the glasses placed upon the table as she leant over. William grabbed his red wine and sipped it, his eyes fixed on the woman who had wooed him. Her eyes, a light blue, twinkled as she blinked provocatively, her teasing smile turned him on.

  ‘Please excuse me whilst I nip to the loo’ he stood slowly.

  He staggered slightly, forcing his brain to straighten his posture and remain stable. He flashed a smile as he left for the toilet, the whole time telling himself to walk properly and move with sophistication. He stumbled through the gent’s toilet door, his suede shoes fighting to keep grip on the wet floor. He released the built up internal stash of fluid and a huge sense of relief washed over him.

  My God she is beautiful……play it cool William, play it like you want it….like you own it.

  He performed a circular motion into the urinal and tucked his parts away, the zip grinding as it was secured. He washed his hands and splashed a slight dabble of water against his face, convincing himself that it was keeping him cool. He inhaled slowly as he prepared to exit, his heart beating with suspense. The door opened and he moved steadily through the corridor.

  That’s it, keep cool…….keep cool……keep……

  He stopped, his eyes searched for the woman. She had moved from the seating area, he couldn’t see her. He panicked, thinking maybe she had gone to the toilet or the bar for another drink. He sat alone, waiting for his lady friend. The wine slipped down his throat, the pungent taste souring his taste buds.


  Richard lowered Nathan’s body onto the backseat of the car. His friend stirred slightly as his head made contact with the leather.

  ‘What……what happened?’ he asked curiously

  ‘You passed out mate, hit the deck pretty hard!’

  ‘Jesus, sorry….I’m just….I’m exhausted’ he explained drearily

  ‘Look, it’s a new thing to you. I didn’t take you as the type of guy who does this stuff every Friday night!’ he chuckled

  ‘No way’

  ‘Well, I’m not done yet, what do you want to do?’

  ‘I’m seriously in favour of going to bed’

  ‘No dramas, I’ll finish up and we’ll head back, okay?’

  ‘Cheers mate’ his eyes closed

  Richard closed the door carefully as not to catch his friend’s feet. He moved with speed back to the room, the cries could be heard from down the hall. He stormed into the living room and approached the man.

  ‘Right, the Wolf….do you know him?’

  ‘No!’ his head shook violently

  ‘You’re a Paedophile aren’t you?’

  ‘What….no…no I’m not’

  Richard moved towards the monitor and located the mouse. He brought up the internet explorer page and allowed it to load fully. His eyes moved back to the bleeding beast upon the chair.

  ‘We’ll see!’

  The page was up and he dragged the cursor to the history bar. It opened as he clicked it, the details of his recent searches appeared in a separate box. He clicked on the today folder and looked through it…..nothing appeared abnormal. He flicked through each folder, reading the site details that the man had searched. The folder titled three days ago sprung to life, he scanned the information noticing a site with an xxx mark next to it. He opened the page, once again allowing it to load. He looked back to the man, his eyes held fear, his body shaking due to the recent pain that was inflicted upon him. Richard’s eye caught the screen change colour, he turned his head to face it. The thumbnail pictures were littered upon the page, the titles of the images caused him to close his eyes with disgust.

  ‘Please….I can’t…’s an illness…..honestly’ the monster pleaded.

  Richard steadied his breathing, the sounds from the room were blocked as his ears began to ring. He stood quickly, the nail gun picked up from the floor. He stood in front of the beast and raised his eyes to the ceiling. The weapon climbed up, the dangerous end pointing at his chest and slowly climbing. He held it steady, the man screamed for him to stop. He lowered his head, allowing his eyes to connect with the person in front of him. He watched the fear engulf the monsters eyes, the lids widening as the muzzle sat aimed at his face.


  The nails entered its face in rapid succession. The skin pierced by the points, the metal digging deep through the flesh. The skull cracked open from the force. One eye punctured, turned to pulp by the weapon. The blood flowed from each hole, a trickle exited the nostrils.


  Richard watched the life escape the obese shell of the beast. The final pulls of the trigger ending its reign of terror inflicting. He gathered his collection of tools and exited the building with haste, he didn’t look back.

  The car rocked as the engine was started. Nathan had passed out again, his body closed up tight to keep the heat in his core. Richard pressed the button rapidly on the dash, the heat increasing. He sat the bag upon the front passenger seat and drove away from the flats. He still had two more addresses to visit, but knew that his friend would not last the night. The phone in his coat pocket vibrated as the vehicle cornered onto the main road. He removed it, the screen stung his eyes. The text was from a friend, someone he had worked with on several occasions. He opened the file.


  It’s done

  K x

  He smiled, knowing the meaning behind the text. He checked the clock in the dashboard, it displayed 23:27 in bold orange digits. He knew he had enough time in the night to accomplish his tasks, but firstly, he had to take Nathan back to the hotel room.


  Jack awoke in a puddle of his own vomit. His mind raced with questions as to how he ended up on the floor. The unconscious hour had passed slowly and his body felt weak, the alcohol began the slow process of evacuating his system. His head and neck throbbed; his shoulder offered a constant sharp pain. He pulled himself from the carpet and staggered to the chair; it spun to the side as he landed upon it, stopping the motion that caused the pounding in his skull to intensify. He rested upon the desk, unaware that it had been moved.

  ‘Jesus Jack, you fool!’ he mumbled.


  Lime sat at an angle, his lady had not returned and he felt cheated. He contemplated ordering another drink but decided against it. His blood had been weakened by the liquid and dehydration had set in. He stood, setting his next destination as home and bed. The music decreased in volume as the door closed behind him, he staggered out onto the street, the cold breeze waking him up.

  ‘Jesus’ he shivered.

  He watched as a black taxi passed by, he thought about calling one but decided that a walk may help sober him up. The night had closed in since he had been in the pub, still upset about the woman’s let down, he shuffled back to his flat, the collar of his suit jacket raised to protect his neck. The streets were quiet, the roads dead also. The nipping of falling snowflakes quickened his pace, the walk turned into a slow jog as he aimed to get away from the cold.

  He pushed the glass door open and entered the new building where his flat was located. He sighed as he spotted the sign on the lift stating it was out of service.

  ‘Stairs it is then!’

  Each step became harder, his legs feeling as though he had lead weights attached to them. His breath became sharper and his chest began to tighten under the strain. He wasn’t the fittest of men, he hardly trained and his figure was not that of an athlete. He kept climbing, passing the number of each level as he reached the platform. He reached the fourth floor, his temple echoed the rapid pulse from his heart as he leaned over to get his breath.

  The flat door opened and crashed into the wall as William followed its momentum. His clothes were slowly removed and he shuffled to the bedroom with a t-shirt and underpants donned. T
he lamp at the entrance had been left on all day, results of his rushing around in the morning. The mattress was cold but he didn’t care. His head hit the pillow and he drifted into a dizzy state, afraid to open his eyes to the spinning room. Minutes had passed and he gradually fell asleep, snoring wildly.


  Nathan walked slowly to the room, Richard assisted him when needed. He opened the door and switched the lighting on, the room was in a state, he had forgotten to tidy with the rush of the morning. Richard stood at the door as his friend shuffled in.

  ‘I’ll call you tomorrow Nathan, okay?’

  ‘Yeah, thanks mate’ he had no time for words, the real time felt like a dream, as if he were floating above himself, watching the conversation.

  ‘Cheers for tonight’ Richard raised a palm to his friend as he closed the door. He collapsed onto the bed and pulled at the sheets. His clothes were removed as if they were on fire, thrown to the floor quickly as the bed welcomed him. The light switch by the bed was flicked and the room turned black, his eyes were half closed as he was swallowed by the darkness.

  Richard exited the building and climbed back into his vehicle. He checked the next address on the list, it was roughly ten minutes away using shortcuts. He brought the engine to life and began the journey, in the back of his mind he held concern for his new friend.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The water brought life to his face, his reflection looked like an older version of himself. The skin appeared leathered, the wrinkles prominent. His eyes were dull, drawn deep into the back of his skull. He gazed into the glazed pupils, the black dot widened, the droplets snaked down his nose and dripped upon the sink. Jack stepped back, ashamed by his recent acts in the office. The memories came flooding back as he awoke from the short snooze upon his desk, his neck, sore from the fall, cracked when he tilted his head. He raised his chin, the skin on his throat slightly red, the scarring from the old suicide attempt still remained, barely visible and unnoticeable to anyone else. He shook the guilt free from his mind, no one had seen him, nobody knew of his selfish performance. He made a vow to the man looking back at him from the mirror, the vow to never drink again, to forget the past and move on with his life, a vow to do all that was possible to finish the man hunt and close the case. He headed back to the office, drying his hands and face with a paper towel. He rearranged the furniture that had been moved, he binned the empty bottle of whiskey, feeling sick at the sight of it. He opened the drawer and pulled out the compact sleeping bag, it had been there since the split with Helen, used when he needed a place to stay. It smelled of an old aftershave he used to wear.

  The floor was by no means comfortable, but Jack decided to punish himself for the mockery he had taken part in whilst intoxicated. His coat made a suitable pillow and as the light was killed off he passed out, thoughts of things to come flooding his tired mind.


  Richard stood at the door. The house seemed dead, no signs of life could be seen or heard. The estate seemed welcoming, trimmed bushes and leafless trees along the road side. This was one of the unsuspecting places where a beast could live, the outer shell creating a family environment, a place that held smiles and warm hugs. The inside, well, Nathan knew what to expect, he had seen it before on many other assignments. The spacious kitchen would harbour a large oak table, the units housing an array of machines to make fresh coffee and tasty snacks. The living room would be perfect for entertaining, a large LCD television, forty eight inches or so, used for a family film night, the large sofa capable of occupying several rears. The walls, cluttered with smiling photographs and holiday snaps, expensive art work in gorgeous frames.

  He crept around the rear of the house, choosing the back door as a weak access point. He anticipated the building being alarmed with an up to date security system, it was. He located the fuse box, knowing what he had to look for. The small box was pulled free from its home; the white sticker upon it read Alarm. Obvious to his eyes but not so obvious to an untrained one. He closed the door of the fuse box and moved aside to face his entry point. He placed the bag down and removed a small contraption form his coat pocket. The lock-pick consisted of two pieces of long thin metal secured at one end. The shortest was pushed into the lock first, the other metal arm was bent to one side and slipped in above its counterpart, he twisted left and right slowly, attempting to click down each tumbler in the mechanism. The click told him he had succeeded. He removed the device and stashed it away for later. The knob was turned slowly and he entered the building.

  The kitchen welcomed the waning moon as it peered through the open blinds. The lines of light revealed segments of his body as he sneaked through the room. The screwdriver extended from his hand, in anticipation that the occupant owned a pet that may want to confront him. Nothing had appeared yet so he hoped for the best. The interior was how he thought, minus the family snaps. This person was obviously not a recluse like the last two. The house held fine furniture and wall art, it was the type of building that Richard had hoped to get for him and Megan, a lovely place to raise a child.

  He pushed through each room on the bottom floor, no one had been seen yet. He stood at the base of the stairs, the top floor sat in complete darkness. He removed his phone from his pocket and selected the torch accessory, the dim light guided a partial path up the stair. He stepped carefully, not wanting to create any noise. The hairs upon his neck stood to attention, the effect he suffered every time he entered an unknown house or building on his lonesome. He neared the top, the creak froze his body. Fuck. He stood still, cursing the stair in his mind. Nothing occurred, he pushed on. The landing led both left and right, he scanned each way with the phone, all seemed quiet. Deciding to move left first, he kept low and close to the wall to minimize his size. He passed the bathroom door, the white tiles glowed as the moons light filled the room. He turned his head to face the rear, making sure no one was behind him. Darkness followed his movement.

  The clicking sound startled him, he turned to observe the sound…..shadows engulfed him as the phone was lowered to hide the light. The eerie quiet surrounded him. Nothing appeared. He stood, arched slightly and pushed on. The creak from behind caused him to turn sharply, the fist connected with the side of his head. He fell to the ground, kicking his legs up to stop any further attack. The punch had taken him by surprise, his heart rattled his rib cage as he panicked. His foot connected with the invisible body, a grunt came from the shadows. His phone was poised towards the attacker, the half-naked man shielded his eyes. Richard rolled to his knees and sprung toward the occupant, striking his torso with his shoulder. They crashed to the floor, the man’s arm struck the wooden bannister. Richard climbed upon him and fired two rapid punches to the head area, unknowing where they landed. The crunch indicated a square strike with the face. He followed with another heavy blow to the face. The groan escaped the unconscious man’s mouth. Richard got to his feet quickly, he searched with his phone for the light switch, the landing was illuminated as he found the button. He gazed at the sleeping giant, the man’s body was well toned and muscular. His heart raced and he prepared himself for another session of hand to hand combat, positioning himself and awaiting the man to get to his feet. He didn’t.

  Richard checked the remaining rooms, ensuring that there were no more persons to lunge at him. It was clear, he looked for a suitable chair to secure the large male into. He found a solid wood chair within the study and lifted the beast into it. His back strained with the weight of the man. He located his bag, kicked away from the fight. The similar method was applied, tape around the limbs to secure his victim, although he used more tape on this one. Judging by the size of his enemy, it was going to be a hellish interrogation. Larger people could normally withstand more pain, he knew that the choice of weapons would have to be frightening and inflict as much pain as possible, otherwise he would end up killing the men as the lack of information from his mouth would raise his temper. The slap around the cheek woke the sleeping beast,
he was startled as Richard stood before him.

  ‘What the fuck do you want?’ he shouted, the saliva fired out to the floor.

  Richard held his words, instead of threatening the man he decided to calmly remove the items from his bag and place them upon the desk behind him, making sure that the objects were seen by his victim. He moved the lamp that sat upon the oak surface to one side, carefully the contents were retrieved and placed down on the desk.

  ‘Are you deaf, what the fuck do you want?’ again from behind him. He ignored the words and carried on with his display. He turned slowly to face the monster, the last tool removed.

  ‘Are you ready?’ he asked, his face showing no emotion.

  The flow of punches connected with his face and torso, the man taking each one as best he could. Richard’s knuckles ached from the strikes, his fingers held blood from the man’s lips. The trickle of red stuff was licked up and spat on Richard, the beast smiled as his intended landing position was hit.


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