Book Read Free

Little Red

Page 26

by Justin Cairns

  ‘Holy shit’ spat Nathan

  ‘What?’ Malcolm jumped, the hot drink spilling to his trousers.

  This was ten years ago, the boy, Russell Crane will be twenty six now. He killed his father, a beast, and accidentally took his little sisters life, she was ten years old. It’s got to be him, has to be. He removed his sister’s life by killing the heart. The Wolf collects hearts, he is of late twenties, he abducts and kills ten year old girls……it’s fucking him!

  He flipped through the pages, searching for the uncle’s address. There were no details on locations in the file. His heart stopped, his pulse died as the panic crept in.

  Lillian, I have to ask Lillian.

  He stood from the bed, the decision to act now had overwhelmed him.

  ‘Malcolm, we need to go to Heathrow Airport’


  ‘I’m leaving’ he stated. He checked his phone for Lillian’s number and walked from the room. He would call her on route, hopefully she had an address for him, the only problem was, who he would give it to first, Jack or Richard.


  The bag of accessories was placed in the foot space of the passenger side. The van door slammed closed. Russell headed back inside the house, the preparation was complete. He waited for the time of departure, the sun fell around four thirty, the night at its blackest around eight. The location was forty minutes away, a nice quiet wood with a nature trail running around the outskirts. The scene was perfect, the body would be found by a walker who was out for a fresh morning stroll. He decided to wait until six to leave the house, it would take him thirty minutes to drug and move the girl. He checked the status of the full moon timings on the internet. The site offered the exact time it had several days ago, nine o’clock. He smiled as his plan stayed the same.


  It had passed midday and Jack felt the weight of tonight’s event upon his shoulders. He hadn’t seen Lime all day, nobody had heard from him. He decided to send a vehicle to his flat, the constables were instructed to bring him back to the station, no matter what. The interview he was giving today would ruin one man’s life and end the career of the other. He wanted him next to him, to chain him to his side and not let him out of his sight. The officers reported that they were on route to the location, it was roughly ten minutes from the headquarters, Jack waited impatiently for an update.

  The lift doors opened and the PC’s entered the metal box. They selected the floor number and stood patiently as the doors slid shut, they began moving upwards, the transport rocked slightly as it passed each level. The ‘Bing’ sound told them they had arrived, the doors opened to allow them to leave. The pair moved down the hall towards the room. One tapped the wooden obstruction, the knuckles echoed through the door. No answer.

  They tried the handle and the door swung fully open. One by one they entered the flat, the lamp dimly lit the dark rooms. The curtains were pulled open to allow the light in, their eyes stung slightly from the sudden blast. The flat was searched but nothing was worth reporting. There was no William Lime, no signs of disturbance and nothing appeared to be missing. The more experienced of the officer’s called through to the headquarters control desk. He informed the lady taking the call that the room had been checked and nothing seemed odd. Lime was not there but could be having the interview he bragged about on television.

  They left, closing the door behind them. The instructions came through from control, they were ordered to return to base and speak with Chief Inspector Dawson on arrival. They obeyed and climbed back into the vehicle.


  Nathan cursed as the signal bars decreased to nothing. The spot they were passing was terrible for reception and he had yet to speak with Lillian. His mind was made up, he was leaving today for sure, but who would he give the honour of locating the monster. Malcolm stated that the area was a dead spot for mobile phones, that up the road they would be clear and the signal should come back. Nathan prayed that it did, he was eager to know the address and hoped the woman could get it for him. The traffic flowed, though they were moving it still annoyed Malcolm, he asked repeatedly to find a shortcut. Nathan declined the offer and requested that they stay on their current course.

  The bars climbed to show a full reception, he thanked something above in the sky. He tapped frantically to find Lillian’s number, it appeared and he called it.


  ‘Hi, it’s Nathan again’


  ‘Yeah, look, I need another favour, very important!’

  ‘Okay, is it about the file?’

  ‘Yes, what you sent was exactly what I needed, thank you. But I need the address of someone, can you get it for me?’

  ‘That shouldn’t be a problem, may take some time though, it’s like somebody disturbed the bee hive down here!’

  ‘Great, the name is Adrian Crane!’

  ‘Crane, right, I’ll get onto it Nathan’

  ‘Thanks again’ he ended the call, the excitement building.

  The vehicle moved into the left lane, the turn off for the airport just ahead.


  Jack sat at the desk, the officers giving him the finds at Lime’s flat.

  ‘Where the fuck is that snake?’

  The officer’s chuckled slightly at the remark. Jack stood and moved to the briefing room, the door edged open.

  ‘Has anyone seen Lime today, anybody?’ the heads were shook, giving the answer. Jack slammed the door, the pressure increased slowly, he needed William and fast. The interview could not go on, he wasn’t prepared to have his friend ashamed on national television. He reached for his phone and scrolled down to the number for Nathan’s mobile. He called it. The background noise made it difficult to hear as the call was answered.

  ‘Where are you?’ Jack questioned

  ‘Heathrow!’ the answer shouted into his ear

  ‘The airport?’

  ‘Yeah Jack, Heathrow airport, I’m leaving today!’

  ‘Shit Nathan, have you heard from Lime?’

  ‘No, why would I hear from that prick, he’s the main reason I’m getting the flight!’

  ‘I know, I think he’s having the interview now as we speak. I sent a car around to his flat to bring him in, there’s no sign of him there and he’s not here with us, thought I’d let you know!’

  ‘Shit, that fucking weasel’

  ‘Look, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I asked you to help with the case and I should have had your back, I let you down!’

  ‘It’s fine Jack, you have your own problems to fight!’

  ‘When are you leaving?’

  ‘This evening, flight leaves at seven twenty’

  ‘Okay, look, keep the phone yeah, at least then I can call you!’

  ‘I will Jack, you take it easy yeah’

  ‘You too mate, good luck’


  Jack placed the phone down upon his desk, his chest tightened and he sat as a dizzy sensation stormed his head. His friend was leaving, his reputation on the line and the case unsolved, he was giving up, calling it a day and going home to his nice view and gorgeous wife. The unwanted feeling clouded him again, he sat in silence, no thoughts came to life, he just sat quietly.


  Nathan placed the boarding pass inside his coat pocket. It was done, his plane all booked and ready to fly him home. The sound of the waves crashing upon the soft sand filled his head, his wife bringing him a beer, ice cold and refreshing. The tranquil surroundings from his home had entered his mind, he stood, eyes closed and breathing it in. He snapped out of the daydream, he had things to do, people to speak to before his brain could switch off. He juggled the problem around in his head, he had been all day. Still trying to decide on who to call when the address came through, he headed to the Costa coffee stand to his left. He ordered a large Mocha and planted himself, the warm wake-up drink burned his throat. He thought about the case, about his friends and about home, Elle sat on the de
cking in a small bikini. He watched as the people scurried like ants around a nest, pushing passed one and other to make their flight. The airport was always noisy, he hated it. He watched as the children ran happily, their holiday approaching slowly. They chased each other through the shops, hiding in clothes stands and scaring each other. He smiled, it disappeared quickly. They don’t realise, they don’t understand, this place they play in, the environment they are raised in…….it’s dangerous. Full of sick and twisted people who prey upon the weak and young, feeding off their energy. When will they realise? When will they know? Will it be too late, like the Wolf’s victims, he showed them the evil of the world, but did they know it existed before hand?

  He placed the cup down, the liquid still warm, and stood. The decision was made, he had something to do first before leaving, something he had to prepare.


  The Wolf was ready. He sat upon the chair in the living room, the curtains closed as usual. His mouth felt sticky, his lips heavy with blood. He had worked through three rabbits, their life now inside him, pumping through his body. He had one more meal to prepare, once finished; it would be time to depart. The woods awaited him and his new girl, the moon beckoned for the offering of her organ; the night yearned to be filled by the beasts calling. He stood slowly and moved into the kitchen, the meat was still de-frosting. He grabbed the pan from the sink, the remains of his last feast stuck to the surface. The hob was turned on and the ring began to warm slowly. The chunk of flesh sat in the centre, the heat slowly cooking it, the fat held within began to ooze down and puddle below it. He inhaled deep as the smell filled the kitchen. He loved meat, he adored drinking the life from a live creature, he fantasised about the nights events.


  The text came through at quarter to five. Nathan read the details of the message, he felt cold, as if the news were life threatening. It wasn’t to him, but it would mean a great deal to the person who received it from him. He had little time, his departure gate would be opening shortly. Nathan asked Malcolm to find one of the shortcuts he mentioned previously, he needed to grab some personal belongings from the hotel, his clothes he wasn’t fussed about, he had plenty more at home. He searched for the number in his phone, the car rocked slowly as it rounded a corner, the accelerator forced closer to the ground. The number was ringing, he waited for the answer.

  ‘I have something for you mate, meet me at the hotel room, I’m on my way now!’ the call ended.

  His heart beat increased; he placed a hand upon his chest. The thudding caused his hand to shudder, he was nervous but excited. The information he had right now could be the thing that nails the killer. The work he had done, with all other members of the police and his close friend, it all amounted to this one little text message. He hoped for a result, if it came through, he knew Jack would be happy, whatever happened he was sure Richard would be happy too. The night closed in eagerly, as if it were taunting him, reminding him that time was short……time was precious.

  The Mercedes came to a sudden halt outside the front of the hotel. Nathan asked Malcolm to park up and wait five minutes whilst he grabbed the necessities from his room. He ran to the lift and tapped the button rapidly, as if it made the large container move quicker. The doors pinged open and he moved inside, ordering them to close, slapping the close door button. He ran from the half open doors, his body tilted sideways to avoid connection with the metal slabs. His door slammed open as he pushed it hard, it remained open as he began looking for his wanted items. Clothes were thrown from one spot to another, his pockets filling with loose change and identification. He stopped, the wall caught his eye. He stood in front of the case file, the girls he had tried to help and failed, the methods of kill that the Wolf enjoyed, the picturesque environments in which their heart-less bodies were left, frozen by the chilling winds and snow. The little red cloaks they donned, pulled across their naked and beaten bodies for warmth, pools of life absorbed by the brilliant white carpet below them. He hoped for a needed result, he hoped.

  The tapping of a fist upon the open door startled him. He turned his head to face the visitor. They nodded to each other, an acceptance of the risk they had made, the bond they now shared.

  ‘Come in’ greeted Nathan.

  Richard entered the chaos of the room, he stood at the foot of the bed next to Nathan, and they gazed upon the cluster of paper and photographs.

  ‘I believe I know why I’m here, and if that’s the case, then I thank you’

  ‘It is, I have an address, possibly the killer’s location. It may not be, but it’s the best piece of information we have yet!’

  Nathan handed the small brown envelope to Richard. His friend took it and gripped it tightly.

  ‘That envelope is to be opened once the job is done, the contents have instructions, you’ll understand when it’s opened’ briefed Nathan. Richard stood, slightly confused by the gift. He watched as Nathan removed his mobile phone and showed him the screen. He typed it into his own phone and saved the details.

  ‘What happens now?’ quizzed Richard, curious to his new friends plans.

  ‘Now, I go home Richard. I leave all this fucking filth behind and I go, as fast as I can’

  ‘Home eh, to the safe surroundings and comfort of your wife’.

  ‘Exactly!’ he smiled at the thought. They faced each other and their hands gripped, the shake had a meaning, their energy passed through each other. It wasn’t a good bye; more of a take care and see you later. Richard pulled him close and embraced him. They hugged; the moment gathered an emotional atmosphere. No words were exchanged, they parted ways, Richard onto his next task and Nathan back to the airport. He gave the wall one last look over before leaving, he willed Richard to succeed. He double checked his belongings and walked from his current home, on to his real home.


  The girl awoke as he entered, the door creaking her from her slumber. He approached quickly and smothered her aching mouth with the cloth. The drug that had been soaked into the rag began to fill her lungs, her head became dizzy. He waited until she was fully unconscious and untied the binds. He noticed the rubbing on her flesh, the rope had chewed through her skin, reddening it and causing some bleeding. He knelt down to her level and pulled her limp body into his arms, he cradled her up the stairs and out the rear door. The night was nearly at its blackest, the shadows forming around corners, harbouring the evil he brought. He climbed into the driver’s side and looked behind him, checking on the sleeping passenger. The red cloak draped over her body, her naked legs tucked up to her chest. The engine started and he rolled the van from its parking place, the journey began.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Richard began filling a bag with some clothes, mostly Megan’s. He rushed about the house, knowing that the monster would be ready to take her life when the moon was full. He ran outside through the back of the house and opened his shed. From inside he removed a length of rope and some more accessories, just in case. The envelope given to him by Nathan was placed on the dashboard of the Pajero, he longed to know its contents. The items he had collected were thrown into the boot, the centre seats had been folded down to make room for the vehicles current package, the blankets hid it from view.

  He started the engine and sped from the curb, the headlights flicked to life and guided his way. The snow began to fall and the temperature dropped several degrees, the dark sky above him swallowed the stars, the moon fought to appear, blocked by the soot filled clouds. His foot pushed the pedal down harder and the vehicle growled as the engine forced it down the empty streets.

  ‘I’m coming Megan…….Daddy’s coming for you!’

  The house was hidden by the overgrown foliage, the drooping branches hugged the walls of the building, the bushes blocked its windows from sight. He brought the car to a steady stop, he hoped they were still inside. He climbed from the driver’s seat and removed the wheel brace from under it. He didn’t need to torture the monster yet, he just needed him
alive for the punishing. He stalked the front of the dark building, the windows were obstructed by thick curtains. He tried to peer through any gaps to spy for light inside, it appeared dark. He moved around the rear of the building, he spotted the large garage as it sat deep in the forest of the garden, he headed for it, deciding to check the inner of the structure. The padlock sprung from its home as the wheel brace was forced against it, he didn’t care about being subtle, he just needed to get inside. The shadows surrounded him and the smell of ageing urine struck his nose, the door was pushed open slightly, allowing him to enter. He removed the mobile phone and selected the torch icon, the beam emitted to the floor, he scanned the room. The occupants scurried around their cages, terrified as to who would be next for the beasts feeding. Their small eyes glowed under the light, twinkling in Richard’s direction. He walked the walls, checking from top to bottom. The smell caused his eyes to water, he wiped them free with the sleeve of his coat. He found the large table at the rear, a box of tools underneath it, that was all. He followed the opposite side back to the main entrance, only rabbits and their homes.

  The snow fell stronger, the large flakes obstructed his vision slightly, the cold substance landing upon his bare head. The back door was locked, he stepped back and checked the rooms, no light from inside. His foot crashed through the entrance and he moved into the kitchen, the smell of cooked meat engulfed him.


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