Fades The Light: The Prepper Reconstruction
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The question of “what did you learn at school today?” had taken on so many meanings. We had on our end of the lake a radical system of hands on learning, class room learning and just wandering off in the woods on your own or over to a old timers house to pursue knowledge from conversation or observation.
Like all kids in history many of them rebelled at the notion of having to show up at the little formal school house we had created and like all knowing adults we had the task of forcing some formal education on them in the sciences, arts and humanities like it or not.
David had in despite his own formal education objected to Melanie teaching so much crap about the arts and humanities to her school marm charges but was reconsidering it now as those kids might actually benefit from it now. Those kids she had insisted on learning that cologne came from Cologne France or that Big Ben was a clock in London were actually blessed with a new survival skill he figured if they were going to actually reintegrate with the new society that was evolving. Conversations and measures of intellect amongst and between the older survivors were much easier to understand if you had some concept of the way things were and the quirks of the bigger outside world. A commonality of exposure to general well respected knowledge can be of importance.
Morality, compassion, honor, respect, humanity etc. were all reflected in every one of the kids the community raised. However, so many notions of what these virtues meant had had to have been agreed upon first before they were decided to be a conceptual doctrine that was universally accepted amongst the communities members..
Our community had several so called religious denominations or beliefs in higher powers and that as a concept as well as a personal freedom was held sacred. No undue influencing though was allowed to guide anyone or any child other than your own however into a formerly organized religious way of seeing something or interpreting it.
Eventually the devout ones, those that seemed to want to pray in a group or as one, just organized themselves into one Christian movement or another while the slackers as they sometimes were referred to (those not believing in anything other than a power greater than themselves and it didn’t include going to church on Sunday) separated themselves according to custom. That was what worried David the most these days with the outside influences of the holy rolling new comers, those of the younger generation had never been exposed to the world of false prophets, TV evangelists, stump preachers or zealots.
If it had not been for Melanie teaching world religions they couldn’t even compare notions of truth, myths, history or deception. Respect for another man or woman’s religion, a respect for the great unknown powers of light and dark, respect for yourself and your elders was about as far as David and the grandfathers and mothers had let it get as far as any formal indoctrination in a belief system.
These newcomers government affiliated preaching along with the FEMA camps had not anticipated coming to the lake and it was causing out right disrespect and bad judgment on the part of the youngsters as David referred to them as a part of his clan or tribe.
“We are not anything more than a self sustaining society here. David reminded himself. No B.S. initiations or quantum bloodlines, only an abiding sense of loyalty to one another and stern recommendations that you will abide by the rules to be a part of us was the only requirement for membership to the prepper lake clan. David thought to himself disgustedly, as well as a bit forlornly that he had had to vote on and force a member out long ago for noncompliance to simple rules or supportive attitudes that kept the community closely knit and functioning as smoothly as they could
“AH HELL! Speaking of attitudes here comes that old “Coonass” Boudreaux! I know he has a bunch to say on how we should be handling our current situation.” David said to himself while watching the mean old Cajun headed towards him. Coonass, or Coon-ass is used in South as a reference to a person of Cajun ethnicity. Some consider it an insult but most others from Louisanna consider it a compliment or badge of honor. Boudreaux would tell you in a heartbeat he was a coonass and proud of it.
David himself was similar and didn’t mind at all what folks called him because of his deep southern accent. To him being a bit redneck about things is a sense of self and a way of life.
People often look at you if your from the south and they've got just the perfect little box for you, their little description, the perfect category. Call you a redneck. Call you a hillbilly. Like those were insults to a good ol boy like David he snickered.
Ha! He had even told Jack he resembled a Jeff Foxworthy quote “You may be a redneck if... your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.” Because of the boys zombie like attraction to all things that go bang, boom or flash and he would of had a stand if he could have in his past life.
“Bonjour, my friend. We watch the light she fades together “Boudreaux declared and sat down on the pier and looked out at the sun setting on the lake.
“Yeah Boudreaux my buddy, you sit with a worried man, the light of our lives, by that I am meaning the young folks that might be thinking of leaving us hurts my heart pretty badly.” David said miserably.
Mon Ami! Who leaves? Thee younger ones they die they if they desert us. We die, community dies. Bon, you hear something maybe? Clyde he talks to you maybe? Boudreaux said worriedly producing a pint of shine he had brought over as either a conversation ice breaker or a chance to make David see his way on something he either wanted to trade for or do.
No Clyde is over at the boat landing with the rest of the young folks. Jack is supposed to be over there also but I don’t know for sure he is present or not. That wife of his is a bit demanding of him and she out votes me a lot. But the younger generations are going to go Boudreaux if we can’t think of someway to talk them out of it or show them it’s wrong to go and leave us at this time.” David concluded looking very sad and concerned about the younger women and men of his survival retreat lake dwellers.
“Why they go? You no worry, Boudreaux him find us an answer. Dem boys and girls lucky ladies and gents to have so many Pa Pa`s and Mommas around here. They don’t leave us, you see. Boudreaux he know der is a way to make them stay home” Boudreaux said confidently
Aieee! Mon Ami , as you say Boudreaux the light on the other side of the river is brighter than ours. We can’t expect to keep them here forever and we can’t get them back if they do go. You want to maybe think about us going with them? David speculated.
“Oh no, (accented with some spiced word in garbled Cajun) I sooner die than leave this lake and try to make it again in a city. They got to be going plumb out of their minds to think it is going to be anything like the “before stories” they have heard us telling like it was all the best of times, what’s that Poncho say? Them kids Loco La cabasa? (Spanish for crazy in the head) We eat we sleep eat together here as you say. I don’t know why I never think them kids maybe leave us by ourselves to go out on their own.” Boudreaux said glumly.
“Poncho says he is going with them if they do decide to leave. They don’t seem to mind him being twice their age and he figures that if he starts over again he is going to need the young ones help and they his. Might not be a bad idea for him to go along, he was an illegal alien in this country for many years and survived just fine it seems, maybe he can teach them a trick or two about surviving on the mean streets.” David said trying to look on the bright side of things.
“We taught all them pups to survive right here on this lake, not in a crowd of what’s left of humanity in some stinking abandoned city. That is, what is left of most places anyway and how many folks are still living in the small towns? Maybe we tell the young ones me and you go check it out for them first?” Boudreaux suggested pondering what kind of conditions actually existed in the reclaimed areas of America today.
“I have no idea how many folks still exist Boudreaux. A few million people maybe spread out across thousands of miles? I have no idea. The camp they are talking about has 15,000 residents it
’s been said. Supposed to be half industrial and half agricultural for industry, working there is required to live there so you can draw government script to buy things at the commissary to eat and clothe yourself. I myself damn sure want to know a hell of a lot more about it before I load up on any damn FEMA truck or train,” David said not relishing the thought of even visiting such a place.
“Well we to old to walk it, what else do you suggest so we can have us a bit of a look see and listen?” Boudreaux said scratching his head.
“I don’t know off hand what to do, that’s why we called meeting for today to get everyone’s ideas on the problem. Somebody needs to go check the places out or get some better Intel on the situation and find out just what really goes on in those camps. I don’t trust that new couple over at the landing at all. FEMA had several plans in the past to have the Feds train clergy to "Quell Dissent" during Martial Law, so there is no telling what or who they might be working for or representing.
In May 2006, it was exposed that the existence of a nationwide FEMA program was training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the government" in preparation for the implementation of martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vaccination programs and forced relocation. You know me, I am always leery of overly religious type’s agendas anyway but adding in the possible government influence has got me more than just suspecting those two as a possible agent of the state.” David said warily.
“Agents provocateur!” Boudreaux exclaimed looking fierce and wringing his hands.
Meaning he thought that they might be someone who was employed to associate with suspected persons and by pretending sympathy with their aims to incite them to some incriminating action or get them to follow some other mandate they normally wouldn’t if not caught up in the moment. Cops have been using agent’s provocateur, and other trouble-makers for years to incite crowds or to make it look like the crowd was rioting or looting so they could take action.
“It’s entirely possible Boudreaux that they could be some kind of provocateur. The first directive in that little agenda I was telling you about was for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13, this is the often taken out of context bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to "obey the government" when martial law is declared. You ever hear of anyone one quoting that bible passage you tell me toot sweet. (Quickly, immediately, at once). This word is a corruption of the French 'tout de suite', which literally means 'all at once')” David said regarding Boudreaux.
“Aiii! I will for that I guaraaaantee you I will. Maybe I should make them preachers feel less welcome maybe?” Boudreaux said grinning devilishly.
“I don’t think they feel all that welcome by you now anyways,” LowBuck said chuckling walking up to the two men.
“I still remember the look on Blake and Marcie’s faces when you told them the old southern saying “Don’t corner somethin’ that you know is meaner than you.” when he and Marcy tried to get in your boat without asking permission to board. I think you shocked them pretty good with that little statement.” David said grinning
“Laissez les bons temps rouler = "let the good times roll". Everybody who lives close to the water knows you ask the boat captain permission to board before stepping in a boat.” Boudreaux said smirking.
“I sort of hope it’s not become a wide spread practice to be going around preaching like that, but I bet there are some phony Christian leaders who are brainwashing their congregations right now to accept the premise that the totalitarian police state is "of the Lord" and that they should get on their knees and lick jackboots while the round-ups take place as citizens are processed into relocation zones and detention camps by the National Guard and U.S. troops.
I would go ask the militia folks if they heard of this or not but I don’t want to get them all stirred up.” David said thinking out loud.
“Could just be some form of a government organized rebuild going on and not so bad as we are making it out. Hard to say though what is going on and us so far away from a relocation camp. Damn radio doesn’t tell you shit but carefully screened screens. I know why in theory that they won’t allow guns or knives on the buses but I wonder if you can bring them into camp once you arrive or if you just walked in carrying them” Lowbuck said bringing up a very big point to ponder.
“Jeez LowBuck, that’s a really good question your bringing up here. Guns and ammo are hard enough to replace amongst ourselves locally, let alone trying to find someone to barter with you for a firearm in some strange city with rules or customs you don’t know. Then you got the big constitutional 2nd amendment thing going on I object highly to if its not being observed, the authorities will be saying no firearms on government property and effectively disarm everyone staying there as a exception to a nation founding rule of being a unalienable right. If the displaced citizens all voluntarily give up their weapons, I am sure they are not going to get them back if they decide to leave.” David said disgustedly wondering if the nearby off post residents would be allowed to retain their weapons outside the camps.
“What was it the great statesman and patriot Ben Franklin said? “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
"Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, you will never see me near one of them places for some time to come" Boudreaux commented fingering his beloved big bowie knife.
David wondered to himself how fairly prices and personal property were being handled at the camps. Back before petroleum totally disappeared around here he would often joke that the blue book or trade value of your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas you had left in it
“Hey LowBuck, you should take Dump and Mason over to the landing with you to meet the newcomers and bring along a jar of that Sasquatch juice you make. Dude, just go do everything you ever dreamed of doing but good sense or manners told you not to. Just go crazy and party hardy. Have Boudreaux play the banjo...it'll scare the hell out of them.” David said laughing and joking while watching Goat Man, Mason and Dump still wearing their morning after sunglasses come slowly alive while making their way towards them.
“Avast Ye Heathens and join the righteous ones.” Boudreaux said doing his insane John Brown the abolitionist impression.
“Damn Boudreaux, save that craziness for Blake and Marcy, you made me jump and even scared the cat off.” David said grumbling as Fish cat headed for cover and away from the boisterous crazy man.
“I don't know what I drank last night, but my mouth tastes like the bottom of a birdcage.” Mason complained as he found him a seat on the deck and studied LowBuck forking his beard into a devilish biker style to out do Boudreaux’s bad ass look...
“Hey! I take offense to that. That was some primo joy juice I made this time. It tasted to me like an angel peeing on my tongue.” LowBuck informed him with some wit and a put on funny mean look that someone dare insult his moon shining skills..
“I had to shit in the creek to keep from setting the woods on fire.” Moaned Dump Truck wiping sweat off his brow and hanging onto a pier post for balance...
“I done told you all, if you can’t hang with the big dogs you got to stay on the porch.” David said enjoying that he had shaken off any hangover or discomfort hours ago from the previous days drinking bout and could poke fun at their alcohol induced misery.
“Jack must be home, I hear Lois giving him the business about being gone for so long and not being around to help her with some weird chore.” Stewart said as he wandered up from the lake shore to join the assembling meeting of the minds after he passed Jacks cabin in the distance.
“Got to wonder about that girl sometimes. She’s got two brains – one’s missing and the other’s out looking for it. Dave said hoping she wasn’t going to be following Jack over his way later.
“Let’s quit bullsh
itting and get settled down to some serious business. The way I see it, there’s no jar that doesn’t have a lid to it somewhere and if we put our minds to it, we can come up with a workable solution to influence this younger generation.” Goat Man declared looking about at everyone’s faces for confirmation for the meeting to commence.
“That thar statement is right as rain, all joking and ass grabbing needs to be put aside now and we come up with a good plan to keep them young bucks and fillies with us.” Boudreaux said backing him up.
“When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember that you came to drain the swamp.” Dump conceded.
“Two sticks of wood don’t normally make a fire, so I say we figure out why Blake and Marcy are having so much influence over the younger generations first.’ David offered as a debate opener.
“Now you’re diggin’ where there’s taters.” Goat Man said repeating one of David’s obscure southern sayings and giving him a smile for mocking him and his penchant for using southern sayings.