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Pick Your Pleasure

Page 2

by Jayne Rylon

  “What century are you from?” Ryder growled as he ignored his rival to focus on her. “Either way, you’ll be ancient before you get to the good shit with him.”

  The rebel’s fingers hadn’t moved from her leg. Well, maybe they had. Higher.

  Instead of creeping her out, his deft massage encouraged Linley to sink into the tufted velvet, allowing her thighs to relax and part. Just a bit.

  “You didn’t come here tonight to be bored, did you?” Ryder reached across her to cup her cheek in his broad, slightly callused hand while the other continued to mesmerize her with his intuitive knowledge of her erogenous zones. Nudging her chin up, he forced her to meet his gaze. His fingers curled around her nape, and he leaned forward until his lips nearly collided with hers. “Pick me. I’ll make sure you never forget the night you decided to be a bad girl.”

  When she nearly succumbed to the promise of his slightly rough cheek to steal a kiss, he retreated, though his skilled fingers continued their insidious assault.

  “I hardly call romance dull.” Chase sipped from his glass, reminding her of the treat fizzing away before her.

  Linley downed a swallow or two. Moisture gathered at the corner of her mouth. Before she could reach for her napkin, Chase swiped a droplet from her lips with his thumb then sampled the mingled flavor of the alcohol and her skin.

  “Delicious.” He savored the taste and looked like he might go for another.

  She wished he would. Instead he withheld the pleasure, making her yearn for more.

  A glint from Ryder’s direction had her glancing away in time to see him chug his drink then pour another round. The powerful flex of his throat—primal and strong—inspired her. In her mind, she could picture nibbling the cords there as he rode her. With him, she wouldn’t have to beg for what she wanted.

  He wouldn’t make her take.

  So many times, she had to be the aggressor. In meetings. In dating. Handing over the reins would be a welcome relief. This man would afford her that luxury.

  When he was down to the last sip of the second round, he held it in his mouth and set his glass on the table with a clunk. This time he didn’t stop when he swooped in. His lips landed on hers without apology.

  Ryder proved that though he might lack stealth, he had finesse in abundance. His mouth turned hers pliant as he shared the rich drink and a taste of what a night with him would be like. He sucked on her tongue, using the slightest edge of his teeth to awaken nerves gone drowsy with an intoxicating blend of allures.

  When he withdrew, he bit her lip lightly, letting the subtle sting remind her of the things he’d done to her body without effort. Her nipples rubbed against the padding of her bra. She attempted to cross her legs to appease the part of her that screamed for pressure right where she needed it most.

  To her surprise, it was Chase who prevented her from trapping Ryder’s palm between her thighs. “No, love. Don’t hide. You didn’t come here tonight for that.”

  “And what if I’ve changed my mind?” Having two men bracketing her, promising her their own brand of sexy fun, overwhelmed her. For a moment, she wondered if she could handle it. Or would she disappoint them? It wasn’t like she had a ton of experience.

  “Then let me take you home.” Chase’s solution seemed genuine. “That’s not code for anything, by the way. I’ll drop you at your door, safe and sound, if you’d prefer.”

  “No one’s forcing her.” Ryder seemed offended. “But I won’t let you lie to yourself, wildcat. You came hunting for this. You’re soaked. My finger isn’t sliding around on its own down there. I’ll make it easy for you, give you things you never dreamed you needed.”

  Linley’s head thunked against the seat as she dropped it backward. “Too bad I can’t have you both.”

  Ryder laughed. The easy, boisterous sound made it clear he did it often. With gusto. “In my world, that’s an option. Here we’re Underground. The next level below us is called Downstairs. I hang out a bit deeper. The Basement of the club offers the possibility of ménage, among other more daring pursuits. Chase doesn’t sink that low, though.”

  She peeked up in time to catch the other man’s tiny frown.

  “That’s true,” Chase confirmed. “I prefer to stick to Downstairs. And I fly solo. I assure you, you won’t need other men when you have my full attention. For dipping your toe in, I recommend the first level of the club. Perfect for wading.”

  “Screw that. Jump into the deep end.” Ryder lifted his palm from her saturated thigh, licked his finger, and then held out his hand. “I won’t let you drown.”

  “Neither will I.” Chase extended one of his as well.

  “So, who will it be, Linley?” She didn’t have time to wonder how they knew her name.

  Instead she searched inside and uttered her preference for tonight.

  If Linley said Chase click here or search for 2A - Linley Picked Chase.

  If Linley said Ryder click here or search for 2B - Linley Picked Ryder.

  3C - Play Downstairs

  “I saw plenty to keep me busy up here.” A sigh of relief passed her lips when he didn’t seem in the least disappointed.

  “Hell, yes.” He hugged her to him and laid a wet kiss on her lips. “I probably couldn’t have controlled myself long enough to show you around the Basement properly tonight. I would have done my best. But you’re firing me up, Linley.”

  “I’ll take a rain check.” Was it okay to suggest they might play again someday? She hoped so. Now that she’d discovered this incredible chemistry, she had no delusions that one night—however insanely good it was—would be enough.

  “You got it.” Ryder nodded. “Anytime.”

  “So how do these rooms work?” She lifted her chin toward the one on the end marked Ties That Bind.

  “See the little red light?”

  Linley nodded.

  “That means it’s occupied. If you’re interested, we’d tell one of the servers to put us on the waiting list. You can specify a room—the popular ones have a couple of spares around the backside—or ask for the next available if you’re feeling lucky…or horny.” He gave his cock a few tugs as if to settle himself. She swallowed hard. “Once the players are finished and the room is cleaned and reset, someone will notify us.”

  “I see.” Damn it, both of the possibilities she’d fantasized about forever had a red light on their doors.

  “Why? Do you know what you want already?” He narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes, I think so.” She bit her lip, wondering if she could stand the delay or if she should settle for something else. Anything would do as long as her date administered corresponding pleasure. Soon she wouldn’t be able to stand for the desire pulsing through her core.

  Ryder snagged a passing dude. The guy was built like a football player yet moved with nimble strides. “The lady would like to reserve a room.”

  When she opened her mouth to put in her request, Ryder held out his hand with one finger up and the rest curled into a fist. “Hang on.”

  Her order died in her throat. Had he changed his mind? Did he want to set their course? She wouldn’t mind giving him full control once inside, but picking the room allowed her to put some boundaries in place.

  “No, no.” He shook his head after taking one peek at her crestfallen face. “Not what you’re thinking. Just… Why don’t you whisper your selection to Robbie? I’m kind of a sucker for surprises. Spontaneity. I don’t want to know until we’re crossing the threshold what the night has in store for us. Besides, I might not be able to contain myself. I can be impatient on occasion.”

  The server chuckled. “You’re not usually one of the guys who ends up fucking his date against the wall then heading home without enjoying the finer pleasures we have to offer. It’s kind of nice to see someone giving as good as they get with you, Ry.”

  Ryder flipped the guy off. “Go ahead, tell the smartass your choice so we can take care of some business. I might succumb tonight. If I do, though, I swe
ar there’s more waiting for you, Linley. You’re not leaving here tonight less than totally satisfied. If we have to get someone from the Basement to help, we will.”

  “Thanks, but I have no doubts you’re going to rock my world.” It was a given. He already had. She didn’t know if anything could ever live up to this. Tonight might very well be the highlight of her sex life. Then what?

  “And what room is he going to do that in, sweetheart?” The server leaned down so she could reach his ear. It felt odd to be surrounded by men and not have her power heels on. Or her business suit. Or any kind of pants at all for that matter.

  Linley whispered her selection into his ear.

  “Very nice.” Robbie winked at her. “He’ll adore accommodating your desires.”

  “I hope so,” she muttered as the man returned to his post and tapped their request into the computer stationed there.

  “Enough of that, wildcat.” Ryder cupped her cheek in his palm and angled her face toward him. “I’ll enjoy this as much as you do. I bet you’re stunning when you come apart.”

  What the hell was the heat flashing across her cheeks? A blush! She hadn’t done that since she was a preteen, she was sure.

  “Until our room is ready, let’s see how bold you can be.” Ryder led her to the lounge area. She realized now it was more than a simple waiting room or a mingle zone.

  The visual stimulation provided by couples engaging in full-on intercourse—right in the open where others could observe—had her rocking backward. Certainly not in disgust either.

  “You like the idea?” He brushed her hair off her shoulder then dropped light kisses on the bare skin there.

  “Mmm.” She glanced over her shoulder. “There’s something about the pride it takes to show off like that. Both in yourself and your partner.”

  “Yeah.” He grunted. “I totally agree. And I’m willing to make every man in this room jealous that I have you to myself tonight. Even if I let them have a peep or two of how spectacular you’re going to be.”

  “How do you know that?” She worried about the level of experience a lot of these patrons clearly had that she didn’t.

  “Because I can see it in your eyes. You wouldn’t have come here tonight if you didn’t have it in you. Maybe your inner vixen took a while to present itself but…you need this. Tonight. Maybe forever after. You do realize that’s a risk, right? Getting hooked on the adrenaline high this place can give you?”

  “Is that why you come?” she wondered out loud before considering what barriers she might have crossed.

  “I’m not sure.” He scrubbed his hand over his scruffy jaw. “I think I might have kept my platinum membership status because I was searching for something I hadn’t found yet. Fun and fucking occupied me for a while. Tonight is different, Linley. It’s more intense. And that’s saying something—trust me.”

  She nodded, unsure of what to say. After all, it was her first time. Of course it felt surreal and powerful to her. The lust pumping through her had smashed the ceiling of her prior encounters almost from the first instant he’d laid his hand on her thigh less than five seconds after being introduced.

  Linley couldn’t take much more without some relief. The pressure between her legs, in her breasts, and deep inside her soul began to overwhelm her logic. For a levelheaded businesswoman, it was disturbing. And a wonderful rush.

  Ryder was right. She could easily become obsessed with this. With him.

  Was that the biggest mistake of her life?

  “Let me take the edge off for you.” He brushed aside her long waves to kiss the nape of her neck. “I’ll have enough time to get you back in the game for the main event, I promise.”

  “Here?” she squeaked.

  “Why not?” He shuffled until he stood behind her. His arms wrapped around her waist for a brief hug before roaming across her body from her stomach to her hips to her breasts to the moist panel of lace over her waxed mound. “Like you said, it’s a compliment. One I’d like to pay you. I’m damn lucky to be the guy escorting you tonight. I know it, and I’d love to rub it in just a little.”

  Linley laughed. She loved the way he could deflect her insecurity and ensure she enjoyed their time together. He had skills. Truth be told, she couldn’t wait another moment to see them in action. The slide of his taut pecs and solid abs on her back didn’t convince her otherwise.

  She craned her neck, and he got the point. Of course he did. He read her like no one else had in her life. Thankfully that included her competitors. If she’d been this transparent in her negotiations, she’d never have made it as far as she had to date.

  Ryder’s mouth crushed onto hers, making her legs wobbly even as he supported her in the cradle of his arms, which wrapped around her like the world’s loveliest boa constrictor. Corded muscles held her up as if it were no effort at all.

  Meanwhile, his lips encouraged her to blank out their surroundings and supply her undivided attention to magnifying the passion that coursed through her as he continued to seduce her. Rubs of his lips over hers, the tease of his tongue flicking at the roof of her mouth, and his wandering hands all combined to set her on fire.

  While he consumed her, he began to walk them forward. The uncoordinated response of her limbs granted him an excuse to lift her. All she had to concentrate on was the kiss that seemed endless. It intoxicated her with its potency.

  Until he broke the contact with a growl that matched her musing on the subject. He paused only long enough to deposit her, supine, on a padded platform at waist height. Not quite a bed, but not a bench either, the furniture had to have been custom made, designed with this purpose in mind.

  This place, and the people who owned it, had thought of everything. She silently thanked them for their foresight. Years of trial and error by those who’d come before were paying off, guaranteeing her experience left no room for complaints or improvement.

  Soft velvet caressed her back as Ryder’s hands glided over her wherever he could reach. “I’m leaving your underwear on. I’d like to save unwrapping that present for myself. Me and only me, okay?”

  “Yes.” She liked the idea of withholding something for him alone. How could she have met this man less than an hour ago? So little time and already he had her mostly bare, laid out like the main course of some decadent feast.

  If she’d known what awaited her tonight, she’d never have found the balls to pull the trigger. Thank goodness for snap decisions with no research to back them up. She didn’t utilize that tactic much, but the few times she’d gone with her gut in her life, she’d been rewarded for the risk.

  Tonight seemed like no exception.

  “That’s it, wildcat.” Ryder coached her through her revelation. “Relax and let me take care of you. I’ll make sure you get what you came for.”

  “Already have.” She reached out to squeeze his thigh. He’d granted her a break from the monotonous series of never-would-be lovers she’d tortured herself with for close to a year. Habits shattered, ruts erased, and bad logic followed by more of the same had finally been circumvented.

  “Don’t tease me.” He shied away from her grip. “I’m on the edge already.”

  Linley hadn’t intended to creep closer to his substantial package, but his warning brought out her naughty side. She slid her fingers higher until they made contact with the soft, roasting flesh between his legs. Curling her hand around his shaft, she measured him once then twice.


  Waiting to have him inside her seemed like the dumbest thing she’d ever done. Hopefully the deferred pleasure would make up for the delay.

  “If you’re not going to listen, I’ll have it my way.” Ryder shocked her when he slipped from her grip, moving quicker than she thought possible. Before she realized what he intended, he’d rolled her onto her side and stood before her. The frame of her vision filled with the triangle between his belly button and the sexy muscles leading at a diagonal straight to his rock-hard cock.

sp; Her mouth hung open when she got an up close and personal view. Bigger than she’d realized, he made her wonder if she could really take all of him.

  Ryder didn’t waste the opportunity. He fisted his hand in her hair and thrust his hips forward, prodding at her parted lips with the blunt cap of his dick. Moisture ensured he slid across her mouth, adding a gloss to her smile.

  “Take a taste,” he urged her. “Just a lick or two to hold you over.”

  Linley grinned at the roughness in his command. She gripped his ass with her free arm, and yanked him to her. Her nails dug into the bunched muscles when he slid inside her several inches deep.

  The taste of him—soap and man—encouraged her to take another draw. Around her, appreciative whispers boosted her confidence. When she began to suckle the tip of Ryder’s cock, he withdrew.

  “No way are you going to tempt me like that.” He replaced his mouth over hers, sampling their mingled flavors. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers for a second as if she’d really made him need to catch his breath. “I’m not giving in so easily. Though, damn, I wish I were that kind of guy. You’re killing me here, wildcat.”

  “Know the feeling.” She squirmed on the bench, trying to ignore the crowd gathering around them as if they could sense the urgency sweeping both her and Ryder into its grasp. “I need you. Help me.”

  More complex explanations simply weren’t possible. She allowed her frantic stare to communicate her needs. Fortunately, he understood.

  “I’ve got you.” He pressed one last kiss to her lips then rounded the end of the bench. In one lightning move, he’d grabbed her thighs and yanked. Her ass rested on the edge of the platform, on the verge of slipping over, not that he’d allow that to happen.

  He cupped her ass and used his shoulders to insinuate his body between her legs.

  It wasn’t her finest moment, but she whimpered when he dipped low enough to blow a breath over her saturated panties.

  And that’s when she heard the men who’d ringed them start making wagers. “I bet he can make her come in two minutes or less.”


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