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The Everdon Series- the Complete Set

Page 62

by L C Kincaide

  They took a seat on a bench. “I hope so. It would have been jolly fun to be exploring together.”

  “It sure would. What about you?”

  “A few days with mum to catch up on things then back to the manor. They’re building stables for the equestrian venue and I’d like to see how it’s coming along and how soon we can offer guests horse riding.”

  “A horse-drawn carriage to take couples from the church to the reception would be nice, or to ride to the village.”

  “Now there’s a brilliant idea! Yes, I believe you have found your calling. We have time for a drink. Let’s have a toast to new ventures.”

  “I won’t say no to that!”

  “You know,” he said getting up, “it just occurred to me we haven’t had a drink since England.”

  “You’re right. We haven’t. We must have been too preoccupied.”

  “Then let’s find a bar straight away!”

  They had finished their wine when the announcement for his flight to board came over the loudspeaker. Emma’s stomach dropped realizing the moment had come.

  “It seems we’ve been here before.”

  “Feels familiar.” She offered a smile she hoped wasn’t sad. “I hope you have a good trip.”

  “Thanks. I may sketch on cocktail napkins to pass the time.”

  They were stalling, delaying the inevitable. When the second announcement came on, they reluctantly left the bar and joined the passengers boarding the plane to Barcelona aware their hands were clasped tighter together.

  She gazed up at him with so many things to say on her mind, but she had promised herself to act casual.

  “This isn’t really goodbye, rather a see-you-later.” He reminded her.

  “I know.”

  His lips brushed against hers.

  The final boarding warning issued overhead. “Bollocks.” He muttered.

  “You don’t want to miss your flight.” Emma teased.

  “Maybe I do, but mum wouldn’t be happy.”

  “Can’t have that, especially if I’m to blame for it.”

  “As a matter of fact, that is one reason that will make her happy.” He laughed.

  She stepped away. “You should go.”

  He pulled her against him fiercely, his lips crushing hers with a hunger she had only dreamt of. They separated for a moment, their lips only an inch apart and she looked into the swirling storm in his eyes. Before she could take another breath, his mouth claimed hers again, and she held on tight to keep from drifting away. He released her slowly, his thumb tracing the curve of her cheek. Realizing she was clutching his jacket in a death grip, she relaxed her fingers and let go, not wanting to.

  “Soon, Emma.” He breathed into her ear.

  When they separated, he was grinning. “And keep your phone charged.”

  “Okay.” She giggled, her head spinning.

  He stepped into the screening area and before long, he was gone. If there were a way, she would have waited by a window watching until the airplane was too far away to see.

  Esther was surprised to see her and glad for her company. She had already packed and was watching television. Emma put water on for tea and the two spent the evening reminiscing before turning in. She may get used to drinking it, but was still unsure about replacing her coffee.

  Once in bed, she thought about Adam, visualizing him drawing on cocktail napkins, curious about his sketches based on what she told him regarding her vision of the manor. Sleep drifting further away with every thought, she relived each moment they had spent together; the way his eyes danced with joy, the pleasing timbre of his voice when he laughed, his touch. The way he kissed her. Oh, how he made her head spin. Did she have the same effect on him? They had a tentative plan to see each other soon and somewhere, but nothing concrete. He had obligations and any time away took planning. She couldn’t just get up and leave either having started on making plans that already involved many people.

  Neither had spoken of their feelings. Maybe they needed time to sort them out, so they knew what emotions they were talking about. The physical attraction was there, of that she had no doubt, but lust didn’t make a relationship, nor could she say they were having an affair, she only having dreamt it. When her eyes closed, she saw him clearly. Her hand brushed the space beside her wanting him there, but he was somewhere high above the North Atlantic. How long before they were together again? God, you’re pathetic! The man just left!

  She sensed the first couple of days would be miserable; she going through withdrawal. Best to ride it out and keep busy. And try not to wear her feelings out in the open for Rachel to find. Once she got a whiff of that, there would be no stopping her. She was drifting in and out of sleep when the phone vibrated with a new text. She grabbed it to read Adam’s message — Hola! Landed in Spain in time for breakfast! —

  That was all. What had she expected from him weary as he was? That he missed her desperately just because she missed him? She’d really have to get a grip on herself.



  “You must have been working awfully hard. I didn’t hear from you all weekend!”

  “Yeah, I’ve been busy. I just came back from taking Esther to the airport. So, what’s up? Did you have a good time showing Magda around?”

  “Yeah. She loved everything. She’s out on the patio soaking her feet and shelling peas. Quite the picture, isn’t it?”

  Emma laughed. “Does she ever relax?”

  “Are you kidding? This is how she relaxes!”

  “What about you? How are you holding up?”

  “Oh, you know. I have my ups and downs. The doctor warned me about the hormones. Otherwise, tired with sore boobs, but I have a great cleavage. Pretty awesome, really. Matt’s going to miss it, I’m sure. What are you up to today?”

  “I have to plan the charity event. All I have are loose ideas and the people helping who actually know what they’re doing want to see details.”

  “Ooh, how exciting! I’m about to feed Ella and then we’re having a nap, but why don’t you come over and we can brainstorm if that would help.”

  Emma thought about how long the day would be spending it alone at the condo and distracted with thoughts of Adam in Spain. “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll see you soon.”

  She had a couple of hours yet and started with the top drawer of her mother’s desk not surprised by how organized Elinor had been; her pens and pencils lined up and stacks of paper also neatly aligned with no corners haphazardly poking out from a pile. An address book, files pertaining to the condo, insurance documents and other mundane files occupied the other drawers. In the bottom one she found Elinor’s Everdon Family album and lifted it carefully expecting to hear her mum’s voice warning her to be careful. It wasn’t long ago she had thumbed through it before her great adventure at the manor with the Ruskin poltergeist.

  The photographs were all familiar, and she had a closer look at the original small and grainy picture of the manor. If there was a way to have it enlarged and sharpened, Adam would enjoy having it on his office wall. She took it out and placed it in an envelope to show her old friend, Jackie, hoping she would still remember her. It had been a long time since they they had last spoken, but if anyone, she’d know if that was possible.

  Looking at it, it amazed her she had been there, had slept under that roof and ate in the dining room. And kissed in the parlor. She continued skimming the pages seeing the familiar faces of her ancestors, both older and more recent. On the latter pages she found her mother and herself as a child in ringlets and ruffles standing next to John who wore short pants and knee socks. Behind them, the older boys — Robert and George wore long trousers. Grace scowled for the camera in a frilly dress and pinafore, a huge ribbon attached to the top of her head. If th
is photo were to become public, they’d all be collectively horrified. John was right when he said blackmail pictures existed. Even later on she looked ridiculous in a ruffled blouse and gored skirt, never mind the sunhat with the enormous silk flowers! What would Adam make of these? The remaining photographs were color from the last Weekend, but none of Ivy. Elinor was no fool and would have never taken a chance like that. The Everdon secrets would remain a secret, no matter the cost.

  She stowed it back in the drawer and retrieved a legal pad and started to take notes; she had been preoccupied all weekend and now had nothing to show to anyone who had offered to help. But, it was time well spent. Magical. Her mind went over the better part of the three days they had been together. Considering that they had met just recently, they had gotten along so well with none of the awkwardness of the early days of a relationship. Was that what was happening between them? Had she thrown away her resolve and put herself on the path of a long-distance affair — except this was not an affair, but a friendship. Yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that!

  Revisiting in her mind the different places they had seen, she got an idea and opened her laptop to start her search and having narrowed down the venues began calling.

  She took notes and an hour later had a commitment for the ballroom and was almost giddy with excitement, and nervous because she had no definite plans drawn yet. Her notes were rather scant. Well, that’s going to change, she told herself with determination and inserted the legal pad into her folder to take along. Maybe she should get a bag or whatever people who had important papers to transport used. You’re such a newb! Emma shook her head, but she was making progress.

  “Mmmm. What is that smell?” Emma sniffed the fragrant air that greeted her in the foyer. “Sorry I’m late — got distracted.” She set down her satchel, the closest thing she had to a briefcase.

  “Mom’s making strawberry dumplings. Can you believe it — it’s nearly a hundred degrees out there and she’s boiling water in the kitchen!”

  “I can’t wait to have some.“ She ducked into the powder room and washed up. Magda’s stipulations dictated that nobody touches the baby with unwashed hands. Hers had never been so clean.

  She gave Rachel a quick hug and followed her to the living room. “So where is the munchkin?”

  On cue, Matthew entered with Ella in his arms. “Ooohhh, let me have her.” She held up her hands like a surgeon ready for her gloves. “All clean.”

  He handed her the baby. “You’re growing so fast! Seems every time I hold her she’s heavier.”

  The large blue eyes fixed on hers.

  “Do you think they’ll stay blue?”

  “At least for another four months.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter what color they are, does it?” She cooed to Ella. “You’re beautiful with any color eyes.”

  Ella’s parents beamed.

  “She has her daddy’s face, but the expression is all mommy.”

  “It’s only fair since I did all the work.” Rachel grinned. “But daddy here has been awesome. I swear if I wasn’t the one feeding her, between him and mom, she’d never know me.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  Rachel laughed. “Don’t be so sure. Matt hasn’t been to the office much. I think they’re relieved because all he talks about is Ella.”

  “It’s just as well you’re the boss then, isn’t it?”

  Matthew shrugged innocently. “So, what’s all that?” He nodded toward the papers poking from the top of her bag.

  “My notes for the Ball. And don’t forget about your speech.”

  “Oh, yes. Thanks for the reminder.”

  “It’ll be great.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence. Oh, by the way, did you ever open that package?”

  “No, I forgot all about it. I’ll have a look when I get home.”

  “Package? What package?” Rachel wanted to know.

  “Mum left it for me in a safe deposit box. I have no idea what’s inside.”

  “Hmmm. Sounds very mysterious. You’ll have to tell me.”

  “Let me take her so you can talk.”

  “See?” Rachel grinned.

  Emma led the way to the dining room table and spread out her folder and notes. “This is all I’ve got, but it’s going to be awesome!”

  Emma told her of her morning’s accomplishments.

  “Aren’t you savvy! I wonder where that came from?”

  “Well, I am her daughter. I think she’d approve. Eventually.”

  “Good job. So tell me what you have so far.”

  Seated at the table, Emma went over her plans for the Ball. “I’m still set on it being a Masquerade Ball, and I want a live jazz band considering the average age of the guests.”

  “Good thinking.”

  “The space including a designated dance floor holds two hundred people with room for the musicians.”

  “That’s ambitious. Can you do it?”

  “So far, I’ve had this crazy idea of inviting Carrie Ruskin to perform.”

  “Our Schroeder?”

  “Yeah, exactly! She’s just starting out and it will be a boost for her career to come as a special guest with maybe a string quartet from the school to perform before the jazz band.”

  “Good idea!”

  “And…” Emma paused dramatically. “The big bonus…”

  “Don’t keep me in suspense!”

  Emma couldn’t help a giggle. “Once Frances gets wind of this, she’ll invite everyone she knows to hear her performance! I’ll have Carrie’s name printed in bold letters like she’s already a huge star.”

  “Ooh, I love the way you think. They have a lot of snooty friends, don’t they? The place will be packed!”

  “What about the decoration?”

  “Have you been to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum? The Courtyard garden in particular?”

  Rachel nodded.

  “That’s what I’m going for. Since we were there last weekend, I knew it was exactly the look I’m after. I want the night to be perfect.”

  Rachel’s brow furrowed. “Whoa there! We? As in you and who else?”

  Damn! She gave herself away! Oh well, it would have been only a matter of time before that happened around Rachel.

  “Adam. He was in town.”

  Rachel blinked. “Adam? You mean Adam who looks better than James Bond from England just showed up? And you didn’t bring him for us to meet?”

  “He called me out of the blue. He was here for an architects conference and asked if I was free…”

  “Well, duh!”

  “… and I gave him a tour around town.”

  “And how was it?” Rachel asked leaning forward, elbows on the table, her chin cupped in her hands and ready to hear all the details.

  “It was fun and nice. We walked a lot and talked…”

  “Did you hold hands?” She couldn’t help asking.

  “Eventually.” Emma blushed.

  “Oh my God! You’ve fallen for him! Not that I blame you!”

  “I didn’t say that.” She came to her own defense.

  “Yes, you did. And then? That only accounts for a day.”

  “Okay. We went to the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum where I got the idea, then we walked around Beacon Hill because he likes buildings, then spent the afternoon at the Harborwalk, then we had dinner in Chinatown. After that we returned to the hotel.”

  “Did you stay the night?”

  “No, I did not!” Emma pressed into the chair’s backrest blushing crimson. “I dropped him off.”

  Rachel snickered. “The lady doth protest too much. Just teasing, I know you wouldn’t, but tell me that it at least crossed your mind.”
r />   Emma relaxed. “Well, yeah.” She leaned toward Rachel. “But I can tell you he’s a great kisser!” She whispered and the two of them giggled like a couple of schoolgirls.

  “What did you do the next day?”

  Emma fidgeted with the corner of the legal pad. “He wanted to see it so I took him.”

  “What? You went there?”

  “I stalled at first, and he said it was okay with him if we didn’t go, but I couldn’t say no with him coming all this way, nor did it seem right that I had seen the English manor and he wouldn’t get to compare with ours.”

  Rachel frowned remembering what she saw when she and Matt found Emma unconscious in the parlor amidst all the chaos of whatever went on earlier. She shuddered

  “How was it?”

  Emma considered her words. “Something is still in there, or was. The mess in the hall was cleaned up. All the chairs were back in the dining room. And the sconces were on in the portrait gallery.”

  “Oh God. That’s beyond creepy.” Rachel shivered.

  “Yeah, but at least no ghosts appeared.”

  “Thank goodness for small miracles. How did he react?”

  “He didn’t say much, probably owing to shock. He wants to make some drawings of what can be done to fix it. That should be interesting.”

  “I’m so happy for you! So, when do you see him again?”

  “Rachel, it’s not like he can pick up the phone and show up. He’s a million miles away.”

  “Just over three thousand, but that’s not the point.”

  “He said soon, but I can’t tell you more than that.”

  “This is so exciting!” Rachel took her hand and squeezed it. “You will have to bring him home to meet us next time.”

  Emma grinned. “I know.” She turned serious. “Okay. Now I have to get this done.”

  Rachel nodded with a wide grin on her face.



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