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Loving Jack

Page 14

by Cat Miller

  “Just lock up when you’re done, Ms. Yates,” Nina said politely.

  “Thank you, Nina, I will.” Grace entered the office and flipped on the light.

  “Ms. Yates?” Nina said.

  Grace turned back to Nina. “Yes?”

  “I hope this office will be yours permanently one day soon. It was a pleasure working with you. If you decide to join us here at Artifex I’d be glad to help you in the hunt for your own admin. I look forward to it.” Nina’s welcoming expression was heart felt and greatly appreciated.

  “Thank you, Nina. It won’t be long before I’ll be crossing that bridge.”

  Nina left her and Grace started looking for her tablet charger. It wasn’t plugged in near the sideboard where she’d left it. Maybe the cleaning crew moved it. Grace hoped to find the charger in the desk. She didn’t want to waste time searching for a replacement. She moved to the desk and set her purse down. She opened every drawer before she found it tucked in the bottom drawer.

  Grace’s purse slid off the end of the desk and its contents scattered on the floor. She got to her feet and was busily stuffing her things back in the oversized bag. The air in the room stirred and she had the sudden feeling that she wasn’t alone. When a large pair of hands grabbed her hips and pulled her ass back against a very stiff and familiar erection, Grace chuckled softly and wriggled her hips. Jack’s hands slid down her thighs to the hem of her dress and slowly drew it upward.

  “Do you think tormenting me is funny, Ms. Yates?”

  She smiled to herself and waited for him to realize she hadn’t bothered with panties. When she’d dressed for the day she decided to put as few barriers as possible between herself and the pleasure she knew Jack could give her. She’d need to store it up for the long weeks they’d be apart. Jack let out a loud groan and his hips jerked against her backside. She chuckled again. He noticed.

  “Grace. Fuck.” He held her steady with one hand while the other slid around to cup her naked sex.

  Grace stood slowly and pressed her back against Jack’s solid chest. Jack’s long fingers slid easily over her heated flesh to separate her folds. He instantly narrowed in on the spot that made her do some moaning of her own.

  “Did you lock the door?” she asked him in a naughty purr. Jack nodded. One hand moved to her breast, the other steadily strumming her clit. “Good.” She turned in his arms and backed Jack toward her chair. She pushed him gently and Jack sat for her. “Do you remember the last time we were in an office together?”

  He groaned and adjusted his cock in his pants. “Yes. You rode me in a chair.” His hands changed direction and began to unfasten his belt. Grace bent and gripped the arms of the chair. She licked a path from his neck to his ear. He shivered and slid down his zipper.

  “Do you know what I’ve never done before, Jack?” she delicately nibbled his earlobe.

  “What’s that, baby?” Jack’s boxers had buttons down the front that allowed him to free his cock without pushing down his pants. It seemed as though she wasn’t the only one who’d thought about easy access this morning. She watched him pull out his erection and give it a long slow stroke.

  “I’ve never let anyone watch me masturbate. It’s kind of a fantasy for me.”

  “Fuck, Grace.” He stroked his cock again, faster this time. “Are you going to show me how you like to touch yourself, baby? Make yourself come while I watch. Then I’ll fuck that wet little pussy right here on your desk.”

  Grace was the one shivering now. She was so hot and needy already. The idea of Jack watching her pleasure herself was so erotic. It wouldn’t take her long to find release. She pulled away from Jack and turned so her forearms rested on the surface of the gleaming wood desk. She knew he would expect her to hop up on the desk and spread her legs for him. That wasn’t what she had in mind. Bent over the desk she spread her feet farther apart and presented Jack with her ass. The height of her heel and arch of her back gave Jack an unimpeded view of her hidden treasures.

  “Oh damn. Baby, I need to fuck you right now.” Jack grabbed her hips and stood to rub his rigid cock against her glistening folds. He twisted his hips, teasing her with the promise of penetration. It felt so damn good Grace almost forgot to protest.

  “You don’t want to give me my fantasy?” she pouted.

  Jack groaned and slid the head of his erection over her sensitive clit. Grace faltered in her plan to tease him. She wanted to torture him and make herself come while he watched. It was a fantasy that turned her on, but she’d never been comfortable enough with a man to do it.

  He growled and settled back down. He rolled the chair forward until his knees were between her spread legs. He had a front row seat. Jack was going to watch really closely.

  Grace took a deep breath and slid her hand down her belly and between her legs. She couldn’t see what she was doing and she couldn’t see Jack. This first time that was probably a good thing. Her cheeks warmed and she suddenly felt timid, but she pushed through it.

  Grace slowly slid two fingers through her damp folds and into her pussy to gather moisture before easing them out. Her middle finger circled the aching bud of nerves sending a shot of pleasure through Grace. She moved slowly at first, trying to drag out the pleasure. The sounds Jack made as he stroked himself drove her need higher. She added her index finger and circled her clit with more pressure.

  Knowing Jack was watching and touching himself while he enjoyed the show was an added layer of pleasure. She was getting close to exploding. Her juices coated her fingers. Grace moved her finger up to plunge into her entrance. This blocked Jack's view for a moment, but the need to come was building fast. Penetration was an aching need in her belly. Grace forgot for a moment that she had an audience and reached for the orgasm lingering so closely. She pressed the heel of her palm against her pulsing bud while applying the penetration she needed to bring herself to orgasm. It hit hard and fast. Grace felt her inner muscles tighten around her fingers and she struggled to contain her shout of release. She shook and leaned heavily on the desk.

  “That was so beautiful. You smell so fucking good. I want to taste you before I take you, baby.”

  Jack’s voice brought her back to Earth. His panting breaths blew over her damp flesh a moment before his tongue searched out to join her fingers. She jerked and froze for a moment, totally caught up in the feel of his hot tongue making circuits from her clit to her entrance and back.

  “Mmmm . . . So good,” he said against her flesh. Grace moved her hand and Jack sucked her clit into his mouth.

  “Oh fuck. I’m so sensitive,” she panted.

  Jack didn’t tease. He zeroed in and vigorously massaged her clit with his tongue. Grace gripped the edge of the desk. She was going to come again. She couldn’t hold back the loud moans he was pulling from her. Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore Jack thrust his thick fingers into her pussy and pressed down, rubbing that perfect spot inside with just enough pressure. She bit her fist and nearly sobbed through the intense climax.

  Grace was a puddle on the desk when Jack stood from the chair and positioned himself behind her. His legs bracketed hers. Jack had her hips in a tight hold and he curved his body over her possessively. His cock was poised at her entrance.

  “I’m on the edge, Grace,” he rumbled against her ear. “This is going to be hard and fast. The sight of you touching yourself like that drove me insane. The smell of you . . . fuck, the taste of you is making me crazy. I can’t hold back, baby.”

  He had her pinned to the desk when he pushed inside, filling her in one long stroke. Jack held her steady and he let go. She moaned at the fullness. With every inward thrust and outward stroke his cock was dragged along overly sensitive nerves. Jack was chasing his own release and reawakening her desire. He leaned back and brought both hands up to cup her breasts and gently pinched her nipples. Grace couldn’t breathe. She was going to explode and this time she might never come back down. The change of position and twisting of Jack’s
hips hit a spot that made her shout his name. He pounded at that perfect spot and Grace was gone. She came. It was so intense she may have passed out for a moment. Jack continued thrusting behind her until his booming cry of release joined hers as it echoed through the building. He lifted her away from the desk and cradled her against his chest in the chair. She breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of Jack’s spicy aftershave and essence of sex in the air. Screw her sterling reputation. At the moment nothing mattered except Jack.


  Grace spent three glorious days in Jack’s bed. When they weren’t making love they talked and snuggled and she began to feel like she really knew him again. They showered together, cooked together, and spent time looking over Jack’s plans for the house. She didn’t think the house needed work, but Jack was looking for a fresh start and Grace could understand that need. She was searching for the same thing. They talked about their families, work, and they even briefly discussed having children. Jack didn’t push that subject. He was probably afraid to scare her away. She hadn’t even agreed to marry him yet.

  She was learning about Jack Landry, entrepreneur. Grace had been mentally stuck in the past with Jack Landry, player extraordinary. A real life and the happy ending she wanted with Jack was looking more and more like a reality.

  It was time to get back to New York now. She made her decision to take the partnership at Artifex after a long discussion about her concerns over them working so closely. While they would be running the company as a team with Rachel they wouldn’t really see each other in the office unless a meeting was planned. Otherwise Grace’s duties as CFO didn’t involve Jack’s duties on the creative end. He was frequently out of the office. Rachel was the one who’d become the in-house anchor of the company. Jack went out to meet with clients and drum up new commercial business. As long as they were both able to leave their personal life outside of the boardroom there wouldn’t be a problem.

  It was now time to put their plan into motion. She would go back and begin separating herself from her life in New York. There was a lot to do. They decided a month would be long enough for her get the majority of it done. Any loose ends could be handled from Seattle.

  Jack held her hand and toyed with her ring the entire drive to the airport. He was quiet. That morning he’d admitted he was afraid she’d get home and change her mind. Or Luke would somehow talk her out of this drastic and sudden life change. She thought it was sweet that he was so anxious for her to return. She was sure Luke was going to have a lot to say on the subject. But she couldn’t live her life for Luke. He’d be upset at first but he was her best friend. He would settle down once he knew she was happy and ready for the next phase of her life.

  Grace’s flight was called and she stood. Jack kissed her sweetly once and took her hand. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her ring.

  “Hurry home to me, Grace. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I’ll be back before you know it. Then you’ll be stuck with me,” she joked and placed a kiss on his chin.

  “I can’t wait.” He hugged her tight one last time.

  Grace boarded the plane and settled in for the long flight. She smiled to herself thinking of Jack’s parting words. Hurry home. Her home was now with Jack. Where she’d longed to be for far too long. She was close to making it a reality. The only sticking point was Luke, her best friend. She didn’t want to lose him in the deal. Things would work out though. Luke loved her and she loved him. Nothing would ever change that.


  Grace fidgeted in her seat and checked the time again. She was early for once. Usually Luke had to wait for her when they had their weekly dinner night together. He would order for both of them and they’d share whatever he ordered. They’d been doing this for so long that he knew what she liked from any restaurant in Manhattan. She’d been back in New York for a week but she’d been putting off talking to Luke about her move to Seattle. Why, she wasn’t sure. That’s the lie she kept telling herself. She knew exactly why. Jack’s comment about Luke’s feelings for her had Grace reviewing their entire relationship.

  When Grace thought about all of the times Luke had been there when she needed him it made her wince. He was her best friend and her biggest supporter. He’d held her while she sobbed over losing Jack and he’d encouraged her every step of the way through her career. Luke was her steady, her solid, and she loved him. But she’d been so busy avoiding getting hurt again that she’d never stopped to examine their relationship. It was terribly one-sided. He never talked about his girlfriends. He’d mention having a date but never tell her how it went afterward. He focused on her when they were together. Selfishly, Grace had enjoyed being the center of his attention. She felt like a horrible friend.

  When Grace accepted the internship in New York City, Luke had been so proud of her. It had come as a shock to Grace when Luke followed her to New York. Luke wasn’t meant to be a city dweller but he believed this was the best place for him to start up his business. He came from a family of farmers. He’d been raised in the fields and had run wild in the country until he went away to college. Living in the city was nearly suffocating for Luke at first. But he’d adjusted to the closeness and pace of things as his business took off. He was a busy man who made a living as a consultant whose clients hired him to overhaul their businesses in order to make them more profitable. He was a marketing whiz with a business degree and a love of numbers. He took failing businesses and turned them around. He took successful businesses and made them grow. The man was a genius and she envied his passion for the job.

  Luke entered the restaurant and a smile blossomed over his face as soon as he saw her waiting for him. He cut a dashing figure in his suit and it was as clear now as it had been when they were in school that Luke took pride in his appearance. More than one pair of feminine eyes followed his progress across the room. Grace rose from her chair to greet him. Luke hugged her warmly and kissed her on the cheek as he always did.

  “Welcome home, Grace. Thank goodness you’re back. My Friday nights have been miserable without you.” He waited for her to resume her seat before settling in the chair next to her. “I’m starving! Did you order?”

  His grin was infectious. Grace always felt wonderful when she was with Luke. He was the only thing she was going to miss about New York and she was dreading telling him about her decision to move.

  After the waitress took their order and left the table Luke took her hand as he always did and demanded to know about her trip to Seattle. Grace was careful to give him her right hand. The elegant engagement ring resting on the fourth finger of her left hand suddenly weighed a ton. He hadn’t noticed it yet so she tucked her hand under the table. She could tell he was anxious by the way his whole body shook slightly due to the motion of his foot under the table. It was a nervous habit of his to shake his right foot like that. It was just like Luke to focus entirely on her. Delaying the inevitable, Grace turned the tables for once and insisted he tell her how business was while she was away. Luke’s smile dropped but he obliged her. They talked about his latest client and his plan of attack to turn the struggling business around. When he finished they sat there staring at each other.

  She took a deep breath before plunging in. “I’m taking the job in Seattle.”

  Luke blinked a few times but said nothing. Her fingers tightened around his but his expression remained blank.

  “It’s more than just a job. It’s a partnership in a booming company.” She paused, waiting for a reaction. Nothing. “I’m miserable at Stein and Watson. I knew before I left for Seattle that I had to make a change one way or the other. The thought of accepting the junior executive position makes me want to curl up and cry.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Luke looked away. “Of course I want you to be happy.” His eyes returned to her looking bleak. “Do you think it’s smart to uproot your life so suddenly? I agree that you need a career change. You need to find time for a life. You need more than just work,
but until now you’ve refused to think of anything else. You’re just so driven.”

  He gripped her hand with both of his and stroked her knuckles with his thumb. “Sweetheart, why don’t you try to find another firm or a different position all together? Hell! You could work for me! I can’t pay you the kind of wages you’re used to making, but I can bring you in making enough to be comfortable while you decide what you want to do next. Maybe a year of working a good old nine-to-five job would do you some good. What do you think? I’ll be the best boss you've ever had. You can make your own hours. In fact, I have a position that would allow you to work from home most of the week. What do you think?” He smiled broadly, finding a solution to her problems easily.

  The hopeful expression on his face made her heart throb. She was going to miss him so much. Too much. This was going to be even harder than she’d anticipated. She’d never imagined Luke would offer her a job to keep her here. He was problem solving. That’s what Luke did. Now that she was open to making a change, he was going to look for a way to make that happen while keeping her in New York.

  Grace ran a hand through her gold-red hair and sighed. Luke stiffened and released her hand.

  “What the fuck is that, Grace?” Luke’s warm brown eyes blazed back at her with anger. At first she wasn’t sure what he was referring to, until he looked down at the hand now resting on the table top.

  Grace cleared her throat uncomfortably. “That’s the other thing I needed to tell you.”

  Luke gripped his side of the table with both hands until his knuckles turned white. His jaw was a rigid line of displeasure. There was hurt and anger in that look.

  “Jack and I spent a lot of time together and . . .” she tried to explain but Luke cut her off.

  “You’re going to marry the two-timing, no he was actually more like a four-timing, son of a bitch!” Luke’s voice was raised in anger. He had never, not once in over seven years, raised his voice to her. People at near-by tables turned to look at them. Grace flushed red.


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