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Stardust, Starlust

Page 12

by Gabriella Bradley

  “America is a large country. It’s a miracle they located me at all,” Sharin said while following them from room to room filled with furniture and artifacts, all covered with dust covers.

  A dampness and cold permeated the manor. Only the kitchens were warm—the old-fashioned woodstove had a roaring fire burning, its crackling sounding cozy and on it a pot of stew simmered sending its aroma into her nostrils. Pangs of hunger suddenly gnawed at her stomach and she felt like asking for a bowl of it so she could taste the aromatic brew. But the housekeeper kept on walking. The pantry was nearly empty, only the bare necessities were stocked. Opposed to the rest of the house, the kitchen looked lived in and was free of dust and cobwebs.

  The strangest feelings overwhelmed her as they wandered from room to room, and finally she followed Mary and Thomas up the wide stairs. Deep down, she already knew she’d accept the inheritance, if only to find out the mysteries hidden in the manor. She felt sure it held many secrets to the past, especially the one that needed the key, and she couldn’t wait to find out more about her parents. She wanted to search for pictures and paintings of them so that the ones imprinted in her mind could once again be clear photographs of the parents she’d loved and missed so much.

  The huge manor sounded hollow, empty of life. What was missing in the huge home, were the sounds of everyday life, of laughter, people, children. The covered furniture and decorations were ghostly reminders of an empty past. She wondered about Mary and silent Thomas. Mary talked, told her about each room, but there was no warmth in her voice and her eyes remained unreadable.

  “And finally the tower,” Mary said as she unlocked a heavy oak door.

  Within, Sharin saw a spiral staircase, the wooden steps covered with a thick layer of dust. Cobwebs hung thickly from side to side and thin strands covered the walls. “No one has been here for a long time,” she said, turning to Mary, not daring to step forward for fear of spiders “No. No one is allowed in the tower. Once you take up residency, if you do, I will hand over the key to this door to you.”

  “I have a feeling that the secret room is up there.” As Sharin made the comment, she noticed Mary’s eyebrows arch.

  “I don’t know what you mean. We have always been told that the tower is for the Lord or Lady in residence only. No servants or anyone else may enter it. I suppose you could call it a secret room but it’s always been referred to as just the tower.”

  Sharin suspected that within the tower was the answer to the strange key, but she decided not to pursue it and stuffed the velvet box she was still clutching in her hand, into the pocket of her coat.

  Mary and Thomas led her back to the entrance. “It was nice meeting you, Milady,” Mary said.

  “Meeting me?” Sharin thought for a moment. Her mind had been back and forth about accepting, but she knew now that she had to. For some reason, something was compelling her to. Maybe it was the thought of finding out more information about her parents, their lives before they left for the USA. She didn’t know exactly. “I have decided to accept the inheritance and live here,” she told them, at the same time withdrawing the papers from the envelope and digging for a pen in her purse. Her fingers were numb from cold. They shook as she put her signature on the dotted line right in front of them so they could see she meant what she said. After neatly folding the papers, she put them back into the envelope and sealed it.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she said to Mary and Thomas and headed down the now empty steps toward the limo at the same time wondering where all the servants had disappeared to.

  The chauffeur didn’t open the door for her. Instead, he held out his hand for the envelope. “You’ve signed the papers, Milady. You do not need to return to the city. I will fetch your belongings from the hotel and will bring them to you this evening.”

  “But I need to discuss things with Mr. Devon, and…”

  “Mr. Devon will come to see you himself. My orders are to bring back the signed documents and you are to take up residency immediately once the papers are signed.”

  “I see. Would you ask Mr. Devon to come as soon as possible then?” she asked him, wondering how she could access money to restore the manor to its original beauty.

  Excited at the prospect now of renovating it, of the huge adventure that awaited her, she rushed back up the steps. “It looks like you’re stuck with me for at least a while,” she told Mary and Thomas.

  “I already predicted you would accept and take up residence. I have readied the master bedroom for you,” Mary told her.

  Sharin frowned. “I thought I’d seen all the rooms. I didn’t see any that were ready.”

  “I didn’t show you the master bedroom on purpose,” Mary said. “I didn’t want it to influence your decision.”

  “Why would it influence my decision? Is it different from the other rooms?”

  “Mm, you might say so, milady.”

  “Well, you’ve teased my curiosity, but I’ll see it later. I’m starving hungry. Do you think I might taste a bowl of that delicious smelling stew I saw on the stove?”

  “That’s for the servants. I will inform the servants that they may fetch their belongings and return to the manor and I will tell cook to prepare you some light refreshments.”

  Thomas shuffled off and Mary led her up the stairs to a different wing she had not seen yet. They stopped before double oak doors, carved beautifully, just like all the doors were. Mary opened them and Sharin couldn’t suppress a gasp. The room was fit for a queen. The floors weren’t shiny hardwood like the other rooms. Her feet sank into deep royal blue plush carpet. The canopied bed had a hand carved headboard. Cherubs, angels, all delicately etched. The bedding was silk, the duvet also a deep royal blue, the sheets pale blue. Exotic statues and vases were scattered throughout, the statues were of nude women, men, couples in erotic poses, all marble. Large paintings decorated the walls and a roaring fire in the fireplace sent a delicious warmth throughout. In front of it were several royal blue deep armchairs and a small table. Above the fireplace hung a modern large screen TV, a sharp contrast against the rich, antique anterior of the room.

  “I hope you will be comfortable here, Milady,” Mary said.

  “You know, Mary, this Milady bit is making me feel uncomfortable. I’m just an ordinary person. Please call me by my name?”

  “You are not an ordinary person and I wouldn’t think of it,” Mary said in a stern tone.

  “Is there a bathroom here?”

  “Yes. His Lordship had the room next to this one made into a modern bathroom. Though the manor is old, we have all the modern conveniences such as electricity, hot running water and even cable TV and an internet connection. You will find a computer in the study and another one in the library. The one in the library is for general use. The one in the study is for your use only.”

  “You didn’t show me the library and study.”

  “No. They still have to be cleaned, dusted. I will call the cable company and have the internet and cable reconnected. For his personal use, his Lordship used a cellular telephone. You might want to order one for yourself. Would you like to rest a while or would you like refreshments first?”

  Sharin was dying of thirst and very hungry so she asked for the refreshments. She was glad when the austere woman left her alone and she wandered around looking at the statues. They sent feelings of ecstasy racing through her. One statue in particular touched a memory cord. It was of a life sized naked man and crafted of a rose marble. His mane of hair looked as if it were flying in the wind, his face handsome, strong, his body masculine and every muscle tone finely crafted. She reached out to touch the cock that looked almost real. In full erection, it jutted out from the statue as if asking her to mount it. The man resembled the man at the bottom of the rainbow, the one in her dreams. But how was that possible? Were the dreams a premonition of this room, of what the future had brought her? Not far from the statue was one of a woman, also crafted from the rose marble. She was beautiful, exotic, her
one hand touching her breast, a nipple, the other suggestively between the slightly parted legs, a finger inside the very explicit cleft, the details so fine it was hard to imagine an artist had carefully crafted the statue. It almost looked as if she’d once been a real woman who had, like in Sodom and Gomorrah, turned to stone. Sharin ran her hand over the smooth marble, the face that looked so familiar, touched the cleft and as she ran her finger back and forth through the creases, even felt a hole, the tip of the woman’s marble finger just inside it.

  Her panties became damp as she examined the other marble couples in exotic erotic poses. When she looked at the paintings on the walls, they were also of couples engaged in sex, but they were beautifully done.

  One painting caused her to stop in shock. It was of the same man as the statue, except the painting brought it more to life. He was astride a woman as if he were riding a horse, his hands tangled in her mane of blonde hair—he was the man from her dreams. His flaming long hair blew in a wind, his rose colored skin glowed, his cock resting on the woman’s back, but fully erect. He looked fierce, almost like some kind of god, his eyes wild, glowing like hot coals. The painting was huge, life sized. She pressed her hand against her crotch as a wild longing for that cock attacked her, for the man, to feel those hands tangled in her own hair. A gush of cum soaked her panties, dampened the inside of her thighs and she squirmed uncomfortably and she wished Mary would leave.

  Forcing her eyes away from the painting, she ventured to the door the housekeeper had indicated and opened it. The bathroom, like the bedroom, was richly decorated but all in a rose color. It also had marble statues of couples in erotic poses. A sunken whirlpool bath, so large it almost resembled a small pool, was in the center. Several marble benches stood around it. On one of them she noticed several towels. A marble shelf at the head of the tub had countless bottles of oils, shampoos and soaps on it.

  “Man, all I need now is a man to share all this with,” she said softly.

  “That will come.” Mary’s voice behind her startled her. “Your refreshments are ready,” the woman said.

  Sharin went back into the bedroom and saw a tray on the coffee table laden with sandwiches, a bowl of stew, and fruit. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee entered her nostrils. “Thank you so much, Mary. I think I’ll rest a while after I eat. All this has taken its toll on my emotions and I feel quite drained.”

  “As you wish, Milady. I will not disturb you.”

  “Thank you.” Sharin took off her coat, hung it on the back of one of the chairs, kicked off her shoes, and sat down to eat. She wolfed hungrily from the sandwiches, the savory stew, and relished the fresh coffee. She found it quite thoughtful of Mary to think of coffee rather than tea. After she had some of the grapes, she decided to rest a while on the bed as she suddenly felt very sleepy. The fireplace, the food, the events of the day, had made her mentally quite exhausted.

  She fell onto the soft, downy comforter and stretched out on the bed, her head sinking deep into the luxurious pillows. Within seconds her eyelids drooped, her mind went blank of all thoughts and she felt herself drifting off on a dreamy cloud.

  “You’re finally here,” a voice told her. Startled, she looked around and found herself once again on the rainbow, the man with his flaming mane blowing in the perfumed breeze waiting for her down below, his cock throbbing slowly, jutting out at her.

  “Yes, I’ve arrived,” she whispered, her voice her own, yet not her own.

  “I’ve waited too long,” he said, his voice vibrant with lust and longing.

  Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath caught at the rush of ecstasy that engulfed her, and she knew that her need for this man was overwhelming. The scarlet star appeared sending its vibrant light down upon them. She felt her body sprinkled with its dust. Glancing down at her skin, she saw it glow, just like his.

  “What is your name?” she finally managed as she found her voice again.

  “Soon. The key, you must use the key soon before it is too late. You must release me and bring me over,” he said and reached for her.

  Slowly, she slid toward him until the tip of his immense erection touched her clit, his fingers touching her nipples. She felt on fire, perspiration breaking out in small droplets, trickling between her breasts. They mingled with the stardust and resembled drops of blood as they settled on her bush.

  “Take me,” she breathed, her voice barely a whisper now. “Fuck me. Enter me.”

  “Not yet. It is not time,” he said and stepped back, reluctance evident in the glowing eyes.

  “I need you,” she said and reached out to grab his cock, but he eluded her, stepping out of her reach. She tried to get off the rainbow, but her skin was melded with its colors, as if she and the rainbow were one.

  The scarlet star started to fade and the man floated away. “Come back,” she called out to him, “Come to me,” but he disappeared behind the rose colored clouds.

  Loud knocking caused her to sit up suddenly. Disoriented she looked around until memory of where she was came back. She was in the master bedroom of the manor, her inheritance, her legacy. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand feeling the sheen of perspiration. To her consternation, she was now naked, her clothing lying on a heap on the floor beside the bed.

  The knocking again. “Just a minute,” she called out while hastily putting on her panties, bra and clothes. She pulled her sweater over her head and ran her fingers through her messed hair. “Come in.”

  “You’ve slept for two hours, Milady. Dinner is almost ready and I thought you might want to bathe and change into fresh clothing before you come down.”

  “Change into what? My clothes aren’t here yet.”

  “You will find everything you need in the wardrobe, dressing table and dresser.”

  She’d not looked inside anything. Mary left the room again so she decided to investigate. The wardrobe was filled with beautiful gowns, slacks, sweaters, shoes, everything she needed. When she opened the drawers of the dresser she found underwear, bras, but they were not the kind of underwear she usually wore. These were erotic—g-strings, garters and stockings, even corsets. She shook her head and wondered who had bought it all and how they knew her size. The dressing table drawers contained all the make-up she needed, perfumes, and one drawer was filled with velvet boxes. She opened one and gasped at the ruby and diamond necklace that sparkled up at her with matching earrings and bracelet. She wondered if they were real because if they were, they should be in a safe.

  After taking her clothes off again, she went to the bathroom. One wall was mirrored and at the base were drawers. Curious now, she opened each one and found them filled with sex toys. A red gel dildo caught her gaze. She took it out and felt it. It felt very real, almost human, and it resembled the man’s cock from her dreams.

  Taking the dildo with her, she stepped into the bubbling water and lay down, resting her head on the headrest. Her surroundings, the excitement of the day, the dream, it had all added to the sexual tension within her body and she felt ready to burst. She languished in the warm water, felt it relax her, wash some of the tension out of her body, but the ache in her belly remained, the need, the want, her clit throbbing with lust, her vaginal muscles contracting, yearning for that magnificent male. But all she could do for now was use the dildo. She spread her legs and inserted it as far as she could and swished it in and out. Its gentle gel walls massaged the tender inner flesh, but it couldn’t quite satisfy her. She felt a swoosh of cum squirt to mingle with the water, but still she felt that yearning, that unsatisfied feeling of unserviced lust.

  Several times she tried, even getting out of the water to fetch a larger dildo, but nothing helped. All she could visualize was the man in her dream. It was he she needed, his cock, his hands on her body, but he was just a dream, a figment of her imagination, the image of the statue in her bedroom.

  After a while she got out of the tub and wrapping a towel around her dripping body walked into the bedroom to ch
oose something to wear. Tempted to put on one of the gorgeous evening dresses, she decided against it. After all, she wasn’t entertaining anyone except herself, so she chose just simple cream slacks and a cream cashmere sweater and tied her unruly curls back into a ponytail.

  When she ventured downstairs and entered the dining room, all the dust covers were gone and the twenty feet long mahogany table shone. At the very end it was set with crystal, porcelain dishes and silverware. One place was set, just for her. She felt stupid as she sat down and suddenly very lost and lonely. A servant ladled soup into the soup bowl. She ate slowly, not really that hungry now after pigging out on the sandwiches not that long before.

  After dinner, she didn’t really know what to do. The living room wasn’t ready yet or the rest of the manor. For a moment she was tempted to venture to the tower to investigate, but when she remembered the cobwebs and feeling so clean after her bath, she decided to wait with that. She had all the time in the world now to find the secret room. There was no hurry.

  But he is waiting for me, she thought, then laughed aloud at the crazy notion that the man in her dreams was real.

  After returning to her room she investigated the stereo equipment and found a cupboard filled with videos. They were erotic videos. She took one out and was about to put it into the VCR but then yanked it back. Her libido was already in high swing. She didn’t need to add anything else to it.

  She turned on the TV and put on the news. Settling back in one of the chairs she tried to concentrate, but no matter how hard she tried, her mind kept dwelling on the scarlet star and the man. It caused her to shift uncomfortably from the forces of libido that attacked, until finally her eyelids drooped and she drifted off into a restless slumber—to once again return to the rainbow and the man who needed to satisfy her longings…

  * * * * *

  She’d lived at the manor for two weeks before Mr. Devon showed up. He had everything ready for her. Credit cards, checkbook, all she had to do was sign some more papers and the card with her signature for the bank. But now that the manor had been cleaned up there wasn’t anything she really needed and now that she could see all the beautiful furniture in its full glory, the lovely paintings, the artifacts, she knew that there was very little renovation needed. Her wardrobe was filled with lovely clothes, including the ones that she’d brought along which had arrived the next day, so what on earth could she spend money on? The grounds were nicely shaping up, as far as they could be in winter, and Mr. Devon told her that his offices looked after the servants’ wages. He had also looked after handing in her notice at the hospital and had her personal belongings packed and shipped to England.


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