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Aiding the Enemy (War Girls)

Page 8

by Julie Rowe

  “No, no. He’s sleeping peacefully enough. I’ll nip back and check on him. I won’t be but a few moments.”

  “Very good.”

  Rose looked in on Rodney. Sleeping deeply still. She grabbed her bag and went back to the kitchen, where she devoured two eggs and four entire pieces of bread. While the cook’s back was turned, she snitched the rest of the loaf and put it in her bag.

  “I’m going to go back to sit with Mr. Rodney,” she said to Nan. “I may nap in the chair.”

  “I won’t bother you then.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for breakfast, I haven’t eaten so well in months.”

  Rose went back to the room where Rodney slept. The maggots had to be helping. He didn’t feel as hot.

  Satisfied, she put on her cape, tiptoed down the stairs and slipped out the front door.

  * * *

  Herman was going to turn her over his knee.

  Jesper had woken him when he checked on Rodney and discovered Rose missing. Herman had known immediately what happened. She’d run. He looked out the window, but the only thing in view was a military patrol. Though the four men marched in unison, they randomly surveyed the world around them, searching...but for what? Rose had probably been missed by now. These men might be searching for her.

  He got into his uncle’s motorcar and headed towards the train station.

  It didn’t take long to find her.

  Rose walked briskly down the street as on an urgent errand. He pulled up beside her and glared at his soon-to-be-wife.

  She paused as she came abreast of the vehicle. “Good morning.”

  When he spoke it was between clenched teeth. “Get in, Rose.” She took a deep breath, probably to try to explain herself, but he didn’t let her. “Not one word. Not one.”

  Her mouth closed with a snap. She stared at him a moment then opened the passenger door and got in.

  Shaking his head, he plunked a large brimmed, plumed hat on her head, turned the car around and headed back to the house.

  He helped her out of the vehicle by taking hold of her arm and not letting go. In fact, he kept his grip on her as they walked through the house to the drawing room. Jesper was there, along with Nan, the minister and his best friend.

  He made the introductions. “Rose, this is Reverend Verhoeven and my friend, Dr. Johann Fuchs.”

  She looked at the men and cleared her throat. “Good morning, gentlemen.”

  “Will you give us a moment?” He might have phrased it as a question, but he wasn’t asking for permission as he maneuvered her out of the room. They ended up in the kitchen where he divested her of her bag and cape.

  “Herman, what—”

  That’s as far as she got before he silenced her with a kiss. This was no gentle exploration or careful seduction. It was a passionate assault on her senses. He’d had enough of her trying to sacrifice herself to save him. He was going to keep her.

  Her arms went around his neck and she returned his kiss with more desire than he expected.

  He broke off the kiss as suddenly as he started it, buried his face against her neck and breathed deep. But instead of her light, clean scent calming him, he clutched her to him, his whole body shaking.


  He hated how her voice sounded so tentative and unsure.

  “Don’t run from me,” he whispered, taking her in, her smell, her taste. “Never again.” He lifted his head and gazed down at her. “You gave me your word. Why did you break it?”

  “I’m going to get you and your whole family killed. All it will take is one person to say the wrong thing to the wrong person. I can’t do that to you, I can’t.”

  “No.” He took her face in his hands. “Rose Humphrey is no threat to anyone.”

  She shook her head and tried to wiggle free, but he reeled her in and wrapped his arms around her again. “It won’t work.”

  “It will,” he argued. “Trust me.”

  “I do, but—”

  “No buts. No more running and no more scaring me to death.”

  “I’m sorry, I never meant to—”

  He cut her off again with another kiss. “We’re taking care of things right now.”


  “We’re getting married.”


  “Right now.” He pulled her back into the parlor where everyone still waited. “My apologies for the delay, we’re ready.”

  The priest smiled.

  Herman’s friend grinned outright.

  “Rose?” the priest asked. “Are you ready?”

  She glanced at Herman with a frown. Giving him one last chance to change his mind?

  He nodded and she responded with a sigh. “Yes. I’m afraid I was feeling a little nervous, but I’m...very well now.”

  “Excellent.” He glanced at the rest of the people in the room. “Let us begin.”

  * * *

  Rose remembered little of the ceremony. All too soon she was being escorted up the stairs by Herman, his gold ring on her finger, a matching band on his. He opened the door to his bedroom, ushered her in, then closed it.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “Now we get some sleep. Both of us. Together.” He took a step closer to her with every word he uttered. “No running away. No excuses.”


  “Husband,” he corrected.

  She sighed and plucked at her dress with nervous fingers. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

  “There are some things you shouldn’t apologize for and some things you can’t apologize for. In your case, worrying me is one of the latter.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I will worry about you no matter what you do.”


  Again he interrupted her. “Stubborn woman. You’re part of this family now, married to me before God and witnesses. You try to run away again, and I swear I’ll tie you to my bed.”

  The idea wasn’t as shocking as it should have been. “That’s a little extreme. Don’t you think?”

  “When I think of what would have happened had someone from the military police seen you...” He shook his head, then froze her in place with a cold stare. “You are to never put yourself in danger again.”

  There were many emotions she could tolerate with from Herman. Worry, fear, even anger, but not this icy disregard.

  “I will do what’s required to get us out of this—” What could one call their unusual situation? “—charade.”

  “Charade?” He held up his hand to show her his wedding ring. “Is this a charade?” He grabbed her left wrist and raised her hand to show off her ring. “Is this?”

  “No, it’s real. It’s just...I never imagined I’d get married in these circumstances.”

  “Who could have imagined any of this? It seems the whole world has gone mad. What was considered unconscionable is now common place.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for being so short-tempered.” His eyes appeared dark and sunken.

  She imagined she looked worse. He was right. “My apologies also. I’m very tired.”

  “I’m tired too, Rose. Tired of being alone. Tired of pretending a distance from you I don’t feel.” He raised a hand and brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. “Tired of living in fear of what might happen to you. You’re the most admirable woman I know.”

  Admirable. She’d always known he’d respected and cared for her, but she’d secretly hoped he felt more than that. A cold lump at the base of her throat threatened to choke her, but she swallowed it down. She was old enough to know better than to think he might carry more tender feelings for her. From his kisses, he at least desired her. That would have to be enough.

  Rose lifted her hands to her hair and pulled out the pins securing it in its tidy bun. The locks hung down her back. She shook the rest free. “I’m tired of being alone too.”

  He groaned, thrust his hands through her hair and kissed her. He spoke haltingly as he ta
sted and teased her mouth. “And you’re never going to run from me again.” One hand found its way to her breast, his palm and fingers exploring the soft mound. Pleasure detonated, the shockwave spreading through her limbs.

  “Herman.” His name was voiced on a gasp.

  “Say it.” He demanded as he continued to worship her breast. “Vow it.”

  “On my l-life.” His touch made her stutter. “I’ll never run from you again.”

  His lips captured hers again, and he coaxed her to follow him as he shifted backwards. He lifted a heavy lock of her hair to his face and inhaled.

  “I love how you smell, the feel of your skin, the sound of your voice, your smile, the way you give solace to the wounded, as if every man matters to you.”

  “You matter to me.”

  He looked at her, his gaze hot, and ran the back of his hand over her face. “I should have gotten you out of here long ago. I was too selfish. You are too precious to risk.”

  Precious? She wanted to ask what he meant, but he kissed her again, his lips and tongue conquering her mouth. His hands distracted her further, first by touching her everywhere, then again when they started to remove her clothing.

  She gasped as he eased the top of her dress and her undergarment down, exposing her breasts to his view and touch. He did nothing but stare for a moment before cupping one heavy breast in one hand, his thumb stroking over her nipple.

  The sensation set fire to her blood and raced through her body. She clutched at him, uncertain and unprepared for the desperate need consuming her. “Herman?”

  His voice rumbled in her ear. “I’ve got you, you’re safe.”

  His kisses drugged her, making her limbs heavy and her heart race. He unbuttoned her dress until he was able to push it down over her hips and off, taking her underclothes with it.

  He guided her to lie on the bed, his hands stroking down her legs to remove her stockings. Then he jerked his own clothing off, shirt, boots and trousers, leaving only a pair of knit breeches to separate her body from his. He came down over her, one thigh settling between hers, his hands tangling in her hair, tilting her head so he could kiss her.

  Her hands roamed his shoulders and back, tracing the lines of muscle, reveling in his strength. She dug her nails in and was rewarded with a groan from her husband.

  Her husband.

  Tears welled and leaked out of her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said, smiling and crying at the same time. “For the first time in my life everything is perfect.”

  “Perfect is you,” he said, watching his hand close over her breast again. He rubbed and stroked the nipple and she arched, not knowing what she needed only that she needed something. He put his mouth where his hand had been, his tongue lashing her, his lips sucking, and pleasure struck her like a bolt of lightning. She cried out and he quickly covered her mouth with his, his hand resuming the torture to her sensitized flesh.

  “Oh my God,” she whimpered, her whole body shaking. “What’s happening to me?”

  “You’ve discovered passion and pleasure.” His hands kept stroking her and the sensations kept building, higher and higher. “This is only the beginning.”

  “There’s more?” It wasn’t possible for the human body to experience more and not combust. Surely it would kill her. “I don’t know if I can take more.” The shaking in her limbs grew stronger. “Herman?” Fear drove the tone of her voice higher.

  “Don’t be afraid, darling. This is the way it should be between a man and a woman. A husband and wife. Trust me, I won’t let anything hurt you, not even me.” He took one of her hands and placed it on his chest. “Feel me. I’m shaking too. I want you so much. Touch me, Rose. I want to feel your hands on my skin, holding me close, caressing me.”

  She pressed her palm against his chest and slid it over to one of his nipples. She circled it then flicked her fingernail over it.

  He groaned and took her mouth in a kiss so carnal, she wondered if what they were doing was illegal. She continued to tease his nipple, then moved her hand to the other one and repeated her actions.

  Her hesitant caresses seemed to enflame him. He kissed and sucked and nipped at her lips, neck and breasts until she was so overloaded with pleasure she couldn’t think a single coherent thought.

  One of his hands left her breasts and slipped down her body, dipping between her legs to discover her most secret place. She ached deep within, an ache she had no cure for. His fingers caressed her, delving into her flesh, seeking out her core.

  When he gently stroked one large finger into her she nearly came off the bed.

  “So hot and wet,” he whispered against her lips. His hands grasped her and held her still as he rocked his body against hers.

  “ that good?” She shook as if her whole world was quaking.

  “Very good, sweetheart.” He kissed her neck and petted her as if to calm her.

  She knew what he would do next. He would enter her body with his, joining them, making them one. She wanted to feel him become a part of her. To be a part of him.

  She didn’t want to wait.

  “Herman, love me.”

  He kissed her sweetly. “I do.”

  Sweet wasn’t enough. She wanted his passion now. Needed it more than she needed food or water or air to breathe.

  She took her hand off his chest and placed it over the part of him that would soon be inside her. He froze, not moving or breathing, as she explored his cock through his breeches with her fingers.

  “I want this.” She squeezed gently. “Inside me where it belongs.”

  He growled and his mouth crashed down on hers. He grabbed her wrists and planted them on the bed above her head, holding them down with one hand. His other hand pulled his breeches down and off.

  He kneed her thighs apart and lowered himself to her. His cock came to rest at the entrance to her body and he teased them both with several short strokes that didn’t penetrate.

  “Please, please,” she begged. “I want, I need—”

  “What do you want, my beautiful Rose?”

  “You.” She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. “You, for God’s sake, please.”

  He released her hands to guide himself inside her with one hand and brace himself over her with the other. She wrapped both arms around him and hung on tight.

  He worked the head of his cock into her slowly. With every careful thrust she lost a little more of her mind. He was a big man and his cock was built like the rest of him.

  “It’s not going to fit,” she said, panting and wiggling her hips in hopes he’d move a little faster. “Is it? I’m going to die of frustration aren’t I?”

  “Good God, woman, don’t do that. You’re killing me,” he ground out between clenched teeth. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She put one hand on his buttock and squeezed.

  He moaned and thrust harder into her. Her body jerked at the sudden pleasure and she put both hands on his ass, her fingers massaging the taut globes of masculine flesh.

  He groaned and drove against her harder and faster until he was all the way inside. He kissed her, holding still until the tension eased.

  “Don’t stop,” she ordered. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  “At your command.” He kissed her again and started moving. He was careful at first, but even without her urging him on, he quickly accelerated the depth and speed of his thrusts.

  Pleasure rose within her, strong and steady, like a wave she had no hope of avoiding. She gasped and moaned and clung to his shoulders.

  He reached one hand down and stroked the nubbin of flesh at the top of her sex, and something inside her exploded.

  She screamed into Herman’s mouth and shook as a hurricane of pleasure roared over her. She rode the storm for some time before she began to calm a little. He was thrusting strongly now, groaning with every move his body made. She could feel the tension in him and discovered the pleasure was climbing in
side her again.

  But she needed something more.

  She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. It changed the angle of his penetration and she gasped.

  He plunged deeper than he had before and shouted her name. He kept thrusting then collapsed on top of her, holding her tightly, his head resting in the hollow of her shoulder.

  It took several moments for them both to recover.

  Rose floated in a haze of happiness and satisfaction, until the noise of a gunshot dispelled it. “Herman?”

  “Don’t worry. Jesper will warn us if someone comes to the door.” His voice sounded sleepy.

  “Oh.” For a blissful moment she’d existed in a place apart, a fantasy, but it wasn’t real. She and Herman hadn’t married because of love. They’d married because he wanted to save her life. She’d been greedy and allowed herself the pleasure of making love to the one man in the world she truly wanted. A child was even possible.

  How could she be so selfish?

  Chapter Eight

  “I look...silly.” Rose turned in a circle for her audience.

  Herman smiled and took her hand. “You look lovely.” He pressed a kiss to her palm.

  She looked at her reflection in the mirror. “But am I going to fool anyone? I still look like me.”

  “Your hair is dyed red and braided instead of piled in a bun, and your clothes are entirely different.”

  She gazed at herself in the mirror. The same face she’d always seen stared back at her. “It will have to do.”

  “We must go. My uncle is due to arrive later today.”

  She turned to face her husband. “Does he know?”

  His face lost all trace of mirth. “No.”

  “Herman?” She put her hand on his shoulder. She couldn’t imagine how awful she would feel if her family believed she’d turned her back on them.

  “Johann tells me that I’ve been listed as abandoning my post.” He sounded so pragmatic, but the tight lines by his mouth and eyes told her it bothered him more than he was letting on.

  “What happens if you’re caught?”

  “Execution by firing squad or hanging.”

  Fear seized her lungs, turning them to stone. She fought her own body to breathe again. “If you’re wanted by the military, how will we travel? You’ll be caught the first time we’re stopped by anyone.”


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