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Page 4

by Rachelle Stevensen

  Why she had gone from loving and kind to rude and curt. Someone who would lash out or try to get the attention of men that she wouldn’t normally talk to.

  Wren was slowly starting to understand why Ever was the way she was, but it didn’t make it easier or better.

  She too wanted to get Cage to see her, but so far nothing had worked and the man was as oblivious to her as he ever was.

  Wren had tried to talk to a man at the bar, but he gave her such heebie jeebies, she didn’t stick around long enough to talk to him for more than a second.

  She wasn’t a fan of Ever’s extreme way of getting Ryke to see her.

  She told Ever this, but Ever didn’t always listen. The minute they walked in and her sister saw Ryke, it was like Ever turned into a different person.

  Wren missed Ever. The Ever she was at home. Not the one in public.

  She wanted to just sit with her sister, drink a tiny bit of alcohol and just enjoy the night all while trying to steal peeks at Cage.

  He had gotten better looking with each year that passed and it wasn’t fair that he kept getting sexier. Her body and imagination couldn’t handle it.

  He had cut his hair short since high school and if it didn’t make him look sexier as well, she didn’t know what did.

  He was always on her mind and seeing him when she went to unwind for the day didn’t help matters.

  She and Ever would go for one drink after work sometimes, but lately they had been content to stay at home.

  Until Raina had come to town. She was thinking of moving here and Wren immediately felt a connection to her.

  She wanted to celebrate that friendship with a drink and had begged Ever to go out with Raina.

  Ever had agreed, and Wren had been excited to spend some time getting to know Raina better, and yet the minute they walked into the bar, she just knew that the crew was there.

  She did her best to avoid looking into the corner where Cage and his crew of men always sat.

  She felt eyes on her and gave a small smile, knowing he was watching her.

  As they sat down, one of the men in Cage’s crew walked up, his eyes on Raina.

  Ever gave a sigh, “Did Ryke send you over here?”

  The guy she knew as Logan shook his head, “I, uh, I came to speak with your friend.”

  Ever sat back and crossed her arms, sarcastic and snippy as ever and spoke to Logan quite rudely.

  Wren watched as Logan went still and she didn’t miss that he had.

  Raina smiled at Ever, “Sure. I wouldn’t mind talking to him.”

  Wren smiled as he fumbled his way through their introduction and when they touched hands she could have sworn his eyes flashed gold.

  Logan looked as if he didn’t want to give Raina’s hand back, and when he did, Raina hit the glass of water on the table and knocked it into her lap.

  Wren hurried from her seat and Ever elbowed Logan out of the way while they took Raina to the bathroom.

  Raina was laughing as they took her to try to dry her pants, but it was useless, so Raina said, “I’m just gonna change. Do you want to meet me in a little bit at the diner? The bar isn’t really my scene.”

  Wren nodded, “We would love that. We don’t really come to drink much, just for the social aspect, but no one really talks to us, so I don’t know why we keep coming.”

  Ever snorted, “You know why. You just want to look at Cage.”

  Then she walked out of the bathroom and Raina walked out the backdoor of the bar to the hotel and Wren looked in the mirror.

  Her sister was right. And she had been right for a long time. Cage was never going to notice her. He hadn’t then and he wouldn’t now.

  She pasted a smile on her face and walked back out, needing to tell Logan that Raina left.

  Wren stood next to Ever, and Logan said, “Is Raina okay? I didn’t mean to have her spill her drink.”

  Wren gave him a small smile, “We couldn’t get her pants dry. So, she went back to her motel and is changing. We are going to meet her at the diner.”

  He looked at the hallway with the bathrooms and saw the other door there, “Fuck. Great. Just great.”

  She smiled, “You can come with us if you want.”

  Ever gave a noise of anger, “Wren. Don’t. You may not have a guy, but you don’t need to play matchmaker. Not with one of ‘them.’ Not one of their crew.”

  Wren put her hands on her hips, “Not everyone is like you-know-who is. There are good men that work with them. Don’t be like this Ever. I know you do whenever you see him, but don’t.You can’t control other people’s lives.”

  Ever gave a sigh, “But Wren,” and Wren shook her head, “No. It’s not up to you. It’s only up to Raina and Logan.”

  Ever’s shoulders dropped their stiff set and she nodded and the three of them walked out of the bar and to the diner.

  Ever texted Raina to meet them there, and Wren liked that Logan was very respectful while he walked them to the diner.

  Her thoughts were whirling, and she had noticed that Cage had gotten closer while they had been talking, but it looked like he forced himself to keep his distance.

  It didn’t make sense and she was thinking about it when Logan held open the door and led them to a booth.

  She sat next to the window and Ever slid in beside her and Logan sat on the other side, looking uncomfortable.

  Raina walked in and Logan lit up, standing as Raina slid in the booth across from her.

  Ever was still glaring at him, and when the waitress came by, she and Ever ordered burgers and fries.

  She was hungry and hadn’t eaten dinner yet. She should have before they went out, but she hoped they would have ended up here.

  When Logan said he wanted the same thing as his girl, Ever snorted and Raina looked up, confusion on her face.

  Ever was unbelievably rude to Raina and Logan and Wren didn’t like it one bit.

  Ever rolled her eyes and Wren was done with her sister's attitude. “Sorry. I just know that group of guys. They all think they are more handsome than Brad Pitt and believe they are God's gift to women.”

  That was it. She elbowed Ever, and let her know what was what.

  Ever gave in after that and was content for a few precious seconds until Logan cleared his throat, “Um, I can tell you that Ryke doesn’t want to ignore you, but feels like he has his reasons.”

  Ever froze next to her, “What did you say?”

  Logan’s face lost a bit of color and then went pink. “Uh, I uh, oh fuck.”

  “He avoids me, but not because he doesn’t like me?”

  Logan nodded his head, and Ever stood, “Wren, we gotta go back to the bar. I need to try something.”

  Wren stood, not liking the tone of her sister's voice, “Sorry, eat without us. I have a feeling this won’t be pretty or fast.”

  Wren hurried after her sister as Ever stomped across the road back to the bar.

  “Ever, wait. You can’t just go into the bar and scream at him. What are you going to do? What’s the plan?”

  Ever whirled on her, “I’m going to make it impossible for him to ignore me. Just go with it.”

  Wren felt her stomach drop, “How exactly?”

  Ever gave her a snarl, “Just go with it.”

  Then she turned back and walked into the bar, where she walked over to a table with a few of the boys they had gone to high school with.

  Kirt and Alec. They were nice men, but the two of them had always given the girls a wide berth.

  Wren never knew why and never questioned it. She was happy with just staring at Cage and not getting asked out.

  She would have turned anyone down anyway, but as Ever walked up to the table, she heard Ever ask if they could sit.

  Kirt nodded, his eyes wide and he slid over and Ever sat down next to him.

  Wren felt eyes on her, but refused to look over at Cage, and sat down next to Alec.

  Kirt cleared his throat, “What are you ladies drinking to

  Ever tossed her long hair over her shoulder, “Oh, just an apple martini for me. My sister will have a blood orange moscow mule.”

  Wren felt her eyebrows lift, they never actually drank alcohol when they came to the bar, so this was a first.

  Kirt waved at the waitress and she took their order and then left.

  Kirt looked uncomfortable and so did Alec.

  Wren sat as far from him as possible.

  Alec finally said, “So, um. How have you been since high school? I’ve seen you around sometimes.”

  Wren gave him a small smile, “Oh. I have been working with my mom at her real estate office. I am her secretary.”

  Alec grinned, “No kidding. That’s cool. Kirt and I are just here for the weekend. We are juniors in college, and we are in the same frat. I’m going into accounting and Kirt is a business major. We are hoping to start up our own company.”

  Wren gave a small nod, “Really? That’s cool. What will your company do?”

  Alec went on and on about this and that and Wren had the hardest time paying attention to anything he said.

  She kept feeling those eyes on her and she finally gave into the urge to look over at Cage and he was staring at her.

  She blushed and turned back to Alec.

  He was a nice man, he and Kirt were harmless and while they were both handsome in their own right, they had nothing on Cage.

  Alec was only about five foot eight or so, while Cage was at least six foot six.

  Alec had pretty good muscles, but again, nothing like Cage.

  She had to stop comparing Alec to Cage. It wasn’t right.

  She nodded and as Alec kept talking and watched as Ever shamelessly flirted with Kirt.

  Kirt looked like he didn’t know how to handle it, and Wren had to bite her lip when Kirt slid a little further away from Ever.

  She looked over and saw why. Ryke was on the edge of the dance floor, his huge fists clenched and anger written all over his face.

  One of the guys in the crew was talking to him, as if he was holding him back.

  She looked away and then back, it was Deacon. She had loved Deacon like a brother.

  He was such a good guy and she felt for him when his girl had gotten shipped off.

  She missed Riley something fierce. They hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye and she always wished that she knew what had happened to her.

  That she wished Riley was well and happy. She was thrilled to hear that Raina knew her and that she was fine. Happy and content and that she would be coming to Savage Creek soon.

  After a few more seconds, she noticed that Alec stopped talking and she went still, and then gave him a sheepish smile, “Sorry, lost in thought.”

  He laughed, “It’s okay. We know it’s gonna be boring to talk about work. So, do you girls want to dance?”

  Their waitress had dropped the drinks off and Wren had a small sip of hers and Ever sipped hers a little and then nodded, grabbed Kirt’s hand and led him to the dance floor.

  Wren didn’t take Alec’s hand, just walked next to him and started dancing, doing her best not to touch him.

  She could feel Cage’s eyes on her and she had to avoid looking at him.

  They danced one song, and then as another came on, Raina and Logan walked in with a bag of food.

  Wren hurried over to them, “You brought our food? Oh you are the best.”

  Wren hugged Raina and she heard Raina whisper that the bar wasn’t her scene and she wanted to get out of there.

  Wren sighed, “I feel the same. I just have to be here so Ever doesn’t do something stupid.”

  Raina smiled and then Logan led her from the bar and Wren looked over at Ever, and gave a head nod.

  Ever thanked Kirt for the dance and then they left.

  Ever didn’t look back and Wren gave a sigh of relief.

  They walked out of the bar and to her car.

  Ever sat down hard in the passenger seat, and Wren didn’t want to look at her.

  She was angry with the entire situation, and hated that Ever was just so full of anger herself that she would be so rude and would do stupid things trying to get Ryke to notice her. Wren knew it would only get her hurt more.

  Wren pulled out of the parking lot, “You were too much tonight. I can’t believe you acted like that.”

  Ever scoffed, “I was too much? At least I try. And don’t just sit and stare at Cage like he is something out of a magazine or something. You don’t even push to speak to him, just stare at him with hopes he will finally look at you and go, ‘Oh, Wren, thank god. I can finally talk to you now. I see you.’ Yeah right. I am sick and fucking tired of all of this. Of Ryke and his stupid reasons, which he still wouldn’t tell me. I mean how dare he? He isn’t in charge of me and has ignored me and I freaking hate his stupid, asshole fucking self, and yet, I still just want to see him. Talk to him. Be around him. And then the asshole acts like I’m not even there. I hate him, Wren. I hate him! Why doesn’t he want me? Why won’t he see me? Why?”

  Wren looked over and Ever started crying.

  She hated that Ever was in pain and that she suffered like she did.

  “I don’t know Ever. I hate that you are struggling so much. I didn’t even know it was this bad. You have been angry before, but not like this.”

  Ever looked away, “I’m always angry Wren. I have been for years and I don’t seem to be able to stop. I wish I could just leave. To get out of this town and away from him, but it hurts me more just thinking of it. I hate the hold he has on me. What he did to me.”

  Wren felt her eyebrows raise, “What did he do?”

  Ever shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. I just need to stop. To let myself let him go. Will you help me? Stay away from him?”

  Wren nodded, “I will. Cage doesn’t seem to want to see me either. Maybe we need a break. No more going to the bar for a while. Give ourselves a break from them. Just for a few days at least.”

  Ever nodded and they drove to their small apartment in silence.

  She would do what she said. Take a break. They both needed it.

  Chapter Three


  When they decided to go to the bar as a crew, he knew it was inevitable that Wren would be there.

  He loved it and hated it at the same time.

  He had managed this long to not claim her and it sucked.

  He hated his reasons and hated that he couldn’t just give in to his desires and the wants of his monster.

  But of course, he wasn’t built like that. His monster didn’t rule him, and neither did his desires.

  He kept both buried so deep when she came around that they were nothing more than annoyances.

  He was too scared of turning her into something like him.

  And until he had more answers about his monster, he was no closer to claiming her.

  Tonight they just needed to get out and they started playing pool when Wren, Ever and a new girl walked into the bar.

  Logan went still when their scents washed over them and he started growling.

  Cage said, *If you are thinking of speaking to her, you might want to stop the growling coming from your chest. Just a little piece of advice.*

  He watched as Logan pounded on his chest, and coughed, and then walked over to the table while everyone looked on.

  Logan didn’t seem to want to let go of his girl's hand, and he made her spill her drink everywhere.

  Croy started laughing and had to turn away to get himself under control.

  Calder gave a snort and Cage did too, making Logan glare over at them, and Cage said, *You certainly have a way with the ladies.*

  Logan snarled at him and Cage just smiled, making Logan’s eyes flash the gold of his bear.

  Cage watched as Wren hurried Logan’s girl to the bathroom and then Ever came out, her snark and attitude on full display.

  He knew she was pissed at Ryke and for good reason.

  He could read her like an open b
ook. And not because he could read her mind, which he didn’t do often, just sometimes when he wanted to keep an eye on his mate.

  Right now though, Ever’s thoughts were harsh and full of anger. *Look at Ryke. Thinking he is God’s gift to women. Damn I want so badly to hate his stupid face. But all I want is for his stupid face to kiss mine. Damn it, he is not the guy Ever. He will never be the guy. No matter how much you want him to be.*

  Cage sighed, and he wished Ryke could hear how much Ever hurt.

  He knew that Ryke was hiding something, not telling him or showing him something, but Ryke hid it well and Cage didn’t want to dive into Ever’s thoughts. It was rude. So he let it go.

  Sometimes her thoughts were loud, and they projected more than some other times.

  He didn’t tell his friend what Ever thought though. He knew Wren was the same, though he couldn’t hear her thoughts.

  Her face was easier to read and he loved it, and hated it. Wished with every atom inside him that he could find the answers so he could finally make the woman his.

  He burned and yearned and wished and hated himself for everything he had put her through.

  When they all left the bar, he felt like he could breathe and sat down in one of the chairs, wishing he could have gone with them. Or that they had stayed at the bar.

  His wish came true when Ever walked back into the bar, fire burning in her eyes and Wren following close behind.

  He hadn’t expected them to come back, and Ever’s thoughts were even more angry. *He doesn’t want to ignore me? But he does? Well watch this Ryke.*

  Cage stood when he saw that Ever and Wren approached some men sitting in a booth, having a conversation.

  They sat down with some of the guys from their high school and Cage wanted to growl at them for even looking at his girl.

  He watched while Wren sat politely next to the guy, Cage thought he remembered that the guy’s name was Alec.

  Cage hated that she even smiled at Alec, but she stayed away from him, not getting close enough for him to touch her.

  After ten minutes or so of them talking, a song came on the jukebox, and Cage couldn’t have told anyone what it was.


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