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How to Worship a Goddess

Page 14

by Stephanie Julian

  He gave her a wry smile. “So the fact that I love honey and like to climb trees means there’s a bear in my past?” He snorted. “Maybe I just plain frightened the thing away.”

  Shaking her head, she sighed. “I’m sorry, Brandon. As much as I’d like to stroke your ego, I don’t think that’s what happened.”

  His smile lit the banked flame of her libido. “Well, I got something else you can stroke.”

  She burst into laughter at his lecherous look then had to catch her breath when he smiled along with her.

  The man made every nerve ending in her body sizzle and pop. That smile… Damn, she’d have to change her panties at the rate she was going. But it wasn’t just his looks.

  The man had taken on a terrifying blue demon to protect her. After she’d wiped his memories. That wiped away her smile in a second.


  He nodded, his expression turning serious. “Yeah, I know. We need to figure out what’s going on with the— What do you call that thing, anyway?”

  “A tukhulkha demon. They work for Charun.”

  “The god of the underworld, right?”

  “You’ve been doing some homework, haven’t you?”

  “A little, yeah.” His gaze held steady. “Is there a chance this Charun guy can do what he says?”

  She shivered as a chill ran up her back. “Yes. I think… Yes.”

  “What would happen to you if he did?”

  “I’d cease to exist.”

  And that frightened her. Hell, it downright terrified her and that made her even more furious.

  “Hey, babe. We’ll figure something out.”

  His arms tightened around her, and she fought the urge to sink into him and forget everything. But that wasn’t going to happen. She was a goddess of the moon. She didn’t do frightened. She was frightening.

  “Brandon, I’d like to introduce you to someone later. Someone who might be able to shed a little light on who your ancestors were.”

  “Yeah, I’d rather not have to call my parents and ask if they’re witches or werewolves. So who’s your friend?”

  Hmm, how could she explain Sal? “Better if you just keep an open mind.”

  He stared at her for a few seconds before nodding. “I can do that. So, you hungry? I’m not much of a cook but I can whip up something edible.”

  Sliding off his lap, she stood, tossing her hair over her shoulder and staring down at him. “Why don’t you let me take care of the food? Maybe you’d like to rest for a while.”

  The least she could do was feed him, especially after everything that’d happened. Leaning back into the couch, Brandon let his arm rest across the back of the cushion. He looked relaxed. How did he manage to be so calm all the time? The man had found out only yesterday that magic existed, as did deities. And fairies and elves.

  Yet here he sat, smiling up at her as though he didn’t have a care in the world. She’d wonder if maybe he’d gotten his head knocked into the boards a few too many times, but that would just be mean. He might not have gone to college but he wasn’t stupid. Far from it. He always seemed to be one play ahead.

  “Yeah, ya know, rest isn’t what I’m thinking about at the moment.”

  Her lips twitched into a smile at the blatant heat in his gaze. And damn if she didn’t feel her sex go slick and hot. How did he do this to her? Maybe he did have some magical powers that she just couldn’t sense.

  Or maybe she’d finally met the man she’d been waiting for her entire life. The man who made it all worthwhile.

  Wouldn’t that be the world’s greatest cosmic joke? That she’d met the man who she could actually stand to spend eternity with and he’d be gone in another forty or fifty years.

  The thought caused her heart to thud painfully in her chest. This was why she didn’t allow herself to fall for eteri. They lived so few years, in the grand scheme of things.

  Better to only use them as a diversion then set them aside before they could hurt you too deeply.

  Pasting on a false smile, Lucy turned toward the kitchenette she’d seen when they’d entered the room—and found herself spun around, then lifted off her feet and lowered onto Brandon’s lap. She automatically spread her legs so her bent knees fell on either side of his thighs. Her hands fell on his shoulders. She told herself it was to hold him at bay.

  But she could already feel her body softening in preparation. So she stiffened her arms.

  Instead of being deterred, he leaned closer. “Why do I get the feeling I wouldn’t like what you were just thinking about?”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and gave him her best cool gaze. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Those beautiful eyes just stared into hers. “Yeah, that’s pretty much bullshit. What the hell just happened, Lucy? Whatever it is, it’s not good.”

  There was no way she would discuss this with him. He’d never understand. They never did. She looked him straight in the eyes, ignoring the ache in the pit of her stomach.

  “There’s nothing wro—”

  One hand cupped the back of her head, holding her in place for his mouth to take hers.

  But when she expected him to force her to part her lips for his tongue, he tricked her. His lips teased hers, pressing featherlight kisses even as his hand tightened in her hair, almost to the point of pain. The combination left her panting.

  Gods, how did he manage it? It must be magic. She had no other explanation for her reaction to him.

  And he didn’t try to hide his reaction to her. She felt the hard ridge of his cock press against her sex, spread open and covered only by the thin cotton of her yoga pants. Thankfully, she’d worn underwear or she’d be seeping through. As it was, she felt the moisture slip from between her lower lips.

  “Take our clothes off, Lucy. I want to fuck you now.”

  His guttural command caused her stomach to tighten and a hot ball of lust to form in her gut, even as she knew she should be putting him in his place for daring to order her to do anything. She was a goddess. She didn’t take orders.

  Although she very much worried that she would take any order he gave her. But she didn’t have to make it easy for him.

  She let her expression harden into the haughty look that had served her well as the goddess in charge of the dark and the denizens of the shadows. That expression had caused war gods to retreat and brought a Titan to his knees.

  Brandon simply tightened his hand in her hair and waited for her to respond.

  Blessed Mother Goddess, she loved that hint of pain, the edge of dominance that called for her surrender. The surrender she shouldn’t give.

  Yet who would care anymore that she longed to be dominated by a man? That she longed to give up just some of the control she’d had to hold on to for so long? This man would know. Hell, he already knew.

  But will he use it against you, as it had been once before?

  That had been a dark time and, with the force of her will, she shoved those thoughts out of her mind. No place for them here.

  Here she wanted only to think about pleasure. About Brandon. With barely a thought, their clothes disappeared, reappearing in a pile next to the couch. Brandon didn’t even bat an eye this time. He held her gaze and her hair and burned the air around them with the level of sexual desire emanating from him. Which was just about equal to her own.

  Now that their clothes were gone, only inches separated their bodies. The heat of his skin seeped into hers, soaking her in his scent. She leaned forward, wanting to run her tongue along his neck, to bite into that square jaw that was showing signs of strain.

  So he wasn’t as cool as he fronted. Good. How embarrassing it would have been to be the only one going up in flames.

  Even though the pain in her scalp intensified, she pulled against his hold until she got her mouth on his neck. Drawing in a deep breath, she licked from his collarbone to just below his ear. Salty taste, musky scent. His own brand of ambrosia.

  “You tast
e wonderful.” Another lick before she bit his ear lobe, just a nip, but enough to make him groan, sharp and low.

  “You can taste me wherever you want, babe. Just don’t stop.”

  Her mouth curved in a smile as she scraped her teeth down his throat to the hollow. His words were an order but his tone sounded more like a plea.

  “Are you giving me an order? I’m not one of your teammates, Brandon. I don’t take orders well.”

  “Baby, you take them so fucking well, I think I might die from how well you take orders. Now fuck me, baby. Take me in, hard and fast.”

  Every word was a direct strike on her clit. The tiny organ swelled and ached to be touched, her sheath clenched, moist and hot. So ready.

  Reaching between them, she wrapped her hand around his cock. So stiff, so silky smooth. She pulled it away from his body, let her hand caress the shaft with a firm, tugging motion. His jaw clenched as she worked him from root to tip, the length growing even more.

  The man certainly put some gods to shame. His beautiful cock flushed a dull ruddy color, the tip even darker. She wanted to take him in her mouth and suck on him but she didn’t think she could wait. Her body ached with a need that was fast becoming an addiction.

  Another forbidden topic. Rolling her hips, she rubbed the lips of her sex over the head of his cock, getting him as wet as she was.

  “Fuck. Lucy, come on. Take me in.”

  Ignoring him, she bent farther, his grip on her hair slackening enough that she could reach his nipples. Running her tongue around one stiff peak, she kept stroking his shaft with the other.

  Every muscle in his hard body flexed, straining. But he held himself with a rigid control as he let her tease and taunt.

  When she could no longer bear the ache between her legs, she gave his nipple one final lick before she straightened, pulled his cock straighter then sank down on the length in one motion. Her sex tight with anticipation, she had to use a little force to get him in, even as wet and ready as she was for him. When she had him fully engulfed, she stilled, absorbing the feel of him. A red-hot brand inside her, thick and throbbing.

  Just the feel of him inside eased some of the ache. But it wasn’t enough. She started a slow roll of her hips, arching up on her knees to ease him out then rolling again to slide him back in. He held still and she realized she had her hands planted on his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh, hard enough to make tiny crescents of blood appear.

  Gods, she didn’t want to hurt him but she couldn’t seem to make her hands release him. Her body had taken control from her mind, knowing what it needed and going after it with singular determination.

  Her rhythm increased, the friction creating a burgeoning firestorm of sensation in her gut. She chased that feeling, reached for the building orgasm. She could barely breathe, barely think. She heard Brandon’s groan of pleasure echo in the room and it caused her heart to kick into overtime.

  Faster, she rose and fell, her head tilting back as he tugged on her hair in time with her motions. She felt his hand cup one breast and lift it, then his mouth covered the nipple and his teeth tugged at the skin. He suckled her hard, her sex tightening with each pull until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  Arching just the tiniest bit further, she hit her clit on the base of his cock, freeing her orgasm and letting her fly.

  Her cry barely had the strength to be heard over Brandon’s harsh grunt as he grabbed her hips and forced her to continue when she would have stopped. He drew out her orgasm and his own. She felt him holding back, shuddering with the effort. No, not fair. She wanted him to fall. She clenched hard on his next inward thrust, squeezing him as if she had her fist around him. And was rewarded by the fiery hot drenching of his seed.

  Falling forward, knowing he would catch her, she sank against his chest as he spent himself in her.

  For several seconds, all she heard was the thud of Brandon’s heart against one ear and his harsh attempts to breathe in the other. After a minute, he ran one hand down her hair, petting her.

  The heat from his large body surrounded her, soothed her. She snuggled into him like a child with a teddy bear and closed her eyes.


  She woke in a bed that wasn’t hers to the smell of bacon. And the sound of cursing. Brandon cursing.

  Throwing off the covers, she ran for him, terrified that the demon had found them. Though she heard no signs of fighting, she couldn’t take any chances—she skidded to a stop in the living room when she realized Brandon wasn’t alone.

  And he didn’t seem to be in any danger. At least, not from a blue demon. However, the two boys now staring wide-eyed and openmouthed at her should probably fear for their lives because Brandon looked ready to kill them for staring.

  Yes, the boys looked young, late teens, possibly early twenties. Maybe they had never seen a naked woman but she found that hard to believe. These two certainly seemed attractive enough. Surely they’d had girlfriends before.

  “Shit,” Brandon swore under this breath as he turned, cutting off the boys’ line of vision.

  Until they both leaned to either side, giving the illusion of Brandon having three heads. She bit her lip to cut back a laugh, knowing Brandon wouldn’t be amused. He looked panic-stricken actually, as he pulled off his T-shirt and dropped it over her head.

  “Shit, Lucy, I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you but you looked like you were totally out of it. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She smiled up at him, so relieved he hadn’t been in danger and more than a little charmed by the boys’ reaction to her.

  Twins. She could see that now and finally recognized them from the team’s roster. Jason and Thomas Fransechetti.

  “I’m sorry for interrupting. I thought—” No, she couldn’t say what she’d thought. These boys had no idea what was going on, and she and Brandon had to keep it that way. He knew that, didn’t he?

  “You’re not interrupting anything.” He looked her straight in the eyes, and she knew what he was saying without words. He hadn’t told the boys what had happened. Hadn’t told them about her.

  “You’re definitely not interrupting.” The one with the longer hair waved at her as a goofy smile spread across his handsome face. “Hi, I’m Jason.”

  “And I’m Tom. And we’re really glad to meet you. Damn, Stevie, no wonder you were trying to get rid of us so fast.”

  Brandon barely moved as Tom slugged him on the shoulder. Drawing in a deep breath, Brandon rolled his eyes toward the ceiling before he turned back to face the twins, making sure he shielded her completely.

  She couldn’t help it. She had to choke back a laugh. If he only knew how not shy she really was. Having sex on an altar in front of hundreds of worshipers tended to erase your inhibitions pretty quickly.

  She really didn’t understand the pervasive American dichotomy between exhibitionism and prudishness. Instead of standing behind him, she stepped beside Brandon, wondering what he’d do. Lifting his arm, he placed it around her shoulders and drew her close to his side. Good man. He didn’t try to force her behind him again, hiding her.

  “Dude, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Jason asked. “Whoa, bad manners, man.”

  As Brandon reached out to smack the kid on the side of the head, which only made Jason’s smile spread even more, the other twin, Tom, held out his hand, which she took.

  “Hello, Tom, I’m Lucy.”

  Tom’s smile, while not as broad as Jason’s, was sweeter. And showed off the missing tooth on the right side of his mouth. Jason immediately held out his hand, hip-checking his brother out of the way. She took it as Brandon sighed heavily.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She glanced up at Brandon. “If you have things to talk about…”

  Brandon opened his mouth to speak but Jason beat him to it. “You can stay, if you want. We just… Well, we kinda needed some advice.”

  “Yeah, I, uh, shit, oh… Damn, sorry, Lucy.” Tom gave her an apologetic smile, she assume
d for his language, before he turned his attention back to Brandon. “We got a phone call this morning.”

  “From that douche—uh, that jerk from Sweden.” Jason’s mouth twisted in a sneer. “He’s been yanking Tommy’s chain hard about his contract. I mean, we know he can’t force Tommy to play over there but he’s really fu—uh, pretty damn insistent. He keeps calling and it’s annoying as all hell.”

  Both boys looked at Brandon with the identical expression. They waited for his response like he had the absolute right answer.

  “Sounds like you guys have some business to discuss.” She smiled at the twins. “I’m going to go get dressed and then I’ll make some coffee.”

  She turned to go but stopped as Brandon turned with her and dropped his head down to meet her lips.


  She put her hands over his lips, cutting off his apology. He had nothing to apologize for. “They need you.” She spoke for his ears only. “Do what you need to do. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He licked her fingers before she withdrew them and she had to work hard to cover the shiver of lust that ran through her. And when he winked at her, she had to smile.

  But it faded on her way back to his bedroom. She shouldn’t be here. She was going to get him killed. She had to leave.


  “I’ll see you tomorrow at practice. And don’t worry about it. I’ll make a couple of calls.”

  Brand stood at the front door, watching the twins throw waves back as they headed for Jason’s truck. Of course they weren’t waving at him. They were waving at Lucy, standing by his side, her shoulder fitting perfectly under his, her body curved into his side like she’d always been here. He liked that. A lot.

  He’d kind of had that feeling once before in his life and he’d been ready to marry that girl. She hadn’t wanted to be the wife of a professional hockey player. She’d married the manager of the local grocery store in their home town and had a couple of kids.

  Bet she didn’t know a damn thing about blue demons and goddesses.


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