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How to Worship a Goddess

Page 16

by Stephanie Julian

  Brand seemed to take it all in stride. He nodded at the appropriate spots, asked intelligent questions and, when Sal was finished, he didn’t fall on the ground laughing hysterically or pass out from fear.

  He took a breath while he stared at the wall, his jaw set, his mouth a straight line. “So, it’ll hurt like hell but I’ll be okay by tomorrow?”

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it.

  Brand slid his glance her way and raised his eyebrows. “What? I’ve got practice.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “You don’t need to do this.”

  His arms wrapped around her with a fierce grip. “Yeah, I do. And not just because I don’t want you taking other guys to your bed.” She felt his grimace move against her cheek. “Alright, so maybe that’s a big part of it, I gotta be truthful. But… if it’s true, if I have some of this berserkir blood in my veins, it might help explain some things in my background.”

  She pulled back to look at him but Sal beat her to her question. “Like what?”

  Brand’s entire body moved with his shrug. “Mainly the aggression. That’s how I got started in hockey. It was a way for my parents to run me ragged. I had a lot of energy, and as I got older, that energy turned a little… vicious. I was in a lot of fights as a kid. And since I was bigger and stronger than most of the others, I usually won. My parents spent a few years shuttling me back and forth between doctors and therapists who tried to get me to ‘think about’ why I wanted to pound the crap out of everyone else.”

  Sal’s laugh was short but sharp, and told Brand all he needed to know about the little goat man’s opinion of therapy. Which was exactly the same as Brand’s.

  “Anyway, the only thing that helped was hockey. I tried basketball and baseball but neither held my attention. Football was okay but there was too much downtime, same with wrestling.

  “So, Sal.” Brand stroked a hand through Lucy’s hair, trying to relieve some of her tension. Knowing it was as much for her as for himself. “If I live through it, I’ll be fine, right?”

  The goat guy gave a thoughtful nod. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure there shouldn’t be any lasting problems. If you live through it.”

  Pretty sure. Lasting problems. “Then let’s do it.”

  Lucy sucked in a short, sharp breath and her hand wrapped around his bicep. “Brandon, you need to take some more time to think about this. What if something happens? What if—”

  “Hey, babe.” He pressed his lips against her temple then pulled back, infusing as much confidence as he could into his expression. “I’ll be okay. I’m hard to hurt. And I’ve got you.”


  Lucy shook her head, feeling in her bones that this was a bad idea, though she couldn’t put her finger on why exactly that was.

  Brandon looked at her with absolute conviction in his eyes, convinced he was doing the right thing. And that if he had her on his side, he’d come through with flying colors. What if that didn’t happen? What if he was injured, damaged? She didn’t know if she wanted to live without… What? She didn’t want to live without him? She’d known him all of three days.

  But she couldn’t imagine waking up tomorrow and knowing he wasn’t in her bed. Or at least in the next room. And wasn’t that the same as living together?

  She’d had men throw themselves at her feet, spouting declarations of love and devotion. She’d had gods grovel for the slightest crumb of her affection.

  She’d also had one god who’d confused affection with obsession. But she’d survived him. She’d triumphed. She was strong.

  “Yes. You do. I’ll be right here. Everything will be fine.”

  He looked rock-steady, like he could survive a hurricane. She felt like a boat in rough waters. About to capsize.

  His mouth quirked in a lopsided smile before he turned to Sal and nodded. “So what do we need?”


  Brand wasn’t as steady as he fronted to Lucy.

  But he didn’t want her to worry and he didn’t want her to stop Sal from performing the ritual. And he really didn’t want her to use other men to recharge her batteries. Hell, he couldn’t even think about it without wanting to rip something apart. Not Lucy. Never Lucy. But he also had to be careful not to let his jealousy get out of hand or he’d take it out on a teammate tomorrow who’d wind up in the hospital.

  Sal took a look around the apartment, those dark eyes taking in everything.

  “Well,” Sal said, “I’m thinking maybe we wanna do this somewhere else.”

  “Like where?”

  “Well, I’d prefer to do it outside, but you’d need to be naked and it’s about twenty degrees—”

  “Not a problem. The cold doesn’t bother me. I grew up in Maine. Northern Maine.”

  Sal slid a look at Lucy and raised his brows. Lucy bit into her bottom lip and fretted it until it looked like she’d break the skin.

  “Alrighty then, polar bear. Outside it is. The lucani altar?”

  Lucy sighed and her expression cleared, but not before he realized she’d only now given up thinking he wouldn’t do this. “Yes, I suppose it should be there. I draw more power there than in the city at Uni’s Temple.”

  “Just wanted to check.” Sal looked back at him. “You wanna take a little trip, son?”

  “What about the sun? Lucy, it’s broad daylight—”

  “I’ll be fine.” She shook her head at his concern. “Sal can transport us without exposing me to the sun. We’ll be able to get what we need at the den to perform the ritual.”

  “Cat may be around. The girl’s getting stronger by the day. You’re really going to have to address that soon.”

  “Yes, I know.” Lucy sighed. “But not today. I’ll call Kyle, see if he can have the girl meet us there.”

  “What about Ty?”

  She shook her head. “I doubt he’ll come if he knows Catene will be there. He’s trying his damnedest to make an untenable situation bearable for her.”

  “Yeah, but you know it’s gonna have to come to a head sooner or later.”

  “Ty is hoping later.”

  Brand stood quiet, listening to Lucy and Sal talk about people and situations he had no clue about.

  He had no idea who Kyle and Catene were, but he recognized Ty’s name. Lucy’s son.

  “Ty can hope all he wants. She’s nearly nineteen—”

  “And she has a few more years before she needs to know what’s going on. Let the child have those years.”

  It was Sal’s turn to shake his head but he took the hint and changed the subject. And gave Brand a look that made his stomach tighten in fear. “So, Brand. This is going to feel a little weird. Just try to breathe.”

  Sal reached out to touch his chest and in the blink of an eye, his apartment disappeared in a rush of color and sound, almost like he’d stepped into a wind tunnel in the midst of a fireworks display.

  Before he had time to really think about what that meant, he found himself in another room. And he didn’t mean in another room in his apartment. A room he’d never been in before.


  He turned to see Lucy, standing by his side, staring up at him with a worried look on her face.

  “Hey, babe—”

  A wave of dizziness came over him and he nearly pitched over. Lucy grabbed onto him as he reached for something, anything to hold onto. All he found was Lucy.

  “Brandon, come here. You need to sit and put your head between your legs.”

  Bullshit. He wasn’t a pussy. He wasn’t going to pass out.

  “No.” He forced himself to take a deep breath, to force back the disorientation. “I’ll be okay. Just give me a sec…”

  He saw her bite her bottom lip, as if she wanted to argue with him. She didn’t. But she didn’t take her hand off his arm and that helped to ground him.

  After a short time, the feeling passed and he had a chance to look around.

  “So where are—holy shit.”

p; Sal stepped through what looked like a slit in the wall. No, not the wall. The air. Hell, it looked like he stepped out of an invisible lightning bolt in the middle of the room.

  The salbinelli seemed to have no problems with his trip. He walked over to Brand, peered up at him for a few seconds before nodding.

  “Not bad for a newbie, son. I would’ve bet you’d be on your ass by the time I got here.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence. And where is here? And how exactly did I get here?”

  “Well, here is the lucani den, and you traveled by magic.”

  Magic. Yeah, he’d kinda figured that one out but didn’t bother to ask for more of an explanation. His head probably would’ve exploded. “And a lucani den is…”

  “Home to a couple hundred werewolves.”

  Oh, yeah. “Casey.”

  “Yes, Casey is lucani.” Lucy looked at him with worry in her eyes. “Brand, are you sure—”

  He bent and kissed her, hard and fast. No tongue. Just sealed his mouth over hers and pulled her tight against him. His body reacted to her proximity by pumping blood into his cock and away from his brain, which could use the infusion to actually be able to think.

  Damn, he needed to keep that under control, especially since Sal was standing only a couple of feet away and Brand wasn’t much of an exhibitionist. A little PDA was okay. A few kisses, holding hands.

  But… Lucy melted into him. Her hands flexed against his chest, her hips pressed forward into his and he felt her sigh shudder through her body.

  The lust he’d been trying to keep at bay fired up and he wanted to press her back against the wall, strip off their pants and get hot and heavy in seconds. And he wouldn’t give a shit if everyone watched.

  “Hey, kids. We’re about to be descended upon so I’d wrap it up, if I were you.”

  Brand drew back after another few seconds, opening his eyes to look down into Lucy’s. Hers had gone thundercloud gray, turbulent with emotion and desire.

  He couldn’t help himself. He smiled. The goddess of the moon wanted him. An actual freaking goddess…

  Footsteps sounded outside of the room. Lots of them.

  With a wry smile, as if she’d read his mind, Lucy reached to stroke her fingers along his jaw and he swore he calmed like a dog being petted.

  Damn, he should just offer up his balls to her now. It wasn’t like he’d ever find another woman like Lucy.

  “Ay, you’re starting to drop like flies,” Sal muttered under his breath as he turned toward the door. “I don’t think I’m gonna live through this.”

  Brand had no idea what the little goat man was talking about and he didn’t get a chance to ask because Sal opened the door.

  “Hey, Kyle. Come on in and join the party. We’re just getting started.”

  Sal waved his hand and a hard-ass walked into the room. Brand felt his back stiffen and he had the strongest urge to shove Lucy behind him. He barely stopped himself from reaching for her before she stepped in front of him. As if he needed protection.

  And there was definitely something about this guy that screamed danger.

  He looked like a hard-core biker. Tats running up both arms and into the short-sleeved T-shirt that barely contained the bulging biceps and broad shoulders and chest.

  He had wavy dark hair to his shoulders that didn’t look at all feminine and his features were set in stone-cold-killer lines.

  Yeah, not a guy he’d want to meet in a dark alley. It’d be a pretty even fight if this guy decided to take offense to Brand’s presence. But the guy barely glanced at him. He nodded to Sal as he walked through, then walked up to Lucy and bowed at the waist as if he were at a dinner with the queen.

  “Lady of the Silver Light. Welcome.”

  “Thank you, Kyle.” Lucy actually sounded relieved to see the man. “How are you? And Tamra? She’s well?”

  “We’re fine, Lady. Thanks for asking.” Kyle let his gaze run over Brand now and he knew the guy was taking his measure before he turned back to Lucy. “What can we do for you? Is there something you need?”

  Like maybe tear the guy behind you limb from limb?

  Brand didn’t think this guy would have any problem with that. He exuded danger like some guys reeked of cheap cologne. Kyle was a predator. Brand had no problem believing that.

  “Actually, yes. There is something you can do for me. I’d like Catene to assist Sal and me with a spell.”

  The guy stilled for a split-second before he nodded. “She’s with Margie. I’ll call and get her to come over.”

  Lucy reached for his arm before he could move, her hand resting on his arm without restraining him. “I won’t allow anything to harm your daughter, Kyle.”

  He nodded, but Brand had the sense the guy had to force himself to do it. “I’ll just go make the call. Cole’s on site. I’m sure he’ll be here in a minute. Do you need anything else?”

  Lucy’s smile looked a little strained. “Not at the moment. Thank you, Kyle.”

  “Then I’ll give Cat a call. Excuse me.”

  Kyle stepped out of the room, and Brand barely heard his footsteps as he headed away. The guy moved as silently as a ghost. Lucy sighed and she exchanged a look with Sal.

  “He suspects.”

  Sal nodded, his human hands resting on his hide-covered hips. Brand’s gaze stuck there for some reason, the sight making him shake his head.

  “Yeah, he knows something’s up.” Sal turned to look at Lucy, pulling a cigar out of his back pocket. “Kyle’s not stupid. Neither are Dan and Margie. A girl with three biological parents? Not one you read about. Ever.”

  Three… “What did you just say?” Brand shook his head as if coming out of a trance. “Did you just say three biological parents?”

  Lucy sighed and turned to give him a weary smile. “She’s an extraordinary young girl, but it’s not something you have to worry about. You have enough on your plate as it is.”

  But… Holy shit. What the hell else was gonna broadside him today?

  Brand caught Sal eyeing him, a gleam in his dark eyes. “What?”

  Sal’s smile grew about the cigar clamped between his teeth. Brand wasn’t a smoker but even he had to admit the damn thing smelled great. Just not like anything he’d ever encountered before.

  “Nothing. Just… ever meet a king before?”

  A king. His brain worked that one over for a second. Was he serious?

  “No, but then I’ve never been invited to Buckingham Palace for tea.”

  Sal barked out a short laugh. “No king there, son. But there is here, so you better brush up on your curtsy.”

  Brand hadn’t heard anyone approach. The man just appeared in the doorway, though Brand knew he hadn’t arrived by magic.

  No, this guy had walked right up to the door. Only he hadn’t made a sound.

  Lucy straightened beside him and Brand did a double take. Well, holy shit. The woman looked like a goddess.

  Regal, haughty. So beautiful it almost hurt him to look at her.

  What the holy fuck…?


  “Lady of the Silver Light. Welcome and greetings.”

  Then the guy actually went down on one knee, as if proposing, grasped the hand she held out for him and kissed it. When he rose again, Brand had to make sure his mouth was closed because he was pretty sure it’d been hanging open for a few seconds.

  As the guy stood, Brand took a closer look at him. Colerus was a solid wall, not as overtly muscled as Kyle, but Brand knew the guy would be able to hold his own in a bench-clearer.

  Even if he did look too… clean cut. His light brown hair was short enough to be corporate-approved but long enough to show a wave and his sharp hazel eyes missed nothing.

  And when he smiled just before he reached to enfold Lucy in a hug… Hell, Brand figured women dropped at his feet all the time.

  “Easy, boy.” Sal’s voice was pitched so low, Brand almost didn’t hear it as he contemplated throwing a roundho
use at the guy for daring to touch Lucy. “You’ll wind up with a few claw marks if you’re not careful.”

  Colerus finally stepped back and smiled, his expression losing that stiff formality. “It’s really nice to see you. It’s been a while and I apolo—”

  “Cole, no. You have nothing to apologize for. I know how busy you’ve been. A king’s work is never done. And how is Arabella?”

  King. This guy was king of the werewolves?

  Cole paused for a brief second, as if unsure how to answer. “She’s fine, Lady.”

  Lucy nodded then reached behind her. For Brand. He grabbed her hand and let her pull him up beside her. “Cole, I’d like you to meet Brandon Stevenson. Brandon, this is Rex Colerus Luporeale, legatus of the lucani Legion.”

  Brand had a feeling that Rex word meant something he should be worried about, but Cole shook his hand, his grip firm and their gazes met and held. Cole didn’t try to stare him down but Brand definitely felt his curiosity.

  “Nice to meet you, Brandon.” Cole nodded once more then turned to Sal, his smile spreading as he first shook Sal’s hand then did a complicated knuckle-bump thing that Cal figured was their equivalent of a secret handshake.

  “Hey, wolf king, how’s it going?” Sal took a step back, as if to take in the entire picture. “Looking pretty sharp for a weekend.”

  “Got a meeting.” Cole looked back at Lucy with a slight grimace. “I’m sorry. I can cancel—”

  “Oh, no.” Lucy shook her head. “No, you don’t need to stay. This isn’t an official visit. We’re only here to use the altar.”

  “Okay.” Cole’s eyes narrowed as his curiosity peaked. But the guy didn’t ask any questions. Either he didn’t give a shit or he knew better than to question a goddess. “Do you need anything then?”

  “No, dear. Just some privacy.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it. I really was just about to get in the car and leave.” This time he bent to kiss Lucy’s cheek and Brand couldn’t bring himself to get upset about it. It was more like the kiss you gave your favorite maiden aunt. Or your patron goddess.

  “Stevenson.” Cole nodded at him, that curiosity still glowing in his eyes. “Hey, Sal, we still on for poker next week?”


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