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Ruby: A Western Historical Romance (Old Western Mail Order Bride Series Book 2)

Page 35

by Amy Field

  “Did you get anything?”

  She handed him the camera, and he immediately started to look through the footage. His face contorted in displeasure.

  “This isn’t enough!” he exclaimed. “What about an interview?”

  Tammy shook her head and sighed. Wade Conley lingered in her mind and she blushed as the thought of him shirtless. At the moment, she hadn’t been quite focused on his body but now, thinking about it, he was built like a Greek god. How would she be able to get that out of her mind? Although his arrogance was annoying, it was overshadowed by his good looks.

  The woes of a woman, she thought wryly.

  Robert was still berating her over the footage and she felt a twinge of annoyance. She was the reporter, how dare he try to berate her? She was about to say something to him when he stopped and shoved the camera in the van.

  “It's fine, we’ll manage it somehow,” Robert said.

  Major whiplash, he was definitely bipolar, she thought and rolled her eyes as she made her way around to the passenger side. His moods were a mystery to her. She herself knew how bad it would look for her in the office and this was her first assignment too! With just a few statements from players, she doubted that it would be enough for a headline story. Once she was in the van, she took out the recorder and shoved it into Robert’s hand.

  “I think this will do,” she murmured.

  He brought it up to his ear and listened to it, rewinding once or twice.

  If only she could have gotten some useful interviews, but now all she had were the one interview with Johnson, and the lesser than perfect interview with Wade. Although they were both very prominent figures in Basketball, their comments were nothing short of boring.

  Robert muttered something under his breath and turned to the back of the van to put her camera and recorder away, but she wasn’t paying attention to him. Her eyes had fallen on something on the other end of the parking lot, a shiny red Porsche. She had thought everyone had left by now. So caught up in her own thoughts, she startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

  Tammy looked up at Robert and frowned. He had that creepy look on his face again and she was instantly on guard.

  “Don’t worry about it. I am sure it’ll be fine. Why don’t we get drinks after we drop this stuff at the station?”

  “No, thanks, I’m feeling knackered. I need some sleep,” she said feeling slightly sick.

  “Come on, it’ll be fun, you’re so tightly wound.” He murmured, leaning in.

  Tammy backed away, but that didn’t stop him from leaning even closer. This time she felt a vice wrap itself around her chest as her panic escalated. Robert had tried some similar moves before, but he had never been this persistent.

  “Robert, I really need to rest. We can do drinks another time,” she whispered nervously.

  His hand clamped down on her knee. “You’re always so full of excuses, you need to live a little.”

  She tried to pry his hand from her knee, but he was already halfway across the center console. The stale smell of cigarette smoke and beer choked her, and she turned her face away while she tried to grab the door handle.

  The next thing, she heard the driver’s door open, and then Robert’s hand was gone.

  “She doesn’t look all that comfortable buddy,” Wade in a threatening tone.

  “Hey! Get lost!” Robert said annoyed.

  Before she could even register what was happening, Wade had Robert by the scruff, practically dragging him from the van. In a panic she launched herself out of the van and came running around to where the two men were wrestling.

  “STOP!” Tammy shouted, trying to pull Wade away from Robert.

  It wasn’t easy considering he was stronger than most men she’d ever met, but she kept on trying and somehow it worked. He drew back, and she let out a relieved sigh.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  “I was trying to help you, from where I stood, that looked like sexual harassment if I’ve even seen any.”

  “He wasn’t doing that!” Tammy said.

  “Looked that way to me.” Wade looked at Robert, now groaning on the ground.

  “He’ll find his way back. You need a ride home?”

  “I can go home by myself, I’ll just get a cab,” she said, taken aback by how easily he changed the subject. It seemed like Wade didn’t hear her because he didn’t react to what she said. Instead, he took her hand, gently and pulled her with him. Tammy couldn’t even react, her heart had already betrayed her. It beat loudly against her chest as they walked to the shiny Porsche she had seen earlier. Behind her, she heard Robert still groaning, and she grimaced. She would bet her pay-check he was going to lay a charge of assault.

  Wade slid in next to her and the car purred like a cat as he started it.

  You could slice through the tension like a hot knife through butter. He was still not sure how or why he had instinctively looked towards the reporter van when he did. But in a way he was glad he did. She was clearly in a sticky situation. What he didn’t quite understand was why she still defended this sleaze ball when he was obviously forcing himself on her. Regardless of the fact she was a reporter, and an annoying one at that, there was something about her that intrigued him. And if he had to be honest with himself, she was beautiful, not in the supermodel kind of way, but in a subtly flawed kind of way. Maybe that was it, her casual demeanor and the fire in those eyes, when she insisted to get an interview and nearly stormed the showers. He had to give it to her, for a woman, she had balls of steel. The last reporter that tried a stunt like that came off second best.

  He took a deep breath and regretted it almost instantly. Her distinct sweet scented perfume gave him a head rush. It was a mix of pure woman and something exotic, and extremely potent. Without giving it a second thought he wound his window down.

  She shifted next to him.

  Where are you taking me?”

  “My place,” he said bluntly. “I think you could use a drink and I don’t want to go to a bar.”

  “I can’t drink,” she protested abruptly.

  He kept his eyes on the road. “Is it a religious preference or just abstinence?”

  “N-no. I am cutting back.”

  That sounded like a lie, he thought but shrugged it off. “Fair enough, then its water or coffee, whatever you like, I am not picky.”

  “I’d rather you take me home.”

  He should take her home, it’s the right thing or actually the sensible thing to do, but for some reason he wasn’t quite done with her. And this had BAD written all over it.

  “And where would home be?”

  “Across town, in Stamford.”

  He chuckled, “Sorry sweetheart, but I’ve just finished a game and I’m sure as hell not driving across town.”

  “Then I’ll get a cab, you can stop here.”

  He shook his head and turned left into Maple Avenue. “There’s no way in hell I’m leaving you here to wait for a cab. I have a guest room, you can crash there and I’ll take you home in the morning.”

  FOOL! He scolded himself. He had never had a woman sleep over at his place. It usually involved a whole night of steamy sex, and drunkenness elsewhere.

  “I can’t possibly impose on your privacy,” she protested.

  “You’re not imposing.”

  He’s just going to give her place to crash. That’s all there is to it.

  She whispered a thank you and then grew silent.

  “Thank you for what, me saving you from your colleague, or kidnapping you for a cup of coffee?” he said.

  “Robert isn’t usually like that. I mean he flirts and all but he’s never tried something like that before. I don’t know what got into him…”

  There she goes making excused for her colleagues’ bad behavior again. What was it with women who fall victim to assholes and then still make excuses for them? No wonder abuse rates were sky high worldwide.

  “Look, it doesn’t matter. I am ju
st glad I was passing when I did.”

  She didn’t respond, and he left it at that. No need harping on about what could have happened. Whatever her reasons were to defend the jackass, they were hers. She’d thank him one day for saving her.

  “Nice car by the way,” she mumbled.

  “Thanks, cost me a pretty penny, but it’s worth the attention I get from the ladies.”

  “Are you always like this?” she asked irritably.

  “Like what?”

  “Arrogant and… and… ugh!” she muttered under her breath and he could feel her eyes on him.

  “I’m not arrogant, I’m honest and a realist. The car was expensive, and the chicks dig it.”

  He slowed down to a stop and pulled into the undercover parking of the high-rise apartment block where he stayed. It only dawned on him then he was bringing a reporter to his place and suddenly questioned his sanity. There was absolutely no guarantee that she would keep his address a secret. He could still turn around and rather take her home, but somehow he didn’t want to.

  “Don’t make a big deal of my address. I went through a lot of trouble to make sure I stay under the radar.”

  “Shouldn’t you be nervous about bringing a reporter to your place then?”

  Great minds think alike, he thought and chuckled, “I don’t think it will matter and besides, I don’t think you are going to spill.”

  He could almost sense her rolling her eyes, but refused to confirm his suspicions. She could make of it what she wanted, and he’ll handle the hail of bullets if it came to that.

  Tammy didn’t bother waiting for Wade to do the gentlemanly thing and open the door for her. She got out and stepped away from the car. Wade nudges his head and gestured for her to follow.

  The floor was tiled in black marble, and against the walls were abstract art pieces. The front desk was, strangely enough, unattended. But needless to say, this was one of those upper-class residential apartment blocks where only the rich and famous were welcomed. And compared to her little place, this was a palace. They walked up to the open elevator where he pressed the button for the top floor. Trapped in this confined space was doing a number on her. She would have expected him, shirtless to be intimidating, but standing here next to him, dressed in a crisp fresh button up shirt and jeans, she felt even more intimidated. Her stomach twisted into a ball and the sensation caused heat to rush to her sex. She clasped her hands together and cursed herself. It was only a few seconds when the doors opened up into the penthouse, but the time in the elevator felt like hours.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said mockingly.

  It was everything but humble in her eyes. Everything screamed of high class décor and modern tastes. She took tiny steps, taking in everything before she felt his hand on her wrist leading her towards the cream-colored couch. He sat her down and then disappeared through the hallway. She sat, stiff like a corps with her hands clasped on her lap. She glanced around the living room, taking in the décor again. Everything was so impersonal, no family portraits, or personal sensible art. It was like a scene from a futuristic movie.

  Wade appeared next to her and handed her a glass of water.

  She took it from him and he sat down beside her, setting his own glass on the coffee table. Surprised because he was also having water she turned to him.

  “Aren’t you drinking?” she asked.

  “There’s no fun in drinking alone,” he said playfully but his eyes spoke volumes.

  “So why did you bring me here?”

  He shrugged. “I felt like it.”

  “Thanks again for helping me back there. I didn’t take you for the chivalrous kind.”

  “I am not,” he said with a serious look in his eyes.

  “But then why…”

  “Call it an impulse,” he interrupted.

  He took a sip of water and set his glass down on the table. She felt the subtle change in the atmosphere and set down her glass as well, having drank it all in one gulp. She looked away from him, not wanting to show him how his closeness affected her.

  “Something wrong?” he whispered.

  “Nothing. I think it’s time I head on home,” she breathed.

  “I don’t feel inclined to let you go at the moment.”

  She turned to him sharply, which was a mistake. It gave him the chance he needed to close the distance between them. Everything slowed down as his lips careened towards hers. She should resist him, but her brain refused to register. And as she melted into the kiss, she faltered and gave up any preconceived resistance. He smiled into the kiss as he lightly tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth, and her hands automatically moved to his shoulders. It was then she knew that she was a goner. Their bodies moved closer and her chest constricted from the lack of air.

  He was murmuring something but she couldn’t hear what it was over the rush of her own blood. Her heart was thrumming, ecstatic by the excitement flowing through her veins. A part of her common sense protested, telling her she shouldn’t do this, but she silenced her conscience. Maybe just tonight, she would let forget her inhibitions and just live a little.

  He pushed her back onto the couch and the subtle kiss turned into a raging storm. She tugged at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to tear it off him. He was not far behind. Peeling her cashmere top off eagerly until his hands roamed over her bare stomach and up to cup her lace covered breasts. The moments her finger tips touched his bare chest, she moaned softly. There was no turning back.

  She had done the very thing she had promised she wouldn’t but it felt so right.

  Third Play

  Tammy turned lazily under the sheets as she slowly started to wake up. Sunlight was spilling in through the half drawn curtains and baking warmly on her naked skin.

  She opened her eyes, and she stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling before remembering where she was. Reaching for the bed sheet to cover herself, she looked around, but there was no sign of Wade. There was movement somewhere in the penthouse and her heart skipped a beat. Instead of satisfying her curiosity she stayed in bed as she let the consequences of what she had done wash over her. Guiltily, she cursed herself, how could she have allowed this to happen?

  Why had she let herself be swept away? Yes, the night had been amazing but was it really worth it? Did she really want to be labelled as one of Wade Conley’s conquests?

  That wasn’t even the worst part. The worst part was that she shouldn’t have done such a thing because it this exact thing that had landed her in the situation she was in right now. Hesitantly, she placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed in a circle. There was a small life inside of her and she had no idea what the future held. Was she really going to carry on with this haphazard life style while she was facing motherhood? No.

  She hadn’t quite adjusted to the whole situation yet, she hadn’t even taken a pregnancy test, but she was sure she was pregnant. She hadn’t had her period and the bouts of morning sickness all added up. It was a hurdle but Tammy wouldn’t let it get her down.

  She got up from the bed and picked up her clothes. She needed a shower, but right now running for the hills was far more promising. It was surprising for her to feel so shy but she couldn’t help it. Wade Conley intimidated and scared her on a whole new level. Uncertain as to how he would treat her, she wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

  She glanced over at the clock on the night stand, she had no choice. She would have to wash up, and get to the office, there would be no time to go home first. Tammy tip-toed to the door and listened for Wade then quickly slipped into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. She grimaced as she tried to pull herself together, how would she even face Robert or her Boss today?

  Once she was done, she went back to the bedroom and retrieved her mobile from her handbag. There were five text messages, all from Robert asking her where she was. She groaned softly but slipped it back into her bag. Robert would have to wait.

  “Good morning sunshine,” Wade s
mirked as she exited the room

  He was fully dressed, in a casual t-shirt and jeans, but his hair was a mess, wet and falling over his forehead. God he was hot, she thought and felt the heat rise to her cheeks. And all she could muster was a mumbled good morning.

  “Help yourself to some breakfast and then I’ll drop you at your place.”

  Tammy sensed the dismissiveness in his voice but shoved it to file thirteen; she would not let him affect her any more than he already had. Shame threatened to swallow her. She was already walking on egg shells thinking of how this would play out for her and he had the audacity to be so casual about it. She fought for composure and picked a muffin from the tray on the kitchen island.

  “Are you going to train this morning?” she asked.

  “I need not train.”

  Unbelievable, she thought. “Everyone had to train, or are you too good for the rest of your team? Your stats might be up there, but surely you train with the team.”

  When she said that, he looked interested.

  “How do you know about my stats?”

  “I am a sports reporter, of course I know your stats,” she said.

  “Impress me,” he said grinning.

  “You have played 20 games, averaging 15 points and 8 assists. Most of your stats are exceptional but considering your volatile nature, you don’t lose your cool in the court.”

  He ignored the jab she threw his way and said, “Not bad.”

  “I follow basketball. It’s my job.”

  “Your job is to follow sports. Basketball however…” He trailed off.

  She rested her chin on her hand and looked at him.

  “What about it?” she asked.

  “You must come from a family that likes basketball.”

  “Guilty as charged.”

  “So tell me more,” he said, looking interested.

  She hesitated, usually she didn’t talk about her family, but he seemed interested. And this might just give her a foot in the door and get him to open up to her.

  “It’s simple, really. My dad used to watch games on the TV and whenever I heard the commentary, I would run to sit with him,” she smiled at the memory. “My mom wasn’t too happy about that.”


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