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Tempted by You

Page 9

by Tiffany Clare

  “You like to be touched like this, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  His hand lowered again, this time finding the wetness at her core as he pressed more firmly into her. Pelvis tilted up to him, Rosa arched ever so slightly as the moan she could no longer hold at bay rushed past her lips.

  “Shall I continue?” he asked.

  There was no denying the curious tone in his voice. He wasn’t sure what he should do to please her. She didn’t hesitate to give him direction; she reached for his hand, uncurling his fingers.

  “Put your fingers inside me.”

  He pressed his forefinger deep inside her quim, not stopping until the palm rested snugly against her entrance.

  He needed no coaching in what to do next. His finger slipped easily in and out, her sheath pulsating when he retreated as though she were trying to hold on to him. He was careful as he pushed in again, this time with two fingers. He watched as goose bumps rose along her arms. Her nipples peaked beneath the silk dress, begging for his mouth.

  Leaning over her, he blew a hot stream of air over her bosom where it was exposed above the line of the dress. “You like that, too.”

  He kneaded her breast with his face. Rolling his cheek, jaw, and lips over the soft flesh. Her hand slid between their bodies and cupped the outside of his trousers where his erection strained. She loosened his trousers enough that she could slip her hand inside to touch him, and causing him to thrust into her hold.

  His breath caught as her palm cupped the head of his cock before running her hand along the length of his shaft. She freed him from the confines of his trousers and pressed the head of his cock where his fingers were pushed deep inside her.

  He pulled his hand free of her sheath and plunged forward with his cock. The impact of their sexes coming together forced another moan past her lips and a grunt past his.

  In the next instant, he was on his knees between her thighs. The edge of his shirt skimmed her legs and stomach as he held still inside of her.

  “Sweet Christ, Rosa,” he murmured before pulling out and sheathing himself again.

  Leaning over her, he grasped her head between his hands and kissed her hard on the mouth. She tucked her foot under the cheeks of his buttocks, urging the grind of his pelvis against hers.

  Releasing her lips, Teddy held motionless above her. His breath was ragged and heavy, the sound labored as he held back from the inevitable. He was far from ready for this to end.

  Caressing the side of his face, she whispered, “Teddy,” and pulled herself off the floor enough that she could nibble on his earlobe.

  She traced the lines of his back with her fingers. And he lost control.

  This was heaven. This was bliss. Teddy rocked hard into her center. Sweet heaven, he’d never felt anything so perfect as her body wrapped around his.

  Kissing a light path along her collarbone, he pulled marginally out of her before driving his cock up to the hilt. The sounds that slipped past her lips told him all he needed to know: She was enjoying every second of their lovemaking as much as he.

  She held firmly to his forearms the faster he drove into her. His heart pounded so loudly in his ears that he was deaf to everything around him except her desire and the need to have them both lose themselves in this.

  When she moaned “Teddy” again, he couldn’t stop it from ending. He came with a roar of pure satisfaction, her sheath milking every last drop of semen from him. He lowered himself onto his elbows and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  Damn it, he hadn’t meant for it to end so quickly. And although he had been a virgin, he wasn’t so foolish as to realize she hadn’t experienced la petite mort.

  He pressed his forehead to hers, still buried in her body and not losing his stiffness in the slightest. Damn it. What would she think of his bumbling attempts? She was far too polite to tell him his faults, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know exactly what he’d done wrong.

  Then it hit him what else he’d done. “I didn’t pull out.”

  He started to pull away from her, thinking he should wipe the evidence of what they’d done from her. She wrapped her thighs around his hips to keep him firmly seated inside her, and it didn’t look like his cock was going to be very cooperative because he was still raging hard and he realized he needed her again.

  “There’s no need for caution,” she said, brushing hair away from his forehead. “I would not have given myself to you if I thought there was any danger in our joining.”

  She rained a series of kisses along the side of his jaw.

  “Is such a thing possible?” he asked, not quite understanding what she meant.

  Her head fell back onto the rug and she placed her hands on either side of his face. “I was your first?”

  He leaned down to capture her lips again, not sure if he should answer or not. But in the end, he decided to give her honesty. “Yes.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It’s not important.” What should he say? That he’d never desired a woman as he desired her? That he’d never wanted a woman as much as he craved her?

  “It’s important to me,” she whispered.

  Not wanting to elaborate on why he’d chosen her, he pulled away from her and pushed up to his feet. He grasped her hand to pull her up as well. Her skirts fell smoothly around her ankles, though they were wrinkled where they hadn’t been before. He hated to cover her up when he’d barely had the chance to explore her.

  Her hand went to her stomach. “I am completely and utterly famished.”

  Had she sensed that he had no wish to discuss his virginity and was attempting to lighten the mood? Not that the mood had been shrouded in darkness. Though he certainly had a lot to think about. Teddy knew it wasn’t only desire and infatuation for this woman that had led to them half-naked on the floor. And perhaps from the moment they first met and he’d realized just how amazing and marvelous a person Rosa was, Teddy had been falling in love with her. It all felt so quick, but it felt right. He’d never met a woman who matched him as thoroughly as she did.

  “I look forward to appeasing all your appetites.”

  Teddy’s hand brushed the length of her arm, lingering a moment longer than he needed to when he led her back to her seat. Retrieving the serving trays from the sideboard, he placed one in front of her and lifted the silver lid.

  He lifted the decanter and poured out two generous servings of the Burgundy he’d told her about.

  She closed her eyes as she swirled the glass under her nose and breathed deeply of the rich scent. “Like cherries covered in vanilla.”

  “And that’s the taste that lingers, with an undercurrent of tobacco to smooth out the sweetness. Try it. Let me know if it’s to your liking. The wine cellar is well stocked, and I can retrieve whatever you prefer if this one isn’t quite right.”

  With her nose still over the rim of the glass, she took another deep inhalation. “It smells perfectly divine.” She took the most delicate of sips. Teddy watched the motion of her throat as she swallowed the berry-colored liquid. Her sigh had his cock hardening further.

  “It’s delicious.”

  “Let me see if I agree,” he said as his lips pressed against hers, his tongue sweeping out to taste the residue of wine on her lips. He wanted to linger, but they needed to eat before the long night ahead of them.

  “We’ll never finish our dinner if you keep doing that.” Her voice was husky, relaxed. To his ears, it was the sound of a woman well pleasured.

  “I can’t seem to stop myself,” he admitted. “You’re like an addiction I want to indulge in all night long.”

  “Mm, I like the sound of that.” Her grin was devilish and tempting him to do more wicked things.

  He forced himself to take the seat across from her, but he watched her every move. “I suggest we eat before it’s too cold to enjoy.”

  For a long while the only sound to be heard was the clink of silver against the plates as they ate the fare he
’d had prepared. He looked at the sheepskin rug in front of the fireplace. Not quite what he’d expected, but just as good as what he still had planned.

  “Will you spend the evening with me?” He bit into the last of his carrots.

  They’d already agreed to spend the evening working on his music, but that wasn’t what he was asking.

  “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  “Completely. I want you with a ferocity with which I’ve never wanted anything else in my life.”

  She set her cutlery down and took a large sip of her wine. “You shouldn’t say such things.”

  “Are you telling me you don’t want the same thing? I know you do and I won’t lie to you about how I feel.”

  “I never took you for a rogue with a wicked tongue.”

  “That title is reserved for my brother. I have only one woman on my mind and I’m bent on seducing her all evening long.” He reached for her hand and drew circles around her wrist. “I want to make it very clear that I would never flaunt you as my brother did Anna like she was a prize won.”

  When she remained silent, he added, “I meant no insult, Rosa.”

  “I know. Anna has been long trapped by your brother’s scheming. He had a collar so tightly wrapped about her throat that it was a wonder she ever broke away from him.”

  It was the truth. Nathan loved his mistress, but he also treated her in a way Teddy would never treat another person he cared for.

  “Do I make you feel trapped, Rosa?”

  “Yes.” She ducked her head, but her hand turned so their fingers met and touched lightly.

  He unclenched his jaw and forced in a deep, calming breath before he responded. “Then perhaps we should call it a night. I have an early day tomorrow at my club.”

  The last thing he wanted was to end their night, but if that was what she wished, then he would give her the space she craved.

  “I think that would be the wisest course for us.”

  “We can start on my concerto when I’m back by midday.”

  She nodded. Why had she suddenly closed herself off to him? Had he done something wrong? Did she regret what had happened between them? Before long, they finished their meal. Teddy walked her up to her room, not sure how to make amends with her or if he should have to make amends for anything.

  ONCE TUCKED IN HER ROOM alone, she wondered why she had run from Teddy. It had been her idea to give herself to him. And her idea to open up their relationship to more than their original agreement. Why was she running from him now when she’d run straight into his arms earlier? Was it his comment about Anna that had her all twisted up inside? His mention of Anna was a blunt reminder of who she was, what she’d done in her life, and, more importantly, what others thought of her.

  She must never forget her place in society. Never rise above her station. She’d made the decision to become a courtesan, and that truth could not be changed.

  She needed to get away from here, and away from Teddy. He was chipping away at the facade she’d hidden behind for so many years that she’d forgotten the woman she truly was before the accident. She didn’t deserve a second chance at life, not when she’d survived the accident and Michael hadn’t.

  That she even considered her time and budding relationship with Teddy to be a second chance was part of the problem. It wasn’t a second chance. It was so far from that. It was no different from the past arrangements she’d had with men.

  Teddy was destroying the person she thought she was. He was tearing down the walls she’d put up to protect herself from further disappointments and letdowns. How could she face Teddy again, knowing this about herself?

  She swiped the tears from her cheeks. Why couldn’t she shut off the guilt? She gathered her composure, straightened herself, gathered up her walking stick, and found her way to her bed where her maid had set out her night clothes. Slipping out of her dress, she pulled on a more serviceable chemise. Picking up her walking stick again, she found her way to the slipper chair and put on her stockings.

  What she must never forget was that there would come a time when Teddy would no longer need her, and it would destroy her if she allowed him to steal any more of her heart.

  TEDDY LOOKED OVER TO THE piano with the sheet music strewn about the top. He’d been staring at nothing for a good half hour and it was getting him nowhere. He’d had to open his mouth and shove his foot in it. The very moment the words had left his mouth about the relationship between his brother and mistress, he knew he’d messed up the evening.

  This was what happened when one courted scandal. Pull the tail of the devil and it lashed back at you.

  He rubbed his hands through his hair, but mussing it up more wasn’t getting him any closer to fixing what he’d done. What he wanted was to find Rosa and apologize. He needed her. Not just as his muse, but as a partner in what he was trying to accomplish with his music. As a friend he could speak plainly with. As a lover he could be himself with.

  With her help, his concerto could be completed in a couple of weeks. After that, if he still worked with her, would she see that he wanted to help her with her own music, and spend time with her?

  Pulling out his watch, he flipped open the casing. Not ten minutes had passed since the last time he’d checked, though it felt like an hour. He left his room and strode toward Rosa’s. Thank God he’d sent the servants off for the night. He paused at her door, wondering if he should knock or simply enter. It wasn’t too late to turn around and head back to his room. Perhaps the night apart would give them both time to think. No; he didn’t want her to regret what they’d done.

  He knocked softly before opening the door. Rosa lay stretched out on the sofa, propped on her side with her arm curled under her head and the other tucked around her middle. She had changed into something far less tempting than the dress she’d worn to dinner.

  Shoulders shaking, she sniffled.

  Approaching her slowly, he was surprised to see that she was crying. His steps faltered. On closer inspection, he noted that her eyes were swollen and red; her nose, too. She held a handkerchief balled up tight in her fist.

  “Mary?” she said.

  Mary was the maid she’d come to the house with even though he’d offered his own servants. Rosa had said Mary had been with her most of her life, so he had respected her wishes and invited Mary into his home.

  He let out a frustrated breath of air as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the fireplace. He knew he was the cause of her tears, and that made him feel like the biggest ass. “I’m afraid not.”

  Rosa sat up on the sofa. She turned her face so he couldn’t see her, and wiped it with her sodden handkerchief. She gave a delicate sniffle and grasped the back of the sofa as she took a deep breath.

  “My apologies,” she said, still wiping away at the evidence of her state.

  “I’m the only one who needs to apologize, Rosa. I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “Apology accepted. Now, if you don’t mind, the hour is late.”

  Unable to leave her while she was upset, he stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Some of the tension left her body.

  “Let me stay awhile, prove to you that I’m better than what you are thinking of me right now.”

  She shook her head in refusal.

  “Let me comfort you. I can’t bear that I’m the one who put you in this state.” His finger trailed over her still damp cheek.

  She curled her feet under her and waved her arm to the other end of the sofa in invitation. He took a seat next to her, dipping her body close to his. She turned her face toward the fire and away from him.

  “Would you like me to light some candles?” she asked.

  “No. I can see you in the firelight, that’s all I need.”

  Unable to keep his distance, he pulled her into the circle of his arms.

  When her sniffling lessened, she asked, “What are we doing?”

  “Learning all there is to know about each other.”

  “What if we should lose sight of the tasks we’ve promised to fulfill?”

  “We haven’t yet. We won’t.”

  “And everything else?”

  “Why label it? What we have is beautiful and feels right”—he pressed his fist against her heart—“here is where it feels perfect for me.”

  She wiped the side of her face, not answering him, and he didn’t press.

  Standing, he leaned down and gathered her in his arms.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To your bed.”

  Setting her on her feet, he lowered his hands to the small of her back and felt for the tie in her half corset. When he grasped the strings, he loosened it enough that the contraption fell to the floor.

  Next he gathered the chemise at her hips, bringing the lower half up around her hips before he drew the material over her head and dropped it onto the floor next to them. Her drawers he left on. He had to admit, he liked the feel of all those frills against him as he lifted her and set her on the high bed.

  He rubbed the back of his hand over the top edge of those frills before scooting her up to the head of the bed, pulling his shirt off and tossing that to the floor, too.

  The blankets were folded back so he slid her legs under the covers. He toed off his shoes and followed, curving his body around hers, wishing there wasn’t a stitch of clothing separating them. If he removed what little they wore, he knew he’d never be able to keep his hands to himself.

  It wasn’t long before she reached behind her, stretching her fingers over his arousal. He grasped her hand and tucked it back around to her stomach, threading his fingers through hers. He would not allow her to distract him from his good intentions.

  Chest pressed flush along the length of her back, he tangled his legs through hers. She’d figure out soon enough that he had no intention of bedding her. He needed to hold her to tell her how sorry he was for upsetting her.

  “I didn’t mean to make such a crass remark, Rosa.”

  “You didn’t say anything wrong.”


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