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The Conqueror of Zones

Page 9

by Shadows Finger

  As his words finished, his body started to fade away along with the bodies of the remnant surviving fiends, their ashes being swept away by the pouring rain.

  Feng Yu, Myria and Leon looked at each other with the same expressions as they lifted their heads and gazed towards the distant horizon as if they could peer through the distances to foresee the scene beyond their reach...

  ∞ ∞ ∞


  At a location far away, the movements of a vast army of fiends slowly made their way towards a massive precipice before their eyes. Upon reaching the edge of this cliff, the army paused in its march, as the commanding fiend who stood at the front of this army lifted his hand showing the strange glowing parchment within it that flickered with a dark light.

  This light soon became a feather which shot towards the scene before them before colliding with an illusory wall.

  Bang! The wall rippled as the scene before them changed showing a wondrous land filled with abundant vitality and spiritual energy, the sky was blue, and the trees stretched to heights beyond the likes of which existed in the outer forest zone.

  Looking further ahead one would see another cliff, followed by a wide lake that was surrounded by this cliff which stretched out around this lake forming something similar to a massive pond. There, the Fairy Palace which glowed in a bright light stood calmly as if it was watching over the world.

  The commanding fiend seeing the scene before his eyes smiled as he reached his hand out once more, but it only collided with the illusory barrier. He frowned as he saw that he could not enter, promptly turning around he gestured towards the army who then made a path for him to walk towards the central carriage with odd markings.

  Quickly, he arrived before the carriage and stood outside for a while before speaking. “Troop Commander Vandus seeks an audience with the two great elders!”

  After a moment of silence, a voice responded, “You may enter!”

  Not wasting any time Troop Commander Vandus entered the large carriage before bowing to the two silhouettes shrouded by darkness as he spoke, “Great Elders, the army has arrived at the signal source for that scout we let escape, our assumptions were correct as the location before us is indeed the hideaway of those natives. However, there is a strange barrier that is preventing any outside forces from entering its domain...”

  After Troop Commander Vandus finished his words, he remained silent and waited for the two to speak. Quickly, one of the silhouettes replied, “You may leave!”

  “Understood!” Troop Commander Vandus replied as he quickly left the carriage, the silhouette that spoke then looked towards the person on his right who then nodded towards him. As he saw this, a strange light shone in the eyes of the figure shrouded by darkness as he looked towards the wall as if his eyes could see beyond the carriage centering on the illusory wall preventing the army's advance.

  “Well then, it seems like we’ll need to open a path for these troops, let’s get started...” A familiar voice said, carrying with it a rage that was deeply concealed by its tone of voice.

  “Um.” The other voice replied, as both forms soon after vanished from the carriage, leaving behind an empty room with a few objects on the ground, one being a black parchment which had a familiar looking feather placed on its surface. The feather glowed in a strange light before growing dull as if it had done its mission, the light fading away as if in preparation for a dark scene about to unfold...

  Chapter 132

  An Unexpected Assault! Trouble at the Fairyland!

  The harsh rain fell onto the bodies of the individuals gathered beneath its showers as if trying its hardest to dampen their already low moods further. The blazing flames of their previous battle now washed out leaving behind craters of waters in many areas. A few broken structures belonging to inn’s, houses, and even walls were scattered about the region, along with corpses of fiends that were either burnt completely black or diced into bloody pieces of mangled flesh.

  In the distance, a towering figure stood, it was a massive mechanical construct that looked as if it was overseeing all things. Its neon-like glowing runes and large bright eyes now duller seeming to have exhausted a lot of energies. Its two large cannons hoisted up on its shoulders with small amounts of smoke flowing out from the muzzles.

  While the army was low in spirit, they chose to remain silent as they looked towards their front with a steady light in their eyes, standing before them were three individuals who now looked at each other with urgent expressions on their faces, not waiting any time the blue-haired fairy acted.

  “All members of the Spell Squad should quickly create a new teleportation circle. We must hurry back to the Fairyland before the enemy assault begins!” Myria said with a tone of urgency in her voice.

  The special looking members of the army who wore magic robes quickly bowed their heads and replied in unison, “Yes, Princess Myria!” They then immediately scattered about the field and started to draw up a large circle with special looking brushes.

  Leon seeing this then looked towards the army members at a few of the dwarfins and commanded, “I want you to send a message to the leaders of each of the different battlefronts, tell them to immediately pull back to the Fairyland save whoever they can and pull back immediately for the Fairyland has encountered a crisis!”

  The dwarfin soldiers then replied after making a slight gesture with their hands, “As Prince Leon wills!”

  Feng Yu who stood to a side nodded as he looked at the mysterious Spell Squad comprised of dwarfin and other races. He thought to himself, “It seems they came a little prepared for the unexpected, I didn’t even think that there was an emergency teleportation method as well... it seems that they were not thoroughly prepared when rescuing the princess, or maybe they simply didn’t want to rely on others to recuse one of their own...”

  While Feng Yu was lost in his thoughts, a voice soon woke him from this state, “Chosen Yu! The formation will be ready in a few more moments, let's go!”

  “Understood...” Feng Yu replied as he followed both Myria and Leon towards the location of the Spell Squad which had now drawn up more than half of the circle. The remaining members who had been assigned different tasks quickly bustling about to get their duties done as quick as possible.

  Eventually, the circle was completed, and the members of the allied army quickly entered. A flash of bright blue light soon after turned their forms into speckles of blue light that scattered in all directions leaving behind glowing blue circle which then faded away into nothingness...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The sky became a color of deep red as if foretelling a soon to come tragedy, looking around carefully, one would see that the once lively forestry filled with abundant life sources had all but vanished becoming nothing more than a dried-up region of the earth. The once magical Fairyland now appearing no different from barren land.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The sounds of loud booms could be heard as the deep red sky rippled as if something on the outside was trying to force its way into this once sacred realm, each of the shocking booms generation waves after wave of energies that rippled across the sky releasing a terrifying pressure that oppressed all beneath its cover.

  It was these very same energies that seeped into the land destroying the magical plants and trees transforming the land into its current appearance.

  However, despite these changes only one place managed to retain its brilliance. A large crystal-like palace that rested at the center of a vast lake, that stood proudly with its magical halo that resided at the top of the castle, as its strange lights repealed the chaotic energies from the surroundings. This halo was strange as it pulsated like a beating heart and for every ripple of energies it released, they would fill the surrounding regions with an excess amount of life source energies.

  A truly beautiful scene, but sadly no one had the time to enjoy this leisure. Following the rumbling sounds from the skies, the earth below also
shook as the calm lake surrounding the palace started to generate large waves that bounced about wildly.

  The castle residents started to panic as they looked towards the sky with a full understanding of what was going on, some of them running about randomly while those who could fly flapping their wing as they soared about the palace in confusion creating a chaotic scene.

  “Not good! What to do?! What to do?! The enemy has found the Fairyland!” One individual said in a panic as he scurried about in confusion.

  “How did this happen?! Did the armies not leave to block their advance recently?!” Another native said as she looked at an individual nearby.

  Not paying attention to her, the individual who wore standard palace armor cursed while looking towards the rippling sky, “Damn! If it continues like this, the barrier will lose its strength. There must be something we can do?!”

  While he was lost in his thoughts, a strange scene occurred within the Fairy Palace. The life source halo suddenly started to rotate at incredible speed creating a blue ring that spread outwards for a few hundred meters; quickly this ring fell to the palace's ground and condensed into the form of a magical array.

  The moment the array formed, it glowed brilliantly as many different silhouettes shrouded by a bright blue light formed on its surface, after a short while the lights vanished revealing the figures of Feng Yu, Myria, Leon and the members of the allied army.

  The palace guard who was troubled looked over in shock but soon became filled with excitement as a layer of hope was more formed in his eyes. He shouted, “The Princess and Prince have returned!”

  The voice of the guard resounded across the now chaotic palace soon after bringing a stop to all of the panicked individuals who gazed at them in surprise. As they heard his words, they swiftly rushed over surrounding the wide-open field where the army now stood on top of the broad magic circle.

  Bang! The rumbling sound from the heavens growing more intense as if the barrier could break at any moment, as it filled each palace citizens with a dreadful feeling.

  “Darn! It seems that they were even faster than we’d anticipated...” Leon said in anger as he saw the scene of the rippling red sky.

  Feng Yu nodded his head as he also saw the surrounding chaos and spoke, “Um. But, it is not too late...” While Feng Yu and Leon were lost in conversation, the individual who surrounded the army finally started a commotion.

  “Princess, save us, the palace is in jeopardy!”

  “The sky wall won't be able to keep up!”

  “Wu... wu... wu... I don’t want to die!”

  A few of the weak-willed fairies and natives started to cry out their troubles in despair, while a few others remained silent as they looked at Myria’s group with hopeful gazes.

  Myria looked at her palace citizens with a hint of softness in her eyes as she gripped her tiny fists and spoke in a reassuring tone of voice, “Fear not my kin and allies alike, for though we may be outmatched. We are not fighting alone, but together, for we are representatives of the forces belonging to all kinds!”

  The crowd of the allied natives became silent as their blood started to boil to the brim, those who had not fought in the glorious wars of the past along with those who had struggled from that ancient era each held onto a bright spark that sharpened their wills and the resolve to fight.

  “Glory of all kinds!” The crowd said in unison as they lifted their hands to the sky in the forms of fists, a powerful will rising throughout the environment causing the space to ripple with their incredible energies.

  Feng Yu seeing this scene around him could not help but become entranced by their astounding will brought about by unity, he commented, “Such an incredible scene, I’ve visited many battlefields and have seen many battles in old life but never had I seen such a compelling type of unity even in this kind of desperate situation...”

  Leon seeing the atmosphere changed for a better smile as he thought to himself while looking at Myria, “It seems that her recent experiences could have been considered a good thing, she had grown from her previous stubborn nature; like this she may make a fine queen someday.”

  After he thought to himself, his eyes couldn’t help but sweep towards the hidden passage location form the healing chambers as the figure of Zyne soon appeared within his mind. He shook his head while thinking, “Should I really continue to blame you for it? The scar that lingers in my heart, preventing me from forging...”

  While thinking in his mind, the figure of a gorgeous fairy who wore an extravagant dress made of flowers and filled with magical jewels on her wrists and ears soon appeared within his mind. She had large golden cicada-like wings on her back, bright blue eyes that shone like gems and long blue hair with golden strands of hair mixed within; her skin was pure white with a touch of pinkness. Her mouth curled into a perpetual smile as she looked towards him with deep affection and motherly love...

  “Mother...” Leon said in a soft and almost imperceptible voice. He then slowly stretched his hands out to void as if he was trying to reach her but was soon disturbed by the current surroundings.

  BOOOM! The heavens shook as a large patch of the artificial sky broke into many fragments, the moment this happened two densely combined rays of nefarious energies descended towards the palace grounds at blinding speeds.

  Within moments, these beams arrived in at the top of the Fairy Palace, seeing this scene the crowd became stunned unable to react in time as they could only stare at these world-ending beams in shock and despair.

  However, a pair of blue eyes quickly acted as she saw this scene. Myria clasped her hands together at a speed which seemed fast but not fast at the same time leaving behind a group of trailing after images, the instant her palms connected her small cherry-like lips opened releasing a few strange words.

  “The source of all things, the origin for which all must eventually return, I call upon your strength, Great Origin Barrier...”

  “Origin Barrier!... Origin Barrier!... Origin Barrier!” Her voice resounding throughout the world as if it had gone still and silent. Instantly, a terrifying wave of magic power formed around the palace looking to have been gathered by the Life Source Halo which was now pulsating at a faster rate.

  The strange spell Myria called upon was one of the ancient fairy spells useable only by those who are at a realm corresponding to outer worlds True Soul realm. However, this power was easily accounted for by the power within the Life Source Halo. It grew to an alarming degree as a semi-transparent blue barrier formed over the palace in the blink of an eye.

  Time once more continued its motion and the two devastation beams of fiendish energies collided with the barrier creating a tarrying explosion that shook all things.

  KABOOOOM! A giant mushroom cloud formed destroying all things within the range 10 kilometers, leaving behind an apocalyptic scene. The towering trees and corroded plant life had all but vanished with the tall mountains and hills broken down into the rubbles that fell into a massive bottomless fissure.

  Oddly enough, at the center of this crater was a broad lake that resided in a now lonely but tall patch of rock that elevated from the depths of this deep crater. It was surrounded by a magical barrier that glowed dimly as if it lost a great deal of its strength. If one looked at the center of this lake, one would see that a palace stood firmly though shaken up as if it could withstand the storms of the heavens and turbulence of the earth.

  As if this scene shocked them, two sinister voices could be heard from the outside of the cracks made in the artificial sky.

  “What?! Still standing?”

  “Well, it seems that they were right. The fairies do still possess incredible means...”

  However, after a short moment passed, one of the voices continued to speak in a dark tone. “Hmph! No matter what, their resistance will be futile, the barrier is open, and this gap will allow all below the 5 Stage to enter. All fiends heed my command, destroy the rebels, and seize the Life Source Orb, also remember to ca
pture those three as well we need them alive!”

  As soon as the words finished, a domineering voice shouted, “As the great elder wishes, all troops forwards!”

  “Uwaaaaaaa!!!!!!” A stream of voices bellowed that rippled the heavens and shook the earth as a dense swarm of fiends charged through the large gap in the artificial skies.

  Feng Yu, Myria, Leon and alliance members along with the palace natives looked at the scene above them with a serious look on their faces as they prepared for a bloody battle.

  Feng Yu reached his hands towards his back firmly gripping his two newly refined swords as his eyes turned golden in color and the bloodline marking appeared on his forehead. His eyes shining in a murderous light as he spoke in a voice which was obscured by the chaotic shouts coming from above, “So the battle truly begins...”

  Chapter 133

  Surrounded from All Corners! Hidden Cards Revealed!

  The mood was dark as the air became filled with a tension that could be cut by any knife. A massive army of fiends no less than a few hundred thousand charged the Fairy Palace from heavens. They descended with unique artifacts made for flying looking similar to the wings on fairies’ backs.

  Within moments of their charge, they quickly arrived at the now dull glowing barrier that shielded the palace resting on top of the lone pillar that stood at the center of the deep abyss around it.

  Troop Commander Vandus seeing the state of the barrier sneered as he looked towards the army of fiends that now encircled and immediately commanded, “Their barrier weakens! Attack with all you have! Break the barrier and destroy the palace!”

  As they heard his commands, the fiends instantly reacted, their eyes glowing in a vicious red light as their fiendish energies rose to their peaks.

  “Kill!!” They each yelled as the gathered energies erupted from the bodies colliding with the barrier which grew weaker and weaker with each of their strikes.


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