The Conqueror of Zones

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The Conqueror of Zones Page 13

by Shadows Finger

  Kiria also sweated while thinking to herself, “The Queen didn’t say there would be such interference in battling him... what’s going on? Did this human change yet again?”

  Their eyes now locked on the scene of burning flames that shrouded the body of youth that was now a considerable distance away from them, as gales from the battles around them continued to blow unchanged...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  At a distant part of the skies, were the battling Gia Brambles and the Hellionfiend, as they clashed, they couldn't help but gaze towards the distant Feng Yu with traces of surprise in their eyes.

  As Hellionfiend looked on at the scene, a strange light shone in its eyes. The Gia Bramble female who had now removed her eyes from Feng Yu quickly used this chance to attack by launching another series of attacks with her thorny vines, but alas they narrowly avoided by the Hellionfiend who jumped backward placing himself outside of her attack range.

  Oddly enough, despite being powered up by her new transformation, the Hellionfien continued to show strength which was neither strong nor weak as if it was using only the necessary amount of power to avoid her attacks. The eyes of the Hellionfiend now glowing in a cunning light as he casually observed the scene while playing with the Gai Bramble...

  Far away from this section of the airborne battlefield, within the large crater below the earth were the battling forms of Troop Commander Vandus along with the figures of Myria and Leon, they soon quickly paused their battle as their rippling energies shrouded their forms as they gazed towards the disturbance from above.

  “Whose energy is this? The Great Elders never mentioned anyone else coming here, and this is a power belonging to the path of destruction, could its origin be from an entity who walks that path?” The Troop Commander Vandus muttered confusedly.

  Myria and Leon gazed at each other for a moment with a surprised look in their eyes as they felt this aura, their eyes then focusing on the figure of Feng Yu who at the center of this sea of purple flames.

  "We can't worry about him now. We must take this bastard down quickly! Myria!" Leon said as he channeled a mental message to her.

  Myria hearing this quickly nodded her head as she started to cast a spell towards the distracted Vandus. As he sensed the change, Vandus eyes flickered as he glared at both of them viciously before speaking, "Hmph! Sneaking up on me won't be so easy!"

  Bang! His energies erupted once more, causing the surroundings to change as their battles at the depths of the chasm continued...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Back within the sea of purple flames that loomed over the sky, the figure of Feng Yu could be seen floating up and down. Suddenly, his body twitched as arms moved to grab his head as his brows knitted.

  The moment his consciousness returned Feng Yu couldn’t help but shake his head as a wave of pain flowed into his mind. His body was now rapidly falling from the sky as he was no longer under the restraint of the dark palm nor was he using his flying artifact.

  Seeing this scene, he promptly acted by waving his arm towards the distance causing an odd ripple to spread outwards as if sensing his call, the Void Disk that was floating not too far away quickly flew over below his descending figure.

  Swoosh! Thud! After falling on top of the Void Disk, Feng Yu couldn’t help but frown as the wave of pain in his head grew more intense, he placed one palm on top of the control formation rune of the Void Disk as he spread out his consciousness to observe the scene around him.

  While looking around, he saw many clusters of familiar looking purple flames which now surrounding the region for a few hundred meters glowing in a blazing light that threatened to destroy all things.

  Feng Yu seeing this was shocked again as he exclaimed, “These flames... aren’t they the source flames belonging to Crimson Ember! Why is it here? Could they have come here to save me? If so, then I shouldn’t be feeling any sort of oppression, why is it that I have a bad feeling about this?”

  As Feng Yu said this, he couldn’t help but remember Zyne’s final statement before entering the healing chamber.

  However, as he was trying to ponder the circumstances, the voice which had spoken a few moments ago finally spoke again but only to Feng Yu’s mind, “You are weak... but necessary, this is why I shall help you. However, once we have sown karma, our next meeting shall be that of the end...”

  Feng Yu hearing this familiar voice became even more surprised as he had only now realized who it was, but before he could say or do anything there was a change...

  Shinggg!~ The moment the voice ended, a resonant cry of the sword was soon after inspired by Crimson Ember as it revealed itself from Feng Yu’s back. It floated in the air a few meters away from Feng Yu’s position as all of the blazing purple flames in the region quickly started to retract from the surroundings swirling around its hovering form. As they danced around the sword, the temperature continued to rise even further, causing the space to become no different from the surface of a burning star.

  The surrounding natives and fiends seeing this went into a panic as they could feel the level of power behind the energies in this sword. Feng Yu seeing this change quickly reacted by sending a message to all alliance members, “Everyone, get as far away from me as you can! Right now!!!”

  “Right now!... Right now!... Right Now!” His voice, echoing within the special communication tool that transmitted his words directly to their minds. The alliance members became dull for a moment but soon after quickly responded.

  “These are Destruction Path Flames! That will not stop burning until all is destroyed! Let’s move!” Treantous said as he commanded his units to retreat far away into the distance, he being of Treekind had a keen understanding of the powers of these flames upon hearing this words a few of them started to complain, “But what about the Chosen, he is in the direct center of that strange weapons flames!”

  Treantous quickly responded, “The Chosen has told us to avoid his reach, this means that he will not be affected by that strange weapon’s power! Now, enough talking let's go!”

  “Yes, sir!” The alliance units responded in unison as their flying artifacts pushed their bodies towards the distance at rapid speeds. The surrounding fiends and unit leaders seeing this scene frowned as they pondered what to do, but soon, the voices of Ulan and Kiria sounded in their minds.

  “Get as far away from the human as you can right now!” They both said as their figures had already long vanished from this region rapidly escaping the coming disaster. A few quickly quick-witted fiend leaders and units responded swiftly using all of their power to rush towards the distance. However, a large portion remained...

  The flames surrounding crimson embers were now completely devoured, as the sword began to glow in a radiant purple light. Its energies instantly reaching a whole new peak as if no one in the world could hinder its prestige. The moment this happened, the voice once more sounded in the world, “Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! Return what is, to what was once thus!”

  Blazzzeee! Instantly, a massive ball of purple light scattered outwards like an explosion immediately eclipsing a vast region no less than a few dozen kilometers, the creatures and fiends within these lights vanished from existence, as the space around it started to break into pieces for even the Fairyland's stable array could not withstand its destructive nature.

  Boooom! Following a loud explosion, the entire array broke to pieces revealing the gloomy raining skies of the endless rain zone. After a long while, the light faded returning to its primary source which was the rusty crimson sword that hovered in the void. It carried a lonely aura as if nothing in the world could stand by its side which soon after vanished leaving behind what seemed like nothing more than a rusty sword.

  It then descended from the void and sheathed itself into the holster behind the stunned Feng Yu’s back, as only silence remained in this once brutal battlefield.

  Clank! As the sword sheathed itself, Feng Yu who was in shock finally recovered his state of mind, he glanced a
round at the surroundings while standing on his void disk which floated in the sky. The rain from the dark clouds drenching his body, washing away the blood stains on his figure.

  Oddly enough, as Feng Yu looked at the surroundings, there was no large crater as the only crater that remained was the one prior to the start of the battles, caused by the two energies which had previously broken through the now destroyed Fairyland’s barrier.

  Beyond this crater, was an endless sight of tall ancient trees with bright leaves giving off a magical aura, the area filled with an unusual silence as only the noises from the droplets of rain continued to sound in the region.

  If one looked on the grounds, they would notice that a few pieces of magical equipment scattered about turning the radiant area into a land of treasures, as a few ashes and dust fragments could be seen inside of these weapons, soon, these fragments were cleansed away by the constantly pouring rain.

  “Such a terrifying power! Are you telling me I now have to face a guy like this? Having something like this outside of my control is not within my style...” Feng Yu muttered to himself, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead while looking at the remnants of those who couldn’t escape in time.

  However, as he was trying to ponder what to do in this situation, there was a change.

  Rumble! The earth shook as a massive rumbling followed, after a short moment of shaking the crater blow, Feng Yu started to glow in a bright light which condensed into an explosion.

  KaBoom! The power behind this explosion was great as it almost pushed away Feng Yu who was hovering many distances above the crater, after recovering his balance in the air Feng Yu couldn’t help but look at the scene below him.

  It was a terrible scene, as far below a wide but somewhat weakened purple net were a myriad of fissures within this seemingly boundless abyss.

  One massive fiend who wielded a giant spear in his arms was currently battling the struggling Leon with immense power, each of his pierces leaving a myriad of wounds on Leon’s body.

  Myria tried to help from a distance by casting strange aquatic spells which momentarily hinder the body of Troop Commander Vandus, but after being hindered, he would merely twirl the spear in its hand to ward off any follow up attack used by Leon and Myria causing the battle to become an endless routine of attack and defend.

  As Feng Yu looked at this scene, he took in a deep breath but before he could do anything both Myria’s and Leon's voices sounded in his head. “Chosen Yu run away quickly, the barrier is gone! The enemy's leaders are in the surroundings!”

  Feng Yu hearing this was stunned, only now did he properly awake and realize that he was no longer in the array formation. “Shit! I've got to get out of here now!” He was about to escape, but it was too late...

  A familiar voice sounded not too far away from his location, “Little boy... it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

  “Hehehe! Human, you sure did a good job stealing my ascension legacy...” The voice of a familiar female said with a hint of hidden viciousness.

  The moments the voices sounded, two figures materialized out of thin air gazing towards Feng Yu like a rabbit caught in a net. A dark looking fiend who wore spikey black armor that covered his entire body floated calmly in the air, beside a seductively beautiful woman who wore a revealing type of plant-like dress, with strange shell-like artifacts covering her private areas.

  Feng Yu seeing these two individuals finally remembered what it feels like to lose all hope, but he didn’t dare to express this feeling as he would rather die than fall victim to his own mental weakness. He looked at both of them calmly and spoke, “The Dark Supreme Elder and the Queen of the Gloomy Forest, coming for me personally should I be honored or in fear?”

  As they saw Feng Yu’s unusual calmness, they began to feel something was amiss as they spoke to themselves in mental messages.

  “Titana, your senses were always the best... do you sense anything strange in the area? Like, another one of those traps or where those troublesome ones like Zyne and Fairy Queen are hiding?” The Dark Supreme Elder said in a cautious tone.

  Titana hearing this frowned before responding, “I can't find them, it’s as if they didn’t exist in this space, maybe they died in that energy which previously destroyed the barrier...”

  “That can’t be right, after all, this human is still alive, and well, maybe he had the power to prevent that attack from harming them as he did with himself...” The Dark Supreme Elder replied.

  “Would that even make sense? The allied army had also retreated, Chet! It doesn’t matter. When we capture him, we will find out, I believe he's only putting up a front to scare us into thinking that they are hidden away with a trap or that he is capable of using that sword artifacts taboo method again. Since this is so, I will not play his game, you better not stop me for I will be torturing this human myself!” Titana said to the Dark Supreme Elder with a sharp look in her eyes.

  She then looked at Feng Yu with a fierce gaze as she slowly walked towards him with an oppressive mood, the Dark Supreme Elder seeing this frowned, but he did nothing as he merely floated calmly and watched the scene from the sidelines...

  The native alliance members who were now returning to the central area once again upon seeing this scene became stunned as they exclaimed.

  “Not good! Chosen Yu is in trouble, help him quickly!” The Azure Scaled Clan leaders said as he rushed forwards with full power, his army following behind.

  "Wait that is Titana of the Gloomy Forest and the Dark Supreme Elder from the Dark Palace! Attacking wildly would be suicide!" The leader of the Ancient Hawk race said as his eyes momentarily flashed, he waved his hand to stop their attack.

  The current azure scaled clan leader along with the other sub-leaders looked at him in discontent as they replied. "Felman, what are you saying?!"

  As they were about to start a conflict, Treantous intervened his arms transforming into branches which parted them as he spoke, "We can't wait any longer! The may be strong, but we can disrupt them if we work together!"

  As they heard this, the alliance leaders nodded as they rushed forwards, as this happened Treantous glanced at the Ancient Hawk clan leader Felman as he muttered to himself, "What are you up to?" He then turned around and followed the others as they rushed towards Feng Yu.

  Felman seeing their figures before him, merely smiled like normal as if nothing was out of place, he followed them from behind. Suddenly, as they moved towards Feng Yu's location, there was a disturbance.

  “Your opponent is us!” A mighty voice said, not long after the figure of Ulan followed by Kiria along with the escaped fiend leaders and soldiers appeared within the region. They promptly rushed towards the alliance army of natives once more clashing as they blocked their attempt to help Feng Yu.

  Myria and Leon who were battling Vandus below the earth frowned as they pondered how to save Feng Yu in this situation, but sadly Vandus gave them no chance.

  “Humph! To get distracted in battle is no different from seeking death!” Vandus said as he rushed forwards once more launching an even more profound technique as his spear turned into a series of shades which attacked both Myria and Leon at the same time.

  “Dammit!” Leon yelled as he fought back with his fist parrying as much of the attacks he could, while Myria used her energies to focus on a water barrier which struggled to resist the onslaught, as their battles continued to heat up, far above them the figure of Titana had finally arrived directly in front of Feng Yu.

  Crack! Crack! As if the world was pressuring his body, Feng Yu’s bones began to break apart as blood started to fall from his pores, but despite this painful situation he remained standing firmly like a rock which had shouldered the waves at sea for countless years. His sharp eyes calmly gazing into her seductive eyes which carried a rich amount of murderous intentions.

  Titana seeing his expression frowned, but after a while, she revealed a charming smile and spoke, “Hrmmm... you’ve got quite the fierce dem
eanor human. If you were not my enemy, I wouldn’t mind making you have some fun..."

  As she said this, she seductively licked her lips, but soon her eyes became sharp as she spoke once more, "It’s a pity, for you have stolen what belongs to me in my domain. Now, before I torture you to death, I shall ask you a question... where is, that wretched girl?”

  Feng Yu was initially planning to indifferently ignore her words and respond to her in silence as he knew full well, he couldn’t do anything but resist someone at this realm.

  However, the moment he heard the words ‘Wretched Girl,’ a strange feeling he never had never experienced before in both his lives awoken. His blood boiled much like his initial fiery awakening and in a manner unbecoming of a practitioner, he yelled at Titana whiling swinging the back of his hand. “Shut your mouth! B*tch!”

  Slap!!! It was a loud and resonant sound that echoed far and wide, the battling fiends, as well as the silent Dark Supreme Elder revealed a stunned expression on their faces.

  “Oh my goodness! Did the Witch of the Forest just get hit?!” One fiend exclaimed as the battles in the region died down a bit once again a silence ensued.

  The head of Titana was now slanted to the side as her cheek was red, though uninjured in any way; Titana felt a feeling she never had in a very long time. A sense of humiliation, one which she thought was left behind during her child-like days of old.

  Instantly, she fell into a maddened state as her eyes became red, and her gorgeously seductive face contorting in a vicious shape, while her facial muscles spasmed causing her veins to become visible as her anger had clearly risen to a whole new peak.

  “You damn human! Die!!!!!!!!” She roared as she gathered all of her magical fiendish energies into her palms and struck outwards preparing to kill Feng Yu in one blow. Feng Yu seeing this closed his eyes, as he welcomed his expected end. "Father, Uncle, Aunt, Yun'er... Miss, Fu..." He muttered as of the people who left a deep impression to him flickered for a moment in his mind.


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