The Conqueror of Zones

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The Conqueror of Zones Page 14

by Shadows Finger

  Whooooosh! The winds grew chaotic as the powers of the world seemed to have condensed for this single strike which stuck towards the harmless head of the weak entity before them. However, before the attack to could arrive at his head there was a sudden change.

  Boom! A massive shockwave spread outwards which obstructed many of the still battling fiends and natives, if one now looked towards the location of Feng Yu, they would see a new individual, a peerlessly beautiful white-haired female whose body gave off a strange but noble aura.

  Feng Yu feeling the change before finally opened his eyes gazing at the individual before him with a momentarily surprised expression, but soon, it became filled with excitement as a murderously sharp light rose up within him once more.

  Titana frowned as she looked at the individual before her, who calmly grasped her hand with her slender palms, hindering her from moving in any way. Her eyes still glowing in a red light which showed that her state of madness was still in full effect and growing much worse, but not giving her any time to act or respond; the female who grasped her arms finally spoke.

  “You called for me... well, here I am...” It was a voice that seemed to travel from heaven itself carrying with it a graceful, yet noble charm, filling all who heard it with a strange kind of presence as if all things shall come to its rightful end...

  Chapter 138

  The Dragon Rises from the East...

  Traveling back to a few moments before the sudden change on the battlefield, within a strange space, was an unusual scene... It was a dark realm, one with hardly any light in sight. A beautiful woman could be seen resting at the center of this space, her body glowing in a soft white light that shrouded every fiber of her being.

  She gave off a strong aura, but despite its richness, deep within was a strange kind of vulnerability, one that was visible by the pale white skin of the sleeping beauty who was curled up into the fetal posture.

  A strange kind of energy permeated this surrounding environment causing the space itself to ripple in an unusual manner as if losing track of its rhyme, while this peculiar scenario continued, a series of rich life energies flowed from the distant darkness all the way into the body of the sleeping beauty.

  These energies came in such large streams that seemed as if they were endless in supply, continuously pouring into the body of the female. After what seemed like an eternity, the body of the sleeping female shook, causing her special aura to rise by double, triple, and beyond continuously.

  In mere moments, her auras rose to an almost inestimable scale as her closed eye lids finally opened, revealing a set of sparkling silver eyes that glittered with an unusual profoundness as she gazed at her surroundings.

  The moment she awoke, her body instantly changed, her sickly appearance faded as her skin became more of a lively tone, her body’s vitality becoming overly rich as if her entire being was a source of life itself.

  She slowly stood to her feet within this world of nothingness causing the already chaotic space to ripple in more confusion, as she finally stood up, she looked around at the remnant energies that lingered around her form, an exceptional kind power known as, force energy...

  “I have awoken...” She said in a soft tone, her voice filling this void of darkness with a strange type of resonance, as if this world couldn’t contain it, it broke through the darkness sending an imperceptible will across space and time.

  Traveling beyond the battle zone of the fairyland, going even further beyond the realm of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield, to the distant darkness of the endless void that exists within the outside world. Finally, it trailed towards a brightly glowing star that shone at the remote edge of the universe.

  It was an odd star that shone with a different kind of intention, carrying a will like no other before it as if it has always existed in a state of endless deductions since the beginning of time, to its ever so distant end.

  The Destiny Star... one which dated back to a time that was unknown, as obscured and mysterious as the more brightly shining Eternal Star. They say that this star has a life of its own, was able to think and make decisions like any rational being, sadly these sayings are only rumors for its exact details have remained shrouded to all who’ve seen it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  In a brilliant world filled with an endless sight of clouds was a single lone stairway that ascended to the very limits of its heavens, before this stairway was a massive star that gleamed in a familiar light that shone across the distant galaxies, the very light of ever so mysterious the destiny star.

  A beautiful woman with long black hair stood before this star at the summits of the stairway, her eyes gleaming in a profound light as if she was deducing all of the things in the world. Suddenly, she looked towards a distant location at a region of space that seemed to be at its far edge, an uncommonly gentle smile rising on her face as she spoke in a manner that seemed to define her knowledge of all things.

  “And it as foretold, the Dragon Rises from the East, as Chosen's are Born in this Generation...” As she said this, her eyes seemed to have pierced the void traveling across various distances and reaching the sky of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield gazing at the beauty that was inside of the time-space of the Healing Chamber.

  The woman had a warm smile on her face, but after a short moment, her expression changed to that of a sickly person, “Cough! Cough!” After coughing out a mouthful of blood, her skin grew pale as wrinkles started to form on her fleshy body.

  As she saw this change, the woman didn’t frown but smiled as she spoke, “It is the fate of destiny’s light to fade, just as is it is for the age of darkness to rise again, but like all things in this universe, everything that ends has a beginning, for a fallen star shall rise again...”

  Her desolate voice fading into the winds of this silent but holy world leaving behind her lonely figure which continued to gaze into the distant boundaries of the universe...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Traveling back towards the Ancient Dragon Battlefield, within the Endless Rain Zone, at the base of the Fairy Palace. The atmosphere of the Chamber room quickly underwent an unusual change as a strange mist rose within the area, not waiting for long the Healing Chambers that were continually channeling life source energies into the individuals finally came to a stop.

  Buzz! Following a loud noise, the crystallized substance that surrounded the individuals started to disperse into the room giving rise to even more mist upon thoroughly dispersing, as this happened, the individual who was inside of the chamber finally twitched before opening his eyes.

  He tapped the transparent glass-like surface before his eyes which pulled his body from the chambers inside to its outside.

  Step! As he appeared outside of the chamber, his short stumpy feet finally landed on the ground, as he lifted his muscular arms gently rubbing his neck before moving it from side to side.

  Crack! Crack! A series of cracking noises rang out as his neck finally became set into place, after doing this, a smile rose on his face as he gripped his fists tightly.

  Bangg! The space rippled with a powerful kind of energy, which soon started to make the world feel an unusual type of oppression, the body of this small figure now giving the illusion of having transformed in an insurmountable being whose power was far too high from lesser lifeforms to resist.

  “Hahaha! My battle power is finally back to its usual state in this realm, though my cultivation is gone, it will be effortless to regain it once I leave this world and return to that realm...” Zyne said as he looked at his fist with glee, he was about to look at the chambers and mock everyone for being too late to wake up but was suddenly cut off by someone else.

  “You're late, Zyneas...” A soft and gentle voice said, following this voice one would notice a peerless beauty who slowly made her way from the dense amounts of mist in the area.

  Zyne seeing the beauty frowned as he complained, “Tsk! It seems like I’m forever destined to lose to your pair of sisters Demetria...�

  Queen Demetria only smiled after she heard his words, she then pointed towards another location with her fingers as she spoke to Zyne, “You’ve forgotten another...”

  “Eh? Someone else is already out?” Zyne said in a surprise as he inspected the area, upon seeing the form, he couldn’t help but let out a breath of fresh air, “Well, it seems that she’s finally awakened her true powers...”

  “Indeed so, this should make for an interesting turn of events...” Queen Demetria said with a trace of excitement hidden within her eyes, though her outward expression remained noble and calm.

  “Um,” Zyne replied as he nodded his head in agreement to Demetria's words. As if the form heard their words, the figure within the mist walked out slowly soon becoming completely visible.

  “No, I have yet to rouse my full abilities, but you could say that I have partially awakened. Also, it seems that the war has gotten out of their control, we should go and bring it to an end...” said Jing Mingyun as her eyes glowed in a strange light as if they carried the will to calculate all things and nothing could hide from her sights.

  “As Heiress Jing wishes...” replied Queen Demetria as she then looked around at the void and clapped her palms together causing every one of the chambers crystallized liquids to disperse.

  Quickly, all of the significant clan elders and leaders who were in recovery woke up from their slumber as they made their way outside of the chambers looking at the scene before them with a confused expression on their faces.

  “The enemy has made it to our land and are overpowering our kin. We must now take the battle to them directly to swiftly bring an end to this war!” Queen Demetria said in a voice filled with dignity.

  The surrounding alliance leaders having understood the situation gripped their fists tightly as they lifted above their heads and shouted, “We are ready to fight!”

  As she heard their words, she nodded, no longer wasting any time as she looked towards both Zyne and Jing Mingyun who they both smiled.

  Quickly, her bright golden cicada-like wings quickly unfolded as her figure floated in the air along with Zyne who rose off the ground with his feet on top the head from the enlarged form of his Bright Hammer, as Jing Mingyun simply floated in the air not needing any wings.

  “We march forwards!” Queen Demetria shouted as her body turned into a ray of light that soared towards the sky, along with both Zyne and Jing Mingyun, the alliance leaders trailing behind like rays of light as they use their own flying artifacts.

  As they flew towards the outside, they couldn’t help but become appalled once they saw the scene, the destroyed fairyland barrier along with the massive crater which surrounded the single pillar of rock that housed the remains of the Fairyland.

  At the far edges of the sky were multiple booms of shockwaves and stray energies caused by the intense battles of the fiends and the barely hanging on alliance members, while at the very bottom of this crater was a massive but slightly dim purple net that trapped three individuals who fought to the death.

  “Myria!” Queen Demetria exclaimed angrily as she saw Myria being hit by the Troop Commander Vandus below her, she was about to charge towards them but soon after noticed the strange net that blocked off the entire ground.

  “This net... how could they have something like this?” She exclaimed once more in shock, Zyne also notice the net below them when he came out, and he was also surprised as he looked towards Demetria before speaking, “Don’t worry about it, I will handle it later, that bastard doesn’t seem to be able to deal with both of them any time soon. We should focus on the ones who seemed to have been waiting here...”

  As Queen Demetria heard this, she couldn’t help but frown as only now did she realize that they were surrounded by a large group of fiends, judging by energies they seemed to be core leaders of the entire army that had laid in wait since the start of the battles.

  Suddenly, one of them walked forward and spoke in a confident voice, “Oh, it seems that ‘they’ were correct, you were all waiting to mount an assault at the last moment to catch us off guard. Though we've suffered quite a bit of casualties because of that human's artifact, it’s a pity for it didn’t work; we don’t even need to act to suppress your armies, as our 2nd and 3rd Class Fiend Leaders are more than enough to handle that task...”

  “Hahaha!” The surrounding leader fiends who were nearby started to laugh triumphantly as they looked at the alliance leaders like harmless rabbits.

  Queen Demetria having heard his words didn’t panic but smiled as she replied, “You are both right and wrong, as regardless of the situation. You being here will make no difference...”

  Zyne hearing her domineering words finally couldn’t help it as he laughed, “Hahaha! It seems that you’ve grown to be even more like 'her' in these years, that’s right! Your attempt to block us means nothing for us...”

  As Zyne said this, his muscles budged as his figure which floated on top of the Bright Hammer started to emit a terrifying kind of energy; feeling this power, the 1st Tier Leader-class fiend’s expression grew solemn as he stuttered in speech, "You-you-you! How--?”

  However, it was a pity, Zyne already been an impatient dwarfin did not wish to listen to his pointless jabbering.

  Swish! Instantly, his figure vanished reappearing behind the 1st Tier Leader-class fiend as he smashed one of his arms on top his head with a terrifying amount of force.

  Bang! Spuff! Following a loud boom, a sound similar to that of a watermelon breaking to pieces sounded as the well-armored, and protected head of the fiend leader tore to pieces with his brain matter scattering about the sky.

  Zyne looked at his hand in glee as his excitement continued to rise; his enemies, however, carried the opposite of his mood, they looked towards Zyne in fear as one of the leaders couldn’t bare but to exclaim.

  “It's not good! He’s recovered battle prestige run away quickly!” As the leader said this, he was about to be the first to act in retreating, but a pity for him someone else had already moved.

  “Aqua Net...” A calm but indifferent voice sounded, as a watery net formed around not only this fiend’s body but a large group of the leader class fiends, this net was strange as no matter how they struggled they couldn’t escape its bindings.

  Queen Demetria looked at those fiends who were bound with an indifferent gaze as she slowly closed her outstretched fingers into a fist, the moment this happened the net surrounding each of the fiends started to compress the fiends quickly crushing the bones of all who had been caught.

  “Arghhh!” As the fiends screamed in pain, their bodies continued to be crushed and compressed until their unique armors made of unknown materials crumpled like paper with their bodies becoming no different from meat paste.

  Zyne seeing this couldn’t help but sigh as he thought to himself, “It seems she's also learned her vicious combat means...”

  After killing a large bunch out of the leader class fiends, Queen Demetria indifferently glanced at the terror-stricken remnants before pointing her fingers at them and commanding, “Kill them all!”

  The alliance leaders and supreme elders who had watched on standby quickly reacted by rushing towards the terror-stricken fiends with full stride, slaughtering them no different from packs of wolves rushing through a field of sheep.

  As this occurred, Zyne couldn’t help but frown when he noticed Jing Mingyun had already vanished from their group. He muttered, “Hmm, where did that girl go?”

  Queen Demetria smiled as she heard his words, she pointed her fingers towards a distant location of the sky where a few dots could be noticed before speaking, “She’s already gone ahead to aid Chosen Yu...”

  Zyne now paying attention to that said finally smiled as he spoke, “Heh, interesting... it seems her sentiment is already at that stage. I don’t think his Excellency will be pleased with his daughter's deep infatuation...”

  As Demetria heard this, she couldn’t help but snicker before replying, “I do
n’t think you have the right to worry about their affairs, she is a dragon after all, and don’t forget...” As she said this, she moved her finger and pointed downwards at the barrier that was hindering Myria’s and Leon’s escape before continuing to speak. “You still have your own matters to worry about...”

  Zyne hearing this grew silent as he looked at the intensely battling Leon who was struggling as he went all out with Troop Commander Vandus, he couldn’t help but shift his gaze towards Demetria noticing that behind her snicker was a type of hidden grievance that she kept deep concealed. He opened his mouth and spoke, “Demetria I...”

  As Zyne was about to speak, Demetria couldn’t help but smile as she lifted her fingers to her lips before speaking, “Shh... it’s ok. The past is the past, and one cannot undo what was done as we can only strive to make the best of what currently is...”

  Zyne hearing this sighed to himself before shaking his head left and right as a firmer look appeared in his eyes, he looked towards Demetria once again and spoke, “I understand, we will talk about this another time. Now we have to deal with two pressing issues, that barrier blocking Leon and Myria, then...”

  Upon saying this, Zyne then pointed towards another section of the sky battle zone where two entities were battling to a stalemate. However, if one looked closely, they would quickly realize that one of them was actually controlling the overall battle situation.

  Zyne then continued his words, “We have to strive our hardest to deal with that troublesome creature...”

  Demetria seeing this creature, frowned as a rare solemn look appeared on her face, she nodded her head in agreement as she spoke, “Indeed, I don’t know how they did it. But these fiends managed to summon something far more troublesome than an actual Hellionfiend...”

  Her voice trailing away in the violent winds of the battlefield moving all the way towards the distant battle of powerful creatures...


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