Book Read Free

Slow Burn

Page 20

by Heather Graham

  “Thanks for the invitation. Wow. Something smells wonderful!” Spencer said. It did, too. The cooking aromas were scrumptious.

  “The family, you know. Dad’s side. Grandpa Michael’s haggis was still sheep stomach, no matter what you called it!” she said, laughing.

  “I never did have to try it,” Spencer admitted.

  “He was always kind to guests. Come on, come on. The family is anxious to see you, David. Spencer, you haven’t really met my kids. They were at Danny’s funeral, but…” She trailed off, looking as if she wanted to slap herself.

  “I think I remember them. You have a very handsome little boy, right? He looks a lot like your brother, actually.”

  Reva winced. “Don’t tell my husband. He thinks Damien is the spitting image of himself. But please, come on in.”

  She caught Spencer’s hand and led her into the house.

  It was a big, sprawling ranch, with a living room that opened into a big family room that opened out to a big pool-patio area. There were about ten kids playing out back already, while the grown-ups were in clusters around a cherrywood bar, the patio tables and the outdoor lounge chairs. Reva drew Spencer along to greet her husband, George. Reva had barely put the two of them together before someone called out to her for help finding something in the kitchen.

  “Excuse me, Spencer. I’ll be right back. I leave you in good hands, I promise.”

  Spencer remembered George from the funeral. He was of medium height, with sandy hair, pleasant freckles and expressive green eyes. He gripped her hand warmly. “We’re delighted that you could come. I don’t know if you remember me—”

  “I do,” Spencer assured him with a smile.

  “I’d have to remember you,” George told her. “I heard all about you from Reva.”

  Spencer felt her cheeks growing warm. No doubt he’d heard about the last time she had really seen Reva until recently—that awful day when she and David had parted.

  “Oh,” Spencer said.

  “She told me you were the first person in the United States to make her feel as if she really was their equal, as if she could make a home here. She told me that your grandfather put her and David through school, but she only survived it because of you.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Spencer said.

  George grinned. “She said that you accepted her and became her friend. And because you did, everyone else did. I think she’s missed you a lot.”

  “I—I’ve missed her, too,” Spencer said. She realized suddenly how much she meant it. She shrugged awkwardly. “It’s hard sometimes. You know how life can be. Work. Schedules. In your case, children and their schedules.”

  “Yes, I know. It can be hard. But I do hope we get to see more of you now that you know the way to the house.”

  “Thanks. I hope so, too.”

  “Spencer? Spencer!”

  She turned around.

  Small, round, like an enegetic little dark-haired apple, Tia Anna stood behind her, arms outstretched. Spencer hadn’t seen her in over ten years. She was David’s and Reva’s father’s sister. Next to Michael MacCloud, she had been their closest relation while they were growing up. She had nursed broken bones, measles and mumps—and wounded egos, as well.

  Now she came forward and crushed Spencer to her ample bosom. “¡Povrecita!” she crooned, holding her. Poor little one. “¡Como está?” Anna demanded.

  “Good,” Spencer told her. “I’m doing fine.”

  “You’re thin. I’ll put meat on your bones. You come out to the pool and sit down, I’ll make you a plate. Along with that wayward nephew of mine. He eats standing up half the time. Go on now, go out and sit with him.”

  Reva had disappeared and George had been taken over by another guest. David was standing by the pool, watching the kids as they horsed around. Spencer walked out, smiling to people she didn’t know, who smiled in return, and reaching the empty white, wrought-iron table Anna had indicated. She pulled out a chair.

  A second later Anna appeared, a plate piled with enough food to feed half a football team in each hand. “There!” she said, setting one down in front of Spencer. “My arroz con pollo, Natalia’s palomino steak, Reva’s black beans and rice, fried plaintains, ensalada, good Cuban bread and George’s fried sausages. You eat now.” She raised her voice. “David, come over here with Spencer. Sit, eat, enjoy.”

  David turned, looking a bit surprised to see his aunt staring at him like a determined bulldog.

  “I’ve made you a plate,” she told David. She winked at Spencer. “You diet on Monday, eh?”

  Spencer laughed. “I’ll have to, after this!”

  David came over, taking a chair. He had barely taken his seat before another aunt came over to embrace him, followed a moment later by the ten-year-old birthday boy, Damien. He was fresh out of the pool, a tall, lean boy with large, very dark blue and expressive eyes. He tried to wipe his palms before shaking hands with Spencer, and she smiled, taking his damp hand and wishing him a happy birthday.

  “Thank you for coming. It’s very nice to have you here,” he said politely. Then he hesitated, and she realized that he had the natural curiosity of any bright child. “Tia Anna told me that you’ve been grieving a long time and that we must try to make you have a nice evening. I hope you’ve been doing well since your husband died. We were all very sorry. I don’t know if you remember, but Mom and Dad brought us to the funeral home.”

  “Yes, I remember,” Spencer told him. “It was very nice of you to help me say goodbye to Danny. And please don’t worry. Time passes. We still miss people, but we learn to go on. And I know I’ll have a very nice evening.”

  “Danny was Tio David’s best friend. Mom said he was one of the best people she’d ever met in her whole life. She said he might have changed the world, and he would have started right here in Florida.”

  Spencer nodded, liking this child very much. He was so grave and polite, intelligent, and so sensitive for his age. He reminded her of someone else.


  When she had first met him, he had been so solemn and serious. A little overwhelmed by the world Danny had suddenly dragged him into. David had been very mature for his age. A little boy who had been forced to grow up too fast. Somber, but also street smart and intelligent. And because of his own emotional upheaval, so empathetic regarding the fears and uncertainties of others.

  “Danny would have run for public office in time,” she told Damien. “And he might have changed things. He really was a very good person.”

  “You must miss him very much.”

  She felt David’s eyes on her. She kept her own on Damien. “We all do. Sometimes I can be selfish, and I forget that other people miss him, too. But, hey, it’s your birthday. Danny loved parties, and he wanted people to have fun at them. I wasn’t quite sure what you’d like, so I brought a Toytown gift certificate. You can choose your own present.”

  “You didn’t need to bring anything,” Damien said, and she thought that he was about the most perfectly behaved child she had ever seen. But then his blue eyes lit up with the true sparkle of a little devil. “But I’m awfully glad you did! Thanks, Mrs. Huntington.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “And you’re dripping all over our food, which is getting cold. Go have fun while you’re young and still can!” David told him sternly.

  The boy grinned, hugged his uncle, soaking him, and ran off to the pool. David watched him go with obvious affection and pride.

  Then he glanced at her, arching a skeptical brow. “How did you manage a gift with so little time?”

  She shrugged. “I may not have children, but I have friends with kids who keep Toytown certificates around for emergencies at all times.”

  “Hmm, pretty clever.”

  “It helps in a pinch. Did Reva really want us here, or did Sly send you after me?”

  “Reva really did want you here. Sly buzzed me, too, though. He doesn’t like having you out of his sight if you’re no
t being trailed. Why do you ask?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “I was just wondering,” she lied innocently. Then she smiled and sought a way to change the subject. “No kids of your own, huh?” she heard herself ask softly.

  “I haven’t been married yet, Mrs. Huntington.”

  “It’s not exactly a must anymore these days.”

  “It is for me. I see enough kids on the streets who don’t have fathers or mothers. Well, I’ll be damned!” he said suddenly.

  Spencer swung around, startled. Jared and Cecily had arrived with their kids. Ashley suddenly saw Spencer. There was a strained look on her pretty little face, and she let out a cry and came catapulting toward her aunt. Spencer caught her, lifting her up on her lap. “Hey, little one! What’s all this?”

  Ashley didn’t answer, only hugged Spencer fiercely. Spencer shrugged her confusion to David.

  A second later, having finished greeting their host and hostess, Jared and Cecily came to join David and Spencer at their patio table. “Ooh, look at all this food, will you?” Cecily said with a sigh. “I can just see the pounds adding up. Oh, well, never mind, tomorrow is always another day—to diet.” Jared pulled out a chair for her, and she slipped into it. He sat across from her. William came up quickly, ignoring his little sister, to plant a quick kiss on Spencer’s cheek. “Hi, Aunt Spencer.”

  “Hi, sweetie, how’s it going? Do you have a swimsuit? You can join the boys in the pool.”

  He nodded, but looked at the group in the pool with trepidation.

  “Come on. I’ll introduce you around,” David told him. “Excuse me.”

  He left the table hand in hand with William. Spencer watched the introductions. Once again she felt as if she had been transported back a million years. Damien greeted William politely, clearly determined to make him just another one of the guys.

  She cradled Ashley’s soft head, still all but glued to her shoulder, and arched a brow questioningly at Cecily. “What’s the matter with little bit here?”

  Cecily sighed. “She’s been worried sick about you ever since she heard us talking about your car accident. Ashley, honey, look at Aunt Spencer. She’s fine, see?”

  Ashley nodded, but didn’t pull away from Spencer.

  “Spence, I’m sorry, you can’t even eat with her on you like that,” Jared said, looking up momentarily as David came back to the table, taking a seat.

  “It’s all right,” Spencer said. “I can manage a plaintain or two.”

  The plaintains were delicious. Sweet. But it wasn’t any great hardship for Spencer not to eat, because she suddenly felt ill.

  Was it having Jared so close to her again?

  Was she afraid of her cousin?

  What was going on today? she wanted to shout.

  “It was nice of you to come and bring the children,” David said to Cecily and Jared.

  “Hey, it’s kind of like old home week, huh?” Cecily said. Even as she spoke, Reva, looking a little frazzled, pulled up a chair alongside them. As she did, they all burst into laughter.

  “Was it something I said?” Reva asked.

  Cecily shook her head. “I just said it’s like old home week. I can’t remember the last time we were all together like this. Of course, we’re missing a few.”

  “Terry-Sue,” Jared said with a wistful sigh.

  Cecily kicked him. “I do see her now and then. Those magnificent boobs of hers hang nearly down to her knees now.”

  “Oh, tacky, tacky, my love!” Jared teased.

  “We were together the most, though,” Reva said. “The five of us and—” She broke off with another of those looks as if she wanted to kick herself.

  “The five of us…and Danny,” Spencer said evenly. “Reva, it doesn’t hurt to talk about him anymore. It actually feels good.”

  Reva flushed. “I still can’t believe it, I guess,” she said softly. “Hey, I hear you found a great house.”

  “Great if you’re Spencer!” Cecily said with a shudder. “She has this thing for places that reek of rot. Give me modern plumbing, a Jacuzzi, an intercom and all the modern conveniences anytime.”

  “Cecily, you can mix the modern with the old,” Spencer said. It was an endless argument between them.

  “Actually, I hear you have a great house now,” Reva said. She reached out and smoothed Ashley’s soft hair. The little girl looked up and smiled. “Hi, Ashley. I’m Reva. Come see me?”

  Ashley hesitated a second, then slipped over to Reva’s lap.

  “Come see it,” Spencer invited. “It is a nice house. It’s—”

  “Free from ghosts!” Jared said with a snort.

  Spencer stared at him, startled.

  “Sorry,” Jared murmured.

  “The new one is close to Sly,” Spencer said determinedly.

  Reva leaned her head against Ashley’s, rocking her gently. “And free from ghosts,” she said very softly, agreeing with Jared. “I think it’s good for you to take on a new place.” She sat up, talking to Ashley. “I have a little girl for you to meet. She’s just a bit older than you are. Her name is Diana. Want to come meet her?”

  Ashley nodded shyly.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” Reva said.

  While Reva was gone, Jimmy Larimore made an appearance and sat with them. Two other men from David’s office came by, as well, talked for a while, then moved on to join the rest of the party.

  The conversation at the table turned to golf, then the past and the ways the city had changed. Cecily and Jared filled their plates; Spencer played with her food. She glanced at Jared now and then, and each time he offered her an encouraging smile.

  She couldn’t eat.

  “Spencer, I am so jealous!” Cecily wailed. “How can you just let that delicious stuff sit there?”

  It had seemed earlier as if everyone was talking at once. Now all three of them were just staring at her. “It’s so rich, I guess. I haven’t had anything Cuban in a while.”

  David’s eyes were really on her then, as if to say, Oh, yes, sweetheart, you sure have!

  She stared at her plate, and he seemed to take pity on her for some reason. He rose, taking it away, bringing a beer for Jared and a white wine for Cecily. Spencer, nervous, wound up, asked for the same.

  The aunts, the other children, slowly went home. Spencer met Reva’s daughter, Diana, the spitting image of her mother, a little eight-year-old porcelain doll with sweet manners and a soft voice. Ashley had been instantly enthralled with her.

  By midnight everyone else had gone. Cecily kept saying that she needed to get her kids into bed, and each time Jared told her that it looked like their kids were doing just fine.

  Something was happening at the table. Maybe they were all just caught in the grip of nostalgia. The laughter would no sooner die away than someone else would say, “Remember when we all…”

  They were good memories. And Danny was part of most of them. His name came up again and again. She had lied when she said that talking about him didn’t hurt, but she hadn’t lied when she said that it felt good. It was a combination of both, yet more good than bad. She wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time. She realized, being here, talking, that she needed to reconcile her feelings over everything that had happened.

  David had made it easier to forget Danny. He had made her feel all the old emotions for him again. Just like talking about Danny, in a way that hurt, and in a way it felt good, too. Maybe she could learn to let go. If only Danny’s killer were caught.

  If only she could quit being afraid.

  She drank too much wine, feeling David watching her, until finally it was time to go.

  When she stood, she felt the effects of the wine, but she forced herself to remain steady. She was definitely glad she wasn’t driving, though.

  Ashley hung on to Spencer again when they were leaving, starting to cry.

  “She’s overtired,” Cecily said.

  “Don’t die, Auntie Spencer,” Ashley said.

  Spencer felt a chill shoot along her spine. Ashley said the words as if she had some kind of premonition. It was unsettling. Spencer gave herself a mental shake. Danny had died while he had been young and healthy. And then Ashley heard that Spencer had been in danger. That was all there was to it.

  Unless Ashley’s father was trying to kill his own cousin, but…why?

  “I’m not going to die, sweetheart.” The chill seemed to deepen. What guarantee did she have to say that to a child? “Ashley, I promise to do my very best not to die,” she said instead.

  “Cross your heart?”

  Spencer solemnly performed the motion. “Cross my heart.”

  The goodbyes stretched. Jared, Cecily and their children managed to leave first.

  “Thanks again for coming,” Reva told Spencer as George walked with David toward the car.

  “Thanks again for having me,” Spencer said. She suddenly felt awkward standing there. Spencer had been glad to hear from George that Reva hadn’t held anything against her over the years, but still…“Reva—”

  Reva spoke suddenly, in a rush, as if determined to say something before the men noticed they hadn’t come along to the car. “I’d like to say that I’m dying to see more of you, Spencer. That I’ve missed having you in my life. And that’s true. But not with David. I don’t want to see you with David.”


  “I don’t like to see him in pain, Spencer. And he is in pain every time you’re around.”

  Stunned, Spencer could think of nothing to say. She started to turn away, but Reva suddenly cried out, giving her a fierce hug. “I’m sorry. Honestly, I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s late! Get a move on!” David called, effectively ending their conversation.

  Reva released Spencer, who felt as if she was sleepwalking the rest of the way over to the car. David was waiting by the passenger seat, holding the door open. Spencer slid inside.

  She leaned her head back while they drove, eyes closed, suddenly very weary and very sad. What had happened to the years? How could the old hurts come back to haunt them all so fiercely?

  They didn’t talk until they reached her house. David pulled onto the embankment in front of the tiled path to Spencer’s front door.


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