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Big Bad Doms Box Set (BDSM Romance)

Page 4

by Edward Tailor

  She jumped a little in her seat at his exclamation.

  “No, no Tilly. It pleases both the Doms and the subs. The more compliant a sub is, the more pleasing she is to her Dom. On the flipside, the more challenging a sub is…well believe me… the punishing is as much fun as the praising.”

  Tilly bit her lower lip and narrowed her eyes.

  Cam could almost see the cogs in her brain spinning. “Come. Let me show you around the club while it’s empty. If you would like, tonight you can sit at the bar and observe.” Maybe once he’d relieved her of the stigma of dark and seedy, she would see his lifestyle was just different and not wrong. Cam put one hand in his pants pocket and let the other swing as they left the kitchen.

  Tilly’s pulse raced as she watched his tight ass roll with his hips as she followed behind. He’s a Dom, she repeated with a girly giggle inside her head, a real bona fide drop-dead sexy, hot, tall, unbelievably handsome Dom. Wow. She was amazed they really existed. She watched him turn as he held the door open for her and couldn’t help it—for the love of god she didn’t know why she did it, but she shook her ass at him. The next thing she knew, he slapped her; he actually slapped her ass! She gasped and looked around at him with her mouth in a perfect O.

  “Shut it Doll, or I’ll shove my cock into that delectable mouth of yours.”

  She felt her womb shift and her sex blossom. Oh God. Immediately, she shut her mouth and pursed her lips.

  “If you do that again little one, I will put you over my knee and smack your ass properly.”

  He had to be teasing her, right? She didn’t know, but jeez, she was half tempted to shake her ass again just to see. Right now she really needed to find out more about him and his lifestyle before she flirted again.

  “Don’t do it,” he said knowingly and reached for her hand. “Don’t think about it, if you feel you want to play, then play.”

  She let him hold her hand. She didn’t know why, but she expected it was part of his dominant nature to claim and own. It also made her feel strangely protected. He gave her hand a little squeeze and her pulse quickened. His hands felt soft on hers, but she could feel the calluses on the pads of his fingers. It was their sheer size, however, that had her craving his touch.

  “The club was originally two houses, Tilly,” he explained as they walked hand in hand down the Georgian hall. “We’re right in the heart of the conversion, hence no windows.” Pulling open a heavy fire door with his free hand, he let her walk in. “It cuts down on prying eyes and armed robbers.”

  He was mocking her and she wouldn’t stand for it. She turned to slap him across his stomach, but he caught her wrist, lifted both her hands above her head, and pinned her against the door with his body. Heat blossomed in her core. Oh, God.

  “Never try to hit me, little one, not even in play.” His eyes travelled down to the little soft mounds of her breasts, which were just visible through her top, and back up again.

  His words were soft and husky as he spoke them right into her ear. His body pinned hers; his hard muscles pressing against her small frame as his much larger frame engulfed hers. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled his aftershave and his natural aroma. He was all power and hard muscle—her sex moistened in response.

  “Tell me you understand little one. Say, yes Mr Flint.” He breathed in her scent, soaking her in, from her collarbone to her jaw line.

  Oh my god. She tried to scissor her thighs for release, but he eased his hips against hers. She swallowed and looked up at him. Big mistake. His blues eyes mirrored hers. They burned with desire, so much so that she knew if she stared into them for too long, she would lose herself. “Yes, Mr Flint. I understand.” Her words came out broken and fragmented. She’d never felt so overwhelmed in her entire life. She’d never felt so aroused.

  He nodded and cupped her chin in his hand, stroking her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb and whispered, “Good girl, little one.” He stepped away from her body then turned his back on her.

  It was so intense and so fucking hot, she stayed against the door breathing hard, unable to believe how wet he’d made her. “God, that’s some talent.” She spoke without thinking and quickly smashed her hand over her mouth.

  Fucking hell. She was pushing his buttons. When they’d left the kitchen, he could feel her eyes on him, but was still taken aback when she waggled her ass at him. It was an automatic response for him to slap it. And fuck, it was a firm ass. It barely rippled under her skirt, which only made his cock twitch. What the fuck was going on here? Did she want his cock? Well shit, it was quite clear that she did. After all she was a beautiful woman; a woman with needs. He fucking knew she was a born submissive whether she realised it or not.

  “I would like to show you more of my talent little one, but you have to agree.” Maybe he was pushing his luck, but he had to put it out there. Placing his hands in his pockets to hide his erection, he turned to her. Her eyes darted from left to right, but he knew by the way she squeezed her thighs and leaned on her hip, she wanted him. Her tight nipples pushed against the sheer fabric showing him how deep her breathing had become. The slight flush to her cheeks gave her a wanton, beautiful glow. Seeing the effect he had on her and how easily she responded, his cock throbbed for the chance to be inside her. “I won’t hurt you little one. It will be all pleasure.” Removing his hand from his pocket, a smirk emerged on his lips as her eyes zeroed in on his groin. He held out a hand and hoped for her sake as well as his that she took it.

  “No pain, Mr Flint,” she answered softly, and to his amazement, she slid her hand into his. He loved the way his name slipped off her tongue.

  Stepping forward, he leaned in close, placed a hand on the wall just above her head, and watched as she slowly drew her tongue over her teeth in anticipation of his kiss. He smiled inwardly as he pushed the door open to The Pit, about to show her for the first time what he was capable of.

  Chapter Five

  Tilly was sure either her knees were going to give out or she was going to get lockjaw. The room Cam had exposed her to, scared the bejeebies out of her. Cam’s big hand spanned the base of her spine and she felt his warmth gently lead her in.

  If she had to describe the room, a small amphitheatre sprung to mind. The outer walls to The Pit were decorated in heavily embossed burgundy wallpaper that was broken only by the leather seating, both dark and very brown. Placed throughout in regular intervals, were racks…racks stocked with what she knew to be tools of punishment. Without realising it, she shivered and sighed.

  “It’s all about trust, sweetheart. Remember, the submissive holds all the cards.” He leaned against the arm of a sofa and watched with a growing hunger, as she looked around.

  Unable to answer for fear that she’d say something crazy; she opted for the girly half smile and twirled the ends of her hair with a nervous flurry.

  “Hmm…I’ll have to watch out for that smile doll. You may have found a way to top me,” Cam answered with his own knowing grin.

  His crooked smile was so devastating he wouldn’t need it to get her to submit, she’d willingly lie on her back. All he really needed to do was look at her and smile.

  “And there sweetheart is why we call the club The Pit,” he nodded down to the room’s heart. Gripping her hand firmly, Cam led her down the terraced steps. The equipment that sat on the floor of the atrium looked practically medieval. Cam wondered if she’d even know what half the equipment was for. There was a large wooden cross, a big Katherine wheel, a padded bench; a steel-racked leather swing with a foot harness and a bondage chair.

  This time, Tilly was sure her jaw bounced off her toes. “Chains,” she scoffed.

  “Of course sweetheart,” he chuckled. “And ropes and cuffs and many other delights to restrain you,” he mocked. “Here, let me talk you through some of the fun stuff.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Tilly scowled at him. “Fun Stuff? Fun for who, you or me?” She bit her lip as soon as she realised what she’d said. ”Sh
it, I mean them,” she retorted quickly, but it was no use. She had agreed to try this, and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t picked up on her little faux pas. The look on his face right now reminded her of the cat that got the cream. Shaking out her now ratted hair, she repeated his words. “The fun stuff, please, Mr Flint.”

  “No, Tilly. Here, you call me Sir.” He wanted to make the rules clear, even his staff called him Sir in The Pit. His tone had changed from jovial to dominant in a heartbeat.

  Things deep inside Tilly’s French knickers began to tingle. “Please Sir,” she’d repeated before she’d known her lips had moved.

  Cam had to fight his inner Dom to stop himself from putting his belt marks across her ass right there and then. If Harvey could see her standing there with her arms crossed giving him lip, he would piss himself laughing. She had so much to learn, but there was no denying, she was a natural. “Here sweetheart. The best way for you to understand is for you to feel. This…” he tapped on a wooden stool with leather padding, “is commonly known, as a spanking bench.” When Tilly scoffed at his words again, he spoke low and clear. “Enough little one, or you may wish our paths never crossed.”

  Her eyes flashed wide and her cheeks offered up a glow he recognised only too often in his club subs.

  Reaching out his hand to her he said patiently, “Come try doll, you’ll find it’s comfortable enough.” The way her hips swayed in that tight skirt as she sauntered his way, had his cock practically bouncing out of his pants. “Lean over and kneel on the padded bar,” he ordered and tapped the leather padded seat twice.

  “Not in this skirt,” she spat back then quickly rephrased. “Sorry sir, my skirt is too tight to do as you asked.”

  Raising a brow, his answer was simple and direct. “Then remove it.” He stood stock still and watched as her features changed from indignation to one of challenge. To his utter surprise, she unzipped her skirt. He held his breath as it shimmied to the floor. “On the bench little one, I won’t ask again.”

  Lowering her head, Tilly took a deep breath, placed her hands on the knee rest, knelt on the padded bar, and let the padded leather top take the weight of her torso.

  In a soft calming tone, he stepped in front of her and knelt back on his haunches. “Tilly, you may feel you need a safe word. As soon as you say it, I promise you I will stop. Do you agree and understand?”

  Her features were set, stern and determined as she nodded her reply.

  “Good little one, then your safe word with me will be bullet. Repeat it if you understand.” He expected a soft whisper of the word to be repeated, but no, she more or less shouted it back at him before mouthing a quick apology. Hiding his smile, he pointed to the set of cuffs that were attached to the bench. “These are soft cuffs. They won’t mark your flesh no matter how much you strain against them,” he explained as he loosely clamped them around her wrists. He expected her to try to pull against them and wasn’t disappointed. After all he hadn’t really given her any real reason to trust him yet. “Comfortable?” he asked sardonically, when it seemed she was satisfied the cuffs didn’t hurt or indeed leave any indentations on her skin. “Then we’ll begin.”

  He stood pondering for a moment with his hand hovering over a small leather paddle. He looked skyward, letting a silent curse loose as he stared at the mural painted ceiling, battling with what he should be doing and what his instincts were telling him. This was her first ever dip into his world and like a new puppy, he knew he should coax her gently. Start with the soft and playful and build up. His instincts were screaming a tune of their own, though. They told him she could take more. That she could skip the baby steps and move straight into the harder play. Less than twenty-four hours ago, she was prepared to kill herself because of her stubbornness. Moving up to flogger or crop should be child’s play. So, maybe…his hand danced across the rack to the selection of canes as he flexed his fingers, waving them like he was playing an invisible piano. Fuck it. He selected a length of Japanese finest.

  Turning on his heels to face his sub, he stopped dead. Man, oh fucking man. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw a sight so fine. Her ass filled the lacy French material perfectly; the soft, sheer fabric showed him the impeccable outline of her smooth slit. Damn.

  Rubbing his face with his hand he tried to calm himself. She was no different than any club sub, he tried to tell himself, but his gut and his cock knew otherwise. She would never be a club sub. If he was right, then she would be his.

  Flexing the 3 foot cane in his palm, he stood to Tilly’s side, resting his hand on her smooth white flesh. Under his touch, he felt her tighten. As he spoke, he gently caressed her ass and he felt her relax. “I won’t lie to you little one. You will feel a sting for the first few, but if you can move past that, the sting will mellow into a beautiful heat you’ll crave.”

  Stepping one foot back and another to the right, he traced her flesh with the cool bamboo cane, letting her feel the thin, knotted, waxed wood on her skin. Again, to his surprise, she arched towards the cane, moving to position her slit against the wood instead of her ass. Lost for a moment, he rubbed the knots of the cane against her lips and listened as she whimpered for him. With a flick of his wrist he landed his first strike with a pleasing THWACK across her ass.

  Tilly gasped, rolled her back and shot him a look that warned him off. Hell. He’d warned her of a sting, but jeez. She gripped the suede knee rest ready and determined to see this through as she heard his stern command.

  “Again little one…bear it, till you feel the heat.” He landed his second strike exactly in the same place as the first.

  “Ouch!” she groaned, closing her eyes to absorb the impact. It stung, but she had to admit, even if it was just to herself, the sting was so worth it for the heat.

  “Again, Tilly,” he said as the swish of the cane preceded the THWACK on her flesh.

  “Mmmm…Sir” she groaned, unable now to hide her pleasure. Looking back at him through lidded eyes, she bit her lower lip, bracing herself before she arched her back to offer herself to him.

  “Two more, little one. Take them for me,” he growled and landed the cane again.

  “Oh God,” she sighed with pleasure; this time her spine curved, pressing her dampened pussy hard against the lace of her panties. Waiting…

  Taking a chance, Cam lowered the cane and sliced it across her lace-covered lips.

  “Oh God, yes! Cam…more…” she pleaded shamelessly as she wondered where the hell the words were coming from. How did this man know that her body would respond this way? Pain had never been her thing. Sure while growing up if she cut herself or fell over, she wasn’t the kind of kid that would run blabbering to mum, but jeez this…this… She had nothing remotely to compare it to. Was it because of him? Cam…Mr Flint…Sir…whatever he wanted to be called? Maybe. If it was someone else doing this to her, would she feel so goddamned turned on? No. She was sure she wouldn’t. But…God whatever he was hitting her with, had her breasts heaving against the leather pad of the stool and made her core turn to liquid. The scent of her own sex surprised her. She looked around the atrium with half-slit eyes and imagined how hot it would feel to have people watching her—watching him. Between the smell of hot sex in the air, the wanton bodies packed into the club, and being teased and manipulated, her core was a sodden mess.

  Fuck. His name along with the plea on her lips made his heart leap. “No,” he simply said, dropping the cane before falling to his knees behind her and pushing the heel of his palm into her moist sex.

  Tilly’s purr joined by the roll of her hips had him swapping his palm for his mouth in a heartbeat. Hell. He needed to taste her, eat her. Man… he needed to be inside her. There was no way he was letting a thin a layer of lace stop him. Ripping the flimsy fabric open with his teeth, his lips parted hers. Her fleshy soaked petals slick with glistening nectar embraced his lips as he sucked her swollen clit. Soft, sultry purrs filled his ears as he took long languid licks along the length of her pussy

  He eased her sex further apart with his thumbs. When he felt her spread her legs wider for him, a growl rose in his throat. He barked an order to her not to cum until he told her to. Easing back, he needed to see what was his. Her perfect pink flesh wept beautifully for him, a soft sheen of honey milked from her pussy. Fuck. He slid two fingers from both hands into her slick heat and spread her wide. Emm…yeah…fuck…So fucking hot! Easing forward, he took what he could from the walls of her core with the tip of his tongue and her sweet taste had him nearly exploding in his pants.

  Tilly’s soft pleas broke through his revelry. Shit. He could have eaten her sweet nectar for a week straight and he’d still crave more.

  “It’s alright sweetheart, I’ve got you.” As a club rule, subs went through regular screening and were required to sign a declaration agreeing that they’d only have sex with other club members. Tilly hadn’t done either. With a curse of utter frustration, he tore through a wooden chest of various clamps and dildos until he found a box of condoms. “Thank Fuck!” he snarled as he pulled his belt and zipper open and let his straining cock free.

  “Sir, please. God, please…”

  Like a fucking virginal schoolboy, he fumbled with the foil wrap and sheathed his cock with the latex. Breathless and panting hard, he eased her cheeks open slightly, lining his cock up with her blooming sex. In one slick movement, he tilted his hip sideways and filled her with his hard length before stopping dead. FUCK! Tilly was so damn tight; her walls gloved him. As he panted trying to gain control, he feared if she moved, he would shoot his load prematurely. “Be still little one, let me fuck you,” he ordered. Her body reacted without question and after what felt like an eternity, he withdrew his cock to the bulbous head and slid it home again.

  She was desperate. She’d been homeless, starving, and in need previously, but never before now could she honestly say she’d felt desperate. She badly needed to cum. His teasing tongue had her womb in knots. The order to hold her release was something she hoped never to hear again. How he expected her to obey when he continued his onslaught on her pussy, she had no clue. She sucked in a breath, dug her nails into the leather knee rest and pleaded again for her release. For a brief moment she was able to catch to her breath. Amid the sounds of his swears and cupboard drawers being rifled through, she tried to calm herself, but just when she felt as if she had finally contained a tiny bit of herself, she caught sight of his cock through her peripheral vision HELLS! FUCKING BELLS! She wondered vaguely if this man-god had any faults. His dick was enormous and as she watched him handle himself while rolling on a condom, yet another plea left her lips.


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