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Big Bad Doms Box Set (BDSM Romance)

Page 11

by Edward Tailor

  At eight sharp, he walked into the room to find her kneeling, eyes downcast.

  “Good evening Princess,” his dark voice was smooth like the finest whiskey.

  “Good evening Master,” she answered softly.

  “Stand and present yourself.”

  Doing as he said, she stood there as he walked around her. Capturing her wrists, he placed cuffs on them, clipping them together. Attaching the leash to the cuffs, he opened the door and led her to the bar.

  Panic swamped her; he had never allowed her to be completely naked in the main part of the Dungeon before. Walking to the bar, he sat down on a stool. “Kneel at my feet Princess,” he ordered.

  Sliding to her knees, she kept her eyes cast down and she started to shiver from the cold seeping up from the concrete floor. Stilling her body, she finally settled down at his feet, waiting for his next command.

  “Princess, lift your eyes and look around, tell me what you see.”

  Lifting her eyes, Elizabeth glanced around the Dungeon. In one area, she saw two women sucking a Dom's cock. In another area, she spied a Domme doing god knew what with her male submissive's cock and balls. In yet another area, she spotted uncollared subs waiting to see if they could catch a Dom’s discerning eye. Telling him everything, she spoke clearly and concisely before looking downward again.

  “Did anything you see appeal to you?”

  “No Master.”

  “Good answer Princess. Now stand by my side.” Standing up, Michael pulled her to his side. “Do you know what I see Princess? I see people playing games, denying what they want to some extent. In their hearts, all of these people here want what we have.” Turning to face her, he yanked her between his legs, seizing her hair with his hands. “I will allow you certain freedoms Princess, but never again will you make a joke about any part of me, is that clear? If you do it again, I will free you to find someone less... strict than I am.”

  His dark threat was very real, and she knew she needed to do more than just nod in understanding.

  “Permission to speak Master?” A curt bob of his head was his only acknowledgment. She thought carefully about what she planned to say. “Master, I'm so very sorry. I never meant any harm nor did I mean to make fun of you in any way. Please forgive me, your submissive, for my mistake and allow me to make amends any way you see fit.”

  Her words pleased him, more than he cared to admit. “Oh don’t you worry Princess. You will make amends, right now as a matter of fact.” Rising up from the stool, he took her back to the Black Room. Locking the door behind them, he immediately dragged her to the St. Andrew’s cross and secured her to it.

  “I waited to text you Princess until I knew I could be with you and not cause you too much physical harm.”

  Turning to the wall, he snatched the three-foot whip from its hook and stood behind her. With no warning, he raised his arm and sent the whip flying across her back six times. The whip bit into her flesh repeatedly. He stopped only when the welts began to bleed. Reaching for the soothing ointment, he applied the salve and covered the wounds with a bandage. He then carried her to the chair and wrapped her in a blanket as he looked down at her.

  “There will be no sex tonight Princess. This was just punishment, pure and simple. You let me down, and I punished you.” His stern words were spoken gruffly before he stomped to the door, unlocked it and opened it slowly. Turning around he speared her with a heated look.

  “Until next time Princess.”

  If you liked Michael Part One, then head over to Horny Devil and grab the rest of her series!

  Inked Heat

  Derek and Maks

  By Dee Licious

  Chapter One

  It was Friday night and it was official; her life as she knew it was over. Caput! Fini! Bianca Lucas sighed as she fidgeted in her seat at the dining room table. Her mother Jane, or Jade as she’d officially changed it to, stood there introducing her new boy toy, Derek. Derek was the tattooed 30-something dream god who’d inked her first tattoo, a sunburst on her left ankle, a little over six weeks ago when she turned 18. She’d been fantasizing about the hot hunk, ever since. Bianca tried to sit there keeping her composure, but from her seated position if she turned her head to look at Derek, she’d be eye level with the serious bulge at his groin since he was still standing behind the chair next to hers and had not yet taken his seat. How could she possibly maintain her demeanor if she was forced to look at that mouthwatering package? Would her mother just get on with the introductions and tell the walking sex god to sit... PLEASE!

  Jade was, to put it bluntly, a 41-year-old cougar and a successful artist. Jade made a very nice income selling her work in the local gallery allowing the two of them to live very comfortably. Ever since her dad had left them when Bianca was only three, Jade had flitted from guy to guy, never really settling for one of them. Bianca supposed it was a good thing that she’d inherited her looks from her mom. Even at 41, Jade looked like she was still in her early 30’s. Her naturally jet black hair was still long and silky and still had that bluish hue to it when the light hit it a certain way. The high cheekbones and full lips made her face look young and fresh. Her 36 C breasts were still firm and she kept the rest of her body toned by working out at the gym several times a week. Her cornflower blue eyes added to her beauty giving her a rather flirtatious look.

  Bianca, a high school senior in a Pennsylvania suburb near Philadelphia, was a straight-A student, a member of the swim team, girls’ softball team and the football cheering squad, in addition to being a pivotal part of the debate team and the tutoring club. Her affable personality and easy going manner made her a part of the “popular crowd” in school. Chloe and Jennie, her closest friends, were also members of the cheerleading squad and the swim team. She’d dated a few of the guys in her class, but they all had something lacking, something that as of yet she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Bianca resembled her mother in almost every way except for her hair and her own 34 C cups. She’d apparently gotten her hair color from her barely remembered father. It was a nice straight honey wheat color, sort of an in between full-on blonde and a darker almost auburn blonde. During the summer, the sun exposure always lightened her hair to a near platinum blonde which made her own cornflower blue eyes stand out even more than normal. Neither Jade nor Bianca ever had any issues attracting members of the opposite sex looking the way they did.

  Dinner progressed at a snail’s pace as Bianca did her best impression of a church mouse, keeping her eyes averted from Derek and focusing on her plate of meatballs and spaghetti instead. Didn’t he recognize her? She could have sworn that the blonde giant noticed everything about her when he’d inked her mere weeks ago. His own tattoos weren’t quite as visible tonight. The short-sleeved shirt he wore partially hid the brilliant shoulder to wrist tiger stalking through the jungle on his well-defined muscled left bicep and the equally colorful snake, venom dripping from its fangs, slithering through the brush that covered his right bicep. The short spiky blonde hair showcased his dual pierced ears and the bright green of his eyes. Yeah, eye candy to the extreme. Her panties were already damp and the guy hadn’t even spoken to her yet. He’d only nodded in her direction when Jade introduced her as her daughter. Thank god her mom was good at keeping some conversation flowing, even if she was the only one doing the talking.

  Much to Bianca’s relief Derek didn’t stay too long once dessert had been served. Wiping his mouth and standing, he tossed his napkin down on the table and stretched. “Dinner was great Jade. Thanks for the invite. I’ve got an early customer appointment tomorrow so I’d best be on my way.” He actually spared a glance at Bianca before speaking in his deep commanding baritone that sent shivers up Bianca’s spine. “Bianca, it was a pleasure to meet you.” The blonde to-die-for behemoth made his exit as Bianca finally let the breath she was holding out.

  Being alone together for so long now, time had a major influenc
e on Bianca’s relationship with her mom. They weren’t just mother and daughter, they were friends. Jade had always adhered to a no-holds-barred relationship with her daughter, thus allowing them both to always speak freely with each other. It was the open connection with her mom that had Bianca realizing she’d now have to face her mother and her incessant chatter about this new hottie with an obvious extra-large junk as they began to clear the table. “So, Bianca? What do you think? He is one hot-n-hunky man isn’t he? And his sexual appetite...” she ooh la, la-ed with pure satisfaction, “...well, I’m sure you get my drift.”

  Bianca was technically still a virgin, so no she couldn’t possibly get her mother’s drift, but she sure as shit could imagine Derek’s bedroom prowess. In fact, she couldn’t wait to get up to her room alone and imagine every last detail of that hard, well-defined body fucking her into oblivion. “Mom, you know I’ve never had real sex yet. Not that I haven’t tried.” In actuality she was still looking for someone who could keep it up long enough to actually sink his dick into her pussy. Jade’s usual pursed lip and nod was the only response Bianca would get as they’d hashed this topic over many times until it was deader than a doornail. In reality, she considered herself lucky; none of her friends’ mothers would ever talk this candidly with their daughters. She liked the fact that she could talk to her mom about anything without fear of repercussion.

  The topic of her failed attempts at sex brought unwanted images to Bianca’s mind. Images of the several times she’d tried to have sex. Unfortunately, none of the high school boys ever managed to make her wet enough. The alcohol they’d consumed prior to getting down and dirty didn’t help either. She was convinced that beer and liquor were not good combinations for a guy’s stamina and staying power. They were so fucking soft that their dicks barely penetrated enough to get their blunt heads into her opening. She needed an older more experienced man to be her first real sexual encounter. In the meantime, Bianca had to settle for her fingers and the few toys her mom had, much to her surprise, given her to satisfy her sexual urges. It was a tampon that had actually broken her hymen when she was 15. Jade had urged her to use tampons instead of pads, telling her that they were more comfortable than a pad once you got used to them.

  The dining room table and kitchen were clean and Bianca was chomping at the bit to get upstairs to her room while the images of Derek were still vividly fresh in her mind. She kissed her mother’s cheek and feigned a yawn. “I’m wiped mom. I think I’ll head upstairs and finish my weekend homework.” Her senior year was winding down, only one month to go before she graduated. It was already decided that she would stay home and go to the local community college until she had a better grip on her plans for the future.

  Chapter Two

  She stripped down to her bikini panties and bra before moving to her bed. Opening the top drawer of her night table, she removed the phallus-shaped vibrator and the bullet vibe, placing them at her side. Lying back on the bed, she settled herself comfortably as images of Derek’s chiseled tattooed physique flooded her mind. She knew his arms were inked, but had never seen the rest of his body. A picture of his powerfully built nude form covered in what she imagined to be some pretty detailed tattoos entered as moisture once again pooled between her thighs. In her hazy dream state, Bianca saw Derek hovering over her, his malachite eyes peering straight through her cornflower orbs, delving deep into her soul. His look was one of pure debauchery as one thick finger slid under her panties to slip through her bare nether lips.

  That was another thing her mother had taught her; pubic hair according to her mom was not very appealing. She took Bianca with her for monthly waxes always telling her that a clean smooth pussy was so much freer and fresher feeling and it had the added benefit of making guys nearly cum in their pants. Jade had also taken Bianca to the gynecologist last year when she was a junior to start her on birth control pills. Even though Bianca was well versed in the practice of safe sex, she certainly didn’t want any unexpected pregnancies. Too bad she’d never had the need for the birth control pills yet. Her ruminations continued as she imagined Derek’s deep groan of gratification at the slickness of her bare folds before grabbing the bottom of one elasticized leg opening and pulling her scrap of lacy nothings down and sliding them off her completely. Reaching out blindly for the bullet vibe, she turned it on and placed it against her clit. Her hips arched off the bed as a moan slipped past her lips. The device had turned into Derek’s mouth, his teeth nipping at her exposed bud when her legs fell open wantonly. Her dream Derek was perfect in every way as he lapped and laved at her pussy, circling her clit with his tongue and then dipping the tip into her creamy gate. She was so glad her mother had yet to head upstairs otherwise Bianca knew it wouldn’t take much for her mother to hear her pleas of pleasure. “More Derek, I need more...”

  She writhed on the bed, her need increasing exponentially. The bullet was pressed so tightly against her clit, but she was not ready to climax just yet. Oh no. Her imaginary Derek had yet to put his large thick cock into her channel. Derek’s mouth sucked on her distended button once more before he pulled back, stroking his cock, making it harden even more before her eyes. Bianca took the vibe off her mound and reached for the large vibrator with the other. Derek kneeled between her outstretched legs, yanking her thighs up onto his lap with a rather forceful grunt. He rubbed the bulbous purple head of his dick against her opening, coating it with her essence. The phallus in her hands mimicked the actions of Derek’s imposing dick. Solid sculptured abs smashed her breasts igniting her nipples instantly as the head of his cock slid into her drenched core. The vibrator in as far as it would go, she turned it on, mewling as a tidal wave of feelings washed over her.

  Derek began a steady rhythm in and out of her body and she knew she wouldn’t last long. His cock filled her completely, scraping against her sensitive walls as more of her fluids leaked out to drip down to the bed. Bianca barely remembered the bullet still in her other hand as she plunged the pulsating phallus in and out of her sex. Derek’s lips clamped down onto hers as his finger found her throbbing nub and crushed it against her pubic bone. The vibrations of the bullet smashed against her clit at the same time the phallus hit her inner spot of deep pleasure. Fireworks went off behind Bianca’s closed eye lids as a tumultuous orgasm flashed over and through her. She could hear Derek’s groan of completion at the same time her own scream echoed off her bedroom walls.

  That fucking fantastic fantasy completed, Bianca lay there in exhaustion, feeling the continued fluttering of her sex. It took close to thirty minutes for her heart rate and breathing to return to normal enough so that she could take the toys into her bathroom, clean them off and then jump into a shower to clean the sweat and result of her release off her body. Tonight she would sleep soundly, of that there was no doubt.

  Chapter Three

  Saturday morning came too early for Bianca’s sleep-deprived brain. She’d spent the night tossing and turning while flashes of Derek flitted through her mind. She was meeting some friends at the movie theater this afternoon, and she just couldn’t lounge around in bed much longer. She rose, headed down to the kitchen for a corn muffin and juice which she brought back up to her room to eat while she finished her weekend homework. Jade was obviously still in her own room as she heard the sound of the TV playing softly when she walked past to head to the kitchen.

  Homework done, breakfast dishes in the dishwasher and freshly showered again, Bianca found her mother in her work room, a gorgeous painting of a waterfall in progress on her easel. “Wow mom, that’s breathtaking. I can almost feel the spray of the water. You’ll make a pretty penny selling that one, I’m sure.” Jade really was an incredible artist and the revenue she made selling her work was certainly not chump change. “I’m heading out to meet Chloe and Jennie at the movies. We’ve decided to walk since it’s so close so I’m not taking the car. I’ll be back in time for dinner though. Taco night tonight? I’ll slice the lettuce and tomatoes.” The slight i
nclination of her mother’s head was all she would get for an answer as Jade’s attention was already riveted back to her canvas.

  The movie was good, but it only served to heighten her already overactive libido. All those delineated pecs and abs and those fucking awesome buns of steel on the actors in Magic Mike had her literally squirming in her seat. Her mind was replacing each handsome face that appeared on screen with Derek’s rugged good looks, squared masculine jaw and steamy bedroom eyes Chloe and Jennie certainly didn’t seem to be as hot and bothered as she was by the time the movie ended.

  “Bianca, are you joining us for ice cream sundaes at The Scoop?” Chloe asked.

  “I’m not sure Chloe,” Bianca answered distractedly.

  “Oh come on Bianca. I’m thinking of one of those Afternoon Delight crepes, and you know I can’t eat that all by myself,” pleaded Jennie. “Remember it takes all three of us to finish that rich dessert.

  Maybe some ice cream would help to cool her off and lower her body temperature a bit. Shrugging, Bianca agreed to go. “Sure, Jennie. That does sound like a very good idea. Some vanilla ice cream wrapped in that light crepe and coated with hot fudge, peanuts and whipped cream does sound tempting. But I’ll never understand why they decided to call it Afternoon Delight. I mean really, a crepe filled with ice cream is not what comes to my mind when I hear those words.”

  Snickering and giggling, the girls headed to the ice cream parlor and found an empty table. An hour later, their shared plate stood empty but for a few smears of melted ice cream. “Mmm... delicious and very filling,” sighed Chloe.

  Jennie’s sigh joined Chloe’s before she replied. “I’m so stuffed. I’ll need the walk home to work this all off.”

  “You got that right,” agreed Bianca as they headed out the door turning in the direction of their respective homes. “Later girls!” shouted Bianca as she turned toward home wondering if she could convince her mom to skip taco night. The thought of eating tacos so soon made her stomach roil in protest. That crepe was so filling and she didn’t know if she could eat anything else right now or anytime soon.


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