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Fearless (Broken Love Book 5)

Page 19

by B. B. Reid

  “No. It died the day you shoved your cock inside my wife.” They charged again and clashed, toppling the furniture and breaking anything in their path. It was the perfect opening I needed to run, but then I heard the faint sound of crying travel down the stairs and reminded myself that this was for them, too. I couldn’t leave them.

  Robert sent another blow to Greg’s face, surprisingly holding his own in his drunken state. I looked around and realized I was close to the kitchen entrance. The kitchen had knives. A knife meant protection. I inched into the kitchen and tore open every drawer I could reach until I located the jackpot. Finding the biggest one, I snatched it and returned in time to see Robert gain control and snatch the gun from his brother who looked badly beaten.

  Yes. I silently pleaded with him to let the rage consume him. When he hesitated too long, I hid the knife under my shirt and searched for the perfect catalyst until the evil thought formulated.

  “Robert,” I called softly to avoid spooking him. “You need to do it. He’ll just take the money, the girls… Laurie. He’ll steal it all and leave you behind. He even gloated about it when I told him about the money.”

  “She’s not going anywhere.”

  I schooled my face and lowered my voice further until I oozed sympathy. “But she has to.” He watched and waited for the answer. After I survived this, I would question how far I’d gone and probably even mourn the lost part of my conscience, but right now, I was in survival mode. “He plans to kill you once you help him get the money. Why do you think he came here instead of straight to the money? I’m one girl. He didn’t need help.” I may have possessed half their strength making me no match physically, but I had the ability to mind fuck them until they defeated each other.

  “That’s a lie,” Greg shouted.

  “When you’re dead, they are planning to elope so they can spend the rest of their lives together living with all the riches you ever wanted. Isn’t that why you turned to alcohol?” I baited, remembering what Keiran had told me about him. “Laurie told me so when she told me she’s pregnant…with Greg’s baby.” I lowered my gaze with sympathy and said, “I’m sorry, Robert, but I’m afraid you’re already out of the picture.”

  Just shoot him already.

  “Not if he’s dead.” He pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into Greg’s prone body.

  I worked for it, but I hadn’t prepared for it.

  The shock of what I’d done paralyzed me, but then the girl’s scream echoed from the upper level so I made my move.

  His back was turned, so I plunged the knife straight down the back of his neck and because I wasn’t taking chances, I stabbed him deep a second time. He was dead before he hit the floor. The knife fell from my hands as I took a step back and studied him for signs of life. What disturbed me the most was that I didn’t feel any different.

  Movement from a few feet away snatched my attention from the guy I knew was dead to the guy I thought was dead.

  “I need a hospital,” he groaned while clutching his stomach.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “You’re not a killer,” he seethed.

  “Your dead brother a few feet away regrettably argues.”

  “That was a clever move, bitch. Now take me to the hospital.”

  “I didn’t have reason to kill him, but I have more than enough reasons to kill you.” I stepped over his dead brother and picked up the gun. Pointing it at him, I cocked my head. “So why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because I can help your boyfriend.”


  “I’ll turn myself in and confess to his father’s murder.”

  “Why would you do that? Do you fear death so much?”

  “I won’t get life. I can be out in time to see my baby graduate from college.” He looked so hopeful. It was too bad really.

  “What baby?” I asked coldly. I held his gaze until he visibly began to sweat or maybe it was the stress from his organs shutting down.

  “But you said—”

  “I said a lot of things. Only some of them were true.”

  “You bitch!” He moved in a pitiful attempt to lunge for me, so I shot his leg and shoulder. He collapsed back against the floor, staining the carpet further with his new wound. He looked as if he was barely breathing so I ran upstairs to find the girls.

  I searched every room until I found them huddled together in the bathtub. My heart ached for them knowing they would suffer later through bad memories and nightmares. Sadly, it wasn’t over for them.

  Maddie wailed into her sister’s shoulder at the sight of the gun, and I cursed my stupidity for not hiding it.

  “Lake, what’s happening? Where are my daddy and Uncle Greg?” Cassie sobbed.

  “Sweetie, everything is going to be okay, but I need you girls to be very brave and come downstairs with me.”

  “We can’t. My daddy will get mad.”

  “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” I held out the hand that wasn’t holding the gun and waited for her to make a decision. I exhaled relief when she finally took my hand and helped her sister up. “Now I want you to close your eyes—both of you—and keep them shut. Hold tight to Maddie’s hand and don’t let go, okay?”

  They both nodded and closed their eyes. I led them out and down the stairs. Greg lay there with his eyes closed, but as we passed, his eyes popped open. “Keep your eyes closed, girls. Almost there.” I pointed the gun at his head and silently dared him to move.

  I opened the door and led them safely outside. The little boy from before stood on the porch clutching a bat.

  “Ar–are you okay?” he asked, but it wasn’t directed at me. His gaze was on Cassie. She looked as surprised as I did when she nodded. I was studying his handsome features and mentally calculating all the hearts he would break one day when it suddenly dawned on me… this was Cassie’s Ryan. I was further stumped when he took her hand from mine and pulled her close to him. He then looked up at me and hardened his tone. “What happened?”

  It took me a few tries to form words. “Ryan, I need you to do me a favor.” He quickly recovered from the surprise of me knowing his name. “I need you to look after them. Get them as far away from this house as possible. Is there a neighbor who can look after you?”

  He hesitantly nodded and said, “Mrs. Peterson already called the cops. We can wait with her.”

  “Good.” I watched them leave before opening Greg’s car door and fishing out my phone. I sent up a prayer before turning on the screen and nearly fell to my knees at the saved voice recording notification.

  It worked.

  The recording lasted a couple of hours before an incoming call interrupted the recording. There were missed calls from Keenan, Sheldon, Willow, and my aunt. I pushed them to the back of my mind once again and headed for the house once more. I still had to finish this.

  I drew the gun again and entered the house. Greg had managed to sit himself up against the wall.

  “If you don’t help me now, you’ll seal his fate. He’ll rot and die in prison!”

  “I sealed his future before you shot my friend.”

  I kept the gun trained on him and lifted my phone. I hit record letting our conversation and his confession play out as well as his plan to blackmail Keiran by using me. His angry face contorted with rage as he continued to spew threats.

  “See you in hell, Greg.”

  I left him inside with his dead brother and sat on the porch to wait for the cavalry.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I had been reduced to a rabid, wild animal as I paced my cell. It had been an entire fucking week since Lake walked out of here with her life in the balance. I told her to fight. I told her she’d win. Had I been wrong? In some way, had I caused her death or saved her?

  Not one person came by to see me or answered my phone calls. I began to think they were all dead, and just when the possibility became more real, I was given the first sign of life.

; “You’re lawyer’s here,” the guard announced. I couldn’t let him cuff me fast enough. Once he did, he led me to the rooms used for lawyer visitation. Thompson was sitting there along with the idiot detective. The one whose nose I’d broken was nowhere to be found.

  “Masters, today might be a good day for you,” the detective greeted. I kept my anger in check because answers were more important to me, and I wouldn’t get any if I had to be dragged back to my cell.

  “Why am I here?” I directed my question at Thompson and ignored the detective.

  “You’re being released.”

  “Come again?” I felt the detective’s stare and fought to keep my composure. I told myself if this were a trick, my lawyer wouldn’t be here.

  “Your father’s murderer has been apprehended, but you’ll be required to testify at the trial to give your account of what took place here a week ago when Gregory Finch kidnapped Lake Monroe in order to blackmail a false confession from you.”

  Lake was alive?

  She had to be.

  Only she and I knew what took place here other than Greg.

  “Is that what happened?” the detective asked. I did look at him then. I wasn’t required to answer him, but I decided not to make this last any longer than necessary.

  I nodded and turned my attention back to my attorney. “Is Lake okay? Where is she?”

  “She’s waiting for you. We just need to get your statement to start the process. It should only be a matter of hours before you’re released.”

  He slid over the papers displayed out in front of him while the detective excused himself. After the paperwork was filed, he stood and collected the papers along with his briefcase. I called out to him before he could leave. Lake once told me a smile and a thank you went a long way after I complained about the plain cheese pizza she brought home one night. Who eats pizza without meat?


  “Thank you.”

  He smiled then and laughed as if I told a joke. Had I said it wrong?

  “You need to go home, shower, buy some flowers, and figure out a way to thank your girlfriend. She did it.”

  He left then and I let him go. The guard came in and escorted me back to my cell. I didn’t remember the walk back or the clang of the cell door shutting for what I hoped was the last time. I could only think about her.

  She did it.

  * * *

  Thompson made good on his promise, and I was released three hours later. I stepped out into the Nevada heat and was greeted by Lake as she sat cross-legged on the hood of my car parked at the curb.

  “Hey there, handsome. I was told you may need a ride home and a pretty thing to get you there.”

  “And you were duped into doing the dastardly deed?” I played along as I descended the short steps. It took everything not to run just to touch her. I finally stood in front of her as she slid down the hood and opened her legs.

  “Nope.” She grabbed my shirt and kissed me hard. “I volunteered.”

  “Is everyone okay? Dash?”

  “Everyone is fine, and so is Dash.” She smiled as she kissed me again. “He handled surgery like a boss.”

  I didn’t need the details to know he was likely shot protecting Lake. Thanking him and seeing for myself that he was okay couldn’t wait.

  “Take me to see him.” She nodded and I gave her room to help her down. “Should I drive?”

  “No, I got this,” she stated with a cocky undertone. I slid low in my seat and turned so I could watch her. She handled my car with ease, and I could feel my dick rock up just watching her drive.

  “You’re really good at that.”

  She glanced at me with a confused frown. “What?”

  “Taking the driver’s seat. It’s sexy.” I used to thrive on her fear but seeing her be so…fearless—for lack of a better word—was even more exciting.

  “My driving turns you on?” she asked incredulously.

  “It was a metaphor, baby.”

  “Oh,” she simply said, but the blush that colored her cheeks told me she was thinking a lot more than she let on.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “About your metaphor?”

  “My metaphor made you blush?”

  “No. I, umm… I just like when you call me baby. I haven’t heard it in a couple of weeks. It makes me feel like a virgin all over again.”

  Yeah… My dick definitely likes that.

  But instead of responding to my baser urges, I cleared my throat of the nerves that built up and got serious.

  “How did you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Get away from him and get me released.”

  “I fought like you told me to, and as far as your release, it was nothing more than quick thinking and a stroke of luck.” Her answer only spurred more questions rather than answer them.

  “Explain. It’s a long ride to Summit. You might as well get it out of the way now.” She huffed and I knew I had her. I made her start with the morning she left the hearing up until she came to get me. I was torn between pride and anger at the risks she took to get the upper hand but decided not to get hung up on them.

  By the time we made it to the hospital, I was completely on edge. I needed to get up there and see my best friend, but first, I had one more thing to do.

  I jumped out as soon as she parked so I could open the door for her, and then I took her hand in mine and lifted her out. Once the door was closed, I backed her against it and shoved my fingers in her hair. I rested my forehead on hers and breathed her in as well as the knowledge that she was alive and stronger than ever. I searched for the right words, but only two came to mind.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For saving me… again.”


  “Again,” I repeated. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew without her, I’d be either in prison or dead by now.

  “Well, in that case, you’re welcome… again.” I smiled because no matter what, she would always be a handful. “Come on. I’m sure Dash is just as anxious to see you. I told him we were coming.”

  We walked hand in hand as she led me to his room. When we reached his room, I saw Keenan in the corner whispering—likely something dirty—in Sheldon’s ear while she giggle and fingered his shirt. Ken sat in one of the chairs, clutching a tablet.

  “Did the Ninjas save the day again?”

  Her head popped up at the sound of my voice. Keenan and Sheldon also ceased their make out session. “Uncle Keke!” She tossed the tablet in the seat next to her and wiggled her way down to run over to me. I was ready for her and scooped her up. Lake casually disappeared inside Dash’s room. “Daddy said you were playing hide and seek. Did you win?”

  I looked over her head and raised an eyebrow at my brother. He shrugged as he walked over with his arm around Sheldon. “It’s nice to see you walk among the free again.” His tone was light, but his searching gaze was heavy with uncertainty given the last time we spoke.

  “I’m okay,” I offered and set Ken down. He didn’t look surprised that I read his mind. He nodded and let go of Sheldon to embrace me. Sheldon took her turn next, and when I let her go, the door to Dash’s room opened and Willow came out. She froze when she saw me but then rushed forward and threw her arms around me.

  “I thought we lost you again,” she whispered.

  “Me too.”

  “So you’re not going to turn into crazy, evil douche again, right? Because I’ll put you down. I’ll do it.” I burst out laughing—not because I thought she was joking but because she looked completely serious.

  “I promise if I do, you have first dibs.”

  She offered a satisfied nod. “Dash is awake, but Lake is in there right now.”

  It was my turn to nod and say, “I’ll wait.” A few minutes later, Lake emerged deep in thought. I watched her, willing her to look up, but she didn’t. She simply walked into a nearby restroom and shut the door. I sat there
for another moment debating whether to go after her, but then Willow placed a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’ll talk to her and see what’s up.” I hesitated because I knew Willow would talk to her, girls had a code just like we did. Most rarely kept to it, but girls like Lake, Willow, and Sheldon did.

  Whatever it is… I’d get it out of her later.

  I let Willow go after her and made my way into Dash’s room. He was sitting up and fiddling with his phone.

  “Were you waiting for an invitation?” he smirked and lowered his phone.

  “I had to stave off the welcoming party.”

  “The girls can get pretty emotional,” he agreed. “Keenan included.” He laughed but then leaned his head back with a frown as he rubbed his chest.

  “Hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?”

  “I still can’t believe Keenan took six of these.” He truly looked bewildered as he breathed deeply in and out, probably willing the pain to pass. “You know… women say nothing beats childbirth on the pain scale, but I can’t see how anything could be worse than getting shot.”

  “Don’t let Willow or your sister hear you say that.”

  “Shit. You’re right. Her emotional state these days is… delicate. Borderline psychotic. I sleep with one eye open and one hand over my dick because I have no idea what to expect from one day to the next. Wait until you have your first.”

  “That’s not going to happen.” I took a seat to disguise the fact that my legs had turned to jelly from his remark.

  “Still afraid to have kids?”

  I didn’t know what I felt so I chose not to answer. “Do you think it will be a deal breaker for Lake?” I asked instead.

  “I think she loves and wants you. Anything else is a bonus.”

  “I’ll remember you said that when I ask her to marry me, and she says no.”

  He sat up too quickly and groaned in pain as he slowly fell back.

  “You’re asking her to marry you?”

  “I need a ring first and to figure out how to ask her—”

  “I’ll call my family’s jeweler and you only need to say, ‘Lake Monroe, will you marry me?’”


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