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Aromatherapy & Arsenic (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 7)

Page 8

by Jenn Cowan

  I nod because I’m not sure I can speak without crying.

  She clears her throat. “Anyway, please come and bring Josh too. Hopefully, it will give you some answers and you’ll get to see my baby boy.”

  I force a smile. “Of course. We’ll be there.”

  “No presents and the party starts at 1 pm. Hopefully, the snow doesn’t start until tonight otherwise it will ruin the whole day.” She stares out the window behind me.

  “I’ll say a prayer it holds off.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles and squeezes my hand. “I’ll see you later.” Then she turns on her heels and walks out the door.

  I take a moment to collect myself and think about everything she told me. “Mrs. Puckett, Mrs. Bain, the new dentist, Dr. Thatcher and Raphael. That really narrows down the suspect list, but I still feel like we’re missing someone. Of course, the fact that Dr. Bain is dead puts Mrs. Bain at the top of the list. There’s no way she’s going to be at the birthday party with her husband dead. Did she kill Lindy and her husband in a jealous rage?

  “Autumn? Are you alright?” Josh knocks on the door. “You’ve been in here for a while. The service is almost over.”

  “I’ll be right out.” I start for the door then remember the reason I came into the bathroom in the first place. I check my phone and see a text from Travis. When I click on it, I gasp.

  “Autumn, I’m coming in.” Josh barges into the bathroom then scans the room as if looking for someone. “What’s going on? Do you feel ok?”

  I give him a kiss on the lips to reassure him. “I’m fine. I just ran into Margo May… well Margo May Martin now. She gave me a list of people who might want Lindy dead, but I also got a text from Travis about the coroner.”

  Josh steps closer. “What does it say?”

  “He was murdered and they suspect arsenic. They found his body behind a dumpster at Lindy’s office building. He had a coffee cup next to him that tested positive for arsenic.”

  “What was he doing at Lindy’s office?”

  I shrug. “Maybe he was going to confront the killer.”

  “And who would that be?”

  “Margo seems to think Lindy was having an affair with Dr. Puckett or Dr. Bain or Dr. Thatcher, the new dentist Dr. Puckett hired. She also suspects there was bad blood between Lindy and Raphael.”

  “You found all of this out here in the bathroom?” Josh cracks a smile.

  I laugh. “Yeah.” Then I groan. “Did I miss the service?”

  Josh takes my hand. “It was a short one today due to the impending snow. Pastor John doesn’t want everyone to get stuck here. He kept it short and sweet. I slipped out during communion. Maybe we can catch the end of it. Come on.” He tugs me out the door and down the hall.

  Before we get back to the service, I whisper to him, “Oh, we’re going to Margo’s house this afternoon for her son’s first birthday party.”

  He lifts an eyebrow at me. “We are?”

  “Uh-huh. Apparently almost all of the suspects will be there and she’s given me her blessing to interrogate them.”

  “At her son’s party?”

  “Yep. I was surprised too, but I’ll be discrete. Chances are it will only be Raphael and Dr. and Mrs. Puckett since Mrs. Bain should be grieving her husband and the new dentist, Dr. Thatcher didn’t make the guest list. In fact, I don’t think I’ve even seen him around town. Have you?”

  Josh shakes his head as we make our way to the back of the church.

  Pastor John is giving his final blessing so we stay put until everyone begins to file out.

  “I’ll grab our coats,” Josh says, dashing toward the pew.

  “Everything alright, Autumn?” Cat asks, bounding up to me. “Are you feeling ok?” She eyes my stomach, which tells me she’s heard the rumors about Josh and I trying to get pregnant.

  “I’m fine, sweetie.” I pat her arm to reassure her then change the subject. “Are we still on for our morning fitness class?”

  Her face falls. “Unfortunately, not. With the impending weather, the gym isn’t going to open today. I guess we’re supposed to get like three to five inches. Bentley’s from Florida so they’re not used to this kind of weather.”

  “Well they’ll get used to it pretty quick and it’s probably a good idea they closed just to be safe. You know how these Missouri winters can get. It’s sunny one minute and blowing snow the next.” The doors to the church open, sending in a bitter cold blast of air into the room. I shiver and Josh drapes my coat over my shoulders then tries to block the cold with his body, but it doesn’t really work.

  “Yeah, I know.” Cat sighs. “I was just looking forward to working out with you.”

  I smile at her. “Why don’t you come over to the house and we’ll do a yoga DVD?”

  Her face brightens. “Really? But what if the snow starts?”

  “We have a guest room and both your dad and I have four-wheel drive if you want to go home.”

  Travis steps up behind her. “I have to go into the station so I would feel better if you were at Autumn’s house then home by yourself.” He glances over his shoulder where his aunt is standing next to Pastor John shaking everyone’s hand as they exit the church. “Your aunt has plans with the Pastor this afternoon and this storm looks nasty.”

  Cat gives her father a quick kiss on the cheek then loops her arm through mine. “See you later, Dad,” she calls over her shoulder while pulling me toward the doors.

  I laugh and let her lead me outside. The frigid wind whips at my coat and tosses my hair in all directions.

  Josh hustles ahead of us and starts the Jeep then opens the doors for us.

  We all get in then jump when someone knocks on the passenger side window.

  I turn to find Travis peering in at us. I gesture for him to get in the back seat because there’s no way I’m opening the window and letting more cold air inside.

  Josh unlocks the door for him.

  Travis slides in next to Cat then asks me, “Did you get my text about the coroner?”

  “I did. Any guesses why he was at Lindy’s office?”

  “I think he figured out who killed her.”

  “That was my thought,” I reply then fill him in on everything Margo told me.

  He doesn’t respond right away then clears his throat before saying, “Well that narrows the list down quite a bit. I’ll see what I can find out about Dr. Thatcher then go have a chat with him. If Mrs. Bain isn’t at the party, text me and I’ll go talk to her as well. Maybe we can get this case solved by the end of the day.”

  I huff out a laugh. “You wish, Detective. If the weather does what they’re predicting, no one’s going anywhere and that means no birthday party and no interrogations.”

  “I have four-wheel drive,” Travis argues.

  “I do too, but I’m not about to risk it if I don’t have to and Margo will cancel the party if things get too bad.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s Margo. She threw a party in high school when there was almost eight inches on the ground. Nothing’s going to keep her from celebrating her son’s birthday.”

  I chuckle. “I guess you’re right, but her husband will talk some sense into her and who knows if anyone will even show up.”

  “If they know what’s good for them, they will. Margo is vicious if people snub her. She’ll hound them until they show up. Remember when we were planning to skip her spring break party our junior year and she called us both non-stop for an hour until we showed up?”

  I cringe and slide a glance at Josh. He’s staring straight ahead, gripping the wheel with both hands. Margo didn’t invite him to that party. She said it was because he never comes to parties anyway, but rumor has it, she didn’t invite him for another reason. A reason no one has ever spilled. Some said it had to do with something that happened in class, but Josh couldn’t think of anything in particular. Others said it was because Margo felt like Josh
thought he was too good for her parties. All I know is Josh’s feelings were hurt, even though he acted like they weren’t.

  Travis clears his throat, probably realizing why the car is suddenly full of tension. “Anyway, I’ll keep you posted on what I find out and you do the same. Ok?”


  “Love you, kiddo,” Travis gives Cat a side hug. “Be good and I’ll see you tonight. Maybe sooner.”

  “Ok, Dad. Be careful.” Cat waves to him as he gets out of the car.

  “Ready?” I squeeze Josh’s leg to snap him out of his trance.

  He nods, but doesn’t look at me. As he puts the Jeep in gear, a scream pierces the air.


  Josh slams the car back into park and we all scurry out of the Jeep.

  I look around the parking lot to find the source of the scream. I spot Travis helping a woman I don’t recognize to her feet. She’s shaking and hysterical about something. Her arms are waving in the air and her blonde hair is blowing wildly in the wind. “What’s wrong?” I ask, stepping cautiously up to them.

  “I was mugged,” the woman states, breathlessly. “Some man pushed me from behind then took my purse.” She points in the direction of the town hall. “He went that way.”

  “Can you stay with her?” Travis asks, still holding onto the woman’s arm as she seems unstable.

  “Sure.” I step up and take his place so he can take off in the direction of the perp. “Why don’t we go back inside the church where it’s warm?” I suggest, already leading her toward the sanctuary.

  The woman appears to be in shock and her knee is bleeding.

  I motion to Josh about her knee and he nods and takes off to the Jeep to grab the first aid kit we keep in the trunk. “Here, let’s go sit down.” I turn to Cat. “Would you please see if Pastor John has some bottled water in the kitchen?”

  Cat nods and gives the woman a smile before dashing off to get some water.

  “I’m Autumn. My husband Josh and I own the spa here in town.”

  She studies me for a moment. “I’m Lana. I’ve heard about you. You’re the town sleuth, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve solved a few cases,” I say, trying to not make a big deal about it.

  “Will you solve my husband’s?”

  “Your husband’s?”

  “Yes, he was m-m-murdered,” she sobs.

  I instantly know who is this woman is. This is the coroner’s wife or I guess widow now. “I’m sorry for your loss. May I ask what happened?”

  She throws her hands up in the air. “I have no idea. Duke is… was the sweetest man. I can’t imagine why anyone would hurt him. It was our two-year wedding anniversary yesterday and he was supposed to meet me in Villsboro after he got done with his autopsy of that dreadful woman.”

  “You mean Lindy?”

  She scoffs. “That hussy. Do you know she flirted with Duke right in front of me? I mean, who does that? And it wasn’t just a little flirtatiousness, it was blatant pushing her boobs in his face and practically draping herself across his lap. My poor Duke was so embarrassed. It was highly inappropriate and quite frankly disgusting. What kind of self-respecting woman flirts like that with a married man when his wife is right there?”

  “Lindy has always been a flirt and it seems her antics have gotten worse over the years.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.” She huffs and swipes her hair out of her face.

  “So, Duke never showed up last night? Did you call the police?”

  “No, they were already at my house when I got home. It seems there was a fire at the morgue and they were looking to talk to Duke about it. When he never came home, I knew something was wrong.”

  “Here, let’s get this cleaned up,” Josh says, setting the first aid kit down next to him. “Would you like me or Autumn to do it?”

  She motions for him to proceed then says, “The police say he was killed the same way Lindy was.” Lana lowers her voice, “Duke always kept an extra copy of his reports in a safe at our house. Just in case something happened to the morgue. I found the envelope with Lindy’s autopsy and was going to take it to the station this morning. It was in my bag and now, it’s gone,” she wails.”

  I pat her arm to comfort her. “Hopefully, Travis will catch them and get your bag back.”

  The doors to the church fly open, blowing in a blast of cold air. Travis storms through them and when he spots us, he stalks over. “Whoever it was got away with your bag. Usually they just grab the wallet and toss the bag, but I guess that’s not the case. I have units searching the streets for anyone who fits the perps description. Who mugs a lady in a church parking lot?” He rakes a hand through his red hair.

  I give Lana a sympathetic smile. “We’ll be right back.” I tug Travis over to a corner and whisper. “I don’t think they were after her money. Lana told me her husband kept copies of autopsies in a safe at their house. She was going to take the extra copy to the station this morning. I think whoever killed Lindy and Duke knew about the extra copies and took them before she could give them to the police.”

  His eyebrows furrow. “This isn’t good. A killer and a thief trying to cover their tracks. I hope Raphael didn’t find anything or he could be next, unless he’s the killer and that’s why Duke went to Lindy’s office. We should go to talk to him asap. He’s probably on his way to Margo’s house to set up or shredding the autopsies.” He glances over at Lana. “I’ll take her to the station to give her statement and have an officer escort her home. She might be in danger if the perp thinks she read the autopsy.”

  “Hmm. Maybe you should take her to my house and I’ll have my parents stay with her until we get to the bottom of this. She shouldn’t be alone right now, she’s grieving and having to deal with a crazy killer stalking her.”

  “I’ll call your dad, drop off Mrs. Bain then meet you and Josh at Margo’s. You should probably talk to Raphael before the party starts. Once it’s in full swing, you won’t get a chance. I’ve been to Lindy’s parties before, she had him running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Now, that he’s doing it all by himself, he’ll really be busy.”

  I nod. “Sounds like a plan.”

  “I found some water,” Cat exclaims, holding up a bottle.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” I say, taking it from her and heading back over to Lana. “Here.” I hand her the bottle. “How’s your knee feeling?”

  “Much better. Thank you,” she says to Josh. “Thank all of you. Duke and I moved to this small town to be a part of a community of people who care and support each other. I never thought moving here would get him killed.” Her eyes well up with tears then she sniffles and stands. “I guess you need me to make a statement at the station, Detective Mills?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Then Autumn offered her home to you. We don’t think it’s safe for you to return home with the killer on the loose. You could be in danger. Her father is a retired attorney and her mother was once an attorney, they are living next door, but I’m sure will be happy to stay with you until Autumn and Josh get home.”

  She blinks. “You think I’m in danger?”

  “Yes, the killer could think you read the report, which could make you the next target.”

  “Oh.” She chews on her lower lip as if considering his words. “But the envelope was sealed. I’d never open confidential documents.”

  “The killer doesn’t know that.” Travis pauses. “Is there anyone you told about the extra copies?”

  “Only the officers who were at the house last night. I told them I would have to search for the key, but once I found it, I would bring the documents to the station.”

  Travis clenches his jaw. “Do you remember the names of the officers?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I’m sorry. I was upset and trying to remember where Duke told me the key was hidden. I didn’t think it would matter. Why do you ask?”

  “I think there’s a mole in the department,” Travis says, gritting his teeth. “
Let’s get you to the station and I’ll take your statement then take you to Autumn’s.”

  Lana nods then turns to me. “Thank you, Autumn. Josh. Cat.” She squeezes my hand then follows Travis to his SUV.

  “So, I guess yoga’s out. What now?” Cat inquires, watching them go.

  “Now, we go to a party.”


  Margo’s house looks like someone tee-peed it with confetti and balloons. Every inch of her stone two-story house is covered in decorations with a large banner wishing the birthday boy a Happy 1st Birthday.

  “Autumn, you’re really early,” Margo says, stepping to the side to let us inside. “The party isn’t until one. Did I forget to mention that?”

  I shake my head. “No, you did. I’m sorry to come early, but it’s imperative I talk to Raphael as soon as possible.”

  She instantly turns into hostess mode. “He set up while we were at church, but I haven’t seen him yet. I’m sure he’ll be here soon. Probably had to run back to the office for something. Come in and sit down. Would you like some hot chocolate?”

  I exchange a suspicious look with Josh. Where could Raphael be? Did he leave Margo’s to mug Lana? Is he the killer?”

  “Autumn? Would you like some hot cocoa?” Margo asks again.

  “Yes, please,” I reply, moving into the living room. “Would you like some help?”

  She waves a hand at me. “It’s already cooking on the stove so it will only take a minute. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back,” Margo instructs before disappearing into what I assume is the kitchen.

  Cat plops down on the sofa and I sit down next to her while Josh takes the chair by the window. The fireplace is on and the smell of pumpkin spice fills the room.

  “So, do we just wait for Raphael to come back?” Cat inquires, leaning her head against my shoulder and stifling a yawn.

  “I guess so. He should be here. I’m surprised he’s not.”

  “Do you think he stole Mrs. Bain’s purse? Is that why he’s not here?”

  “I’m not ruling anyone out at the moment.”


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