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Oathbreaker v(vah-2

Page 27

by Mercedes Lackey

  The entire "Council" was mostly Sunhawks or ex-Hawks; Sewen and Tresti; Justin and Ikan; Kyra, Beaker and Jodi. Tarma herself, and Kethry, of course. Then the "outsiders" -- Tindel, Jadrek, and Roald.

  It had taken a long time to get through the whole story -- and when Kyra had finished the last of the tales, telling in her matter-of-fact way how Idra had ridden out of the cloud of mist and moonlight, you could have heard a mouse sneeze.

  "What I don't understand is how you Hawks took that so calmly," Tindel was saying. "I was as petrified as Char, I swear -- but you -- it was like she was -- real."

  "Lad," Beaker said in a kindly tone (to a man at least a decade or two his senior'), "We've ridden with Idra through things you can't imagine; she's stood by us through fear and flood and Hellfire itself. How could we have been afraid of her? She was only dead. It's the living we fear."

  "And rightly," Justin rumbled into the somber silence that followed Beaker's words. "And speaking of the living, you will never guess who sauntered in two days ago, Shin'a'in."

  Tarma shook her head, baffled. She'd been spending most of her free time sleeping.

  "Your dear friend Leslac."

  "Oh no!" she choked. "Justin, if I've ever done you any favors, keep him away from me!"

  "Leslac?" Roald said curiously. "Minstrel, isn't he? Dark hair, swarthy, thin? Popular with women?"

  "That's him," groaned Tarma, hiding her face in her hands.

  "What's it worth to you," he asked, leaning forward, and wearing a slyly humorous expression, "to get him packed off to Valdemar? Permanently?"

  "Choice of Tale'sedrin's herds," she said quickly, "Three mares and a stallion, and anything but battlesteeds."

  "Four mares, and one of them sworn to be in-foal."

  "Done, done, done!" she replied, waving her hands frantically.

  "Stefan, old friend," Roald said, turning to the King, "Is it worth an in-foal Shin'a'in mare to force a swordpoint marriage by royal decree on one motheaten Bard?" Roald's face was sober, but his eyes danced with laughter.

  "For that, I'd force a swordpoint marriage on Tindel!" Stefansen chuckled. "Who's the lucky lady?"

  "Countess Reine. She's actually a rather sweet old biddy, unlike her harridan sister, who is -- thank the gods! -- no longer with us. I'm rather fond of her, for all that she hasn't the sense of a new-hatched chick." Roald shook his head, and sighed. "A few years back, her sister went mad during a storm and killed herself. Or so it's said, and nobody wants to find out otherwise. I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on her, to keep her out of trouble."

  "How delightful."

  "Oh, it isn't too bad; she just has this ability to attract men who want to prey on her sensibilities. They are, of course, all of honorable intent."

  "Of course," said Stefan, solemnly.

  "Well, Leslac seems to be another of the same sort. It's common knowledge in my entourage that the poor dear is absolutely head over heels with him. And his music. He, naturally, has been languishing at her feet, accepting her presents, and swearing undying love when no one else is around, I don't doubt. I can see it coming now; he figures that when I find out, I'll confront him -- he'll vow he isn't worthy of her, being lowborn and all, I'll agree, and he'll get paid off. But I actually have no objection to lowborn-highborn marriages; I expect Reine's family will be only too happy to see the end of the stream of vultures that's been preying on her, and I can see a way of doing two friends a favor here. I'm certain that the threat of royal displeasure if he makes Reine unhappy will keep the wandering fancy in line once I get him back with me."

  "I," Tarma said fervently, "will be your devoted slave for the rest of your life. Both of you."

  Stefan shook his head at her. "I owe you too much, Tarma, and if this will really make you happy -- "

  "It will! Trust me, it will!"

  "Consider it ordered, Roald. Now I have a question for you two fellow-conspirators over there. What can I do for you?"

  "If you're serious -- " Kethry began.

  "Totally. Anything short of being crowned; unless the Sword sings for you, even I can't manage that. Titles? Lands? Wealth -- I can't quite supply; Char made too many inroads in the Treasury, but -- "

  "For years we have wanted to found a joint school," Kethry said, slowly. "'Want' is actually too mild a word. By the edicts of my own mage school, now that I'm an Adept I just about have to start a branch of the White Winds school. What we need, really, is a place with a big enough building to house our students and teachers, and enough lands to support it. But that kind of property isn't easily come by."

  "Because it's usually in the hands of nobles or clergy. I'm disappointed," Stefan said with a grin, "I thought you'd want something hard. One of Char's hereditary holdings was a fine estate down in the south, near the border -- a large manorhouse, a village of its own, and an able staff to maintain it. It is, by the by, where I was supposed to end my days in debauchery. It has an indoor riding arena attached to the stable because Char hated to ride when it rained, it has a truly amazing library; why it even has a professional salle, because the original builder was a notable fighter. Is that just about what you're looking for?"

  Tarma had felt her jaw dropping with every word, until, when Stefan glanced over at her with a sly smile and a broad wink, she was unable to get her voice to work.

  Kethry answered for her. "Windborn -- gods, yes I -- Stefan, would you really give it to us?"

  "Well, since the property of traitors becomes property of the crown, and since I have some very unpleasant memories of the place -- Lady Bright, Im only too pleased that you want it! Just pay your taxes promptly, that's all I ask!"

  Tarma tried to thank him, but her voice still wouldn't work. Kethry made up for her -- leaping out of her chair and giving the King a most disrespectful hug and kiss, both of which he seemed to enjoy immensely.

  "Furthermore, I'll be sending my offspring of both sexes to you for training," he continued. "If nothing else, I want them to have the discipline of a good swordmaster, something I didn't have. Maybe that will keep them from being the kind of brat I was. This will probably scandalize my nobles -- "

  "Oh, it will, lover," Mertis laughed, "But I agree with the notion. It will do the children good."

  "Then my nobles will have to live with being scandalized. Now, I want the rest of you to decide what you'd like," he said when Kethry had resumed her seat, but not her calm. "Because I'm going to do my best by all of you. But right now I fear I do have a Council session, and there are a lot of unpleasant messes Char left behind him that need attending to."

  Stefan rose, and gave his hand to Mertis, and the two exited gracefully from the library. The rest clustered around Tarma and her partner, congratulating them --

  All but Jadrek, who had inexplicably vanished.

  * * *

  The partners made their weary way to their rooms. It had been a long day, but for Tarma, a very happy one.

  But Kethry was preoccupied -- and a little disturbed, Tarma could sense it without any special effort.

  "Keth?" she asked, finally, "What's stuck in your craw?"

  "It's Jadrek. He hasn't said anything or come near me since the night of the rebellion." She turned troubled and unhappy eyes on her partner. "I don't know why; I thought he loved me -- I know I love him. And this afternoon -- just disappearing like that -- "

  "Well, we're official now. He's reverting to courtly manners. You don't go sneaking around to a lady's room; you treat her with respect."

  "Courtly manners be hanged!" Kethry snapped. "Dammit Tarma, we'll be gone soon! Doesn't he care? If he doesn't say something -- "

  "Then you'll hit him over the head and carry him off, like the uncivilized barbarian mercenary I know you are. And I'll help."

  Kethry started laughing at that. "I hate to tell you this, but that's exactly what I've been contemplating."

  "Go make wish-lists of things you think you'll be needing for this new school of ours," Tarma advised her. "That shoul
d keep your mind occupied. I have the feeling this is going to sort itself out before long."

  She parted company with her she'enedra at Kethry's door. They had rooms inside the royal complex now, not in the visitors area. Stefansen was treating them as very honored guests.

  She knew she wasn't alone the moment she closed the door behind her. She also knew who it was -- without Warrl's helpful hint of :It's Jadrek. I let him in. He wants to talk,:

  "Tarma -- "

  "Hello, Jadrek," she said calmly, lighting a candle beside the door before turning around to face him. "We haven't been seeing a lot of you; we've missed you."

  "I've been thinking," he said awkwardly. "I -- "

  She crossed her arms, and waited for him to continue. He straightened his back and hfted his chin. "Tarma shena Tale'sedrin," he said, with all the earnest solemnity of a high priest, "Have I your permission to pay my court to your oathsister?"

  She raised an eyebrow. "Can you give me a good reason why I should?"

  Her question wilted him. He sat down abruptly, obviously struggling for words. "I --- Tarma, I love her, I really do. I love her too much to just play with her, I want something formal binding us, something -- in keeping with her honor. She's lovely, you know that as well as I do, but it isn't just her exterior I care for, it's her mind. She challenges me,

  like nobody I've ever known before. We're equals -- I want to be her partner, not -- not a -- I don't know, I want to have something like Mertis and Stefan have, and I know we'll give each other that! I want to help you with your schools, too. I think it's a wonderful dream and I want to make it real, and work alongside of both of you to make it more than a dream."

  "We're something more than partners, she and I," Tarma reminded him. "There's certain things between us that will affect any children Kethry may have."

  "I took the liberty of asking Warrl about that," he said, blushing. "I don't have any problem with -- children. With them being raised Tale'sedrin. Everything I know about the Shin'a'in, everything I've learned in working with you -- I would be very, very proud if you considered my blood good enough to flow into the Clans. Tarma, this is probably going to sound stupid, but I've come to -- love -- you. You've done so much for me, more than you guess. What I really want is that what we've built with the three of us in the last few months should endure -- the friendship, the love, the partnership. I never had that before -- and I'd do anything right now to prevent losing either of you."

  Tarma looked into his pleading eyes -- and much to his evident shock and delight, she took both his hands, pulled him up out of his chair into her arms, hugged him just short of breaking his ribs, and planted a kiss squarely in the middle of his forehead before letting him go again.

  "Well, outClan brother," she laughed, "while I can't speak for the lady, I would suggest you trot next door and ask her for her hand yourself -- because I do know that if you don't, you're going to find yourself trussed hand and foot and lying over Hellsbane's rump like so much baggage. You see, we happen to be barbarians, and we will do anything to prevent losing you. He shala?"

  His mouth worked for a moment, as he stared at her, his eyes brightening with what Tarma suspected were tears of joy. Then he took her face in both his hands, kissed her, and ran out her door as if joy had put wings on his back.

  "Better get Stefan to pick your successor," she called after him. "Because we're going to keep you much too busy to putter about in his Archives."

  And so they did.


  ' : glottal stop, a pause, but not quite as long a pause as between two words

  ai; as in air

  ay: long "a" as in way

  ah: soft "a" as in ah

  ee: long "e" as in feet

  ear: as in fear

  e: as in fend

  i; long "i" as in violent

  oh: long "o" as in moat

  oo: as in boot


  corthu: (cohr-thoo)-one being

  dester'edre: (destair ay-dhray)-wind(born) sibling

  dhon: (dthohn)-very much

  du'dera: (doo dearah)-(I) give (you) comfort

  for'skava: (fohr shahvah)-very, very good

  get'ke: (get kay)-(could you) explain

  gestena: (gestaynah)-thank you

  hai: (hi)-yes

  kai shala: (hi shahlah)-do you understand?

  4i hai'she'li'. (hi she lee)-surprised "yes," literally "yes, I swear!"

  hai'vetha: (hi vethah)-yes, (be) running

  ker'y: (hear ee)-(is this not) the truth

  isda: (eesdah)-have you (ever) seen (such)

  jel'enedra: (jel enaydrah)-little sister

  jel'stttho'edrin: (jelsoothohaydthrin)-"forever younger siblings," usually refers to horses

  jostumat: (johstoomahl)-enemy, literally, "one desiring (your) blood"

  kadessa (kahdessah)-rodent of the Dhorisha Plains

  Kal' enedral: (kahl enaydhrahl)-Her sword-brothers or Her swordchildren

  Kal'enel; (kahl enel)-the Warrior aspect of the four-faced Goddess, literally, "Sword of the Stars." Also called Enelve'astre (Star-Eyed) and Da'gretha (Warrior).

  kathal: (kahthahl)-go gently

  kele: (kaylay)-(go) onward

  kestra: (kestrah)-a casual friend

  krethes: (kraythes)-speculation

  kulatk: (koolahth)-go find

  leshya'e: (layshee-ah ee)-spirit; not a vengeful, earth -- bound ghost, but a helpful spirit

  Liha'irden: (leehah eardhren)-deer-footed

  li'ha'eer; (lee hah eeahr)-exclamation, literally, "by the gods"

  li'sa'eer: (lee sah eeahr)-exclamation of extreme sur-prise, literally "by the highest gods!"

  nes: (nes)-bad

  nos: (nohs)-it is

  pretera: (praytearah)-grasscat

  sadullos: (sahdoolohs)-safer

  se: (sy)-is/are

  ske'chome: (shay chornah)-homosexual; does not have negative connotations among the Shin'a'in.

  ske'enedra: (shay enaydrah)-sister by blood-oathing

  sheka: (shaykah)-horse droppings

  shena: (shaynah)-of the Clan, literally 'of the brotherhood'

  skesti: (shestee)-nonsense

  Shin'a'in: (shin ay in)-the people of the plains

  so'trekoth: (soh traykoth)-fool who will believe anything, literally, "gape-mouthed hatchling"

  staven: (stahven)-water

  Tale'edras: (tahle aydhrahs)-Hawkbrothers, a race who may or may not be related to the Shin'a'in, living in the Pelagiris Forest

  Tale'sedrin: (tahle saydhrin)-children of the hawk

  te'sorthene: (tay sohrthayne)-heart-friend, spirit-friend

  Vai datha: (vi dahthah)-expression of resignation or agreement, literally "there are many ways."

  var'athanda: (vahr ahthahndah)-to be forgetful of

  ves'tacha: (ves tahchah)-beloved one

  vysaka: (visahkah)-the spiritual bond between the Kal'enedral and the Warrior; its presence can actually be detected by an Adept, another Kalen-edral, and the Kal'enedral him/herself. It is this bond which creates the "shielding" that makes Kal'enedral celibate/neuter and somewhat immune to magic.

  vyusher: (vi-ooshear)-wolf

  yai: (yi)-two

  yuthi'so'coro: (yoothee soh cohr-oh)-road courtesy; the rules Shin'a'in follow when traveling on a public road.


  (Tarma: Oathbreakers)

  These are the hands that wield a sword

  With trained and practiced skill;

  These are the hands, and this the mind,

  Both honed and backed by will.

  Death is my partner, blood my trade,

  And war my passion wild --

  But these are the hands that also ache

  To hold a tiny child.

  CH: Suffer, they suffer, the children,

  When I see them, gods, how my heart breaks!

  It is ever and always the children

  Who will pay for their parents' mista

  Somehow they know that I'm a friend --

  I see it in their eyes,

  Somehow they sense a kindly heart --

  So young, so very wise.

  Mine are the hands that maim and kill --

  But children never care.

  They only know my hands are strong

  And comfort is found there.

  Little enough that I can do

  To shield the young from pain --

  Not while their parents fight and die

  For land, or goods, or gain.

  All I can do is give them love --

  All I can do is strive


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