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Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Rescue [The Shifters of Alligator Bend 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Charlotte Rose

  Chapter Seven

  Adele barely slept that night. The congregation gathered together, cramming into Xavier and Oscar’s hotel room, passing around a bottle of whiskey and consoling each other. Gradually, they all wandered off to their hotel rooms to try getting some rest before they had to go back to the congregation. Adele stayed after everyone else had left climbed into bed between her two men. They’d stayed up almost all night, too upset to really sleep, but too drained to do much more talking. There wasn’t anything left to say. Adele did find some comfort in being surrounded by her men, in being held as she lay awake, wishing she could go back in time and fix things, wondering what the new rescue plan would be.

  After a rocky, restless sleep, Adele could barely stomach the thought of dragging herself to work the next day, but she had no choice. There were lectures to give, papers to grade, exams to create, and research papers to write. There were articles that needed to be submitted. There were departmental meetings to attend. She couldn’t just drop out of her life. Not even for a crisis, especially one she couldn’t discuss because nobody would believe her. Not for Georgina being missing. Not even for the men she cared about going through so much suffering.

  She slipped into the bedroom and watched the two of them still dozing. Part of her wanted to wake them up and reassure them that everything was going to work out, but she wasn’t sure she could sound convincing. Plus, she knew they needed their rest. Instead, she crossed the room and placed soft kisses on their lips before stealing out and rushing home to grab a change of clothes before heading over to the office.

  Between the sleep deprivation and the sadness, Adele was surprised that she managed to get through her day with ease. Throwing herself into her work managed to distract her from all of the thoughts running around in her head. Between her teaching duties and her lab work, she even forgot to take a lunch break.

  It wasn’t until seven o’clock, when most everyone else had gone home, that Adele’s mind began to turn back to her sorrow over the failed rescue attempt. Halfway through grading a stack of student lab reports, she set down her pen and stared off into space, trying to reconcile the turn her life had suddenly taken. She sat there for half an hour before a knock on the door startled Adele out of her reverie.

  “Come in,” Adele said, hurrying to dry her eyes.

  She’d expected one of her students to be on the other side of the door, or perhaps her department chair, anxious for an update about her research. She even half hoped that Georgina would walk through, smiling and reassuring her that she’d gotten away unscathed. She hadn’t planned on Xavier and Oscar coming to see her.

  “Hey,” she said, her eyes welling up again. “I’m—I’m so sorry about last night.”

  Oscar sat down in one of the chairs that faced her desk. “You don’t need to apologize. You didn’t do nothin’ wrong. Xavier and I are the ones who failed. Now Georgina’s gone, and it’s all our fault.”

  “You know that’s not true,” Adele said, her tears falling faster. “Villemont did this. I can’t believe he was there. I think Andre thinks that this is my fault, and I don’t know how to convince him otherwise.”

  “You had no idea he was going to have a private event there on the same night,” Xavier said, walking up and taking her hand. “You said it wasn’t scheduled until after you booked ours. It ain’t like you have ESP.”

  Oscar took her other hand. “No matter what Andre or anybody else in that congregation thinks, we believe you.”

  Adele sighed. “Thank you. Still, it’s so strange that he had an event scheduled for the exact same night. It’s almost as though he were spying on us or something.”

  Xavier chuckled. “He don’t even know who we are. He certainly don’t know there are a couple of shifters among the albino gators he wants to buy.”

  “That’s another problem,” Adele mused. “Why would he make off with Georgina when he really wants the albino gators?”

  “You think a man that greedy wouldn’t try to take even more animals for his private zoo?” Oscar asked.

  “I suppose if he thought he could get more, he’d take more. Now what are we going to do?”

  Xavier sighed. “We’re gonna have to banish her if she’s not back by tomorrow night. Just like we did for Armand and Rosaline. It’ll hurt, but it’s the only way to keep her from dying.” He winced as he said the words.

  “Is that really the only option?” Adele asked, holding back tears.

  “Breaking her free will require more time than we’ve got,” Oscar said. “Think about all the work that needs to go into figurin’ out how to get around his security system. It’s too risky to presume we can bust her out in time.”

  Adele sighed. “You’re right. It will be safer to cut her off to save her life. I just wish there was an easier answer.”

  Oscar reached across the desk and put his hand on hers. “Once we get her out, there’ll be another ritual to welcome her back to the congregation. This’ll only be temporary. You’ll see.”

  Adele felt comforted by Oscar’s touch, and realized she wanted to get that feeling from both of them. She gestured toward Xavier, who walked up and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her against his strong chest. She turned her head so she could better hear his steady heartbeat. The deep rhythm soothed her.

  “This is nice,” she said, closing her eyes and allowing herself to savor the feelings that were stirring in her body.

  “Feels good to be able to hold you,” Xavier said. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, and Oscar started massaging her hand. Xavier then backed away slightly and began to rub her shoulders.

  “Feelin’ a little better?” Oscar asked.

  “Mmm, yes.”

  Adele was feeling more than better. The affection didn’t just help her relax. She found that her pussy was starting to throb and pulse with desire for the two men who were making her feel so good. But she didn’t want to bring that up. This wasn’t the time for fooling around. She tried to push out the sexy thoughts that were filling her mind.

  “What was that frown for?” Xavier asked.

  Adele popped her eyes open. “What frown?”

  “A real serious expression just crossed your face.”

  “I didn’t realize it.”

  “You sure ’bout that?” Oscar asked. “You looked pretty serious to us.”

  “It’s nothing, really.”

  “So you do have somethin’ on your mind.”

  “Really, it’s nothing. We have much bigger issues at the moment.”

  “We still want you to be honest,” Oscar said. He kissed her hand. “You don’t need to hold back from us.”

  Adele felt herself blush. “It’s kind of ridiculous, given the circumstances.”

  “You can still tell us. We ain’t gonna judge.”

  “It’s—I mean, I feel so ridiculous. We’re sitting here having this serious conversation, but your attempts at helping me relax are making me really horny. I just feel like this is not the kind of situation when I should even be thinking about such things.”

  “I don’t know ’bout you two, but I wouldn’t mind distractin’ myself from our problems for a little while.” His hands slid off her shoulders and began teasing at her breasts.

  Adele’s heartbeat quickened and her pussy began to throb.

  Oscar followed Xavier’s lead. He got up from his chair, hopped up on the desk, and leaned forward to give Adele a deep kiss. She was so caught up in his taste that all troublesome thoughts vanished from her mind.

  “I want you both so much right now,” Adele murmured as her cunt clenched and released with desire.

  “In what way?” Xavier asked, his voice hopeful.

  She paused and looked up at him. “I’m not ready to be changed, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Xavier frowned, and Oscar jumped in. “Xavier, let it go for now, okay? You don’t want it to be like this anyway, do you? Not that Adele’s office ain’t nice, but this just ain’t
the place where I claim my mate. If we weren’t gonna turn her in a fancy hotel, there ain’t no reason for us to do it here, on a metal desk with all these papers everywhere. Besides, you know how mad everyone will be if we mate without followin’ the ritual?”

  Adele gulped. “Are you sure you don’t know what this ritual entails? I’m kind of nervous about undertaking something so serious without having any clue about what I’m getting into.”

  Oscar sighed. “Believe me, I wish I knew, but I don’t. The congregation sure knows how to keep their secrets.”

  “And you’re absolutely sure you’re not hiding something that I might not want to know about?”

  “I promise, we ain’t hidin’ anythin’. What can we do to prove that to you?”

  “I don’t know. I guess just explain to me how you can live your entire life without getting any hints.”

  Xavier raised his eyebrows. “The penalty for spoilin’ the secret is banishment. Do I need to explain more?”

  “No, I think I understand now.”

  “Anything else you want to know from us?” Oscar asked. “We’ll tell you everythin’ we know.”

  “Actually, I was thinking that maybe we’d better start fooling around. I need to be absolutely sure we’re compatible before I make such an important decision. Each time you satisfy me, you validate the hypothesis that I’m your mate.”

  They both stood and stared for a moment, and Adele briefly worried that they didn’t get the joke. But then Xavier lunged forward and brought her lips to his, plunging his tongue inside her mouth. Oscar came around behind her and gripped her shoulders, placing soft kisses up and down her neck. When Xavier broke the kiss, Oscar turned Adele around to face him, and then pressed his lips against hers, nibbling gently at her flesh. Xavier started massaging down her back, then reached around and began teasing her nipples with his fingertips. A shudder of pleasure raced through her body, and she pulled away from both of them to pull her shirt over her head. Xavier hurried to unhook her bra, and Oscar focused on unzipping her pants, sliding her panties down with them.

  Grinding her ass into Xavier’s cock, Adele hurried to unbutton Oscar’s shirt. After placing some soft bites along his collarbone and running her hands up and down his chiseled torso, she turned and unbuttoned Xavier’s shirt. A few moments later, she heard the thud of Oscar’s belt on the floor, and felt his long, hard cock press against her ass. She turned to face him.

  “Why don’t you sit on my desk?” she asked. “Xavier, lock the door, please.”

  Once she heard the click of the lock, she stood in front of Oscar. Bending at the waist, she slowly swirled her tongue around the head of his thick cock, enjoying the sound of his gasps, and she eased the tip of her tongue up and down the ridges of his shaft. Xavier walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. She ground her ass against his cock as she swallowed the entirety of Oscar’s engorged shaft. Xavier raked his nails down her back as she began to thrust her lips up and down Oscar’s cock. The scratches only intensified the pleasure coursing through her body as she moved her mouth at a snail’s pace, feeling Oscar’s cock twitch and throb.

  Xavier’s hands settled on her hips again, and she felt the tip of his cock press against her cunt. She stopped moving for a moment and allowed him to slide in. Her pussy muscles locked up around him and she began to suck Oscar again, setting a slow pace for Xavier to follow. He complied, but Adele soon realized that his deep, slow thrusts weren’t enough. He was being to calm, too gentle. She picked up the pace with Oscar’s cock, hoping Xavier would follow her lead. He immediately complied, thrusting with greater speed and intensity. She felt the sting of Xavier’s nails again as they slid down her back, and she moaned against Oscar’s shaft, reveling in the pleasure that filled her.

  Oscar buried his fingers in her hair and pulled even harder on her head, and she started sucking his cock as fast as she possibly could. Her cunt clenched even tighter as Xavier began pounding into her, his cock throbbing and pulsing with each thrust. Xavier reached around and began to massage her clit with the same intensity, and Adele barely had time to realize what he was doing before her body exploded with orgasm. She felt her pussy lock around Xavier’s cock and knew he was done for. Sure enough, he gave a long, low groan and stopped moving, his body releasing. The synchronicity of it all left Adele screaming against Oscar’s cock, which set him over the edge. She felt his dick give one last tremendous spasm before he filled her mouth. Adele took care to swallow everything down and then lick him clean as he fought to catch his breath.

  Adele pulled away and collapsed into a nearby chair, while Xavier leaned against the desk as he regained his composure.

  “Amazing,” Adele gasped. “Completely amazing.”

  “Even better than last time?” Xavier asked, walking over to give her a kiss.

  “It’s better every time,” she said. “I think we could fuck in an elevator, and it would be better than this time.”

  “Want to try out that hypothesis?” Oscar asked.

  “Actually, I was thinking we could go back to my place. I could make us some dinner, and we could see where the evening goes from there.”

  Xavier smiled. “I wouldn’t say no to another night in your bed.”

  “Me neither,” Oscar said with a laugh.

  They hurried to get dressed, and then made their way down to the parking lot. Adele started up her car as Oscar took the front passenger seat, and Xavier sat behind her. She pulled out of the parking lot quicker than she should have, but she was eager to get home. As she made rolling stops at stop signs and gunned the car through yellow lights, she felt Xavier reach around and start fondling her breasts.

  “Stop,” she gasped. “You don’t want me to get in an accident, do you?”

  “She’s right,” Oscar said. “Ain’t like she has accelerated healin’ yet.”

  “Accelerated healing?”

  “Once you become one of us, one of your powers is that you heal from injuries faster than a human would,” Xavier said, settling back in his seat. “You ain’t immortal, but anything that ain’t fatal will get better pretty damn quick.”

  “Really. Anything else?”

  “When you’re in shifted form, your skin is bulletproof. Knife-proof, too. Hell, that’s even better than bein’ a regular gator.” Oscar laughed.

  “I didn’t realize there were side perks other than just being able to switch forms.”

  Oscar nodded. “The curse put on us was a real punishment at first, but it’s gone and changed over time.”

  “Once our elders figured out that they had to quit fightin’ over women and learn to share a mate, things began to turn around a bit for us,” Xavier said.

  Oscar continued, “The curse ain’t broken, of course, and it don’t seem like we’ll be free of it anytime soon. But as soon as men learned to start sharin’ women—”

  “And not just sharin’, but as soon as they started enjoyin’ sharin’—” Xavier interjected.

  “As soon as they learned to enjoy sharin’ one mate, we began to see some benefits to all this. We didn’t always have telepathy—that was somethin’ that came about later. Just like the bulletproof gator skin and the fast healin’.”

  “Wow,” Adele said. “So I guess being a gator shifter isn’t so bad after all.”

  Xavier leaned forward again. “Make you any more interested in changin’?”

  Adele giggled as she pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex. “I’ve been thinking about it, but I’m just not ready to make a decision yet. It’s a big commitment, you know?”

  “We know,” Oscar said, unbuckling his seatbelt. “Take all the time you need. We’ll wait forever if we have to. We want you to make the decision to mate us willingly. It ain’t like you can get divorced after you’re mated. Those ties don’t get broken.”

  “Understood,” Adele said as they walked up the stairs and she unlocked the door. “Thank you for your patience.”

  “I ain’t so
good at being patient about some things,” Xavier said as he stepped inside. “I know you mentioned cookin’ us dinner, but I’m too excited about the possibility about gettin’ you in bed again. What do you say we postpone the meal?”

  Even though Adele was hungry, her pussy immediately began to throb at the thought of them taking her again. “That sounds like a perfect idea,” she said, and rushed to the bedroom, stripping off her clothes as she walked. Oscar and Xavier hurried after her, and she could hear shoes dropping and belt buckles clanking on the ground as they walked.

  Adele bounced on her bed and struck an alluring pose, arching her back and spreading her legs. Xavier took the lead and eased himself next to her, stroking her thighs and teasing her pussy lips. Oscar joined him and focused on kissing her.

  “What do you want us to do to you?” Xavier asked. “What would you like?”

  “I want to taste you. How would you feel about a blow job?”

  “That sounds amazing,” he said, rolling to his knees.

  “Oscar, will you go down on me?”

  “Yes.” He eased her into a deep kiss and then began to ease his way down her body, kissing a trail down to her pussy, where the tip of his tongue teased her lips.

  Xavier stared down into her eyes with such intensity that a shiver of delight ran down Adele’s spine. She reached her hand up to stroke his cock and watched him shudder as she ran her fist up and down his rigid shaft. Xavier moaned and flexed his quads as Adele continued to tease him, just as Oscar was teasing her.

  When Oscar finally quit toying with her cunt and sent his tongue directly to her clit, she let out a loud groan.

  “Straddle my chest,” she said to Xavier. “It will make it easier for me to suck you.”

  Xavier hurried to settle himself over her shoulders, and she eased her lips around the head of her cock, moaning as Oscar began to lick her cunt with faster, harder strokes.

  “Fuck, that feels amazing,” Xavier said, his voice straining with pleasure.

  Adele began to run the tip of her tongue up and down his shaft, wanting to tease him just a little bit more before she gave him exactly what he wanted. But the more Oscar’s tongue circled and pressed against her clit, the more she wanted to just take Xavier in her mouth and thrust until he exploded. When Oscar reached two fingers inside her wet cunt and reached for her G-spot, she began to slide her lips up and down Xavier’s shaft. Oscar moved his fingers slowly, and she let her mouth follow that pace, trying to draw out everyone’s pleasure for as long as possible.


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